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/lit/ - Literature

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12080783 No.12080783 [Reply] [Original]

Is the literary life still possible? Is there any way to dedicate most of your adult life to consuming, discussing, and producing art, philosophy, and literature? Is there a 'scene' anywhere in the world for true and authentic literature? If not, was there ever such a scene, or are our memories (of the Situationists and surrealists, the existentialists, the modernists, and so on, all corresponding and living with one another) just illusions of nostalgia?
What is the best way for someone to live if this kind of life is what they want? What is the most that they can hope for?

>> No.12080827

The literary life of any period reflects the general life. It’s not static, what constitutes the literary life belongs to its period.. that said, certain important things may be harder or easier in our time..

>> No.12080834

What kind of life would be a literary reflection of general life today, then?

>> No.12080844

The world is so ultra-connected that the scene would be immediately taken over by fucking fuckheads the moment people realized its aesthetic value. Either conmen or marketers looking to make money and suck it dry like vampires, or politically motivated purple-haired fuckheads looking for badthink so they can take over another community and turn it into another vector of indoctrination, or pussy-chasing hipster fucktards that think associating with it makes them cool, or some sort of moronic twee fandom that never makes anything but wants to steer the artists in the borg's direction because some fucking idiot with a tumblr in portland had a dumb idea that must be done by the local artists half a planet away.

>> No.12080847

Only if you're born into the upper echelons of society

>> No.12080849

u seem like an intellectual my good sir tis a pity u can no longer participate in the literary scene t_t

>> No.12080876

Why is this the case? Previous literary and artistic scenes had working class members. If there's something different now, what is it?

>> No.12080918

The main literary frontier at the moment is the combo of literature, computers, and AI. Everything else is pretty much plain old commercial, niche, or captured by social justice activism. At least technology can claim something in the vein of formal or technical innovation on creative process.

There are some really fraudulent but somewhat successful people doing stuff with computers and AI tech in creative spaces right now. And earnest amateurs and stuff.

It makes me a little sick to watch, but it will be a long time until tech can get away from the initial gimmicks and even begin to automate authorship. Then there is consequential stuff happening to identity, the nature of the author, and possibly copyright law all connected to digital tech.

It bothers me when people try to bring out these fakey forced movements like "new sincerity" and "*new complicated term for the thing that comes after postmodernism*, this one will definitely stick, you guys!!!". We are living through an ongoing era of change in writing tech/culture which is /more profound/ than the arrival of the printing press. Pay attention to it, ffs.

>> No.12080969


Only like this:

>> No.12080985

I'm sorry anon as much as I appreciate silver-tongued extroverted intellectual benevolent caretakers I absolutely have to oblige you to learn a practical trade that can help humanity in the long run.
Learn biology, it's more intimate and honest than technology. Learning biology will drive us closer to an utopia unlike technology to a dystopia.
If we could control our biology we'd unlock everything. No more need to be born lucky and need to fine-tune our talents with 40 years of quality experience to be part of the 0.0000001% of true talents.

>> No.12081024

As long as you keep pining for the aesthetic of mythical halcyon days of old, no.

>> No.12081039

youre sounding dangerously close to a transhumanist my friend.
Anyhow, I am learning biology and anthropology on the side.

>> No.12081170
File: 96 KB, 800x400, Black-Women-As-Heroes-and-Role-Models-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is somewhat of an exaggeration but what I see as the current issue is that "cultural marxism" or SJW movement has declared war on the humanities especially literature.
There are plenty of amazing writers in America But the problem is that most of them are male and white therefore they are not acknowledged by the majority of cultural literacy outlets that are all monopolized by the SJW movement. So its really difficult for new young writers to get there work out there in the public audience unless your extremely talented.

>> No.12081197

Also there is this new fad of extreme aestheticism and that's what drives people's interests not actual substance. Its just a new digital wave of shitty paperback pulp fiction but worse,

>> No.12081215

who are these people?

>> No.12081309

Right to left looks like Disney and artistic recreation of J. Ceaser, dunno about the rest.

>> No.12081314

I mean left to right.

>> No.12081345


Stagnant wages and global wealth inequality.

>> No.12081405

Part of me wants to tell these idiot zoomers who don't know OP's pic related to kill themselves post-haste

Part of me wants to point out that the subhumans in OP's pic related were all literally trash and the world is better off for their having been forgotten

>> No.12081420

I'm pretty sure far right bottom is man ray, middle must be dali i never imagined he had such a small skull

>> No.12081469

this is bait

>> No.12081475

Why does everyone in that picture look like a bunch of dicks, weirdos, rednecks, gypsies, psychos, criminals, dumbasses? They can't even fucking smile for a picture. Basic human cognition and they failed at it.

>> No.12081487

Are you autistic?

>> No.12081611

Front row: Tzara, Breton, Dali, Ernst, Man Ray
Back: Eluard, Arp, Tanguy, Crevel

>> No.12081911
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>> No.12081935

Academia and creative circles used to be a way out of poverty. Now in the first world industries need "professionals" and "experts" more than they need laborers and maintainers, since first world industry is largely just the administration and distribution of the industrial output of the third and second worlds. So university needs to be generalized and itself profitable, which is how we got to the situation where in the US especially the college system exists for the production of white collar indentured servants more than anything else.

>> No.12082157

>Is the literary life still possible?
yes but its unironically been relegated to a shitty messaging platform

>> No.12083281


Based people who liked Maldoror.

>> No.12083367

OK you're wrong on every count.

>> No.12083388

they only pretended to like it to look cool

>> No.12083492


This is absolutely untrue in, at the very least, Breton's case, and probably also Man Ray. Maldoror was one of the few things that he did not later turn his back on, and he made the trouble to re-publish Poésies, thereby preserving it against permanent forgetting, or possible destruction. Breton was such a Lautréaboo that he got a gang together to violently crash a trendy new place which had co-opted the name, in classic capitalist fashion:

"Yet it soon became clear that Lautréamont was a contested legacy among the surrealist group, who, led by Breton’s example, devised less a collective marriage than the establishment of a protection racket. This was made physically obvious when in 1930 a squadron of surrealists including Breton, Eluard, Aragon, and Yves Tanguy, ransacked a newly opened niteclub, the ‘Bar Maldoror’ in Montparnasse (Breton
1988, 813–814). Breton was inflamed not only by the heresy of the appropriation of the name of Maldoror for a petit-bourgeois cabaret, but also by the treachery of the recently excommunicated surrealist Robert Desnos for suggesting it as a name to the proprietor. Not for the last time would the spirit of Lautréamont be conjured up to feature in internal surrealist strife. On this occasion the surrealist vanguard
stormed the entrance to the Bar Maldoror, even as a private supper was being hosted inside by the Rumanian princess Agathe Paléologue. [René] Char lifted thebouncer and literally tossed him aside smashing several windows and the front door in the process. Breton then strode into the dining room, stamped the foor with his heavy cane and announced to the astonished diners, “We are the guests of Count Lautréamont!” (Polizzotti 1995, 336)"


>> No.12083531

>violently crash a trendy new place
yet another thing to do when you want appear cool

>> No.12083596

>violently defending your turf with organized thuggery because someone used a name
Damn, tell me your thoughts on nationalism anon. Something tells me if someone not left wing did something similar, you'd create some sort of "sophisticated," "nuanced" argument against it.

>> No.12083620

Of course it is, now start writing. T.S. Eliot was a damned banker, so you have no excuse even if you have a normie job.

>> No.12083791

Want to actually explain why, or just be a dismissive fag?

>> No.12083812

Eliot wasn't with Lloyd's for that long. Franz is the better example

>> No.12083830


>> No.12084844

no you are based

>> No.12084960


>Learn biology until you realize you've been studying physics

Honestly, bio and anthro aren't worth much right now. I'm unsure if they ever were. Study physics or math (or chem but it is a degree removed from what you are actually learning.)

That is of course assuming there isn't something else out there you enjoy

>> No.12084964

Not op but I love Tzara

>> No.12084974

>literary life

>> No.12086450

I strongly disagree with you. I think that certain spaces and communities on the internet have clouded your judgment to the point of delusion; it's really not hard to be successful in literature as a white man right now. Regardless, let's assume for the sake of argument that it is: there is still no literary scene coming from the non-white-man crowd, is there?

>> No.12087197

These days you need to be queer / feminist to make it

>> No.12087252
File: 95 KB, 1024x695, 48648684262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the best way for someone to live if this kind of life is what they want? What is the most that they can hope for?

>collect neetbux or work as little as possible at least
>rent a little room or studio
>eat simple food, wear modest clothes
>spend all of your spare time reading and writing and such

oh and the internet is the new café. may not seem glamorous but it's true.

>> No.12087481

>it's another "social justice maoism doesn't exist" gaslighting post