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12086824 No.12086824 [Reply] [Original]

About to read this for class. What am I in for?

>> No.12086826


>> No.12086843

Finkelstein describes two known frauds, that of The Painted Bird by Polish writer Jerzy Kosinski and Fragments by Binjamin Wilkomirski, and how they were defended by people even after they had been exposed. He identifies some of these people as members of the "Holocaust Industry", and notes that they also support each other. Elie Wiesel supported Kosinski; Israel Gutman and Daniel Goldhagen (see below) supported Wilkomirski; Wiesel and Gutman support Goldhagen.

According to Finkelstein, Elie Wiesel characterized any suggestion that he has profited from the "Holocaust Industry", or even any criticism at all, as Holocaust denial.[15] Questioning a survivor's testimony, denouncing the role of Jewish collaborators, suggesting that Germans suffered during the bombing of Dresden or that any state except Germany committed crimes in World War II are all evidence of Holocaust denial – according to Deborah Lipstadt[16] – and the most "insidious" forms of Holocaust denial are "immoral equivalencies", denying the uniqueness of The Holocaust.[17]

Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, the Nobel-prize winning author whose book Night is held as one of the most important of Holocaust texts, is one of the major speakers at the Remembering for the Future conference. So is Finkelstein, who says Wiesel is a hypocrite, responsible for the 'sacralisation of the Holocaust ... for his standard fee of $25,000 (plus chauffeured limousine)'.

>> No.12086884

Damn. Didn't realize there are so many anti-Semites on this board.
Anyway, I am reading the foreward, and I read the excerpt of Elie's father calling out to him as he was beaten to death. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I read it.

>> No.12086934

No, Elie Wiesel literally exaggerated and made up lots of parts of that book. This is a documented fact.

>> No.12086936

It’s pretty good. I’d read Dawn afterwards, it’s pretty based

>> No.12086959

It really is all lies though. It goes even further than him completely making up parts of the novel, the man was a swindler who wasn’t ever involved in the holocaust. In all his life he has never shown his identification tattoo because it doesn’t exist. Another Jew has even come out and said that was really his number that elie stole

>> No.12086992

I liked it. It‘s not completely factual, but that doesn’t take away from it’s literary value. It’s pretty short, at least the English version (the Yiddish version is fucking huge, angry, and apparently a lot more accurate, not sure though), so even if you don’t like it, you won’t suffer long.

>> No.12087002

I don't see anything about it Wikipedia. Googling "elie wiesel lies" just brings up a bunch of a obscure/shady websites.

>> No.12087007

Whatever the back of the book tells you.

Didn't even hesitate, memebrain.

>> No.12087033

what class?
Good goy class?

>> No.12087060

Survey of Abrahamic Religions. We are examining the 20th century now.

>> No.12087081
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Do not read it. Read Levi or Delbo instead.

t. Holocaust academic



Finkelstein is probably one of the most based academics out there

>> No.12087116

i sincerely hope you're trolling and not actually this retarded

>> No.12087124

>google Elie Wiesel liar to see what you’re bitching about
Most results are from reputable sources and a conspiracy site that his tattoo doesn’t exist...you stupid or something?

>> No.12087137

>Jew tells lies
>"Why are you lying?"

>> No.12087155
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Some people aren’t keen on the new and their lies

>> No.12087207
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>> No.12087347

The Holocaust didn't happen, but subversive liars like Wiesel will make you wish it did.

>> No.12087626

fpbp. I remember reading this shit when I was in 8th grade and reading a scene that made me scratch my head. IIRC, they were on a death march late in the book and the protagonist literally fell asleep while marching.

I thought it was weird back then. If only I knew how much of it was just straight lies.

>> No.12087671

It's bait
OP, take your veiled activism somewhere else. Nobody likes subversive liars.

>> No.12087678

"Advertising" that amounts to a sermon for the choir, at that

>> No.12087685

Most of the people who "think" like this are actors like OP trying to prove a point

>> No.12087747
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>Wiesel of course has supported Israel in every war, every repression, every murder, every action it has taken against neighbouring states. On the invasion of Lebanon and the bloody massacre of Palestinians carried out under Israeli direction, he said that he 'did not have first hand knowledge of the situation and trusted those who led Israel in whatever actions they took.' "He was a supporter of Israel - first, last and always - and not a critic and second guesser".

>On October 14, 1986 Wiesel received the Nobel Peace prize and is lauded for his moral stand on the Jewish Holocaust - but not about the more contemporary cases of mass murder which flow from both the country he now calls home and from his spiritual homeland.
>At his acceptance of the Nobel prize he repeats the spiel which he has been giving for 30 years. "I have devoted my life to a certain cause, the cause of memory, the cause of remembrance', Mr Wiesel said in New York where he lives. 'I owe something to the dead. That was their obsession, to be remembered. Anyone who does not remember betrays them again" ( New York Times , October 15/86., Globe and Mail , October 15/86).

ctrl+f: Elie Wiesel. Professional Holocaust Survivor

>> No.12088240

A couple of old Jews are reminiscing about people they've lost touch with.

>Whatever happened to Benny? Didn't he move to San Francisco?
>Oh sure, but he's retired in Florida now. Still fighting for socialism down there though!

>What about Ari? He moved to the West Coast too.
>Sure, did pretty well for himself in movies. He still does a little bit of work -- and still fighting for socialism!

>David moved to Israel a while ago. Thought it would be better for his kids. I suppose he's still fighting for socialism too?
>In his own country? What kind of a man do you think he is?

>> No.12088422
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>What am I in for?

200 pages of Jewish whining about G*rmans being mean while everyone sits on their ass and does nothing to fight back against their oppressors.

>> No.12088560

Came to post that.
He even admitted it himself.

>> No.12088869
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>winning a Nobel Peace Prize for writing a shitty book

Henry Kissinger unironically did more to earn his Nobel Prize than this weasel did. At least Kissinger helped open up relations with China (likely hastening the end of the Cold War because it made the Sino-Soviet split permanent) and pioneered shuttle diplomacy.

What the fuck did Wiesel do besides bitch about le ebil Nazis?

>> No.12088879

You're in for a load of shit. Read the Holocaust Industry.

The book's been shown to be complete garbage like most other popular holocaust stories: Night, Painted Bird, Diary of Anne Frank... I could go on and on. Not to mention the actual 'event' itself.

>> No.12088880
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pic related

>> No.12088883

provide firsthand narrative about the largest genocide of the 20th century

>> No.12088902

Wiesel was in China during the GLF?

>> No.12089441

>Anne Frank

Nah. You're probably dumb.

>> No.12090270


I actually know an immigrant from China and he's said that Mao is viewed more as an well-meaning idiot than a tyrant. The Great Leap Forward is seen as tragic, but not the product of extreme malevolence the way the Holocaust or even the Holodomor are.

>> No.12090288
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>provide firsthand narrative about the largest genocide of the 20th century

Literally everyone and their mother could've and has done that. Fuck, even the men who perpetrated it have provided firsthand accounts of it.

How many people could've gotten China and the United States, two sworn enemies, to not only open up relations, but become economic partners?

>> No.12090502 [SPOILER] 
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>What am I in for?

Validation of every negative stereotype of Holocaust survivors ever.

>> No.12090512
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>tfw writing up the plot for this erotic novel about a nine month pregnant Anne Frank

Should I write up my idea for one for Elie Wiesel too?

>> No.12090877

>pointing out inaccuracies from a Jewish writer
>questioning the narrative of the Holocaust
>'man, that's anti-Semitic.'

>> No.12091169

Nice job falling for bait.

>> No.12091194


>> No.12092006
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>tfw your nana used to call Elie Wiesel and Otto Frank "dupki" (Polish for asshole).

She was a Holocaust survivor btw.

I'm pretty sure her autistic stereotypical white Southern racist husband had nicer things to say about them.

>> No.12092556

/lit/ is shit now because of faggots like this

>> No.12092585

jews are so fucking annoying
muh holocaust muh unique plight
god why do they exist

>> No.12092629

Author admitted it contained (con)fabulations in 2 separate written accounts. KYS.

>> No.12092644

Please, do.

>> No.12092657

Please, correct me if I am wrong. Is Nacht the book in which he discusses geysers of blood?

>> No.12092747

when the first post is the best post

>> No.12092819

a rollercoaster of chronological inconsistencies and logical impossibilities.

>> No.12092854
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K den, I'll type up what I have and post it in an hour or so

>> No.12092894
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Shheeeiiit - command performance. I will be waiting.

>> No.12092901

The Jews of Silence

>> No.12092943

it's a good book but very depressing, get a feel for how it was to be in one of those camps and be seen as less than an animal. The running scene was pretty disturbing

>> No.12093001

where did you pull this from? source for any of these claims?

>> No.12093017

>source for any of these claims?



You're on the other side?

My bad. Yeah, where are the sources? Proof! We need proof of every little thing! You expect me to believe all this without proof?!

>> No.12093025
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>Didn't realize there are so many anti-Semites on this board

>> No.12093120

Palestinians are basically animals so a 10/1 to 20/1 ratio is actually even.

Don't believe me? Ask any middle easterner what they think of "Palestinians". Not the "Palestinian Cause", but the actual life-long, professional refugees that call themselves that.

>> No.12093142

TY, I'll grab that one too. I feel another binge of bullshit reading enveloping me.

>> No.12093149

Given the context, he seemed sincere. If it is bait, then it was breddi gud.

>> No.12093170


Two stupid questions because I haven’t read the book in ten years and don’t have a copy on hand...

When was Wiesel transferred to Buchenwald and did he go by rail or death march?

>> No.12093192


so what was debunked from the book other than that he was off about his age by 1 year? his narrative of what happened at the camps is parallel to the independent accounts of other survivors. it's as nonfiction as every other autobiography out there

>> No.12093248

>hey sarge, got the babies?
>yeah, got the machine gun nest all set up?
>sure do
>alright, heheheh, this is gonna be good. Whenever you're ready

>> No.12093323

what's implausible about that? americans do it to middle easterners today

>Rolling Stone recently published photos online of American troops posing with dead Afghans, connected to ongoing court-martial cases of soldiers at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state. In addition to posing with the corpses, "these soldiers — called the 'kill team' — also took body parts as trophies," Smith alleges, "which is very often a phenomenon that accompanies the form of dehumanization in which the enemy is seen as game."


>> No.12093366

The reason I intend to read them again is because I have unironically not read them in 38 years. I am the wrong one to ask. It's all one big blur to me.

>> No.12093875

Anyone who says a claim like this could only come from an antisemite is calling Wiesel himself antisemitic

>> No.12093894
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>MFW OP is either 12, making bait threads, or both.

>> No.12094096

>Otto Frank

Why? As far as we know, the diary is legit. I know that there's a bunch of arguments for why its false but it take 5 minute of searching to see that they're bullshit.

>> No.12094175
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She immensely despised anyone who sold their stories about surviving the camps or injected it into modern politics. To her, they were whores looking for fame and money, shitting all over the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and those who died trying to stop it (her own husband narrowly avoided joining the latter category).

Nana (an otherwise sweet woman who otherwise rarely rose her voice and almost never swore) would have such alarming outbursts when it came to the Holocaust that her husband, who was an ill-mannered, ill-tempered, inconsiderate, and unrepentant racist (pic related, he had a license plate identical to that one), was careful not to bring up the subject around her and warned others not to do it.

>> No.12094251

Finkelstein is great. He really calls out these charlatans for their bullshit.

>> No.12094324


I like history so I don't mind those whores as long as they don't make up too much bullshits.

>> No.12094869 [SPOILER] 
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>mfw President Reagan was more infuriated by Israeli aggression in Lebanon than a Holocaust survivor

The American invasion (the one that eventually led to 241 Marines getting blown up) was ordered in direct response to the Shatila massacre.

>> No.12095797



>> No.12097225
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>> No.12097698

Holocaust survivor here too (i.e. I did not die in a holocaust), your nana is based

>> No.12097712

it's implausible to think that he only describes it happening once. It was a constant, ongoing practice. For five straight years those machine guns fired, every bullet splattering a jewish baby on the ground. Jewish women were kept as breeding sows to produce more babies to shoot. I'm really surprised you didn't know this, you fucking racist anti-semite.

>> No.12098848
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All the most powerful Jews in the camp were pedophiles. It will really make you think.

>> No.12099024
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Who knows. Interesting there's one scene in the book where the German dentist wanted to extract his gold filling, but then didn't do it because that wasn't against the rules and ended up getting executed himself for other crimes. Makes one wonder exactly how many of the German "war crimes" were committed by renegade individuals, or how much similar crimes by the Allies were covered up.

>> No.12099032


>> No.12099461

The thing is, most crimes commited by "renegade" nazis were generally balmed on them alone. Take the two shrunken head for exemple. The only one who took the blame for that were the two high ranking nazis who ordered their creations. Of course /pol/ like to think that every single nazis was blamed for that because it fits their victim narrative but this is simply not true.

Looting jewish corpses was forbidden because the state wanted their money. The Posen speech touch on that.

>> No.12099468

>East European Jew marries a redneck from the deep south

Is such a thing even possible?

>> No.12099517 [DELETED] 
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Anything is possible when a 15 year old Jewish refugee girl all on her in a country where she barely speaks the native language meets a 24 year old emotionally stunted US soldier with a violent temper stationed on the base near the coffee shop where she works.

>> No.12099521
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Anything is possible when a 15 year old Jewish refugee girl all on her own in a country where she barely speaks the native language meets a 24 year old emotionally stunted racist white Southerner with a violent temper stationed on the base near the coffee shop where she works.

>> No.12100551

>Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, the Nobel-prize winning author whose book Night is held as one of the most important of Holocaust texts

Personal memoirs are among the least trustworthy texts in terms of objectivity.

>> No.12101537
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