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12089595 No.12089595 [Reply] [Original]

How do you reconcile falling in love and wanting to fulfill her wishes by giving her a child with the impregnable philosophical stance that is Antinatalism?

>> No.12089610

I don't since my testosterone is too high which makes me practically immune to soiboi mindsets like antinatalism.

>> No.12089652

It's dopamine more likely. Also how can you be proud of being born with good neurotransmitter levels? How can one be proud of his achievements when a ridiculous amount is governed by his biology?

>> No.12089655

Nobody said anything about pride, I am just personally grateful I am not you

>> No.12089657

>soiboi mindsets like antinatalism
yeah because becoming completely enslaved to your job in order to be able to raise a family is woke af

>> No.12089663

Imagine voluntarily removing yourself from the gene pool


>> No.12089668

Da gene pool, muh western civ, muh white race.

>> No.12089673
File: 128 KB, 768x768, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soiboi mindsets like antinatalism
Having children is the ultimate cuckoldry.

>> No.12089674

Same for me towards you my NPC friend

>> No.12089677

Absolute, ultimate truth

>> No.12089680

I got a vasectomy at 20, so I just tell her I'm trying

>> No.12089688

>me alpha ooga booga
Why are meat portals so dumb?

>> No.12089695

Im spreading my seed to innumerable whores across the world. Meanwhile ,you NEETs are finding philosophies to justify your lack of pussy. That's all there is to it.

>> No.12089700

>he wanks off to the idea of his children having sex

>> No.12089701

I hope you like paying child support

>> No.12089705

>I can't compete with those physically superior men. It makes me feel bad. I know, I'll just convince myself they're dumb!
How does it feel knowing I'm physically and intellectually superior to you?

>> No.12089715


>> No.12089718

Antinatalism never appealed to me, not even in my edgy phase.
Just fucking kill yourself, save us the whining.

>> No.12089724

You will still die, but I won't suffer from banal stuff like you.

>> No.12089736

>Just fucking kill yourself, save us the whining.
You don't know what antinatalism is or you misunderstand it severely. Not creating new life =/= erasing a life that already exists.

>> No.12089748

Reintroduce bride price.

>> No.12089749

I will die having had a better life, and that's all that matters, frankly.

>> No.12089755

Convenient how anti-natalists clean their hands of any responsibility for reducing suffering through not breeding rather than actively assisting the impoverished.

>> No.12089760

If you don't know how.

>> No.12089764

Your iq must be minuscule if you are immune to reality

>> No.12089765

Hey it's not my fault if Mohammad is unable to grasp how to put a condom on and had 8 babies as a result, if he's poor he can go fuck himself

>> No.12089771

I'm a hedonist not a philanthropie.

>> No.12089772

Having daughters is the ultimate cuckoldry you mean, and the fact is that having daughters is a sign of genetic defects and latent homosexuality. Men in my father's family, of course never have had daughters so my y-chromosome is not defective and I will have only sons.

>> No.12089775

If life is so bad and if suffering is so terrible, it does follow that you should probably off yourself.

>> No.12089783

My problem with antinatalism is that it's entirely based on subjectivity. The idea that suffering is bad is subjective, many people view suffering as a positive, necessary, or trancendental experience. Intelligent and self-concsiouss life is the rarest thing in the universe and you are removing the possibility of someone experiencing that by assuming they will reach the same conclusions as you (view life as suffering). And supposing for arguments sake that a person does reach the same conclusions as you, they have the option of checking out by suicide at any time anyway.

>> No.12089787

Having daughters is the best way of establishing a large family and intergenerational wealth, assuming you marry your daughters off to good men with intellegence and social standing.
There's absolutely nothing cuckhold like about your daughter having sex with men, that's normal behaviour. If you weren't an r9k cave dweller you wouldn't view it so negatively.

>> No.12089802

You view it as beatiful because you are suffering throught it, is tribalism, isn't a votation, the commoner is too stupid to realize.

>> No.12089807

what part of antinatalism says a person can't assist the impoverished and also not bring kids into a life of (likely) pain?

Not really. You can still use your life to help make things not so terrible for others, but the ultimate mercy/philanthropy is still to not bring anyone else into the world. The only thing you can do after spilling milk is clean up the mess and make sure it doesn't happen again. Throwing away the whole carton doesn't solve anything or help anyone.

>> No.12089810

Is English your second or third language? Your post made very little sense to me, bunch of garbled nonsense to be honest.

>> No.12089831
File: 22 KB, 426x287, 1532993046164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infact it is a common antinatalist position that it's better to adopt than to procreate, faggot.

>> No.12089833

No one says they're exclusive, but it's not like you see a bunch of anti-natalists running around in social services.

A.N like to think they're doing some sort of ultimate good for the world by merely sitting on their hands, and that's what irks me. Not to mention the fact that their offspring probably won't feel the way they do about the matter.

>> No.12089837

> Infact it is a common antinatalist position that it's better to adopt than to procreate, faggot.
You hate kids so much you decide to abduct somebody else's child and make his life miserable?

Sounds like the plot of a classic fairytale. I think I saw a Disney cartoon about that.

>> No.12089838

>ooga booga muh dick

>> No.12089846

>Adoption is abduction
What the fuck?

>> No.12089848

It's more comparable to someone ordering a pizza and you going on a rant about how you don't like the topping.
Don't eat, shoot yourself. Most people enjoy it and if they don't they check out.

>> No.12089854

>A.N like to think they're doing some sort of ultimate good for the world by merely sitting on their hands, and that's what irks me.
I don't disagree but I think this describes most of anyone who takes a stance about anything anywhere

see: every person that things they're contributing to politics by putting their pronouns and a hammer and sickle emoji in their twitter bio

>> No.12089857

>>Adoption is abduction
Of course it is. Just because there's a legal framework where you're allowed to do this doesn't change the meaning of actual actions.

'Adoption' means stealing kids whose parents are either dead, unknown or incapacitated in some way. In any case, you're violating the consent of the child. (Who cannot concept, being underage and all.)

>> No.12089876

I agree, most people are like this. Thoreau ripped these people a new one in On the Duty of Civil Disobedience.

>> No.12089882

why are you alive

>> No.12089888
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>be self replicating organism
>dont replicate because youre too smart for that

>> No.12089921

>he thinka self replication is meaningful or dilçiliyi
The point of breeding is to delude yourself your offspring will be you.

>> No.12089926

the point of breeding is that you have been shaped by various natural processes to be good at it

>> No.12089929

Defective y-chromosome detected

>> No.12089934

My dad wanted to bust a nut and my mom let him. I don't think the heritability of mental conditions or their financial capability to support another human crossed either of their minds.

>> No.12089937

why are you still alive

>> No.12089939

>And still I, John, questioned the Lord, saying, "Lord, how did man have spiritual origin in a carnal body?" And the Lord said to me: "By their fall spirits of heaven entered the female body of clay and took on flesh from the lusts of the flesh and took on [spirit at the same time]. . . . Spirit is born of spirit and flesh of flesh; and thus the reign of Satan ceases not in this world.

>> No.12089948

>And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

>Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth.

>And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

>And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

>> No.12089950

It feels like you got lucky and we should all clap for you.

>> No.12089952

Because killing myself would not undo my birth which is what antinatalism is about. In addition to a slew of other potential reasons people may have for not killing themselves.

>> No.12089955

why are you against the concept of birth?

>> No.12089962

I shape myself.

>> No.12089967

>"He commanded the earth to bring forth all living things —animals, trees, and herbs. The sea he commanded to bring forth fish; and the air, birds of the heavens. And he pondered on making man to serve him; he took clay of the earth and made man like unto himself. And he then bade an angel of the second heaven to enter the body of clay. Of this body he took a part and made another body in the form of a woman" and bade an angel of the first heaven to enter into it. And the angels grieved deeply that they thus had a mortal form imposed upon them and that they now existed in different forms. And Satan bade them to perform the works of the flesh in their bodies of clay, but they did not know how to commit sin. The originator of sin accomplished his purpose by his seduction, in this way: He planted a paradise and set men therein and bade them not to eat of its fruits. The devil entered Paradise and planted a bed of reeds in the midst of Paradise; of his spittle he made a serpent and bade him remain in the reeds. Thus the devil concealed the knowledge of his deceit so that they would not perceive his treachery. He went in to them saying, 'Eat of all the fruit in Paradise, but of the fruit of good and evil eat not.' Thereafter the wicked devil, entering into the evil serpent, deceived the angel who was in the form of a woman and poured out upon her head a longing for sin," and Eve's desire was like a glowing oven. Forthwith, the devil in the form of the serpent came out of the reeds and sated his lust on her with the serpent's tail. That is why [the offspring] are called not sons of God but sons of the devil and sons of the serpent, fulfilling the diabolic desires of their father even unto the end of the world. After this, the devil poured out his longing upon the head of the angel who was in Adam; and [both angels] were affected by a lust for debauchery, together begetting children of the devil and of the serpent, until the consummation of the world."

>> No.12089971

the most 101 iq statement

>> No.12089973


>> No.12089978

Woah dude, Christ was an archon. Woah dude, gnosis isn't from the Holy Spirit, but from my historically poorly supported texts. Woah dude, I'm levitating.

>> No.12089995
File: 11 KB, 400x300, ZeroSum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being cucked by your selfish genes to such an extent that that your entire purpose in life is to be a meat puppet for them. Imagine being an NPC who only knows zero-sum games.

>> No.12090012
File: 81 KB, 307x287, 1534166692253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birth brings with it the guarantee of suffering independant of the sufferer's will. If you were to put a big red button that said "ARE YOU COOL WITH BEING BORN?" in front of a soul before it would be born this would be a non-issue for me. All that matters is that you make the biggest choice for a person before they even get to comprehend that choice, and by the time they can grasp it it's too late. They've already suffered and killing themselves won't undo the suffering (wanting to kill yourself is typically only caused by suffering after all). I don't care that many people do like being alive, I care that some people don't, and there's no way to know which will pop out of your wife until it's too late.

>> No.12090015

>suffering is evil
Cringe and bluepilled my dude

>> No.12090089


Why so many edgy, retarded posters here in this thread ? Is this r/redpill ?

>> No.12090093

I never said suffering is evil. But pain is objectively painful. Some people will be born equipped to handle pain in whatever form it may come in, and others won't. To create life is to say you don't care about the portion of lives that aren't able to handle it, ie. you're okay with making people who can't handle it endure pain.

>> No.12090127

Why can some handle pain while others can't?

>> No.12090138

Not an argument. IQ has nothing to do with how you react to reality.

>> No.12090146

Antinatalism is a meme. Only genetic dead ends embrace it.

>> No.12090162

This. Antinatalism is the most degenerate mindset there is.

>> No.12090168
File: 64 KB, 615x375, 23142637.159422.8999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't handle the pain, you can only hide it.

>> No.12090175

>utilitarians attempt a philosophy
>it's fucking retarded
lmao when will they learn

>> No.12090187

You'd be better off asking psychological and physiological experts than I, but I doubt they'd have all the answers either.

>> No.12090201

How is it retarded?

>> No.12090251

You're in an thread that's made by someone mad at mom and dad for giving him a chance at life.
This thread oozes edgy and it's the OP his fault.

>> No.12090268

Are there any actual retorts to anti-natalism that don't appeal to emotionalism?

>> No.12090316

>Da gene pool, muh western civ, muh white race.
you must have a sad life

>> No.12090320

Extremely based and redpilled

>> No.12090342

I cant wait for the world Im going to bring my children into when all low test liberals have all become anti-natalists and died off leaving only children born of ultra conservatives
Its going to be like the birth of a golden age, I hope as much people become anti-natalists as possible, I might start donating to their youtube channels to keep up the message

>> No.12090355

>leaving only children born of ultra conservatives
and 100 times the amount of Muslims' children
Who will sooner or later rape and slaughter you all

>> No.12090364

There's literally nothing wrong with emotionalism. Its the foundation of all human thought and desire, it is desire itself infact, and excluding it is the deathknell (literally here) of any intellectual project

>> No.12090367

They've had 1600 years to do that and Christianity is bigger than ever. We'll win because we're superior, especially after the cancer dies off soon and there's nothing holding us back

>> No.12090394
File: 13 KB, 600x341, FXLThSZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity is bigger than ever
>Reflecting the change among Protestants, the share of Christians overall has declined from 83 percent of the adult population in 2003 to 72 percent on average last year. In the same time, the number of Americans who say they have no religion has nearly doubled, to 21 percent.

>> No.12090406
File: 159 KB, 700x609, fuherfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12090411

I was using Christianity in a spiritual sense you idiot. Atheists are still Christians

>> No.12090427

Even counting atheists in on the basis that they're raised on Christian morals, we're all going to be a minority in a generation.

>> No.12090437

And that's a good thing!

>> No.12090458

The world is all yours, Mohammad.

>> No.12090507


>> No.12090519

It's the cringiest post ITT and that's saying something

>> No.12090565

glad someone appreciated it

>> No.12090586

Antinatalism isn't the issue here, it's civilization and the fact it has spawned billions of genetically defect humanoïds.

>> No.12090601

>Implying antinatalists get laid

>> No.12090680

Doesn't mean it isn't 100% true

>> No.12090705

>How do you reconcile falling in love and wanting to fulfill her wishes by giving her a child with the impregnable philosophical stance that is Antinatalism?
Simple. Be gay

>> No.12090717

This. Testosterone literally biologically makes you more tolerant to suffering pain - the two arch-enemies to antinatalist basedboys.

>> No.12090896

Antinatalists are cucks

>> No.12090934

but your other point was it makes their life miserable. isn't the other option like, idk, leaving the child in a forest to die from exposure?

>> No.12091301

>if you're not perpetually depressed like me you're not intelligent enough
lmao what an absolutely pitiable abomination. meme philosophy threads should be autosent to >>>/trash/

>> No.12091396

No, and is even worse on 4chan since everybody here is starved for sex, they literally cannot comprehend that people don't want children.

>> No.12091400

>everybody here is starved for sex

>> No.12091401

Why do people say shit like this? You might as well say that Christians are all actually Greek pagans. Dualism existed before Christianity. Many of its ethical positions pre-date it.

>> No.12091405

Sure thing alpha male, go save western civlization, deus vult.

>> No.12091416

why do I have these responsibilities

>> No.12091472

I want children and I believe in antinatalism. OP's question is how to reconcile the two. The only sufficient solution is adoption like >>12089831
suggested, but we all know that will never be the same as actually making a child in your image with a loving partner. Even if you could guarantee the child would have every financial advantage, every support system available to him including a loving family, you could not account for things out of your control like heritability of illness (mental most of all), tragedy, genetics, sociological factors. The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.12091480

>You might as well say that Christians are all actually Greek pagans

They are and there's nothing wrong with saying that. But the Christian event was the most important transcendental experience for mankind so it takes primacy

>> No.12091484

Fuck off breeder, anti natalism is not about spooks.

>> No.12091490

No you're a dipshit
The proper reconciliation is bringing children into the world exactly TO suffer

>> No.12091494

Shadilay my fellow christian deus vult.

>> No.12091500
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>impregnable philosophical stance that is Antinatalism

lmao antinatalism isn't nowhere near "impregnable". It's basically junk philosophy.

>> No.12091506

but all life is suffering no matter how happy and fulfilled you are at the end of the day you will die. why would i want to bring something else into this world only for them to realise this same thing.

>> No.12091508

That's right my fellow crusaders, how will those cuckolds understand, deus vult.

>> No.12091510

Thanks white brother, deus veult

>> No.12091519

why would i care? my life starts and end with me. I dont plan on having kids because their life is meaningless to me thinking to beyond my death is also meaningless i wont be around to experience it

>> No.12091556

The future constitutes your experience of the present. So much so that intention of future fact infact is necessary for any conscious experience

>> No.12091631
File: 12 KB, 220x238, 220px-Armand_jean_le_bouthillier_de_rancé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impregnation is a filthy, inhumane act. In some species, the male actually inseminates the female by violently impaling her in the chest or belly, leaving an open wound that is either fatal to the female or leaves her scarred for the rest of her life. The beastly motivation that informs this insect's behavior is the same which moves man to do the same to his female; and all society, all higher culture involves a move away from the carnal act, away from sultry heat and exchange of fluids, and into concentration and mutual respect. Men have forged this social manner between themselves, and it is only because they have have not extended this same respect to women that the species has survived, continuing its infatuation with events and wars and happenings, the spectacles that keep it entertained while it feasts and feeds like maggots in the world's festering underbelly. If man were truly social toward women, it would require that sexual demonstrations be shunned both in public and in private, and only then could we move towards a free and just end to all the violence and suffering of the world, which is symbolized by the Ouroboros, the endless cycle, perpetual, absurd, aimless. Nothing is more anathema to humanity and love than constant killing, the lust for conquest and acquisition and self-assertion which tells the same old, weary tale, generation after generation, without end or purpose, without thinking; the tendency of this population, this throbbing mass, this herd toward irrationality and wild inebriation is the ancient force responsible for the constant, recurring calamity which befalls society, which befalls the shining individual wishing to carry the others forward, towards knowledge, towards peace, towards an end, and away from the grotesque and inhumane ideas of colonization and fleshly fecundity. The greatest triumph is chastity, devotion to which awakes the slumbering spirit which shines a light upon the world and frees it from senselessness and obscurity.

>> No.12091659

Look forward to your dead end job wondering what happened at 45 yrs old as your kids hate you more and more and your wife divorces you. Hopefully youll be able to handle it without violence considering you aint no soiboi and should be able to take any kind of transgression with grace and dignity.

>> No.12091662

Yeah, that but less fruity.

>> No.12091674

Excellent argument, my friend. Truly boundary pushing.

>> No.12091681

>I am upset because I am alive
>I am upset at my parents for seeking the pleasure of the other’s genitalia which lead to my existence
>I am inept at reasoning with the uncertainty of the present and must broadcast this as to recieve social contact from others experiencing this same phenomenon
>I am inept at surviving on my own, and choose to blame my parent’s biological drives for said ineptitude
>I cannot hold down a job.
>I cannot speak correctly.
>I didn’t ask for any of this, yet I consciously refuse to do anything about it but bitch and whine on social media

>> No.12091685
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>> No.12091698

Start with yourself niggerfaggot

>> No.12091699

Impregnable. Antinatalism. I like your humor.

>> No.12091723

do you have any idea what self replication actually is ?

>> No.12091728

Antinatalism has to be the cringiest, fedora-tier philosophy in existence.
>My life is hard sometimes
>Girls don't give me attention
>Yeah there may be things worth working towards, but it's kinda hard
>Therefore, we'd be better off ending the species.
Can anyone tell me a more limp-dick response to adversity?

>> No.12091746

No; anyone who does has a limp dick stance on adversity

>> No.12091762


>> No.12091775

The dude is covering his face and has a kitten on his shoulder. If he had confidence and a good social life that would not be his profile picture. Anon is probably not far from the truth. Any man with at least one woman in his life would not post this gay shit, unless she was laughing at him with the chads.

>> No.12091817

is it possible for you to make a post where you aren't projecting your own insecurities on others to make an easy straw argument you can topple over?

>> No.12091830

Welcome to 4chan.org, amigo

>> No.12091831

>defending a limped dick social media poster on 4chan
You must be him.

Also, your post claiming that the other anon was “projecting” was just as strawman as you are perceiving mine to be. You didn’t probe for evidence rationally, and now with hurt feelings and blossoming insecurity you decide to play the moral high ground? You are a sickening creature

>> No.12091842

This. Reddit go away

>> No.12091850

>You didn’t probe for evidence rationally, and now with hurt feelings and blossoming insecurity you decide to play the moral high ground? You are a sickening creature
should be a banner desu

>> No.12091851
File: 338 KB, 1237x867, stirnerbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a child because someone else wants you to is beta as fuck.

either have a child because you want human property, or do not.

>> No.12091863

>I'm an absolute CHAD haha, I fuck GIRLS seriously
>haha everyone else whose opinion isn't mine is a CRINGE SOI BETA hahahaa
Yeah dog you absolutely ooze confidence and security

And the image you're so hung up on is only tangentially related to the topic, I've seen that joke posted on twitter before by tons of people. Its not meant to be taken seriously as a philosophical stance you absolute autist so shitting on it just makes you look more retarded. A retard pointing and laughing at an actor playing a retard on the internet is what you are.

>> No.12091873

t. Social media user
At least in posting anonymously I don’t have to worry about pretending to be something I’m not in case of social retribution. Your analogy was trash and your willingness to hone in on the object of my attention is evidence enough that this thread is hurting you more than you are contributing.

>> No.12091884

Why do discussions on anti-natalism always seem to devolve into ad hominems and arguments completely unrelated to anti-natalism in general? It's even worse than discussions on Maoism in this regard.

>> No.12091897

If you're having to relate something to fucking Maoism then you have bigger problems

>> No.12091924

Anti-natalism isthe product of evolutionarily unfit pseuds. The ad hominems are to combat their toxic feelings of inferiority and Jewish levels of verbal projection.

If a philosophy can’t yield a rational argument for long it is likely shit, and no smart person would take the time to construct a tight argument for anti-natalism. It is self-defeating by Kant’s philosophy, and there is more rigor to Kantian logic than anti-natalism logic.

Do you get it yet? Anti-natalists are pussies and should be put in front of firing lines because they surrender their evolutionary fitness by upholding such a philosophy.

>> No.12091949
File: 97 KB, 362x492, 1531809421333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony of this post is blowing my fucking mind

This had to be intentional

>> No.12091953

Cause almost everyone will tell you they rather have been born. Antinatalists literally have to presume everyone is too retarded to notice their suffering. This to them is more likely than the obvious fact that the positives of life far outweight it’s negatives (for most people), including its finitness and the possibility of pain.

>> No.12091961

The commoner is too stupid to realize their suffering, do you think buddhism is for the masses ?

>> No.12091962

Did you like it? I’m actually thinking about making it into a story

>> No.12091970

>notice their suffering
>positives of life
You're still operating as a utilitarian yourself. The ultimate redpill is realizing that people care about meaning not the bluepilled pleasure/pain false dichotomy

>> No.12091993

>and no smart person would take the time to construct a tight argument for anti-natalism.
t. hasn't read benatar

>> No.12092015
File: 17 KB, 332x443, inanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have kids: appease false gods

>> No.12092017

Im not the other guy. I was more responding as to why antinatakism is retarded than the Utilitarian part.

Yes, buddhism literally took off in the lower stratas of Indian society thousands of years ago (where we most assume that the “commoner” then was far dumber than his contemporary iteration) because those were social classes most prone to suffering. The intellectual ego-stroking of antinatalists derives from the fact that it was conceived by highly privileged westerners with no external source for suffering so they blame introspection and thought (by extension their own intelligence) for their suffering. Instead of assuming a more practical position of quietism, they decided to profess their depression as some kind of moral standard.

>> No.12092018

There's only one God and he died on the cross

>> No.12092019
File: 513 KB, 638x400, 1536094232445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hominems are used by people who feel inferior

>This to them is more likely than the obvious fact that the positives of life far outweight it’s negatives
You assume the only reason people go on living is because of life's positives when something as simple as their religion could be why they continue on suffering

But that's besides the point. Antinatalism isn't a numbers game. The point isnt that "more people dont want to be alive than do" or "there's more positives to life than negatives", its that the negatives exist at all. Most people would agree being exposed to negative things is bad. Most people would agree not being exposed to positive things isn't inherently bad. Being born exposes you to negatives. Not being born doesn't expose you to positives, but that isn't an inherently bad thing.That's all antinatalism claims. Anything else is fluff glued on by people offended by it or are otherwise trying to dismantle it by misrepresenting it.

>> No.12092024

Subjectively painful

>> No.12092025

No his son died on the cross

>> No.12092027

The first people that took followed the teaching of the buddah were kings.

>> No.12092028

>buddhism literally took off in the lower stratas of Indian society thousands of years ago
No? It started off in universities and was extremely tough to follow through with

>> No.12092031
File: 279 KB, 2000x1800, Shield-Trinity-Scutum-Fidei-English.svg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude do I have to go over this shit again

>> No.12092034

>antinatlism isnt a numbers game
>The point isnt that "more people dont want to be alive than do”

>Most people would agree being exposed to negative things is bad.

Did you honestly not notice this?

>> No.12092037

Lottery playing christfags think this is clever.

>> No.12092038

what was Jesus' breeding policy?

>> No.12092042

Buddhism is a world religion, anons. It has been held by people accross multiple social stratas. All you have to do is look at the numbers to see that most people who are buddhist (as in actually practicing buddhist) are “commoners”.

>> No.12092058

A monk is not a commoner, they are steps above your average middle class scum.

>> No.12092061

So does that mean I’m god too?
I am after all referred to as the son of my mother. If I convert to Christianity I’m god? No wonder your head is so far up your ass that you can speak through your belly button

>> No.12092062

Go forth and multiply, such that it was written

>> No.12092067

No, just like he couldn’t pick up on humor when he saw it

>> No.12092069

>So does that mean I’m god too?
Yes, all men possess the holy spirit

>> No.12092074

Therefore I am god
Just as much a an insect is god
Or a blade of grass?
Surely all living things are what you’re reffering to

>> No.12092084

All of Gods creation contains aspect of its creator. Only man who posseses the Logos is the most full and meaningful reflection of Him however

>> No.12092090

Buddhism has only become available to the general populace through simplifying of its practices and subordinating them to monks. This is why people today just spin wheels to get their Bodhisattva points, or recite their mantras over and over. When it started out in Nalanda, it was a tough as fuck ascetic practice that only monks could follow through.

>> No.12092091

So God refers to the zenith of the branches of categorical thinking?

I thought that was creativity

>> No.12092095

How to full ascetic then?

>> No.12092097

God IS categorically the origin of all creation

>> No.12092100

[Citation needed]

>> No.12092103
File: 37 KB, 431x450, 1525658648546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does everyone pretend to be an ascetic or something when antinatalism is brought up and pretend that they would actually willingly undergo suffering if given the choice

sufferring is "bad" and everyone agrees on that except contrarians who don't actually believe otherwise. Sufferring can lead to good but the suffering itself sucks. You're arguing hot is cold for the sake of prolonging the argument.

>> No.12092106

Your picture suggests otherwise

>> No.12092108

The Bible by God

>> No.12092109

God can't create. God is eternal and perfect, therefore unalterable. Creation is alteration,hence not perfect or eternal, therefore God is neither a creator nor the origin of creation. God is All. Change and alteration are only appearances, since change is fundamentally impossible.

>> No.12092113

You don't reconcile anything. You pick one approach and stick to it.

>> No.12092120

No one would play a game that only rewards. no one would watch a movie without a conflict. No one would listen to music without tension. Struggle, hence suffering, is an intrinsic aspect of what makes life 'enjoyable'.

>> No.12092127

Your argument is unsound. Something can alter other things while remaining itself unaltered, the fact that God's creation is alterable is already contained in the fact that it is not God

>> No.12092128

Antinatalists should just commit suicide

>> No.12092130

There are different schools, most of which are centered upon abstinence and visualization/meditation to detach yourself from the world. Some schools go as far as embracing death. There's a Japanese cult that adorns themselves with the tokens usually given to the dead. My favorite is the practice of live mummification (miira in Japan)


(I studied a bit of Buddhism in university)

>> No.12092136

Christian asceticism holds that suffering is within itself bad but the ends to which suffering may be endured is the highest Good

>> No.12092145

I believe that practice of live mummification has been banned. Though, it is very interesting.

>> No.12092148

Detachment always seemed like one of those religious concepts that can never be communicated and must be understood by a sole individual

>> No.12092152

>Therefore suffering is good
When will religion die out?

>> No.12092155


This is /lit/ not /his/. >>>/his/
Fuck off.

>> No.12092157

A God that is constantly inspecting his creation and acting upon it is not perfect or eternal for by considering and acting he is himself is undergoing changing. Read Spinoza, honestly.

>> No.12092163

he himself* is undergoing change*

>> No.12092168

Fuck off autist, I think we can all agree your kind should not be born.

>> No.12092171

absolute worst type of poster

>> No.12092193

In Buddhism it's accompanied through visualization (e.g. imagining a putrefying woman to detach yourself from carnality) and mandalas.

In more mainstream schools of Buddhism (the ones that have mass appeal) it's much more easy: you spin a wheel or have a monk give you a blessing so when you die you become a bodhisattva, but without all the hard work.

>> No.12092227

To be suffering for the good is good even is suffering in of itself is bad. Its not that complicated fedorafriend

>> No.12092231

*even if