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12081156 No.12081156 [Reply] [Original]

questions that don't deserve their own thread thread

Is the process of attaining BwO a type of becoming, or is the process of becoming facilitated through the BwO?

>> No.12081181
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isn't the case that the BwO and the Plane of Immanence (PoI) have this reciprocal relation? ultimately, you can't really tell the difference, i think. you are BwO when you are on the PoI, but the whole point of being on the PoI is that it makes the possibiy of addressing questions to anything like a discrete self impossible.

the idea of being BwO is to 'be' on the PoI, at which point there really isn't anything like a self. so it would stand to reason that you can either be a BwO in becoming, or heading for the PoI, which necessitates becoming-BwO. and so on.

>> No.12081196
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also music, b/c why not. bonus points for failed attempts to commercialized PoI-capture.

Daft Punk: Crescendolls

>> No.12081200

The BwO is the becoming-machinic of the organism

>> No.12081243
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>> No.12081246

That doesn't sound right. From what I understand the machinic is a type of assemblage, and assemblages are already territorialized somewhat.
So the attainment of BwO is a type of becoming, but for example, becoming-bear could be attained without breaking down everything like a caterpillar turning into cocoon-mush. Did I understand you correctly?

>> No.12081264
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Please go home, Nick.

>> No.12081274
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I have a god-given right to french sophistry, please don't bully

>> No.12081290
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that's the appropriate face all right

the foundational teleology that Deleuze wants to explode, if i understand him correctly - and i am sure that i do not - is the arboreal, that is to say, that every acorn is destined to become an oak tree. that is true, but it doesn't allow for the profound role that mutation or contingency plays in thought. it would be too idealistic for Deleuze. and even if we grant that acorns do become oak trees, the nature of human thought is way too open-ended to allow for anything like an a priori model for becoming. even selection of models itself is contingent on a blizzard of other selections, and so on.

>becoming-bear could be attained without breaking down everything like a caterpillar turning into cocoon-mush
my guess is that Deleuze would probably say there is no final or idealized absolute Bearness to be achieved. there is no Platonic Bear-Ideal to shoot for. a bear itself is always in a state of becoming-bear, and so on. what makes a bear a bear? the number of bear significations it has, or represents, or expresses. there is no Absolute or Purest Bear. an Owlbear is both a bear and an owl. the owlbear is perhaps less Owl-y than an owl, and less Bear-y than a bear, but it is also more Bear-y than the owl.

i'm no expert tho. that's just sort of how i might understand a world of becomings without final destinations.


>> No.12081335

Yep, what you just said is essentially how I understand it as well, except that becoming-bear is attainable. Like you said, asking if the person becoming-bear is actually a bear is completely missing the point.

What I'm trying to understand exactly is how the blocks of becoming are accessed, and what is their relation to BwO. I have a general-vague idea but I'm trying to wrap my head around this concept and connect it more securely with the rest of D&G's rhizome.

>> No.12081343
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>becomes a bear
Rawr xD

>> No.12081355
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deterritorialized and BwOpilled

>> No.12081361

You aren't necessarely a commie if you just criticize capitalism right ?

>> No.12081368
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>What I'm trying to understand exactly is how the blocks of becoming are accessed, and what is their relation to BwO. I have a general-vague idea but I'm trying to wrap my head around this concept and connect it more securely with the rest of D&G's rhizome.

my feel is that it is a question of intensity, which i should have pointed out earlier: it's not only the number of significations or expressions, but also the order of priority. as Deleuze himself says about Nietzsche, everything is ordinal rather than cardinal: it's not 1, 2, 3, but first, second, third, to indicate their quantum of force. the BwO just seems to me really to be this kind of transcendental chameleon-like thing, which becomes what it is by virtue of its contact with the PoI that is also itself, either as Chaos or as mechanosphere and so on.

>tfw you will play D&D and lean heavily on the Fiend Folio with Deleuze and Guattari
>and with Guattari's daughter, with the fungus on her head
>wtf Felix
>come on bro

so the blocks of becoming are perhaps only determinable after the fact, as contingent and contingently determinable and measurable signifiers. everything up until then is re/deterritorializtion, always in process.

>> No.12081371

obviously should be tfw *never,* obv.

>> No.12081388

There are plenty of non-communist critiques of modernity, see Guenon, Spengler, if that counts in your eyes. If you want something more directly against capitalism, you could go with anarchists or even religious systems.

>> No.12081392


>> No.12081394

I can see the outlines of my answer. Thanks for the post, I'll have to digest it.

>> No.12081401

np, thanks for the interesting question. i'm suffering /lit/ withdrawal pains today w/o having a general to post in. things like these help me clear up things i'm thinking about too, so.

>> No.12081748
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posting this here b/c the art is just so dope.


>> No.12081760
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>> No.12081765

fuck yeah techno-insect BwO

>> No.12081773
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fuck yeah forgetting to post images

based senilityposter

>> No.12082732

What's the best translation of Goethe's Faust?

>> No.12082743

what do i do with my life now

>> No.12082809

I'm reading a reader's guide to anti Oedipus before I dive in and I gotta say I dont understand any of this (at least not in the way I think it was meant to be understood) but I still find it fascinating as fuck.

>> No.12082817

the massumi guide?

>> No.12082826

I recommend eating the book. Season with shredded Spinoza and the blood of any warmblooded vertebrate.

>> No.12082933

Ian Buchanan

>> No.12082950

in negotiations D&G literally say they wrote anti oedipus for 15 year olds. if you think you dont get it you're just trying to hard

>> No.12082964 [DELETED] 

>What I'm trying to understand exactly is how the blocks of becoming are accessed

One way to access them is given in the chapter on becoming-animal. It occurs via symbioses, unnatural alliances, and contact with outsider "sorcerers" and intense contagious packs. You take a strata you are on, look for connections and lines of flight to these sorcerers and packs, and try to connect to them. As D&G say, always be looking for a new patch of land. Explore, then experiment. Imagine cities or towns as static thought-systems, look for the magician-like entities roaming in the woods between stratified villages, or the nomad packs roaming the countryside. The outsider sorcerers are usually individuals who are weirdos in some way at least according to mainstream stratified thought: prophets, madmen, secretive/occultish etc. While the packs are contagious in some manner. They spread war, strife, catastrophes, passions, emotions. Sorcerers tend to bind and capture these packs, while the packs spread things via their intensity. Think Trump as sorcerer and frogposters as animal packs. A bizarre symbiosis between image boards and global politics. Think deep state intelligence officers as sorcerers, with salafist terror groups as intense apocalyptic packs. Go read the book "Charlie wilson's War," which gives an account how the CIA backed the becoming of al Qaeda and salafist terrorism and pay attention to two major sorcerous entities: Gust Avrakotos (CIA officer) and Michael Vickers (ex Green Beret turned CIA). Avarakotos is an outsider in his own organization. Vickers explicitly talks like Archimedes (who D&G used as an exemplar of nomad science): he outlines plans to flood mountain dwelling goat herders with advanced weaponary and war technology to turn them into techno-salafists. A pact between demonic entities with techno-ancient symbioses, an unnatural alliance, a new becoming. Becomings are neither good nor bad. Becomings just are. Other examples: Academic bugman crit-theory sorcerers and tumblr purple-haired outrage packs spreading socjus. Gracie family ("the ground is the ocean, and I am a shark") setting up the conditions for the intensification and creation of modern mixed martial arts in first UFC by coercing and binding warriors from other martial art packs (karate, collegiate wrestling, boxing).

D&G give a bunch of other ways apart from the other above, e.g. you need to look for tales and folklore, which are like the becomings in their early phases (using same examples above: image board memes as folklore, conspiracy theories about the CIA as folklore, underground mma net forums). Go read about Nick Land and ccru for a concrete example of this stuff in action. The original ccru program set this stuff up explicitly in their two communiques. Land is a sorcerer entity. They connect to peripheral sub-cultures (packs), theorize with them, intensify things, and create new things.

>> No.12083006
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such a cool post.

>> No.12083036

Lmao no way

>> No.12083069

to put in a base way, I must seek a shaman or a totem of the block of becoming and form an assemblage of sorts with them. Integrate them into me.

Your post makes a scary amount of sense, thanks anon.

>> No.12083096

Fucking retard who hasn’t finished a novel for pleasure in his entire life here. Is there anything I can do to have an easier time reading or do I just slog through the easier classics until I start to unretard myself?

>> No.12083112
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Unironically put aside time each day to read shit you read when you were younger. Children's books. Use that to build a habit, and you'll be golden. Start with fucking books for 3-year olds if you have to.

>> No.12083138

Read things you enjoy

Read things that are short so you feel like you've finished multiple books and you're not mired in a neverending project to finish Brothers Karamazov

Read things that still qualify as literary classics but that aren't on the Approved Middlebrow High School Smart Guy Upper Middle Class Polite Society American Post-WW2 Pseudo-Aristocracy "Look at us, we're an aristocracy too, we have a high culture, we read 'classics', we are just like Europe and we deserve to be a world power, now that we have money and run half the world you all have to stop calling us yokels and implying our literature is all unmetaphysical and salt-of-the-earth corncobby fare, we know about Flaubert too you know, just because I'm a rich American child of a venture capitalist who made his family's fortune in the past two generations and attended a university that was founded in 1889 instead of in 1354 doesn't mean I'm not a cultured blue-blood aristocrat just like my European compeers, please accept me sempai" Canonical List of High-Brow Literature for the Post-War Post-Modern Age of American Consumerism, for example instead of forcing yourself to choke down some more Flaubert or Austen or Joyce because ivory tower dickheads tell you they are the Default Smart Prestigious Book Guys, try reading the Barsoom books, or John le Carre, or The Moviegoer, or Andre Gide or Drieu la Rochelle or Kleist or Keller, or read Colin Wilson's The Outsider and look at all the angsty authors he discusses there

Learn history as well as literature, so you no longer look at "classics" as boring Jane Austens floating in a vacuum discussing humdrum social perennial issues like bourgeois ennui, but start to see how literature is expressive of and responsive to a zeitgeist and is actually full of sturm und drang, and not only the genre of the prosaic Jane Austen novel but the form of the novel itself is a historically contingent expression of the bourgeois age, and you can read all sorts of genres and forms as living irreducible symbols of the times and men that produced them rather than as dusty chronicles of James Joyce trying too hard impress his faggot friends