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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 770x470, red-velvet-the-red-summer-review-770x470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12091807 No.12091807 [Reply] [Original]

since korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music, how long until they do the same with literature? who are some of the eminent korean writers working today?

>> No.12091958
File: 222 KB, 800x920, 1476720361830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooks can't into literature.


>foremost country with respect to music

They're hot. That's it

>> No.12091971

Gooks are inferior to the Japanese and Chinese in every aspect.

>> No.12091981

literally look at their faces. That's not beauty

>> No.12091996
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I dont give a fuck what it is, anon. I'd put my dick in it

Like pretty much everything with a vagina..he..he he ....

>> No.12091997
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korea is a hypercapitalist shithole.

they value personal appearance. not talent, not skill, not anything of consequence. only beauty and youth, or the appearance of youth. fuck korea. the only good literature that can come out of that place is going to be a condemnation of capitalism.

>> No.12091999

i beg to differ

>> No.12092002

If you listen to k-pop you have fucking terrible taste in music.

>> No.12092023
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>since korea established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music

>> No.12092079

By any measure, that’s a true statement.

>> No.12092099


>the only good literature that can come out of that place is going to be a condemnation of capitalism.

I cannot imagine it, but is there a leftist scene in South Korea at all? I can hardly imagine it

>> No.12092107

gook cinema, tv and music sucks ass. don’t know about their lit, anyone read that han kang chick?

>> No.12092125

>implying one must be a leftist to condemn capitalism's role in destroying culture
All it takes is someone with a vision, someone who knows its effects well. A stereotypical overprivileged and well-fed American lefty from California is not it. Someone who suffers under capital in Korea, like someone who suffered under Communism in the USSR, is going to produce great works.

>> No.12092144


>What is the DPRK

But again, for a society which is de facto the paragon of capitalism's modus operandi, I am surprised that relatively little is being written on the topic. At least, as far as I know.

>> No.12092160

Cameras were a mistake

>> No.12092169

>eminent KOREAN writers working today
How the fuck are we supposed to know that?
It depends entirely on the translator and not the original writer any way.

>> No.12092179

>with respect to cinema and music
>Pure literature
Never? A pure literary writer can only go as far as their native language permits.

>> No.12092189

So pretty much:
First post
Last post.

>> No.12092210


>> No.12092228
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>not talent, not skill,

>Yeah dude a multimillonary industry just put cute girls with "bad music" so they can sell heheheheh im so smert
How can you explain this pop masterpiece?

Not only you guys are wrong about musical technique aspects but also in a social/nature perception of beauty. But you wouldnt like any of those because your heart are full of jelly and resentment. Grow up.

>> No.12092261

Fake catharsis and transcendence. I feel my soul being corrupted.

>> No.12092273
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kim young-ha
byung-chul han

>> No.12092274

Not really. They're more drowned in ideology than even the USA is. You get small handfuls here and there but they're almost always put down by force.

>> No.12092281

>pop music
>being relevant
Anon, the cinema and music you bring as evidence are almost entirely garbage even as compared to Western films or music. And they are irrelevant as far as literature is concerned. Here's why, sweetie. Cinema and music (esp. pop music) are low culture. They exist to make money -- remember what I said earlier about Korea being hypercapitalist.

Literature is an individual's expression of their creative vision. Good literature reveals the soul of man. Koreans don't have souls. They are bugmen.

>inb4 "i'm not a bugman!!!"

>> No.12092284

their faces are beautiful too you racist fuck

>> No.12092286

The Vegetarian is my favorite book. Han Kang is actually amazing. Her ability to distinguish between voices at the drop of the hat is amazing and her ideas all feel very fresh. You do kind of have to know a bit about Korean culture though, or at least Confucius societies generally.

>> No.12092287

based reveluv

>> No.12092289


>> No.12092374

>finding plastic surgery marionettes attractive

>> No.12092375

>or at least Confucius societies generally.
Where to start?

>> No.12092402
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Pure talent, aesthetic & intelligence. I feel my sould blessed. Now the world is more beautiful for me. :)

Beauty gonna save the world. I posted a objetively good song with the talent/skills of the group you sh*t on!
Whats wrong with exaltate youth? We shouldn't celebrate it?
If they get money it means that they are doing something good!

>garbage even as compared to Western films or music
Nice point, even when the K music is form of imitation from Western music. You probably didnt even hear a single song or read about their actual culture.
Gosh, dont be harsh, just because you bought the Nausea ($15 on Amazon) doesnt mean actual have a soul. Everyone has a soul, even gooks. But of course you CAN prove that, right? lol

>> No.12092413
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Except their output of quality cinema within the last decade outdoes most major western countries.

>> No.12092476

as a jew i am a bugman and have no soul either

>> No.12092510

The Analects for fastest way, start with buddhism though for complete picture

>> No.12092516

>Unironically enjoying kpop
>Unironically defending kpop

And I thought Otakus were pathetic.

>> No.12092535
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If there's anyone here not just for le epic maymays XDDD, I recommend Han Kang's "The Vegetarian". Don't be misled by the title and think it's some basic crap advocating for vegetarianism. Quite far from that. Some compare it to Kafka, I was reminded of Kim Ki-duk while reading it. The author intended it to be commentary (let's not beat around the bush - criticism) of the Koran society as a whole, but probably a Korean will recognize that level of meaning much more easily than a westerner - I found it to be quite personal, for example. Very likely among the best texts I've read from this century.

>> No.12092547
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Are you uniroincally implying any of those surgery creatures know how to compose a song? They're vapid soulless pawns, told what to do and how to move by men behind the cameras
Kpop is a terrible, toxic industry that treats people like property. Forces them to get plastic surgery. Their entire lives are manufactured and scripted, they can't go out in public or actually do stuff they want to. Soulless, dreadful shit.

>> No.12092565

there's too many weebs to discuss korean things on 4chan. it always devolves into this shit.

>> No.12092576
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>asian art

>> No.12092675
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Even pol know how to make an argument. They have an sticker with rules if you don't have the time or intelligence to learn something.

No, i just remarked that they have skills and talent. They dont produce music, they are divas.
Some contracts are very rigurous, yes, some actions i don't support and i considere innecesary. But they definitly can go in public and they can do all they want, even get out of the group. In the next video you can wach and read their personalities (developed) as complex as any regular person.*

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxHIILIJ7dc

>rejecting a different vision

>> No.12092868

This feels like copy-pasta but it echoes what I said here >>12092286 so I'll say I agree. Really can't recommend this book enough. I've heard that Human Acts is even better and it's in my stack but I haven't started yet. I'm excited for White Book too.

>> No.12092907

Huh. I posted the pic to get some attention in this sea of garbage, didn't notice your post.
My writing sounds like a pasta?

>> No.12092909
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>not realizing kpop concerts have been the pinnacle form of musical theatre for years now.
go to a rv concert and come back an enlightened man.

>> No.12092931
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>since korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music

>> No.12093008

Everything you posted is fucking garbage. You have shit taste.

>> No.12093010
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>since korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music

>> No.12093144

>Beauty gonna save the world.
This I actually agree with. Aesthetics will be the salvation of man in the face of the singularity. Beauty of thought. Not the superficial beauty of some pretty young Korean slave girl.

>You probably didnt even hear a single song or read about their actual culture.
I actually spent years working with people from Seoul. I know Koreans (and North Koreans) pretty well. It's a horror show all the way around. They are the most dehumanizing cultures on the planet. Witness your own posts ITT. You have no idea what actual beauty is.

>> No.12093152

Will we get a North Korean Solzhenitsyn?

>> No.12093182


The Accusation by Bandi

>> No.12093184

>since korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music,
lol? not sure if joke or not

>> No.12093221

Which is probably why Han Kang won all those prizes along with her translator for the vegetarian

>> No.12093238
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not a joke.
I am speaking only of the last five or so years.
what country has produced popular music, really any type (but contemporary composers are non-entities and thus i will not consider them), as forward thinking, original, and meaningful as Red Flavor? The song, in tandem with its video, transcends pop, korean culture, and indeed the entire humanistic enterprise known as 'the arts' in the 2010s.

>> No.12093241

I find it pretty funny korea is clearly trying to conquer the world.

>> No.12093266


There are actually some pretty serious issues with that translation.
"What is more unfortunate is that Smith misidentifies the subjects of sentences. In several places, actions and dialogue are simply attributed to the wrong characters. While Smith has stated that she tried to stay 'faithful to the spirit of the text,' that defense cannot be applied to what are clearly undeniable errors."

>> No.12093267

Korea epitomises 21st century sterility

>> No.12093282

why dodge my question?

>> No.12093331

How is that bullshit song more original than any other pop drivel that comes out these days? Takeshi69 transcends the 'humanistic experience' (bleh) just as well as whatever K pop group.

>> No.12093339

im sorry to break the news to you, but you don't have much of an ear.

>> No.12093341

I could only make it 40 seconds in before having to turn it off. This is awful. Why do you like it?

>> No.12093353

>Why do you like it?
are you actually interested in understanding the merits of kpop or do you just want to argue?
if you are in earnest i'll explain as best i can

>> No.12093354

I'd like to read your explanation

>> No.12093360

I don't think your explanation will make me think kpop is good but I'd like to understand the reasoning of someone who does like it.

>> No.12093375

Korean is piss easy to learn. Even if you just get a sperger k drama watching fat white gf, you should learn three ways of saying "what" depending on politeness and at least ten different words, not including that oppa translates as older brother and boyfriend. Niggas watch anime all day for years and don't pick up that much in moonrunes. And their alphabet's phonetic, not moonrunes. You're lazier than Netflix watching bitches.

>> No.12093379

Sorry >>12092210, meant to link >>12092169

>> No.12093391

i'll start with a case study, it might be the best way to articulate this.
consider these two renditions of I Want You Back.
originality aside, though it must be said the song was not that original by 1969 standards, one can clearly hear the Twice interpretation as the superior one. What was originally a cartoonish song that overstays its welcome after a few listens has been transformed into a nation's triumphant entrance into the world of the arts. Not just as a backseat non-participant but rather as a standard bearer that is now burdened with being one of the only countries moving popular music forward. The unavoidable language and accent obstacles in the Twice version create an authentic and universally human resonance that is absent from Michael Jackson's god-gifted but all too idealistic voice. There is no western artist who would dare take a well established song in a language they did not know and make it their own, the culture simply wouldn't permit it. Explaining that might be a bit too much of a digression.
Simply put, the proof of kpop's worth is in the pudding. just listen and you should understand.

>> No.12093413

The second literally just sounds like the first but with a more modern, slightly more complex, production. I guess I can commend them for trying to to tackle an english language song but it's still really nothing special compared to the rest of the world in terms of pop music.

Jesus Christ I hope you aren't being serious.

>> No.12093434

>nothing special compared to the rest of the world in terms of pop music.
explain its appeal to western audiences who can't even understand the words. Why would they bother if its exactly the same as what's produced in America?

>> No.12093439

Literally nothing good comes from Korea.

>> No.12093456

Guys like it because they have yellow fever and the girls make their dick hard.

Girls like it because they think liking shitty pop music from another country makes them more sophisticated.

>> No.12093459

>just sounds
i forgot to stress this, but kpop is theater as well as music. its not complete without a visual component. and if you know anything about contemporary dance, you will know that there are no other people who move with such preternatural synchronicity to a music, fluidity, energy, or effortlessness as kpop idols do.
i dont disagree but that's not even close to explaining its mass appeal.

>> No.12093460

AHAHAHA. korea is what happens when a country's golden age is coopted and total jewed before they even have an inkling of their cultural and economic boom. not saying they are unskilled or uncultured, but this rehashed american popculture drivel is what is killing their potential to be a legit art capital with their own sub culture.

>> No.12093462

Hit the nail on the head.

>> No.12093510

this is a very surface level understanding of the people involved in kpop. Particularly the girls in red velvet and blackpink are extremely likeable and interesting, their personalities are refreshing compared to most of the girls I meet.

The interesting thing is why the industry is so desirable to so many young girls.

>> No.12093518

Please explain what makes kpop any better than this trash


>> No.12093528

what do you mean explain? just listen and its obvious

>> No.12093561

>its obvious
No, it really isn't.

>> No.12093585

SK is Nick Land Meltdown

>> No.12093596

AHAHAH. youve met them irl? refreshing like the ice cold juice drinks they advertise? sorry to say but take off the makeup, lightlamps and camera graphics they are just like any other girl and act like any other girl.

>> No.12093602

yikes off the charts my guy

>> No.12093610

>koreans are totally the artistic master race guys because they cover western pop songs
>dude just listen to these songs it's so obvious there's my proofs lmao

>> No.12093614

I was wondering when the hell anyone was going to mention Han Kang. The Vegetarian rocked my world.

>> No.12093628
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>gloating about being closed minded

>> No.12093639

I am laughing at how preposterous your argument has been. Don't conflate that with me being close-minded.

>> No.12093640
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>gloating about liking shitty pop music

>> No.12093644

Korean media seems way too manufactured, it's like everything is decided bya group of executives in a room full of statistics of what's the most trendy, what will catch the most attention by the target demographic, etc... and they have automatons (actors, idols) that can perform it perfectly. Marvel movies are the closest thing I can think of.
They are peak capitalism, which is a good representation of our society, so in a sense I think OP is right, Korea is indeed the foremost country.

Now, we can debate how souless all their media is too, because holy fuck, Korean acting is like watching a robot, and their music is just so void of interpretation and personality, it's like a flatline through and through. Japan at least puts more personality into their music.
A good Korean book would be like the most formulaic coming of age/Young Adult book with some mystery and suspense for the biggest demographic possible. I don't know, a mix of a Stephen King book, Harry Potter and Twilight.

>> No.12093657

i never gloated.
>I am laughing at how preposterous your argument has been
what was preposterous about this >>12093391

>> No.12093667
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I cringed unbelievably hard.

>> No.12093672

Kim, go, and please stay go!
Why do we have constant threads about corea when it clearly has no /lit/ relevant art?
Why are you sperging about kpop on /lit/, OP?

>> No.12093679

The conclusion you draw that Korean music and culture as a whole is superior based on a cover of a 50-year old AMERICAN pop song that quite frankly doesn't differentiate itself in any significant way from the Jacksons' version is ridiculous. Their accents being different does not mean that the song is any more authentic and the eternal facade of Kpop's production makes authenticity a rare commodity in the genre as it is. That's not even to speak of the magnitudes of difference in autership between Michael Jackson and the average Kpop artist.

>> No.12093691

this has no bearing on the quality of the product.
St. Paul's has no marking of any individual 'autere' yet is clearly of the highest aesthetic.
> Their accents being different does not mean that the song is any more authentic
it does in context. again, show me any western artist of the last 5 years who would make as bold of a statement as the one twice did.

>> No.12093693
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>> No.12093698

>St. Paul's?
The church in London? Wasn't that designed mainly by Christopher Wren, making it an auteuristic work?

>> No.12093701

>Wasn't that designed mainly by Christopher Wren,
>making it an auteuristic work?

>> No.12093703

Also, I still don't understand what exactly it is about their cover that makes it a "bold statement".

>> No.12093707

>take a well established song in a language they did not know and make it their own, the culture simply wouldn't permit it

sorry OP but youre retarded. the reason why this never happened is because anyone would copy an ALREADY POPULAR song and still be good. why the fuck would katy perry sing a shitty korean or wherever song that isnt as catchy and well composed? let alone even known to international audience? its the composition thats good. you are too verbose in literally only saying: "I PERSONALLY LIKE THIS COVER."
read a book. thats what advertising does to your brain.

>> No.12093709

Auteurship is a prime example of the authentic expression of the individual. The fact that you refer to this work as a "product" rather than as art is telling. You have yet to satisfactorily explain why a formulaic cover of an American pop song is a bold, authentic statement for any non-American group of artists.

>> No.12093725
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>product" rather than as art is telling
this is peak midwit nonsense.
the immortal words of Dr. Johnson don't resonate with you?
>No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.
financial viability is perfectly motivator for the creation of art.

>> No.12093737

>for any non-American group of artists.
its not. But in the context Twice's cover came out, it clearly is.

>> No.12093750
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>> No.12093753
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>> No.12093754
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>> No.12093755


>> No.12093760

are you one of those handfull of autists that hang out on the /trash/ and /mu/ kpg threads

>> No.12093767

this feels like it should be some ironic take on the “arr rook same” caricature

>> No.12093779

based garfieldposter

>> No.12093789

>since korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music

>> No.12093817


>> No.12094098

>since korea has established itself as the foremost country with respect to cinema and music
Name a Korean film.

They’re music has just become popular now & it’s not because it has a deep meaning or message. Hell, not many people even understand it.

>> No.12094256

wtf source

>> No.12094277

In this modern day and age, literature is widely available, even in a country as dominated by consumerism as South Korea. As such, a South Korean author of value is not impossible, but of course also not very likely.

>> No.12094392

the wings by yi sang

>> No.12094451

I will just leave this here...

>> No.12094466

choose one

>> No.12094474

>The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, written in Russia in the early 20th century for the express purpose of fomenting anti-Semitic feeling in Europe, was a bestseller in Korea (and in Japan) for a number of years. I knew many Korean intellectuals who had it on their shelves, even though the book was a known hoax. The bizarre thing is, Koreans didn’t see the book as an anti-Semitic tract meant to induce fear in gentiles. They saw it as a manual, a model for making one’s way in an uncaring world.
>The New Yorker article refers to a list of anti-Semitic nations compiled by a survey from the Anti-Defamation League in which South Korea is said to be 53% anti-Semitic. The flaw in that data, however, is that it did not take into account the fact that Koreans were responding to the questions from a vantage point of philosemitism. For example, 36% of Korean respondents said they agreed with the statement, “Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind. Sixty-two percent agreed that “Jews think they are better than other people.” Would you believe me if I said that was meant to be a compliment? These answers are actually consistent with values that Koreans laud.

>> No.12094560

Korea is an hypercapitalist parody of the West. Fuck em.

>> No.12094569


>> No.12094604

>Name a Korean film

>> No.12094730
File: 742 KB, 1500x993, 1512842115128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, what's your endgame?
i'm sure it was you who made that recent, hastily deleted thread with irene shoehorned as your reading-reason and the one(s?) before it that included her too
namedrop a couple flicks
it's dishonest to reduce idols to their music. it's not what drives people towards them nor what keeps them hooked nor what makes them strive to join their ranks, just part of it. they're foremost at exploitation (of lack, of trends, etc.), not at music.
idols' images (a didactic redundancy) are the form a collaborative effort in money-making takes. that some of them "do good" or "relax" says nothing of the medium but of the particular group's company and its circumstances (wavering to group's popularity, fan demands, changing times, whims of the ceo, etc.). they're empty, an invitation for people to project (i'm gay=she's gay, i hate males=she hates males, etc., just check twitter for examples), until—if lucky[?]—they're not... and then they get their humanity fetishized or are dropped for not being able to conform to being nothing and thus potentially anything anymore! people do of them what they will, and i'm no exception. i feel like a dumbass typing this, like i don't really understand, like i'm forcing a grid, like /i/ am dehumanizing them. a self-fulfilling prophecy, eh?
>who are some of the eminent korean writers working today?
i like myung mi kim, but she barely qualifies as she's korean american and mainly writes in english
thanks for the rec, will watch
>contemporary composers are non-entities
>Red Flavor
i'm more of a "russian roulette" kinda guy

>> No.12094851

Genuinely can't tell if the OP is an artful troll or just internet brain fucked kpop infused headcase.

Either way an amusing thread so thanks!

>> No.12094997

Girls may also like it for the same reason as the guys do. Bunch of hot Asian men dancing and singing.
The kpop anon in this thread is entitled to having their own opinion on the matter, of course, but I strongly believe kpop is vapid and that it's pointless to defend it as being transcendental and high art when it's not. If you like kpop, by all means, listen to it. Why be delusional?

>> No.12095000

It's not. I tried.

>> No.12095008

Holy shit wtf

>> No.12095018

sad as fuck

>> No.12095074

You have to wonder what they were thinking when they were doing nothing.

>> No.12095188

The absolute state of this industry.

>> No.12095194

>You have to wonder what they were thinking
>those girls

>> No.12095199

You can't reason with automatrons. Any real human bean gets uncanny valley looking at asians, especially plastic asians.

>> No.12095203

Funny, Chinese also view Jewish stereotypes as a postive ideal to follow.

>> No.12095217

>insectoid races function like insects
who would have thought

>> No.12095219

Absolutely ruined
How will the Koreans ever recover

>> No.12095227

seriously though are there any Korean classics? I can't think of a single Korean book I've ever read while I've got multiple Chinese and Japanese books dating from 500BC to 2018AD on my shelf.

>> No.12095231

Nope, they literally have no culture

>> No.12095237

you mean high IQ

>> No.12095252

I afraid any nation that implements Communism is automatically barred from being 'high IQ'.

>> No.12095262

reals > feels 'I afraid'

>> No.12095271

>believing reported asian IQ numbers
>believing modern IQ tests (which only compares you to your peers)

I bet you don't know Jews have "prep" courses for IQ tests and SATs where only jews are allowed.

The average reported IQ of every race is retard tier regardless and it would be much more useful to measure the number of high outliers. Woman for example are much more uniform in their IQs. Come back when gooks start actually scoring 140IQ averages or something.

>> No.12095276

>it's only valid when my race does better

>> No.12095285

Feels are a human quality, I afraid lacking in such a human trait would make you more 'insectoid'-like.

>> No.12095286
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>> No.12095293

>non sequitur
not today, international sophism

>> No.12095294

Is that what you midwits get out of this? I'm saving the difference between an 80IQ and 115IQ is meaningless outside pure job efficiently. Both are functional retards. No race has a reported average IQ high enough to be strongly correlated with being a real human bean, and that's before taking into account the flaws of modern IQ tests.

>> No.12095301
File: 56 KB, 362x388, 1534770650856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm saving the difference between an 80IQ and 115IQ is meaningless outside pure job efficiently. Both are functional retards.

>> No.12095332

>argument from incredulity
Yeah nah, get fucked.

>> No.12095352

who are quoting??

>> No.12095382

>because it makes money it must be good!
Capitalism is cancer

>> No.12095401

no u

>> No.12095470

They just haul her off stage like a broken piece of machinery while the other automatons around her keep on dancing.

>> No.12095633

North korea really is best korea

>> No.12096105
File: 2.86 MB, 180x320, 1527576135912.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, never trust a woman unless you've seen her without her makeup on.

Sounds great, will check out.

>> No.12096167

Wtf are they scraping off their noses??

>> No.12096254

>literally just sounds like the first but with a more modern, slightly more complex, production.

You're incorrect in this. The Kpop version is, in every imaginable aspect, an inferior version. Cheap-sounding synths, reedier vocals, they increased the tempo slightly, but it can't hide the fact there's no force or urgency behind their vocals, which is something you'd want for a song about begging a spurned lover to come back to you. That might be the worst "All you need" hit I've ever heard in a cover, let alone a professionally produced one. Trained adult performers should not be able to be outsung by a fucking ten year old. It's not even that I don't think there's a vocalist in that group who could perform that particular line well, for whatever reason, they just picked one who couldn't.

>> No.12096286


>if i help my coworker the business executives will lose money and i'll get beaten and raped again

>> No.12096301

Kek you sound like such a tool for believing that. Their images are totally constructed. They aren't actually like that they are probably just materialistic thots.

I like some Korean war movies. There was this one about the 17th century invasion of Korea by Japan in which the Japanese were defeated at sea and eventually on land.

The Japs had all these fearsome samurai commanders decked out in rad armor. The Korean armor looked lame in comparison.

But the Koreans built this armored ship that fucked the Japs shit up. And their commanders hadn't fought a war for decades under Toyotomi Hideyoshi's military junta.

They invaded Korea simply because they no longer had each other to fight.

>> No.12096310

>Easy to dance to
>Uniformly attractive performers
>Tightly choreographed
>Styled closely to various Western musical trends from the past 20 years
>Aggressive marketing and social media presence
>Doesn't have the perceived "weirdness" surrounding it like Jpop because laypeople don't have decades of "haha look at this weird thing from Korea" like with Japan's media output
To name a few. I think the explosion of Gangnam Style legitimately helped propel broader interest in K-Pop.

>> No.12096339

I believe it's some kind of temporary prosthetic or putty. It allows them to have a more defined European-style nose without the high upfront cost of plastic surgery.

>> No.12096368

Do south koreans still hate japs? From what I understand most of East Asia hates Japan because of WW2.

>> No.12096383

Excluding Korean weebs, yes and it's mutual.

>> No.12096397

I'm no scholar on the topic but for Koreans with political consciousness there is still bad blood between the two nations.

Japan has transgressed Korea on numerous occasions throughout history with its militaristic expeditions. And Japan has always been shifty about apologizing. They still have monuments to the generals who brutalized the Korean populace and even one about chopping off Korean ears. And they never formally apologized about the comfort women or have been slow to come to terms with it. Shamefur dispray

>> No.12096461

Weebs absolutely btfo

>> No.12097979

based photons patrollin these thots

>> No.12099779
File: 34 KB, 671x396, Production_in_Korea_under_Japanese_rule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what VANK would tell you.

Truth is, Korea LIKED the occupation.
Japan LIBERATED Korea from Chinese vasseldom.
Japan MODERNISED Korea from backwards paesants.

>> No.12099786

>And they never formally apologized

'With the Treaty, the agreements between Japan and Korea concerning the settlement of problems in regard to property and claims and economic cooperation was also signed. Japan provided South Korea with $300 million grant in economic aid and $200 million in loans together with $300 million in loans for private trust, a total of $800 million as "economic cooperation".[5] By this Agreement, problems in regard to property and claims between Japan and Korea have been settled completely and finally.'

'In January 2005, the South Korean government disclosed 1,200 pages of diplomatic documents that recorded the proceeding of the treaty. The documents, kept secret for 40 years, recorded that the Japanese government actually proposed to the South Korean government to directly compensate individual victims but it was the South Korean government which insisted that it would handle individual compensation to its citizens and then received the whole amount of grants on behalf of the victims.[9][10][11]'