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/lit/ - Literature

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12084575 No.12084575 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the deal with notes from the underground? I am 20 pages in and it is gibberish. It doesnt make sense! How can i keep reading that shit?

>> No.12084586

Are you sure you know how to read?

>> No.12084620
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>I am 20 pages in and it is gibberish.
normies get out

>> No.12084637
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Yeah its also in my native language so i have no excuse. But, it doesnt make any sense, its the insane thoughts of a lunatic. Not good!

>> No.12084688

du bist dumm

>> No.12084734

wouldn't it be Tbl dumm

>> No.12084754

I mean thats kinda the point. If you literally cannot follow however you have some slight comprehension problems my dude

>> No.12084758

Its his personal philosophy about life what's so hard to get

>> No.12084761

>he fell for the dostoevsky meme
Novels in general are trash, but prose-bound meandering psychoanalysts like him in particular.

>> No.12084931

Get off this board stemfag

>> No.12085052
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Then read it again, anon. The protagonist is just complaining about his life, there's not much to get, really.

It's a perfectly good book, and it's not that difficult to read. That being said, if you're looking for a transcendental experience, read crime & punishment or brothers kazamov

>> No.12085066

I am a bizfag but my gf insists i read some literature. What a bitch.

>> No.12085094

Hey, OP. The first part of Notes From Underground is "the underground man" - your narrator - trying to convince you that he is correct and everyone else is wrong and that the only true way of living is with seething misanthropy. But Dostoevsky presents this in a way that the Underground Man is a meandering, contradictory, and ignorant mess. The first part is a sort of stream-of-consciousness internal monologue where he attempts to convince himself he is right for not really connecting with people and for being a complete introvert, but he believes his own bullshit too much and can't see the wood for the trees.
Be patient with the first part because it's not narrative focused, but it delves into the character's psyche. The second part is more of a narrative focus where you'll discover how The Underground Man is in the wider picture: how he is around other people, how flawed he is and how he really hasn't got anything together. I don't want to spoil the book too much but there is a point of epiphany for the character and the book is a cautionary tale to not fall down the same road as this man; don't go full REEEEEEEEEE NORMIES GET OUT, basically.

>> No.12085096

Animal idiota.