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/lit/ - Literature

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12081389 No.12081389 [Reply] [Original]

post books (lit, philosophy, whatever) that are by modern authors which are interesting, i.e. not alt-lit, period piece, middlebrow shit, sjw, YA, ect.

>> No.12081395
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this shit slapp

>> No.12081402
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another one

>> No.12081540
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>> No.12081557
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We seem to enjoy similar books, especially Shipley's and Kraszahorkai's, so I'll just leave this here and you'll hopefully like as much as I did

>> No.12081563

thanks anon, whats this one you posted about?

>> No.12081567

nice pick, also santantango

>> No.12081576

Is pic-related any good? That's a cool ass cover; the summary wasn't very informative that I found.

>> No.12081588

yes if you like the writing style of Nick Land or William Gibson then you'll like it, high minded genera stuff/experimental lit.

>> No.12081603

I'm only vaguely familiar with Land, and Gibson I respect Gibson more than I actually like him. So, I'll either like this book, hate it, or think it's okay. Like most things.

>> No.12081605

its interesting at least that's for sure. If you like Pynchon you'll probably enjoy it too.

>> No.12081633


When Agent Rx, chronic criminal and fugitive, goes off on a dust binge, he hits rock bottom and hits the road, leaving a trail of tears, violence and infamy in his wake. Meanwhile, Jordan Strong uncovers a highly classified method of time travel under the fixed scrutiny of various government agencies and chapters of the occult all coveting his guinea pig tits ‘n appeal. Enlisting Rx’s blue-collar bred double helix for tedium and accumulation of detail, they exploit parallel realities and paradoxical time lines to mine Thousands of Lies, a collaborative novel transcribed from the voices of the dead, for the sake of preserving their own track of time. They stage the Phenotypical Exploitation, a kidnapping of the perfect woman, their mutual ex-girlfriend Jane Bale, and subsequent sale as art to the nation’s cauldron of incestuous activity, New York City’s dance music circuit, purveyor of all things drugs, sex and art. But their interests unravel when Agent Rx tries to reverse engineer the domestic trial of the century, bringing the novel, its author and the Exploitation’s fatally erotic subject into notoriety for dollars on retrograde dimes. Together, they embark on a literary crusade of self-sabotage that threatens to fall off the cutting edge of a techno thriller, picaresque odyssey and log of skeletons.

An upscale Polish call girl develops a posthumous reputation as the poster child for the right to die movement. The simultaneous advances in medical science and life expectancy coincide with the human colonization of Mars. A transgendered stick-up thug pulls off a career robbery, befriends a US President, gets used by the CIA, and becomes a father. A media star attempts to change her image. Paranormal visitations threaten the sanity of hard drug addicts, all the while a support group for movement disorders braces as a roundtable therapeutic free-for-all. Is a telephonic method of time travel the real deal, or an exploitation in itself, a device for dredging up juice from a cold vein? This is the story of two men among hundreds of ghosts and trees, from Cuba in the 1930s to New York in 2046. I know folks from the rust belt to the dust bowl who’ve never seen these trees. Go see them. You owe it to yourself.

>> No.12081653

o sweet looks cool, I'll read that

>> No.12081663

Okay, Pynchon is more my speed; I'll look around for it. Seems up my alley. Especially if >>12081633 is what we're working with.

>> No.12081695
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not op but the guy who posted seibo there below. another recc here

>> No.12081699

I love that novella, nice pick.

>> No.12081742

Sucide, Edouard Levé
The witness, Juan José Saer
Nobody Nothing Never, Juan José Saer
Both are already dead.

>> No.12081746


I have an amputee fetish and 0w0 what's this

Would it stroke my amputee fetish or is it one of those bait-and-switch titles that's just a metaphor for the plot, and not literal?

>> No.12081763
File: 11 KB, 220x343, Omon_ra_bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victor Pelevin is interesting, this is a short novel about growing up in the USSR
I've read some of his short stories too, but not his other novels

>> No.12081764

This is interesting to me because I like the idea of a beautiful woman with a serious physical flaw that doesn't actually mar her beauty. What is it about amputation that gets you smiffed? Where do you find good porn of it?

>> No.12081827


First, some terminology for my degeneracy. Every day, we stray further from god's light.

Acrotomophilia, n. 1) The sexual attraction TO amputees. 2) A fetishistic sexual desire for amputees.

Apotemnophilia, n. 1) The desire to BECOME an amputee. 2) A fetishistic sexual desire to have one's limbs removed. See also: BIID, batshit crazy.

I like the idea of being able to pick a woman up that much more easily, like a sack of potatoes, and just fuck her. Easier access to holes. The whole thing is also a psychological proxy for bondage/dom/sub dynamics. Good porn/cheesecake is readily available on /d/ and even youtube. Most RL videos are of gross Eastern European women or fatties, but if you dig long enough you find specimens like Thaise de Souza and Kanya Sesser.

>> No.12081872
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>> No.12081884
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Come on now anon, try a little harder.

>> No.12081986
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Just having a bit of fun. I'll be serious now.

>> No.12081995

>not YA

>> No.12082186


How is Gone Girl YA?

>> No.12082519

It's both literal and metaphor but not in a way that would be relevant to that fetish (get help)

>> No.12082542
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>> No.12082839

Everything from Vargas Llosa

>> No.12083159

The Ruin of Kasch by Roberto Calasso

>> No.12083186
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>> No.12083292
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What if oil was an evil demon that made us dig it up and kill each other

>> No.12083326


>> No.12083333
File: 505 KB, 400x600, Que_Verguenza_Paulina_Flores400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it has been translated but Que Verguenza is great. It's the flagship of the new Chilean literature.

>> No.12083344

Isn't that the plot of Ferngully

>> No.12083489


Neato. Thanks.

>> No.12083500


And Avatar.

>> No.12083513

I don’t know why but that tickled me

>> No.12083518
File: 19 KB, 325x499, dark road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the descendant of Confucius is a family planning fugitive because he's obsessed with having a male heir
>his wife continuously suffers from his constant impregnation attempts, ranging from being caught by the authorities and having a forced abortion, or giving birth to a deformed child they can't afford to raise
>magical realism elements when one of her children decides that it's better to stay inside the womb than come out, and stays in the womb for five years
>satirizes both traditional Chinese culture as well as the horrendous practices of the PRC

l really want to meme this book so more people read it.

>> No.12083522


If you had to choose between Cyclonopedia and Fanged Noumena, which would you choose?

>> No.12083635

I haven't finished either but it depends what you're looking for. Cyclonopedia is a really great standalone work of theory fiction relating numerology, middle eastern religious and mystic traditions and modern geo(logical)-politics. Fanged Noumena is a collection of essays mostly about humanity unknowingly fulfilling Capital's telos.

Both are interesting but Reza is probably the better writer.

>> No.12083655

If we're talking starting points tho I wouldn't recc either. The CCRU reader is a better start for theory fiction/hyperstition and #Accelerate is good for the some of the philosophical/political ideas.

>> No.12083712

I think I read this, or at least I read a book about cosmonauts by this guy. He's a good author for sure.

>> No.12083809
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Brendan Connell is probably one of the best stylists today

>> No.12083817

Chilean here and so much this. I'm really waiting for her to write a full fledge novel.

>> No.12083965

Banned in China as well. As if that's some sort of surprise

>> No.12083981
File: 165 KB, 823x1263, spteotw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short, visceral and hallucinogenic at times. A worthy competitor to Bolaño's works of similar length.

>> No.12084942


>> No.12084967


>> No.12084969
File: 11 KB, 182x277, SCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if I could call it lit, but /x/ got me to read Skullcrack City by Jeremy Robert Johnson and I had a great time with it as a non-serious book.

>> No.12085148

I've never wanted to read a book less what the fuck

>The University of Chicago Press doesn't generally publish new American fiction. But last winter we started hearing from people we trusted about a stunning debut novel that no trade house had been willing to take a chance on-to the point that the author had given up and self-published it. We got a copy, and we were blown away. It's not hard to see why publishers would be scared off by this book: it's a 700-page first novel by a nobody with no connections. But what's a university press for if not to publish books we believe in that don't necessarily fit into the hit machine? And we believe in this book: it's an epoch-defining kind of novel, and the announcement of a once-in-a-generation kind of talent.

>> No.12085507
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>> No.12086101

This looks cool, you've memed me into putting it in my backlog at least

>> No.12086136

Obligatory Houellebecq mention

>> No.12086142

Argentina: Cesar Aira, Juan José Saer and Ricardo Piglia;
Uruguay: Mario Levreiro;
Chile: Alejandro Zambra;
Brasil: Sérgio Sant'anna.

>> No.12086154

Sorry for the typo.

>> No.12086397
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Great thread anon, keep those going please!
Here's my contribution from Italy. This guy is considered pretty highly over here - this is the only one of his books that has been translated.

>> No.12086995

"an epoch-defining novel" "I donwanna read dis!" ok faggot

>> No.12087012
File: 8 KB, 211x239, birbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archipelago press is so underrated, have you read the book 'the birds' they published?

>> No.12087071

Do we have a good modern lit chart? Otherwise how will I know what to read?

>> No.12087213

Good thread. Keep it up, boys (and girls, if there are any). I've added a few of these to my to-read list.

>> No.12087247

I can completely understand the power fantasy over a lack of limbs but getting off receiving the amputations? nope

>> No.12087304
File: 234 KB, 739x739, ena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enard is the antithesis to Houellebecq

>> No.12087342

lets translate it ourselves niggas what what holla

>> No.12087742

not the anon that posted "que verguenza" but if someone gets a google docs going i'll help translate... it's only like 200 pages...

>> No.12088487

Zambra is soo good. It's amazing how short his books are and still they manage to touch me like few others.

>> No.12088546
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For all you Deleuze heads out there

>> No.12088715

bumping for good energy

>> No.12088961

It's written by a woman

>> No.12088984

Disney adaptation of CCRU WHEN?????

>> No.12089027

good thread. what are the best sites find new books besides here, aaarg or goodreads?

>> No.12089040

> muh lovecraftian theoryfiction
Why does /lit/ keep bringing this up? It's shit isnt it? Anon am I crazy for thinking its shit

>> No.12089085
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>> No.12089090

It may be shit but it's /ourshit/
Lovecraft spawned a new tradition, one that's not anthropocentric, yet full of horror, at once so materialistic that it ascends to spectral. Writers like Land and Reza have inherited this, it's a new form in of itself and holds prescient power of metaphysical fluxations

>> No.12089362

>nothing about the actual content of the story


>> No.12089364

yawn. nothing more unappealing to me than this salad bowl medley style of writing. a TRANSGENDER GUPPY WITH AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM! A COUPLE OF ALBINO SIAMESE TWINS! etc.

Reads like fucking mad libs

>> No.12089467
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this looks pretty cool, thanks anon! also shes a cutie.

>> No.12089486
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one of my favorite books ever. any other /huemonkey/ here? if so, rec me some good brazilian modern lit.

>> No.12089529

O voo da madrugada, Sérgio Sant'anna
Nove Noites, Bernardo Carvalho
Diário da Queda, Michel Laub
O caso Morel, Rubem Fonseca

>> No.12089571

I like Enard, but this is his worst book. Self indulgent as fuck.

>> No.12089697

thanks! i've read a summary on "diario da queda" for uni and it looked pretty interesting.