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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 600x588, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12087753 No.12087753 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw the library's sauna is closed for repairs

>> No.12087764

>tfw the library's jacuzzi is out of order because there are no beans for the bubblemakers

>> No.12087772

Will they laugh at me if I go to my library and ask where the sauna is?

>> No.12087789
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>tfw the yoga studio at my local book store is "temporarily out of service"
how am I supposed to get any reading done

>> No.12087793

>tfw library doctor won't give you a Xanax prescription

>> No.12087925

>tfw your library's medical weed dispensary gets raided by the cops.

>> No.12087959
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>tfw the library whorehouse is being raided again
I just wanted to be able to read Hegel in peace

>> No.12087970

>borrow a book from the library
>get home and try to read it
>the pages are stuck together with ectoplasm
>foiled by the library ghost once again

>> No.12087984

>tfw the library priest already nutted in a younger boys butt and can't get it up for you

>> No.12087986
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>tfw felt facial hair while using the library gloryhole today

>> No.12087999
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>tfw library priest won't exorcise you

>> No.12088009

Got a load on at the library liquor store before I had the courage to stumble upstairs into the library crack den to buy some meth and rent a copy of Tropic of Cancer

>> No.12088019

>tfw I fell into the ink well again

>> No.12088025

>tfw the library's adults colouring books have all been completed and not even well

>> No.12088032

>every second page hasn't been torn out of the dictionary I checked out

>> No.12088040
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>tfw playing with the legos in the library for nearly 3 hours

>> No.12088045

>the library’s auto repair garage isn’t done with my repairs yet
>even though I spent all day there reading Brothers K

>> No.12088050
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>forgot to throw a nib into the inkwell for luck
>get selected for random screening on my way out
>librarian finds my illicit copy of the Phenomenology and I'm banned for life

>> No.12088111
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>got hit on by the book store anal cavity inspector
later losers

>> No.12088118
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>> No.12088120

>look, mom

>> No.12088139

>tfw library sophists quit

>> No.12088141

> library masseuse is taking time off for "personal issues"

This prostate isn't going to massage itself while I'm reading feminist fan fiction.

>> No.12088148

>This prostate isn't going to massage itself while I'm reading feminist fan fiction.

>> No.12088360

>tfw librarian wouldn't help me carry my gear back to my car after I played my DJ set

>> No.12088417
File: 276 KB, 750x741, AE707205-6E6E-437A-8320-77FE24B0C5D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>library necromancer is rasing the dead again

it’s the fucking third time this week

>> No.12088431

Did they at least bring Proust back?

>> No.12088441

>penis inspection day at library
>glued a copy of Infinite Jest to my crotch and hoped for the best
>passed with flying colors
Thanks DFW

>> No.12088453

>reading the iliad in the library
>everything is going good until i hear several chimes
>look at my watch
>realize it's 12:00 oclock noon
>realize i didn't remember to practice the midday dance choreography
>shakira starts blasting on all the library speakers
>everyone gets up and starts dancing
>i try to mimic the people around me but it's obvious i don't know the moves
>library dance instructor locks me out of the library
>now i have to wait another week until i can come back
today was really shitty

>> No.12088461

l+i+enter=/lit/ -- graced with this thread

>> No.12088492

>tfw library's McDonald's gets shut down by the health inspector
>only choices left are Burger King, Arby's, Subway, Taco Bell, Little Caesar's, Buffalo Wild Wings, iHop, and Raising Cane's
Life is suffering.

>> No.12088720

>tfw lost $100 at the library casino

>> No.12088740

>tfw the library internal revenue guys audited my account and discovered $11,342 in unpaid late fees

>> No.12088745

>tfw couldn't get into the Travis Scott concert because the library can only hold 500 people

>> No.12088844

>tfw you already have 2/3 lunk alarm violations

>> No.12088850

>tfw the library's milkshake machine is out of order

>> No.12088856

Ok. Now this is frickin’ epic.

>> No.12088857

>tfw I cannot bake my pie because there is a woman in the library oven

>> No.12088859
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>the library cheese shop is hosting dance lessons again
>and is still out of cheese

>> No.12088870

>the library's starbucks is shut down and I can't get my peppermint triple shot cum load mocha latte deep throat macchiato
How will I study?

>> No.12088881


>library closes at 5:00 PM on weekdays
>library closed entirely on Saturdays and Sundays

Why does the U.S. government not want poor adults to read?

>> No.12088917
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>the library homunculi raided the ink well again

>> No.12088921

Who are you all quoting?

>> No.12088932

> tfw nothing left to bring all the boys to the library's yard

The future is female.

>> No.12088937

Welcome to 4chan. This is how we live.

>> No.12088942
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My library quit having complimentary crab legs over a year ago - they left the sign hanging there to taunt us.
>take all you want

>> No.12088947

Since you invited him, he has to sit on your lap in the sauna.

>> No.12088949

This is the only legitimate and unironic qualm ITT. I remember feeling outraged when my school's library would close at like child's bedtime hours.

I snuck in after hours with my boy once and we drank coffee and did an all nighter. It was pretty chill since we made the place our own. Some library's look like Hogwarts. I should sneak into them more often.

>> No.12088951

>my library suite's butler is 5 minutes late bringing my desired Crème caramel and glass of Bordeaux

>> No.12088969

Kill yourself if that's all you're going to post.

>> No.12088987

Pfft. I bet your snobby library has a euthanasia chamber without shitstains on the seat.

>> No.12089012

That seems incredibly illegal and frankly kind of odd. You sneak into places with your son?

Also, most adults are able to take a day off every now and then. My schedule has an off day on Tuesday. I’ve worked a few different jobs in the past year, and the only one that didn’t have an off day during the week started at 10 am every day.

What kind of shitty job do you have? A 9-5 office job or something

>> No.12089026

Your negativity is bogarting my vibe.

>> No.12089030

>reading reddit spacing

>> No.12089036

I was in college you autistic sperg. By "my boy" I meant my buddy, another young man. We snuck into our college library and given how much we were paying to go there anyone who gave us trouble over it should have been legally obligated to sucked our dicks.

>> No.12089038

kek, i'm sorry for ruining such a great thread.

>> No.12089043

>how much we
You mean your parents. The ones who gave you that money, you know. Not YOU, a relatively snobby faggot saying people should be legally obligated to do something as a way of saying you’re a spoiled idiot with no knowledge of how the world works

>> No.12089067

>You mean your parents

Most people take loans and work jobs in college. At least I and most of my friends do.

>> No.12089075

I have student loans. Doesn’t mean your parents still don’t help you out

>> No.12089124

Not all of us have good parents.

>> No.12089187

>/lit/ posters are /tv/ scum
Unsurprising desu

>> No.12089207

takes one to know one

>> No.12089209

>/lit/ posters took a bad meme and grafted it onto their unfunny, uncreative board that has been dead for 2 years

>> No.12089220

>/mu/ dashes in to deliver a fatal blow to /lit/'s honour
could have called it

>> No.12089241

Today the book that I needed was not on the shelf where it was meant to be. I spent a few minutes looking around, and then noticed about 12 books incorrectly grouped together. They were all entirely out of order and on disparate topics. I took a picture to show the librarian, and she said she would have them rearranged. But I never found the book that I needed. I wonder who this library bogart is, and if he is happy.

>> No.12089263
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>On my way reading Schopenhauer in my local library
>The "Absolute Spirits" (our local Hegel gang) come and block my path
>They push me and ask what i am reading
>"The wo- world as will a-and..."
>Before I could finish they already dragged me to the ground and kick me calling me a faggot
>tfw library life is suffering

>> No.12089264

>tfw the library's armoury was pillaged by The Enemy two days ago and now I have to hold off The Infected for the next week with a bunch of mouldy books and wet socks

>> No.12089283

>That one guy at our library who calls himself "the only one" and refuses to let other people use "his" milkshake machine

>> No.12089321

You meme, but my library unironically had a McDonalds built into it on the side.

When I was a kid, I liked to sell my old Pokemon cards, go there for the breakfast, eat a few McGriddles, read some quick comics, and sleep in the kid's corner while the librarian looked at me disapprovingly. Fuck you, lady. Let me sleep if I want.

>> No.12089330

In Korea a lot of saunas have tv rooms and libraries/reading rooms etc. So, maybe not?

>> No.12089446

>tfw the library's rapist is suffering from impotence again

>> No.12089449

>tfw the librarian doorman killed himself and now we can't get out

>> No.12089452
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>dad lose all our books in the library casino again

>> No.12089454

>tfw your library recently implement a no singles policy

>> No.12089575

>reddit spacing
hello newfag

>> No.12089590

Don't the books get damp in the sauna

>> No.12089591
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>when the library's opera is postponed

>> No.12089597
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>libraries hookers are on strike again

>> No.12089599

>tfw my local library is open from 7AM to 10PM every single day
feels good man

>> No.12089624

>library monk throws away the war and peace copy i'm reading and brings me the brothers karamazov
it's not even the first time this happens. goddamnit

>> No.12089633

fuck off you sperg

>> No.12089634

I'd be worried too if there was facial hair on a dick I was suckin

>> No.12089640

>Library pseud sniffing hounds keep barking at me

Surely this is a mistake

>> No.12089660

>Be me
>Visit our library stock exchange market
>Some fag tells me I should sell my works of postmodern art and that I should invest in idealistic German philosophers
>Think thats a good idea and buy 300 "critiques of pure reason"
>Kant completely bombs and loses all value
>Meanwhile some asshat got rich by investing in Infinite Jest
>I. Hate. My. Fucking. Life

>> No.12089687

>tfw you forget to tip the librarians
they banned me for life

>> No.12089763

I just bought my copy of Lolita

>> No.12089795
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>tfw the library can't vulcanize my tires while I read

>> No.12089809

Good post anon

>> No.12090014

They're big complexes with different wet and dry rooms. Library is a dry room.

>> No.12090016

yeah but he refuses to leave his room and whenever we try to talk to him he just says some gay shit about flowers then cries

>> No.12090018

The paper mines don't actually exist...Right lads?

>> No.12090019

>tfw I picked out a New-Age spirituality book and Chads and Stacies all laughed at me from over their Grecian philosophy volumes

>> No.12090053

>he thinks it's a ban
It's a shit test. They like it rough.

>> No.12090064
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>go into the personnel lounge
>coffee machine is broken
>have to pay £5 for a small one at the library café

>> No.12090105

You don’t want to ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to.... do you?

>> No.12090373
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>he doesn’t know

>> No.12090395
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>tfw its my shift to be the pleasure boy in the hobo "reading" corner
I know somebody has to do it, but I just can't the taste out my mouth afterwards
any tips?

>> No.12090447

>breaks the rule about complaining about the taste

>> No.12090460
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>librarian threw my novel draft down the ink well

>> No.12090668

That's almost metaphysical.
>covers page in ink
>does not write most brilliant novel ever
>only discovers the text written between the blotches that need to be ignored to see the art

>> No.12091777

>got a papercut
>they had to amputate my hand to stop it from spreading

>> No.12093328

No, saunas and steam rooms are two different things.

>> No.12093612

librarian here, I feel bad now because of all the nice things you guys mentioned and I will never have because in my library cuz no funding

>tfw the library goblins are stealing my words

>> No.12093627

they are quoting me

>> No.12093868

>Penis inspection day
Americans are so weird

>> No.12093922 [DELETED] 
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>some dumbass reshelved some research in the wrong area
>they disrupted the EbscoHost pentagram, unleashing Dewey Decimal demons upon the reference section
>the fiends have already dismembered and cataloged the body parts of an undergrad research assistant

not like this... NOT LIKE THIS

>> No.12093926
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Perkele! Perkele!

>> No.12093937
File: 71 KB, 1200x776, 341AA7C9-94A8-41FA-AB6A-7AFA55BF871E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the library Refrencemancer finally snapped
>summoned an EbscoHost pentagram
>Dewey decimal demons come pouring out
>they keep dismantling undergrads and cataloguing their body parts

not like this, NOT LIKE THIS

>> No.12093976
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>surprise penis inspection day at the library
This was supposed to stop happening after grade school.

>> No.12093996
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>This was supposed to stop happening after grade school.
The absolute state of reading comprehension. It is supposed to stop happening after grad school.

>> No.12094010

>they just brought in some new chimpanzees for the library zoo
I'm trying to read here...

>> No.12094022
File: 118 KB, 960x640, oohoohaahaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, the smell is killing me. Who the hell decided to let these monkey in here in the first place?

>> No.12094058
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Chimps are a perfectly suitable addition to the ambiance of a library. You just need a good handler.

>> No.12094245

>By "my boy" I meant my buddy, another young man.
I swear, this is the most homosexual way to refer to a friend that I have ever read

>> No.12094419
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>try to get into the library's Fight Club
>nobody's there

Guys, how did you get into your local lbrary Fight Club? I know they meet between the O- and the Q- sections but I dont know the schedule, and I don't want to ask the librarians, because they gave me "that look" the last time I asked something...

>> No.12094426

Fuck now I have to suck my own dick again

>> No.12094436

>doesnt know that the librarians make the schedule
Oh anon...

>> No.12094481

>tfw the library chieftain gets poisoned and the library orcs go apeshit and pillage the library's mausoleum

>> No.12094492
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>doggo fell down the ink well
>now my favourite books will be written with doggo

>> No.12095105
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>library virtual currency market crashed again

>> No.12095371

>fuck off you sperg
I feel cheated every time I see this phrase with no (You) attached to it.

>> No.12095392
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>The library eagle is nesting on the classics section

>> No.12095413

>how did you get into
No matter what follows this phrase, there is only one acceptable solution: lerk moar fagit. You are obviously not socially competent enough to partake in the fight club.

>> No.12095502

You're supposed to throw water on the rocks in sauna and enjoy the steam but I know most people don't know this

t. Finn

>> No.12095525

>dad lose
yeah, seems true

>> No.12095601

>/lit/ culturally appropriate a /tv/ meme.
SHAME! /lit/ is a progressive board!

>> No.12095613

>tfw library's sushi restaurant served me shrimp instead of tuna
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.12095678

*dad lost
sorry bwana
me no english