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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 480x360, litfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12080685 No.12080685 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm in love and I thanks books for it. She abandoned the internet for some time but she is back!!


>> No.12080689

She looks like a whore now. Great.

>> No.12080690
File: 56 KB, 867x650, balloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12080691

>she is back!!
your post almost certainly assures she won't be back for long

>> No.12080697

She sounds like her hymen is still intact

>> No.12080701

lmao exactly what I was thinking

>> No.12080703

my queen has returned

>> No.12080709

dont fuck it up

>> No.12080715

Guys post the screencap

>> No.12080719

It's already too late

>> No.12080722

I'll give it a week.

>> No.12080727

Please lads, don't scare her off again

>> No.12080733
File: 34 KB, 720x960, The Veiled Virgin, Giovanni Strazza, Marble, 1850 [720x960].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would look better blonde.

>> No.12080735

posting in an epic bread

>> No.12080754

She doesn't look cute anymore

>> No.12080770

she looks like she fucks black men

>> No.12080772


>> No.12080781

Katie was the worst thing to happen to /lit/
Disgusts me to think of all the reddit tourism that screencap brought in

>> No.12080785


>> No.12080789

She doesn't. I'd kill her if she did that.

>> No.12080797


incel detected lol

>> No.12080809

Just let her be. We had our fun. >>12080781 has the right idea. Nothing good will come of it.

>> No.12080813

She did.
t. black man

>> No.12080819

there is literally nothing wrong with white women fucking black men. in fact, nature wills it. black men have higher testosterone and dominant genes. white women are inherently attracted to black men and not white.

>> No.12080822


Hi Jews, welcome to the thread.

>> No.12080825
File: 49 KB, 465x261, huge_internet_fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12080881
File: 5 KB, 225x225, Pepe hymen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her hymen still intact?

>> No.12080887

It was never intact

>> No.12080889

I know what you are trying to do but it won't work if you ask for it

>> No.12080899

>white women are inherently attracted to...
white women, like all women, are inherently attracted to anyone that stirs their interest. women don't adopt autistic attitudes about race and gender the way men are prone to (if one doesn't realize that the crazy equally autistic SJW females are a small but vocal minority, it's because one spends more time watching people on youtube than meeting people in the real world).
they are mainly pleasure seeking, nothing more.
the obsession that some white men have with talking about black men only reinforces the exoticness of the black male in the mind of the white female (because the white female does not give two shits about the "beliefs" of her male counterparts - she may marry us for our money, but hardly ever for our beliefs).
if you could be a fly on the wall at the master's house on a plantation while the master was away, you'd see what i mean.

>> No.12080904

i would love to know what goes through your little incel brain, dude. she's dressing the way she likes, so what? comparing to the OP pic, she looks like she matured, but clearly, you haven't

>> No.12080906

It's the Jews, fren

>> No.12080908

>she looks like she matured
Matured into a whore? Yes, I agree. Someone from her family should honor kill her if she sleeps with a nigger.

>> No.12080909

Man, that's beautiful.

>> No.12080927

>I thanks books for it
>I thanks
Anon I only understand typing like a goblin if you're in a hurry or not paying attention, because if this is 100% how you talk because of preferences or lack of knowledge then I am not tolerant at all of it.

>> No.12080929

Nice video as always Katie. I myself just finished reading a book called "The disappearance of Joseph Mengele", it's a historical novel written by a french journalist that follows Mengele's life after fleeing to Argentina after WW2. It's a hard read due to the subject matter obviously, but it's also a very well written and engaging novel, specially for anyone interested in this post-WW2 time period and how people like him managed to go on with impunity for so long. I think the book is only available in french or german at the moment though. Anyways, have fun with your new books!

>> No.12080931

lmao no way

>> No.12080933

In the time it took to post that, she had already tossed an Abo's salad.

>> No.12080942


Abo's are the incels of the black race.

>> No.12080963
File: 41 KB, 500x475, 1531023760170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is literally nothing wrong with white women fucking black men.

>> No.12080986

>consistent whorish get-ups
>reading books written by feminists

Isn't she supposed to be trad or something? what gives

>> No.12080987

>Still being an unironic /pol/tard
>Being this much of a late boomer
>Not aware that anarcho-communism now controls the Zeitgeist

>> No.12081002

There really isn't at this point now that the future of mankind is now consciously predetermined and will unfold no matter anyone's sexuality.

>> No.12081004
File: 352 KB, 733x1000, 1541820064832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a whore now. A metamorphosis that all women complete at some point in their life. Giving them the right to vote, getting rid of no-fault divorce, and outlawing beating them was a HUGE fucking mistake.

>> No.12081029

Your mother does not represent the entirety of her sex.

>> No.12081033

>Joseph Mengele

>> No.12081036

this this this

worst thing to be screencapped here. reddit needs to leave and find new material

>> No.12081042

According to biological determinism all women are whores. Society cannot function unless they are subjugated. A "sexually free" society is a society in decline. Sorry (not sorry).

>> No.12081050

>not cute, looks fairly plain and will probably age horribly
>dumb books and dumb opinions
>shitty squeaky voice
>got scared off by a couple mean comments

I don't get it and neither does my dick, lads.
Can we all agree she's just a forced meme based on the one time /lit/ did something interesting?

>> No.12081055

Go back to the incel containment board.

>> No.12081066

Uh, sweetie I hate to tell you this but /lit/ IS the incel containment board. After all, only incels and nerds read books (and women only read YA fiction).

>> No.12081087
File: 364 KB, 503x447, currentyearkatie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely impervious to the depredations of 4chan trolls
>nonetheless falls into degeneracy due to Cultural Marxism

The latter is a much more powerful force than is commonly accepted (and the former, less).

>> No.12081089

I thought she was engaged? Where's her wedding ring?

>> No.12081096


What a fucking whore. Fucking whore. God I hate Jews for what they've done to white women.

>> No.12081112
File: 857 KB, 756x9800, Queen_of_lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12081128

threads like this are a reminder of how people with vastly different levels of intellectual honesty are able to coexist on a single board.
good job anons, we ought to be proud of ourselves.

>> No.12081152

so what's the not cultural marxist and traditional incel style of clothing? caki brown pants and a white polo or cargo pants and a hoodie?

would incels have a woman remain a prepubescent girl forever? just admit you are closet wahabbists already

>> No.12081185

You guys fucking suck, thank god reddit/liberals are populating /lit/ more and more. Fucking despicable losers all of you who participated

>> No.12081209

>Being a >>12080987
19 year old faggot zoomer SJW who doesn't realize that the conservative tendencies seen in many millennials are actually a reaction to an early leftist push in the millennial generation during the late 2000's-early 2010s (e.g. occupy wall street, general SJW culture emerging ca. 2013, Some of the earlier cop vs black ma

>> No.12081221

Damn I fucked that post up. Basically zoomers are faggots and boomers already went through their radical leftist faze (and are still in it to some extent). What you see is an ongoing cultural dialogue about whether millennials on the whole are going to proclaim leftism, liberalism, or reactionary politics as the ideology of their generation.

Similar shit might not be going on to the same extent with zoomers (of course, it probably isn't), but that doesn't mean that our socio-political landscape is one consisting of lefty zoomers vs conservative boomers (vs. whoever else).

>> No.12081223
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1509226367582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How insecure do you have to be with yourself and your sexuality to call a woman a whore because she has a bit of cleavage showing. Welcome back to the 18th century I guess.

This fucking board sometimes, I swear. Probably all the reddit and /pol/ posters

>> No.12081232

>posts Martin Luther as pic related
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about do you?

>> No.12081272

Not him, but this is a really bad response. Please stop posting.

>> No.12081276
File: 299 KB, 1656x1320, declineandfalloftheinternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer buzzword Facebook reactionism Boomer buzzword Boomer buzzword Boomer buzzword.
Holy shit you could lurk more forever and still not get it. Far-right idiocy on the internet is due to laggards and latecomers to the internet consisting of boomers, overly politicized normies, and dumb hicks finally becoming active on the internet after the bar to entry was lowered by dumbed-down social media and smartphones. Lacking functional bullshit immune systems, they were easily trolled into a death-spiral of fake news, conspiracy theories, and hatred that was exploited for political and monetary gain by moron-herders.

>> No.12081288


>> No.12081295

Didn't she come back like a year ago?
Besides she lost her charm. Now she used this camboian basket weaving site to gain views. Shes using you fools.

>> No.12081317

I've been wondering where all these political retards came from, this was a half-decent board in 2011.

>> No.12081319


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12081326

This is what we do to women

>> No.12081327
File: 138 KB, 385x570, 903c6edb-eefe-4f9d-b1d0-7bb895b707fe_570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't me. I found that comment worthy of laughter, so I copied and pasted it. I like to think it isn't someone trolling. Just some sick pup reading about Dr. Mengele, who finds her channel and feels the need to chime in with his irrelevant little anecdote. The ""Nice video as always" and "Anyways, have fun with your new books!", and her likewise warm reply, makes them sound rather cordial, and is more brings more of a smile than the actual content of his comment. I like to think that he is on some sort of drug that renders him impotent, and he doesn't like her sexually, or, perhaps and better yet, his impotence arose naturally as the result of his geriatric state, say some 90 year man, connected by happenstance through the wonders of the internet in times past searching for another book he was reading about. The thought of an elderly French or maybe German speaking man in an empty house, reading about the notorious SS physician, sitting down and drinking some hot black tea with honey in it, genuinely excited to see that Katie uploaded another video and decides to engage in a nice friendly conversation out of loneliness or because he has a few screws missing due to the dementia, is just nice to envision.

>> No.12081341

Look, it's the girl from the funny picture, do the funny thing to her again
I've gotta take screenshots and post it on r/4chan

*edit* thanks for the gold kind sir :3

>> No.12081418

This but 20% more unironically

>> No.12081437

The majority of /lit/ has moved beyond that vileness, ascending to a superior and true aesthetic.

>> No.12081465
File: 60 KB, 500x495, laughingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she prays we all give her attention and video views again.

Poor roastie, she doesn't realise that now she's all used up she's not worth our time now...

>> No.12081476


And by this I don't mean the method by which she achieves climax, but what she herself experiences while doing it.

>> No.12081523

>The thought of an elderly Frenchman
>genuinely excited to see that Katie uploaded another video
>implying old French people can into English

>> No.12081568

Is there any lit channels out there that is actually decent?

There seems to just be a lot of women just showing off whatever they have bought in the last month.

>> No.12081618

Is this the whore from the memes?

>> No.12081634

Greg Sadler

>> No.12081667

I know of one but I know better than to have 4plebs troll it because I mentioned it.

>> No.12081727

Based und redpilled

>> No.12081769

Do it faggots

>> No.12081784

>What a fucking whore. Fucking whore. God I hate Jews for what they've done to white women.

the fuck? men walk around shirtless showing their nipples to everybody and nobody cares. hell, they can do it on TV, too, why can't women? are you a muslim?

>> No.12081792

Breasts are more intimate than male chest. It'd be like showing your dick off.
>God I hate Jews for what they've done to white women.
Lmao women are naturally whores the Jews didn't do anything.

>> No.12081800

THIS. Jews capitalize them being whores and retarded. Women are literally oppresion tools.

>> No.12081804

>Poor roastie
how do incels even define roasty? it can't be that they have an affinity for sexual promiscuity, incels don't have any evidence to prove that. is roasty just a derogatory term for somebody who matured earlier than you did? somebody you feel jealous of? someone you assume you will disagree with?

>> No.12081806

These incels wont be pleased until women are both wearing hijabs 24/7 and ALSO freely having sex with whatever virginal autismo demands it of them

>> No.12081809



>> No.12081813

Incredible, this thread is even worse than the original.

>> No.12081816

>pic of cutie girl posted
>everyone starts rambling about jews and incels and blacks and venting for how they've never touched a woman


>> No.12081819

Brainlet NPC.

>> No.12081824
File: 57 KB, 870x569, 1502693803048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr, the other boards told me you were literally lefty /pol/. Good to see you evolved with the rest of 4chan.

>> No.12081852


>> No.12081860

Roastie = whore and all women are whores therefore Roastie = whore = woman

>> No.12081869

t. curtain beef

>> No.12081876

t. incel


>> No.12081881

And you sound like a faggot. Someone should honor kill you on the off-chance aliens come to our planet so you don't embarrass us.

>> No.12081885

she'd be so much cuter if she got braces, fuck

teethlets :(

>> No.12081892

Pick one faggot

>> No.12081894

She's been back for like 2 years

>> No.12081899

You're a retard. Breasts are a sign of fertility but also a sign of motherly-ness. You're a retard.

>> No.12081904

>how do incels-

Lemme stop you right there, who cares?

>> No.12081960

rude :(

>> No.12081973

i dont get it. If the "incel" culture of 4chan bother you so much, why not just migrating to other less incel places like Reddit, Facebook or Tumblr? It is easy

>> No.12081978

There is LITERALLY NOTHING wrong with being an incel

>> No.12081989

Those places aren't less incel. They just manifest the same cancer in different ways.

>> No.12081992

>be me
>be going to my first ever deleuze reading group
>i have prepared by sticky noting the book and memorising some of the weird though interesting points
>get out my notepad with my favourite quotes, as the others walk in
>they all wear bell bottom jeans and joints stick out of their ears ... im kinda spooked
>the main guy walks in carrying a sad sack of potatoes, he leaves them on the floor. They're slaughtered, he says, lets begin the reading group
>All fall silent and they stare at me. I think I'm supposed to begin. Uh, I say, the strata and multiplicity i found really inter-
>NO! the leader shouts, lobster claws falling out of his sleeves. We must do it together!

they do this for the whole reading group, and I just join in... stunned. I never went back and I'm kinda bummed I didn't get to understand 'lines of flight'.

>> No.12082005
File: 194 KB, 223x357, 1540580285314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had the idea of messaging her and telling her that we're just a bunch of idiots, and harmless
>realized that I can't be sure we are harmless

>> No.12082020

This. Roasties are on the wrong forum

>> No.12082041

>black men have higher testosterone and dominant genes

Gonna stop you right there, their "higher testosterone" is measured at being only around 3.5-4% higher than a white males, which isn't very significant, and secondly, white men are far stronger than black men.

On top of this, even when separated due to violence, blacks have a far shorter life-span than whites. Blacks are more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, and are also more likely to die of asthma than whites.

>b-b-b-but muh society and environment

Each one of those things listed is mostly impacted by genetics, and even whites have nowhere near the rates of those as blacks, and there's more poor whites than there are black people as a whole.

>white women are inherently attracted to black men and not white.
Thank god my white gf finds black men unattractive then.

>> No.12082075

so a roasty is somebody you're afraid of. you know, your mom is a woman and had to have sex to have you.

>> No.12082125

>Lemme stop you right there, who cares?
i'm interested to see if right wing intellectuals have any principles or definitions that they are willing to define to even begin any arguments or if they are just reactionary brainlets dead set on stalling a society advancing past them

like a mother dragging her child on the ground while he throws a tantrum attempting to grab onto anything on the ground just to spite and trouble her some more

>> No.12082134

my mom cheated on my dad. So yeah.
I love how roasties always respond with “BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR MUUUUUUUUM”

>> No.12082177

why are you guys disliking the video

>> No.12082189


>> No.12082231


>> No.12082235
File: 302 KB, 432x474, 1421091675077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That vacuous, dead look in her eyes

She's lost it, hasn't she? Where's the pure Katy of pic related?

>> No.12082236

your dad is a cuck lol

>> No.12082246

Yes he is. Got anything else roastie?

>> No.12082260
File: 1.91 MB, 480x270, 1540789561027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based and hegelpilled

>> No.12082262

Roastier will be all like:

>I bet your dad was a bad husband

Man I do hate women

>> No.12082282

>my mom cheated on my dad. So yeah.
there is nothing wrong with that. for all you know, your father and mother agreed to it and never dare tell you the truth. in fact, it is a very common fetish with white couples, check out how prevalent interracial porn is online

>> No.12082283


>> No.12082313

Like father, like son

you are a dysfunctional human being and should stop degenerating your surroundings by opting out of this life. you were given a shit hand, now turn it in.

>> No.12082330

>Gonna stop you right there, their "higher testosterone" is measured at being only around 3.5-4% higher than a white males, which isn't very significant, and secondly, white men are far stronger than black men.

then why are all the world's best athletes black? american football would be shit without blacks. the only white player left is the quarter back because it's the highest paid position and blacks can't have that. the day there are no white players on the team is the day white people will stop watching football and it will be hilarious

>> No.12082332
File: 353 KB, 2047x1208, 2D044A7E-51CD-4E76-AA37-FCEE45FE4435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad was treated like shit by women but he’s still cucked to them and touts feminist lies. I refuse to. How am I making his mistakes?
Hell you’ll probably get cucked like my dad more than me because I won’t give cunts the time of day.

>> No.12082512


>> No.12082530
File: 28 KB, 399x322, 3264CBC8-973E-411A-816C-03777A5DD77C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12082566

>hat the crazy equally autistic SJW females are a small but vocal minority, it's because one spends more time watching people on youtube than meeting people in the real world
I have met dozens if not hundreds of women and I have only met one bellow the age of 50 that wasn’t an SJW feminist. Try again white knight cuckhold

>> No.12082574

What’s worse? The /pol/tards or the incredulous moralists that write long posts crying about them? The fact that at least half the /pol/posters are obvious bait means the distinction goes to the latter group, folks.

>> No.12082587
File: 25 KB, 645x968, 1539930046996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dad fell for a psyop so I decided to fall for another psyop