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1209116 No.1209116 [Reply] [Original]

I have a real life facepalm story for you.

I was at the library (NYPL) with my friend and was explaining how I loved the information and references I was finding.

He just says "I dont't see the big deal here. I mean you can find everything on the Internet."

I didn't know what to say at first...jesus christ. I don't think I've ever heard anything as ignorant as that before.

>> No.1209127

What are you, a fucking idiot? The Internet is overflowing with information and references. You just don't know how to find anything, gramps.

>> No.1209133

What are you, 15? Have you ever written a college research paper?


>> No.1209147


Jstor you fucking idiot. A reputable source amongst many on the net that is accepted by universities.

>> No.1209150

Actually I don't know about you but my uni has millions of dollars worth of subscriptions to various journal article databases which are easier to search and use than the library with a much broader range of content. I only go to the library for a journal article if it's not available online and I think it might be better than any of the resources online.

We also have access to several databases that publish every single news paper article from most major newspapers every day. And apart from that, you don't always need to use peer-reviewed sources as sometimes there just isn't any material and you are left with no choice but to reference people who just have an opinion that backs you up.

>> No.1209152

Actually I find it quite hilarious you're calling me an idiot. I'm 20 by the way.

Anyway to elaborate on the story, my friend, who is 23, said that he has never written a research paper since high school. It was the first time he was at the NYPL. After I showed him around, he was actually impressed at all this information available.

Facepalm again.

Exactly. I find it quite puzzling that people around my age rage about the superiority of the Internet over the library for research material. Sure, if you want to learn info quickly about mechanics or any general or semi-obscure information, it's a great material.

But if you want to get into the specifics, want scholarly material, and want to be taken seriously, you need to go to the library. There's a challenge in breaking down the information for yourself rather than having someone over the Internet condense the information for you.

>> No.1209156

You're retarded bro


>> No.1209157
File: 24 KB, 502x391, laughing old men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how to find reputable sources on the internet

>> No.1209168

Even JSTOR doesn't have everything. It's also a bitch to use.

Library of Congress, that's the way to roll.

>> No.1209173

Man, you're totally right. What was I thinking? The library! Only a dumb motherfucker would use that! Shit I should just use jstor, which has (some) scanned text that I could easily find in the library!

Man fuck libraries.

>> No.1209179

Not sure if troll.

There are obviously no scientists here as we need access to closed access journals like Nature, Science, Evolution, PNAS etc... University libraries provide that access to us. Online.

>> No.1209182

Find me scanned pages of high-res Dean Cornwell images. That's right. You can't. There's only one comprehensive book available and it's out of print. Not every library has it, and if it does, it's usually in the closed stacks.

>> No.1209187

And what if you aren't affiliated with that library moron? You can walk into the library with no problem though and look through their hard copies.

>> No.1209198

This thread is full of so much fail.

Not everything is available on the Internet and if it is, it can be found in a decent library. And most of the time scholarly articles are just scanned from the physical material. The only problem with this it that often you need to be attending a certain college or buy a prescription. Wait, if my taxes are already used to fund libraries, why the fuck would I want to pay more when I can easily just go...to the library?

No reputable author/publisher are going to exclusively publish material that is only available through Internet database. It's going to be printed out and distributed, and perhaps, TRANSFERRED as a digital copy.

>> No.1209199

a) I was trying to say that there is no difference between libraries and the internet as separate information sources since they mix more and more.

b) have you looked through your unis subscription list for closed access scientific journals? Thats mountains of journals, they can't afford to have all these journals in print, they usually have only stuff from the Nature group and Science in print.

>> No.1209206

Actually I would consider databases that require a login part of the university library's collection solely because it's exclusive. It's not available to the public. If you're at a poor community college and need information, you can't just "use the Internet."

And true, everything is mixing together now (digital vs hard copy), so using that logic, the idea that "everything can be found on the Internet" is contradictory because you can also find the same information at the library.

IDK about OP's friend, but there were times where online journals just didn't cut it; and it was just much earlier to cross reference using the library catalog.

>> No.1209207

I guess all the students I see at my uni library are idiots then, huh? Don't know how to use the Internet!

>> No.1209216

I surprised to see all this hate at the OP.

Don't you guys borrow books from the library for casual reading? Or do you all just own Kindle and dl electronic books from the Internet?

Fucking weird. It's like going to /sci/ and see something complaining about science books.

>> No.1209217

All you need is JSTOR AND EBSCO/academic search complete if you want scholarly journals. Of course there will always be the old-traditionfags who want an excuse to loiter at the fucking library. Gives me an extent of hipster.

>> No.1209224


Maybe you should reread OP

>> No.1209227


\Of course we do. But OP seems to think because he uses the libary he is somehow better than his friend. OP is just an elitist cunt.

>> No.1209229

I just checked JSTOR and only 15 US colleges are participating, which means JSTOR is useless for me. Same for the other one.

I think I'll just stick to the library.

>> No.1209234

The only people that need the library are liberal arts majors. If you are in any science you need contemporary research, which will be in the plethora of journals your university likely has subscriptions to.

>> No.1209237

I think you're just projecting some weird frustration towards OP.

I just read what OP wrote again and nothing about it seemed eltist. In fact, his friend seemed elitist because he said "everything can be found on the Internet."

I'm also >>1209229 . You guys keep talking about these amazing online database but I can't even have access to them.

>> No.1209241


That sucks guys. Maybe you should have gone to good schools

>> No.1209245

If you were guided by reason and not some boiling urge to refute me, you would realize that my statement never denounced the value of one alternative to the other.

Observe your statment, however:
>I didn't know what to say at first...jesus christ. I don't think I've ever heard anything as ignorant as that before.
That statement makes it clear that you "rage about the superiority" as in >>1209152.

You're still an idiot. Anything you can find in a library can be found online. When you work full time and go to school full time, the last thing you want to do is spend time traveling to a library and then search for the information. There are innumerable resources online.

They probably are. Most people at university libraries are dickheads trying to study their own class work and course books, and dickheads trying to sleep. When I learned that my university offered subscriptions to every major academic journal in America, I stopped going to the library.

>> No.1209265

>Calls people idiots, uses strawman.
>talks about reason and not to use boiling rage

>angry about "rage about the superiority"
>calls other people idiots and dickheads
>Anything you can find in a library can be found online
>oh no, there's no sense of superiority there

>> No.1209281

Lol--strawman is all you remember from your critical thinking class--that's cute. Why don't you put on that pink tutu and really dance circles around me.

You're an idiotic dickhead :p

The consensus is in, OP is an idiot. Now I _will_ make a value judgment: if I can find equal and better resources in the comfort of my house, instead of leaving for a library, I will--as will every realistic person on the planet. You're just a fucking romantic if you are set on being in a library. You probably pay all your bills at the bank, and refuse direct deposit from your employer in lieu of cheques. Innovation is bad, right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite

>> No.1209296

Lol, Christ guys I should have been more clear in the beginning.

I was just excited finding images from the pictorial collection. I was looking up Burman, Thai, Mocorran, and Islamic motifs, textiles, costumes, etc. I'm a huge design fan, so in my excitement I show him what I found.

Then he just said "I don't see the big deal here. I mean you can find everything on the Internet" while giving me a weird look. I just didn't know what to say at first because I don't understand why you would brush off the library for research, which is why I found his statement so ignorant. The fact that he hasn't used the library since high school and hasn't written a research paper yet only adds to this blanketed statement.

True, there are tons of publications available online. I didn't think of that when I wrote it. Apologizes. When I meant Internet resources, I mean from unscholarly sites (ie I like costumes so let me have a small domain about it) It was just obvious to me that he was clearly dismissing the library as legitimate resource.

Calm down guys....

>> No.1209316

prevelent and obscure, your friend can only see what this modern age sees as seperior.

>> No.1209318

>-strawman is all you remember from your critical thinking class
>False dilemma, Appeal to ridicule
>Appeal to emotion

>You probably pay all your bills at the bank, and refuse direct deposit from your employer in lieu of cheques. Innovation is bad, right?
>Hasty generalization and more Ad hominem

>implying I'm even OP

>> No.1209319

Saging a subtle troll thread.

>> No.1209323


Appeal to emotion or ridicule are two great tools. Why argue any other way? I don't care what other people think; when I announce a course of action or an idea it's because my decision has been made. I'm not interested in anything they would have to say, I just want them to stop talking.

>> No.1209330

Guys, chill, I have a solution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page for the rational people, going to a fucking tome bank for the rest of these dorks that feel like they become smarter after they complete a crossword puzzle.

>> No.1209331

>Argue to be right, not to find truth.

>> No.1209338

Fuck you, faggot, probably have never even been to a library, get off this board, mother fucker

>> No.1209347

If you can find me a variety of high-res images of palestinian clothing by region and period and headresses along with it, I will love you long time.

I can only find shitty low-res images online.

>> No.1209348


Why the fuck would I use argument to find truth? The only people qualified to question the truth I assert are the tiny, but tiny minority of people who are also geniuses. Everyone else can eat my ass. I'm right, they're wrong, and the wisest move for 99.9% of the population, when they find themselves in disagreement with me, is to shut the fuck up 100% of the time. I'm not going to agree with them anyway, so the only difference they can make is the extent to which they piss me off.

>> No.1209349

>Whiny brat. U mad?

>> No.1209353


No, I'm not whining, the people who beg me to change my mind are whining. I'm perfectly happy, thanks in large part to my golden rule of never expressing an opinion until it's a conviction.

>> No.1209355

>Everyone else can eat my ass. I'm right, they're wrong
>I'm not a whiny brat!

>> No.1209358

>I'm happy
Yeah, okay.

>> No.1209359


No, you see, because you're on the path of the inferior man, you hear my statement in your own bleating voice.

>> No.1209361


You're a eunuch. I never said anything about rage or fighting.

>> No.1209367

No, you didn't. You're the one doing the raging and the fighting and the arguing and the bawing.


>> No.1209372

Sad thing is, he probably isn't even trolling. I know a couple people in real life that honestly act and talk like that.

"I'm right! Everyone's wrong! They're so stupid!" *pounds fist*

How the heck do they get in life with this attitude?

>> No.1209377


No, I'm doing no raging, or fighting. You see, your acute sense of your own inferiority is making you bitterly angry with me for not listening to your mouse-like kind. You think I'm an idiot, because I function in the real world that you cannot grasp. In the real world, debating-society conventions are irrelevant. Very few people argue to find the truth. Either, like me, they argue by default because some idiot like you won't stop talking back to them when it isn't indicated, or - like most people - they're arguing to defend a sense of themselves as good debaters. But most people work to attain such a status because they're afraid of people laughing at them. I simply make the onlookers laugh at them, and they give up in humilated shame. It's quick, it's funny, it's a great memory to look back on.

>> No.1209379

I laughed out loud.

>> No.1209381

>Doesn't understand that everyone's laughing at him.

>> No.1209382


I never express myself like that. To rant like that you've got to be the kind of person who can't be satisfied with being right unless they know that EVERYONE ELSE AGREES. I don't need that. The esteem of the onlooker is not required for me to maintain an opinion - this isn't true of most people, which is why the aforementioned techniques tend to work.

>> No.1209386


What 'everyone' do you have in mind? The everyone in the rooms you've never been in with me, or the imaginary everyone in your room with your lonely ass?

>> No.1209387

Just like you're totally not ranting in this thread.


>> No.1209390


There's no part of any of my posts you can honestly contrue as ranting. I'm just propounding the correct way to win arguments, for my own pleasure and for the edification of anyone who has the self-respect to admit when they need to work on an aspect of themselves.

>> No.1209392

You need to work on your self-esteem, bro. Can you even hear yourself?

>> No.1209397


My self-esteem is fine, thank you, unlike yours, which is dependent upon the evaluation of weak, lesser men. Hence why you're calling my self-esteem into question when it's clearly in rude health.

>> No.1209398

>There's no part of any of my posts you can honestly contrue as ranting.

Who are you trying to bullshit?


>> No.1209400

You're projecting too much. Reread the thread. You're an idiot.

>> No.1209401


One of my words was mistyped, oh yeah. Thank you for putting yourself at my service.

I'm not bullshitting. I'm finding it kind of hilarious how deeply passive-aggressive and weak every respondent to my posts has been. You're intelligent men - you KNOW no-one except debating-society losers ever argues for truth, but argues for the reasons I've stated - you KNOW this, but you resent me, and so you will cry, butthurt, for many replies to come, oblivious to the depth of defeat and impotence your attiudes reveal.

>> No.1209403


I'm not projecting. Why would I reread the thread when I can remember everything I wrote perfectly well?

See how it works, faggot?

>> No.1209404

You never cease to amuse.

>> No.1209407


When you laugh with nerves and shame because you just stepped down in the face of a threatened beating - is that amusement? If so, your statement is accurate. But it isn't amusement you feel - what I never cease to make you do is despise your own nature.

>> No.1209408

Just reread the thread. You missed a post and it's CLEARLY your downfall.

>> No.1209409
File: 112 KB, 392x399, 1280758093434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my face when my university isn't a nobody shit hole and has access to JSTOR

>> No.1209411

This thread is now entirely about me, and weak people's attitude to me. All because of a two-line post. That's what it is to excite the envy of untermenschen.

>> No.1209414


You really don't get it; that's sad.

>> No.1209416

My laughter is that of pure amusement, I assure you, and you will never understand why.

>> No.1209417


Why would I want to understand? You don't exist.

>> No.1209418


>> No.1209422


You had to say 'my laughter is pure amusement' because you weren't confident enough in your own identity that you thought you could maintain your own self-image if you didn't dispute the accurate diagnosis of your nature I made in post >>1209407

This expresses perfectly why your amusement would never be of interest to someone like me.

>> No.1209426

Only one debating-society loser ever nearly got the better of me in a discussion. I won, but my eyebrows were a little singed. Then his girlfriend had a miscarriage! Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

>> No.1209428

And yet you insist on discussing the matter of my amusement.

>> No.1209430

Have fun being lonely for the rest of your life.

>> No.1209434


Read what I typed.

>> No.1209435

So that I can process your obsession with my laughter? No thanks.

>> No.1209436


Now THAT'S projection. I am neither alone nor lonely. Nice to have that confirmation that on some level, you think winning debates might get you pussy. Pure displaced libido.

>> No.1209439

Have a blow-up doll doesn't make you not lonely.

>> No.1209442


You're obsessed with earning the right to live from me, but I cannot help you.

>> No.1209447

>Have a blow-up doll doesn't make ...

>> No.1209448


Your grief over your own life breaks your syntax down. How desperate you are to earn my respect. I pity you, but I can't help you. You have to help yourself.

>> No.1209449

That doesn't even begin to make sense. In fact, it makes so little sense, I daresay this has been your most amusing response yet.

>> No.1209450

Again, lurkers, witness how their defensive beta-as-fuckness made them turn this into a thread about me, and their attitudes to me. Comedy gold.

>> No.1209451


No, it does make sense. Your life is what doesn't make sense. You've devalued it with cowardice. My posts present you with an example of the way of the superior man. You get defensive, because you're a eunuch. It's happened before, it will happen again.

>> No.1209452

>Look at me! This thread is about me! Hey strangers that might be reading my posts! Look! Me! Verify me! Justify me! Make me feel more important and less impotent!

>> No.1209454

>Your life is what doesn't make sense. You've devalued it with cowardice.

The value or sensibility of my life is completely unknown to you. Do you often make up imperfections in people you know nothing about to make your own shortcomings easier to ignore?

>> No.1209456


As I've already stated, I do not look for affirmation from untermenschen. You're projecting again, out of habit due to the excessive loneliness of your weakness.

>> No.1209461

Analysis of thread: man posts a thread that he thinks will register with literary folk. Man forgets that these literary folk are of a special brand. This brand is not biased towards the internet or library. Man backs himself into corner. Man compensates for his lack of structured argument by repeatedly referring to online thesaurus...

>> No.1209463

Every response you make to every post I make is striving for affirmation from a stranger on the internet that you know nothing about. Whether you admit it or not.

>> No.1209464

This thread needs to be fucking archived. This is COMEDY GOLD.


>> No.1209466


No, the value and sensibility of your life is entirely obvious to anyone who can read this thread. You HAD to justify yourself to me because you're a weak man, and ever since, you've been unsuccessfully trying to project your shame onto me.

>> No.1209469

Now you're the one projecting. You have been on the defensive, justifying yourself to myself and several others for some time now. Again, whether you admit it or not.

>> No.1209470


When I tease the weak I do it because it's funny, not because I seek their opinion. Like a beaten wife, you'll keep bouncing off the wall for more.

>> No.1209471

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1209475

I always feel like it is the same guy arguing on lit/. I don't know why but these arguments all sound very similar. Maybe I am crazy.

>> No.1209478


You're a fantasist. If self-deceit is the only way you can continue living, knock yourself out, slave, the truth is always going to be here.

>> No.1209482

I also feel like the two guys arguing are simultaneously trying to land a book deal.

>> No.1209483


I have not previously posted here, but the betas are in all probability the same ones - clicking to another board would tucker out their porky fingers.

>> No.1209485

Not you guys specifically, just people arguing on here in general.

>> No.1209488

I joined in somewhat early while someone else was attacking him. I have no idea what's going on anyone, it's just a slew of insults with no direction, haha.

>> No.1209490

I've put my approach to argument very well in some of the posts on this thread, so I may archive it myself.

>> No.1209491

I am a beta though, so I need to stay on this board to make myself look like a toughass.

>> No.1209493


You yourself know there's only one man here. The rest are eunuch slaves, taking up positions.

>> No.1209495

/lit/ is so easy to troll. Damn, guys, lol.

>> No.1209501

Were you on here the other day arguing with some guy about Vonnegut?

>> No.1209503


That's because they're weak men at heart. As soon as I stated the simple truth that people argue to be right, not to 'find truth' - a truth anyone who lives in the real world can tell you - I owned their souls. They're too earnest, they don't know what it is to spare themselves.

>> No.1209513


No, generally I tend to keep to /fit/ and /mu/.

>> No.1209514

I refuse to be you're a troll though because no one would put in THAT much effort and time.

>> No.1209516

Opps meant believe, not be.

>> No.1209520

I believe after that statement, where may I point out, you said men on this board are too earnest. You have become the dude getting fucked with. Unless your super-genious has surpassed your conscious mind and you are now laying a triple mind-fuck on all of us.

>> No.1209521


Hahaha! You haven't been reading closely enough, or maybe you're indulging in wishful thinking. It's no effort to keep batting back people you genuinely don't have any use for.

>> No.1209527

I love 4chan, a million pretenscious morons that think think they are smart. (sic) for this was a joke, lighten up you motherfuckers.

>> No.1209528


I stated I don't value or respect more than a tiny percentage of people. I stated that at the outset. The rest of it was watching them announce themselves as people who believed themselves to be outside of that percentage. They resented me for the confidence they'll never have. It wasn't trolling as such because I've never lied, never created a persona, but in that my continued presense vexed them, it could be considered trolling. It's all the same to me.

>> No.1209534

>implying you're in the top .1%

>> No.1209538

Are you the guy for libraries or online resources( that question kinda shows how little value this entire thread had).

>> No.1209542


I did, as near as dammit, state that in my second post on this thread, yes. Only the tiny minority of people who are also geniuses are qualified to question the truth I assert.

>> No.1209543

He's neither. He just soft of jumped into this thread.

>> No.1209550


I read nothing before >>1209318 with any particular attention. I suspect the dichotomy is specious.

>> No.1209555

Check your grammar, faggot.

>> No.1209557

Ok man, your trolling was pretty good at first. You've now ruined it, or else you should be put on a poster with the words: "mentally detached from reality" under you.

>> No.1209560


Yep, and took it over. Now, there's no way I could have done that unless there were several people who wanted to go 'nuh-huh, YOU'RE the dummy' because they felt threatened enough by what I was saying that they had to say something. It should also be noted that if you think 'everyone who's not a genius like myself can eat my ass' is worth responding to, you are NOT a genius.

>> No.1209562

I don't think you realize you have been trolled.

>> No.1209563


My grammar, like my large, smooth and beautifully weighted member, is perfect.

>> No.1209564

Lit/ this dude is fucking with us and you are all falling for it. Stop making us look bad.

>> No.1209568


You see, you're still doing it. Your snickering in your lonely room, surrounded by junk food cartons, does not constitute my being trolled.

>> No.1209571


Wow, Man Friday! Good to see one other person with basic reading comprehension.

>> No.1209574
File: 319 KB, 1135x713, library card..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your liberal arts education, for free:

>> No.1209577

People are just replying back to him so he wastes more his time reading and typing. We just write wrote phases while he just goes on-and-on.

>> No.1209579


Haha, look at this guy trying to string a sentence together in my awesome presense.

>> No.1209582

Post your report card faggot. Let me see those Cs.

>> No.1209586


I'm afraid I'm a straight-A student.

>> No.1209588

I get what you're doing, but I believe that is exactly what he wants you to do. Although I do admit he is a moron for even putting this much time into this. Alright guys I'm gonna go fuck my girlfriend now, have fun with this whole thing.

>> No.1209589

Maybe, to make my dominance over /lit/ a more on-going thing, I should make a tripcode.

>> No.1209590

Wow--I was the first post after OP, calling him a fucking idiot, and this thing has blown wide open! Haha

It's like some other dude just came in and continued arguing where I left off.

brofist, whoever you are!

>> No.1209592


Yes. I'm not a moron, but you can't be expected to perceive the scope of my genius at first.

>> No.1209596

How's that whole being clever thing been working out for ya.

>> No.1209597


Brofist, though I must say that the second half of this thread has nothing to do with the first half. I mean, I didn't even bother reading the first half.

>> No.1209601


Do you really not see where you're going wrong here? You can't use irony against absurdism.

>> No.1209605

Soo, pretty good?

>> No.1209608

You're a fucking moron.

....I can't comprehend your stupidity

>> No.1209609


The panda is fine.

>> No.1209613

Haha, brofist indeed. However, in retrospect, you are a bit dumb for falling to people's tricks. But whatever.

>> No.1209621

I would like to take this opportunity while there is a break in the action to advertise the brilliant swan pun about four threads down. Take a gander ( goose pun).

>> No.1209622


I told them that they could eat my ass and they answered me. I was amused and continued. That's not dumb, that's manifest destiny.

>> No.1209624

If I can comprehend yours does that make me smarter? lol

>> No.1209625

But I'm the real genius since I started it. You're just a pawn.

Sorry. Try again.

>> No.1209637


No, mine was and remains the plan.

>> No.1209650

Testing my excellent tripcode.

>> No.1209657

No you aren't. You got called out immediately with your pathetic attempt at trolling. Why don't you just go take a Literature 101 class so you can learn how to...analyze text, moron.

You think you planned everything but I came in and actually started everything with a strategic reply. I left and let the wheel spin on its own while you wasted your pathetic time replying to every single post. I actually did something while you just raged by your lonesome.

Just do the world a favor and die.

>> No.1209666


Again, like your genes have taught you, you beg. I gave you the bait you couldn't resist swallowing. Your post wasn't even the one you're claiming it was.

>> No.1209670

This thread has usurped the little manpower that /lit/ has. Every other thread is mostly dying.

>> No.1209673

I made the 1st reply of the thread and baited everyone into a huge shit storm. You think you're clever by pretended to be an extension of myself.

You're not. Get over it.

>> No.1209674


Oh really, gee, that's a pity.

>> No.1209681


Oh, you're talking about THAT shit? I didn't read that shit, and every post since my second one in this thread has been about me or people's attitudes to me. No-one gives a fuck about the ostensible topic, as you'll see from the various posts that have tried and failed to breathe life back into the initial subject, which seems to have been cock-waving based on a false dichotomy in any case.

>> No.1209690

See, if you really were as smart as you say, you would have comprehended my statement.

>> No.1209696


That's not going to work, I'm not interested enough in you to let you into my joke. Find another thread to troll. I took this baby down all by myself.

>> No.1209712

>implying I'm even interested in you.

>> No.1209717


You invaded my thread, so it would seem to be a reasonable assumption.

>> No.1209719

Aha, high-five!

>> No.1209726

Only in your little mind. I don't care for you, just a faint interest in a thread where I caused a snowball effect.

>> No.1209736

The problem is that these days, kids have so little attention span that they can't spend 5 minutes going to the library and checking out books. Oh no, let's just use the Internet because its reputable! Herp derp wikipedia

>> No.1209739


HAHAHA, you're such a weakling that you needed to contradict me, classical.

>> No.1209753


>> No.1209771

Jesus christ this thread is pathetic.

Who the fuck thinks the Internet is more useful than the goddamn Library of Congress.


>> No.1209777


No, as my thread, this thing has gotten more posts just on the subject of me than your boring original thread managed. Think of yourself as the early, dull Fleetwood Mac, and me as the subsequent coke-fueled stadium behemoth.

>> No.1209785

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1209788


It's observable fact.

>> No.1209804

If hes trolling hes pretty terrible at it.
hes not making anyone mad hes just making himself look like a teenager with poor social skills

>> No.1209815

Who's trolling?