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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 580x650, intellectual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1208017 No.1208017 [Reply] [Original]

Favourite lexical item with less than three phonemes thread, you start

>> No.1208020

Dude what

>> No.1208023
File: 32 KB, 650x489, intellectual2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol good one anon, you are aware this is a literature board yes?

>> No.1208026
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/lit/ - Linguistics

>> No.1208030


>> No.1208038

All Literature c'est linguistics, mais all linguistics ne c'est pas Literature oui?

inb4 suggesting there's something within literature that linguistics doesn't encompass

>> No.1208040

D&E, you forgot your punctuation. Here, have mine . : ! ...

>> No.1208047


I've never seen interpretation of a book's themes, motifs, or allusions in a linguistics class.

>he thinks linguistics is interesting

>> No.1208049


>> No.1208050

D&E, you accidently formed a run-on sentence! Let me fix it for you.

>LOL Good one anon! You are aware this is a literature board, yes?

>> No.1208054

Printing a word in blue ink to make it spooky?

>> No.1208056
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>> No.1208058

>I've never seen interpretation of a book's themes, motifs, or allusions in a linguistics class.

That is because linguistics classes are generally not concerned with the theory of literature. Literary theory classes are.

>he thinks linguistics is interesting

Not really, but it's important in understanding literature nonetheless.

>> No.1208060


Okay brah that's just my style I'm the fuckin Gertrude Stein of /lit/

>> No.1208061


So... that would be "something within literature that linguistics doesn't encompass," oui?

>> No.1208072

I don't think you understand where I'm coming from; the concern here for literature is that if all literature is reducible to linguistics it should all be capable of being dealt with and 'understood' through the rigorous application of linguistics, through the (meta?)language of linguistics, and we wouldn't need a critical language to address texts.

>> No.1208080
File: 2 KB, 200x200, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna leave this here...

>> No.1208083

I just bought a Gertrude Stein book a couple days ago. Three Lives and Q. E. D. Norton Critical Edition for like $5 American

>> No.1208085

cellar door

>> No.1208087
File: 17 KB, 636x400, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw every single D&E thread is basically "HAI GUIEZ LOOK WAT I LEARNT AT SCHOOL TODAY!!"

and no, i'm not mad and/or jelly

>> No.1208100


Isabelle Hubcap toddles into /lit/ from on high every so often to advise someone on some high-level theory book to read. I actually engage people, make threads concerning some of the crucial questions of literature and have the balls to tell them they're fucking retarded degenerates (which should be enlightening coming from a superior human being) when someone says something patently dumb and misguided here.

"Students, and learned persons of all sorts and every age, aim as a rule at acquiring information rather than insight. They pique themselves upon knowing about everything—stones, plants, battles, experiments, and all the books in existence. It never occurs to them that information is only a means of insight, and in itself of little or no value; that it is his way of thinking that makes a man a philosopher." On Men of Learning

" I am too hot and scorched by my own thought: it is often about to take my breath away. Then I have to get into the open air and away from all dusty rooms.
But they sit cool in the cool shade: they want to be mere spectators in everything and they take care not to sit where the sun burns upon the steps. " Of Scholars

and thus it is with these other 'intellectual' tripfags

>> No.1208102

Get back to work.

>> No.1208104


Brownbread I mean seriously, you're the guy who comes here with questions he takes out of his fucking seminar for christ's sake "durr where does a 'book' state guise hurr"

how infantile

>> No.1208106


Your self-delusions are hilarious D&E. Get some treatment bro.

>> No.1208108

start. whatever

Boring old subhuman trash detected

>> No.1208109

This post pretty much sums up why no intellectual would actually post in /lit/.

>> No.1208111
File: 64 KB, 665x598, spin that chair real good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i make one post
you make it every thread


>> No.1208112

Also, saging your own thread is pretty adorable.

>> No.1208114

I know where all the intellectuals post and it's not here lol

>> No.1208116

Pissabelle Cumfart is probably my favorite tripfag since Historian stopped posting a million years ago

>> No.1208117

Who says /lit/ is for intellectuals anyways? We're just here to fucking discuss and recommend books. If you want to talk some deep literary shit major in english and gtfo.

Goddamn all you /lit/fags are so annoying. D&E most of all.

>> No.1208119

I like you, Brownbear. You don't post irrelevant shit all the time. Dont listen to this faggot.

>> No.1208120


Hahahahaha fucking moron XD

>> No.1208122

>ignores relevant point made
Typical D&E... How could I expect more?

>> No.1208125

Would someone maybe care to take a shot at giving their opinion on this or do I have to listen to more dumb crybabies and Brownboor projecting that I must be getting what I'm learning from my academic education rather than studying in my own time so that it makes him feel better about his own starkly deficient, painfully canon-derived intelligence

>How could I expect more?
Delusions of grandeur you fucking degenerate nitwit, you don't deserve more.

>> No.1208126

When did I say that this board should only be populated by "intellectuals"? All I said was that this guy has clearly crawled so far up his own ass that he thinks the smell of his shit is worth something.

>> No.1208130

Okay, I misunderstood. Good point then, bro.

Sorry I expected you to actually understand and respond to something that was relevant for once. It was incredibly foolish of me. How could I be so stupid?!

>> No.1208131

You could do it, but it would take ages to get the same result you do from other forms of analysis.

There's a reason linguistics is only used sparingly at crucial moments in interpreting a text, you insipid fuckstain.

>> No.1208132

The herd (anon in this case) will always resent the individual genius for seeing his own transcendent worth.

Fuck'em, fuck'em all.

>> No.1208134

Deep&Edgy everyone knows you're not an intellectual. You post trying to look smart and knowledgeable but it comes off as you're a pretentious fuck who just read a wiki article about the topic. Stop being so self-important and maybe people would take you seriously.

>> No.1208136
File: 23 KB, 484x309, shrugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How could I be so stupid?!
You are pretty fucking dumb and uninteresting bro, not going to lie to you

>> No.1208137

Vanity in children is adorable.

In adults, it is repulsive.

In 4channers, it is completely unacceptable and inappropriate.

>> No.1208140

Ignoring the point again, I see. Hahaha. This is incredible.

>> No.1208141

I guess it must, it is a sort of necessity, for it to look that way from all the way down there in the cesspit :(

cry more you boring asshole

>> No.1208143
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>> No.1208145

So, your modus operandi is post thread consisting of obfuscatory terminology, wait for responses, then, when people tell you that you're a masturbating egotist, you say they can't recognize your resplendent genius and are just jealous pretenders. Oh, and completely ignore any valid criticism that somehow occurs by accident in the course of the thread.

Did you even finish high school?

>> No.1208147


lol cry more

>> No.1208148

Hahaha. You crack me up.

>> No.1208151


lol cry more

>> No.1208154


>> No.1208155

Derp&Spergy just watns to talk about phonology, what's wrong with you guys

>> No.1208168

>We're just here to fucking discuss and recommend books. If you want to talk some deep literary shit major in english and gtfo.
/lit/ - Literature, not /lit/ - talk about some books
Anything Literature goes.

>If you want to talk some deep literary shit major in english and gtfo.
No, I just want to talk about Literature.

again, so much fucking fail I mean jesus

>Deep&Edgy everyone knows you're not an intellectual
I and everyone who is not a degenerate herd-animal on the board thinks otherwise

>You post trying to look smart and knowledgeable

>it comes off as you're a pretentious fuck who just read a wiki article about the topic
projecting, and 'pretentiousness' is really non-applicable in the context of the imageboard

>Stop being so self-important and maybe people would take you seriously
That I rightly recognise my own self-value should really have no bearing on what I have to say if you are capable of proper reasoning and argument.

>So, your modus operandi
you would never know my modus operandi deductively, fuck off

>obfuscatory terminology
maybe if you're a dense retard. And the proper word would be jargon, dense retard

>you say they can't recognize your resplendent genius and are just jealous pretenders
I don't care whether people are jealous of me, that is their own slave morality issue.

>completely ignore any valid criticism that somehow occurs by accident in the course of the thread.
have yet to see one

cry more lol

>> No.1208170

Anyone else care to scream like a bitch and stamp their feet?

>> No.1208172

I haven't once "cried" over anything, but I'll let this pass, just for you, buddy.

And congratulations at finally being relevant! Good job, D&E. We should make this a habit.

>No, I just want to talk about Literature.
Which you don't do.

Moving on!

>> No.1208174
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>> No.1208176

>Show me something in literature not encompassed by linguistics.
>What about all the reasons people actually study literature?
>lolno, that's literature, not linguistics.

And beyond that you haven't said anything beyond "I am so great, look at how great I am, suck my dick if you disagree."

Oh, and your language is clearly obfuscatory, since this guy (>>1208017) didn't know what you were talking about. If you wanted to actually start a thread involving discussion you would do so in a manner reflective of your audience, instead of stroking your own flaccid ego and insulting anyone who tells you to stop wanking all over the board.

>> No.1208177



>> No.1208178


>Which you don't do.
Moving on!
All I talk about on this board is literature, kill youself XD

>Favourite lexical item with less than three phonemes thread, you start
You forgot the focus of the thread you fucking moronic tool. Everyone's just jumped on this inb4 I threw in without a second thought.

>And beyond that you haven't said anything beyond "I am so great, look at how great I am, suck my dick if you disagree."
I've defeated every bitch complaint in the thread so far, as well as this.

>Oh, and your language is clearly obfuscatory, since this guy (>>1208017) didn't know what you were talking about
Not to me or anyone who is not a fucking caveman.

>If you wanted to actually start a thread involving discussion you would do so in a manner reflective of your audience
Wow and people in this thread are accusing me of being an elitist asshole, at least I don't write off the entire board as fucking idiots who don't know linguistics 101

>> No.1208180

Linguistics is not literature. You could relate it to literature by possibly giving examples, but you don't. Shrug.

>> No.1208181

>I've defeated every bitch complaint in the thread so far, as well as this.

Not really, bro. You've just bitched and moaned and told me to quit crying.

>> No.1208186



>> No.1208188
File: 30 KB, 771x269, deep&edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no sermon, no choir, no heavenly spire. You're trying to engage a passive audience with derision, poorly explained language games, and ego. Yes we can look up phonemes if we don't know what they are. But if someone asks about it you should probably explain it to them in clearer ways instead of making them feel bad for being here. Sure some people are misguided: But I feel like your approach is only going to reinforce a kind of e-stinct to rally against you. If I were you I’d be more concerned with the portion of the audience that isn’t aware of what you’re talking about and start them out on good, solid footing.

Feeling the irresistible urge to call someone names? Make mean-spirited jokes at another poster’s expense? Knock yourself out. But take your name off first. Name-calling under this guise only disrupts what you’re trying to talk about and discredits you. Unless you can come up with some truly scathing critique of your detractors (plays on their names isn't cutting it) it's going to work better if you either ignore them or try to prove your worth to them.

I think you're on the right track in several ways. First, if there were a board on 4chan that was interested in the intelligentsia and improving their comprehension of language and philosophy: It would be /lit/. So you’re posting in the right board. I also think you’re speaking from a background and reference. You’ve dropped enough books to show precedent in your thought. I’m also under the impression that you’re a student right now.

>> No.1208189

>Defeated every bitch complaint
Now that is a truly hilarious claim to make.

And there hasn't been a reference to linguistics in relation to literature in the whole thread.

>> No.1208190
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In my past I’ve found philosophers, abstract writing and people obsessed with the writing to be cantankerous and disagreeable. I’ve decided the investment in abstract thought doesn’t reward me enough to do more than some light reading once in a while. But I’m listening if you happen to say something insightful. There are people here that philosophy works for, so try and cull them and have The Dialogue, instead of trying to angrily impress. It just doesn’t work well online. You're just coming across as a jerk.

>> No.1208191

>And there hasn't been a reference to linguistics in relation to literature in the whole thread.

Exactly! Thank you, lad.

>> No.1208197

>All Literature c'est linguistics, mais all linguistics ne c'est pas Literature oui?
fucking degenerate pig

>told me to quit crying.
good idea, all you've been doing so far

And there hasn't been a reference to linguistics in relation to literature in the whole thread.

see my posts as I'm the only non-butthurt person posting about it before people started crying and screaming at me.

>> No.1208199

This is why D&E is the worst tripfag of them all. I have more respect for TyBrax than this piece of shit. At least TyBrax tries to be friends with everyone.

>> No.1208203

Hahaha, D&E you're so funny. You ignore everything else I say. Guess we're back to these silly games.

>> No.1208205

Where did you get the idea that saying it in French makes you right?

Linguistics is classified as a science. Literature is an art/humanity. The two intersect, yes, but they haven't yet in this thread, and the impetus this thread was built on was purely linguistic/masturbatory.

>> No.1208208

>You ignore everything else I say
I've addressed everything you've said pissant

>Where did you get the idea that saying it in French makes you right?
I didn't, what makes me right is the incontrovertible content of my post. All literature is linguistics but all linguistics is not literature.

>> No.1208209
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>> No.1208210
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This thread. My face.

>> No.1208212
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>> No.1208213


>And there hasn't been a reference to linguistics in relation to literature in the whole thread.

>This is why D&E is the worst tripfag of them all.

Mostly that one anon had some amazing points. And you say you've made relevant points concerning linguist and literature in this thread, but I've seen none.

>> No.1208214

>you say you've made relevant points concerning linguist and literature in this thread, but I've seen none.
You are a subhuman degenerate, what can I say

>> No.1208215
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>> No.1208217

>can't even point to any BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE


>> No.1208218

So, other than the fact that you say so, what makes linguistics part of literature? Because, as I've said, linguistics is a science, and literature is art. They are parallel fields, but they are not intrinsically related. And "Favourite lexical item with less than three phonemes thread, you start" is a distinctively linguistic matter.

>> No.1208223

None that a subhuman like you would be capable of picking out XD

>> No.1208225

>still can't reference any
>still means there are none in this thread

>> No.1208226
File: 37 KB, 218x270, gaiaonline.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha! This is a fun troll to play with!


>> No.1208228

>what makes linguistics part of literature?

>> No.1208230

They're made out of your mom's vagina.

>> No.1208232

>Can't reference any you'd be capable of understanding

ur problem not mine bro XD

>> No.1208234

D&E I'm disappointed :(

>> No.1208235

Still not seeing any referencing, D&E. I am disappoint.

Oh wait, I was the moment I first say you posting!

Mostly because you can't hold an intelligent conversation on something relevant.

>> No.1208238
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>> No.1208240

We could've been done with this fuckery ages ago if you had actually cited a book, short fiction, poem, anything that would've tied linguistics to literature within the context of this thread. But instead, you quote Nietzsche (hilarious) and Schopenhauer to justify being a self-aggrandizing waste of egg and sperm.

>> No.1208244

>Still not seeing any referencing, D&E. I am disappoint.
I would be disappointed if I were a fucking ignorant numbskull too :(

Glad to see you're chiming in and it's not something about sex this time!

>> No.1208246
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>> No.1208248
File: 13 KB, 251x213, 1284144786283s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favourite lexical item in English with three phonemes:
Shake n' Bake
Cracker Jack
two bagger
shallow grave

captcha:coaluser confidence
pic unrelated

p.s. took less effort and got more satisfaction out of giving this language game a chance than I would have otherwise.

Come on gentlemen, the house of chan is large with threads enough for all. It's not like we're gonna run out of space are we? I concede I may have missed the point here, may fornication occur to my person if so and may human excrement spontaneously manifest above my head.

>> No.1208249

cool, sometimes all i post is surveys, sometimes just sex. nice consistency bro.

>> No.1208253

It's quite ridiculous that all everyone else in this thread is asking for is a reference to some sort of actually written literature in relation to linguistics, and all you can do is bitch and moan and insult us. You still can't reference any form of literature mentioned in this thread, and still continue to bitch and moan about how linguistics is literature when it's not. There's so much more to literature besides linguistics, and there is so much more to linguistics besides written word.

>> No.1208254

>you had actually cited a book, short fiction, poem, anything that would've tied linguistics to literature within the context of this thread
all literature is linguistics regardless of context

Is there something particularly difficult you're not getting about this logical necessity

>> No.1208257

Also, I never saw D&E respond to this amazing observation. Did you even read it? Was it beyond your comprehension? You could really take away some things from this if you head wasn't so far up your ass. Maybe then we'd all like you.

>> No.1208260


Those are morphemes you idiot.
>language game
You're a bit grammatically inept for languages games, although that is the charm of reducing it all to language games I guess

>> No.1208261


If you ignore what I said I bitch about this typo, I swear to all that is holy and religious (I will laugh my ass off).

>> No.1208268


Definitions of lexical item on the Web:

* Lexical items are single words or words that are grouped in a language's lexicon.

Definitions of phoneme on the Web:

* (linguistics) one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language

Then help a guy out and elaborate because I think you got it backwards (see below)

Definitions of morpheme on the Web:

* minimal meaningful language unit; it cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units

Everybody: what do you think?

>> No.1208276
File: 14 KB, 273x185, trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. >D&E is the worst tripfag of them all.
2. >is the worst tripfag of them all.
3. >pic related
4. >you /lit/fags are so annoying. D&E most of all

I am really too good for you guys just give up, all I'm seeing is crying

>> No.1208278


>I am really too good for you guys. Just give up, all I'm seeing is crying

I have to agree. It's pretty clear D&E is miles ahead of the majority of people posting here, whether due to years of academic study or his own time spent contemplating I'm unsure. Most of the people here aren't going to get what he's doing, but I do, and it's hilarious.

>> No.1208284

Regardless of how much D&E *thinks* he's smarter and better than us, the fact is that he is a lowlife because he really can't comprehend basic social interactions, even online, on this stupid forum. He acts overly pretentious and gets onto us for supposedly being less intelligent than him. The thing about people who are "more intelligent" than the rest of us *rolls eyes* is that they often are so close-minded that they refuse to take in the point of view of people who are considered less inferior than them in their yes, or really even listen to them. But, imo, this just makes them dumb. Shrug.

>> No.1208287


Dude, at least TRY with your trolling. This doesn't even make sense, even if your tripcode wasn't active for both posts.

>> No.1208288

> in their yes

Sorry, got on a roll and started typing fast. Heheh.

>> No.1208290


whoops left my trip on lol

>> No.1208306
File: 46 KB, 300x239, the-polar-express.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. This has been the shittiest thread on /lit/ in a while.


>> No.1208307

Brilliant. Leave your tripcode on while giving yourself a verbal rimjob.

That alone makes it fairly clear that you're just plain trolling.

And then there's the fact that you were a dick to the only guy (>>1208248) who actually responded to your original bullshit post.

>> No.1208310

>the fact is that he is a lowlife because he really can't comprehend basic social interactions, even online, on this stupid forum. He acts overly pretentious and gets onto us for supposedly being less intelligent than him. The thing about people who are "more intelligent" than the rest of us *rolls eyes* is that they often are so close-minded that they refuse to take in the point of view of people who are considered less inferior than them in their yes, or really even listen to them. But, imo, this just makes them dumb. Shrug.
More projecting. Even when you put some thought into your responses you are sleep-inducing.

>> No.1208312

I'm been meaning to visit /lit/

>> No.1208315
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>> No.1208319

At least I can keep a conversation relevant. More than you can do.

I'm obviously superior to you.

>> No.1208320
File: 24 KB, 225x270, VanVliet5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D&E why can't you be as cool as melancholy?

i guess he doesnt come here as often as you tho.

>> No.1208326
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>> No.1208327

I've been relevant, there are other people who have responded to what's being asked in the thread, who I have responded to in kind, and then there's uneducated crybabies such as yourself.

>At least
At least you fucking admitted it.

>I'm obviously superior to you.

>> No.1208329
File: 51 KB, 400x310, lionel-trains1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1208332

From what I've read of this thread, D&E seems like a freshman in college who took (or is taking) an intro to linguistics class and who just happened to be a little more knowledgeable than his peers because of a cursory self-education through reading. And now he extends that high from knowing a little more than everyone else to /lit/.

Your diction in the first post is what set everybody off. It's totally alienating to the majority of posters who are not learned in linguistics (and by extension phonology and morphology). I mean, "lexical item?" Seriously? How about "word?"

It's obvious that you wanted this to happen just to further your "intellectual" superiority delusions. You can't even argue properly, so the thread just goes in circles of empty points made by both sides that have little to know bearing on the original topic. This could have been an interesting discussion on the relation of linguistics to literature...or perhaps a discussion on basic linguistics at the phonological level and how various palatal rules govern how we pronounce words.

But no, you had to fuck it up. Good job.

>> No.1208333

Bro, you couldn't be relevant even if you tried.

You're just jelly you can't be superior like me.

>> No.1208334

D&E (this guy in particular deserves it but in general) stop being such a dick.

You started this thread to be all superior and shit, don't try and deny it (if you do try and deny it, i'm not going to argue with you. you know what you did). You're a cool guy and a smart poster, stop pullin' this shit.

>> No.1208336

To the limit of my present understanding. I gave this game my best shot. Instead of correction, even harsh correction would have been tolerable, Deep&Edgy chose to take the easy route and just call me names.

I've seen you around D&E and you know what? You're consistently overbearing and flatly ridiculous. I feel sorry for you. Don't give up though, I'm sure with dedication you'll overcome your personality deficits and eventually move out of your mom's basement.

Appropos captcha: said sumudi

p.s. tripcodes? you have no shame sir.

>> No.1208339

I challenge D&E to actually respond to this post.

>> No.1208341


>This could have been an interesting discussion on the relation of linguistics to literature...or perhaps a discussion on basic linguistics at the phonological level and how various palatal rules govern how we pronounce words.

>But no, you had to fuck it up. Good job.

I've been saying this (not as specifically), but he's just been going 'lol stop being a crybaby' over and over. Like that's relevant to the points I've made...

He's obviously inferior to us. *fistbump*

>> No.1208344

Total agreement.

>> No.1208353

Isn't it neat how phoneme looks&sounds like phenome but with the vowels reversed

>> No.1208354
File: 39 KB, 640x480, TRANS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this sleek, sexy-ass motherfucker.

I just want it to slide along that magnet track to inside me.

>> No.1208357


>From what I've read of this thread, D&E seems like a freshman in college who took (or is taking) an intro to linguistics class and who just happened to be a little more knowledgeable than his peers because of a cursory self-education through reading. And now he extends that high from knowing a little more than everyone else to /lit/.
Boring ol assumptions, why do you even bother

>Your diction in the first post is what set everybody off. It's totally alienating to the majority of posters who are not learned in linguistics
Not my problem, more assumptions. Am I like the only optimist who doesn't think most of /lit/ is stupid or something. If you don't know what the subject is about why would you post in the thread?

>It's obvious that you wanted this to happen just to further your "intellectual" superiority delusions. You can't even argue properly, so the thread just goes in circles of empty points made by both sides that have little to know bearing on the original topic. This could have been an interesting discussion on the relation of linguistics to literature...or perhaps a discussion on basic linguistics at the phonological level and how various palatal rules govern how we pronounce words.
More assumptions and assertions you have yet to prove. I've argued perfectly well throughout the thread. This could have been a decent thread if subhuman posters got past their prejudices itt.

>> No.1208361

I think D&E has some psychological need to feel superior to us, and it gets him off trying to degrade us.

Would you like to get raped D&E? I can give it to you hard in the ass. I'll force you to suck my cock until your mouth bleeds.

>> No.1208366

>Instead of correction, even harsh correction would have been tolerable, Deep&Edgy chose to take the easy route and just call me names.
If you weren't such a fucking degenerate you would be crying over being called a name due to your own ignorance, you'd strive to better yourself. But no, such a thing is unthinkable to these insufferable untermenschen.

more noise from the subhuman mongrel

>> No.1208372

>I think

>> No.1208373

I have taken a very thorough college course in linguistics with a guy who actually has a P.H.D. in it teaching it and made an A in it. /thread

>> No.1208374
File: 29 KB, 700x473, Hires SantaFe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing about your style of argument that would be acceptable in any forum other than The O'Reilly Factor, since they've made it clear there that "U Mad Brah?" is an acceptable level of discourse.

>> No.1208376

What is so wrong with assumptions?

Maybe I'll ASSUME you like to be tied up. Then I'll suck on your balls until you come all over my face. Oh yes! Please come on my face. Will you lick it off? Oh, please lick it off.

>> No.1208379
File: 21 KB, 476x180, justasplanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently you're the only dullard here who'd think I'd slip up like that. I guess /lit/ knows me a little bit.

>> No.1208381
File: 12 KB, 300x100, securetrips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree. D&E is beneath contempt right now but everybody was eleven years old once upon a time, let's hope he can find the inner resources to redeem himself at a later date.

Now, is anyone ready to say anything about the relationship between linguistics and literature? The pithier the better. I'll go first.

For me, linguistics differentiates between languages by what must be conveyed, not by what may be conveyed. Literature is in many ways a social phenomenon. Yesterday's smut is tomorrows literature (Peyton Place, Naked Lunch, to name two examples)

Where linguistics and literature collide for me is in the novels of Irvine Welsh, for example, because I have to use many of the skills I learned in linguistics to extract his rules first and once I've gotten past a few pages I find I have acquired most of what I need to just enjoy his prose having learned what he must convey and thus able to follow his rules.

I tried my best to be clear, thanks.

>> No.1208382

>addressing the style rather than the argument itself
Try again, this is kindergarden stuff

>> No.1208383

That's not assumption, that's conjecture.

And the reason you make conjectures is to test them.

And you've clearly proven all that conjecture is right.

It's like the Abatap of /lit/!

>> No.1208388

There is no argument.

>> No.1208393

Don't even bother trying to discuss literature and linguistics in this thread anymore. D&E will only try to degrade you by calling you names.

Just make a new topic and encourage everyone to ignore his posts.

>> No.1208401


And yet, it is only you who believe that your arguments are valid. How does that prove anything?

>Not my problem, more assumptions.

Well, it certainly is your problem if your own thread gets derailed like this. You can blame the responders for that, sure--but I think the fundamental problem is with your original post and your general attitude toward pretty much everything.

You honestly need to shed whatever superiority shell you wear. If you want to enter into academia in any capacity, you can't fucking argue like this. This is a forum, so the rules are a little different; but when talking with a person like this, you're likely to be considered completely worthless in conversation.

I've made some assumptions, yes. But they must have been accurate to some degree for you to defend them in such a way. Instead of simply calling out my assumptions, you should tell me why they're inaccurate. You've worked yourself into a hole of not proving anything. And what the fuck is with this word, "subhuman?" Just because you're being challenged on some of your points makes the arguers less than human? That's laughable.

>> No.1208405

Daytime /lit/

>> No.1208406

Did you seriously screencap yourself?

>> No.1208408

night crew 4 life

>> No.1208409

>That's not assumption, that's conjecture.
Cool word for opinion bro.

>And the reason you make conjectures is to test them.
No-one in this thread is interested in verifying or falsifying their prejudiced subhuman opinions of me, and it would not be possible in the context anyway.

>And you've clearly proven all that conjecture is right.
assuming what you've yet to prove

An argument style has to have an argument for it to be an argument style nincompoop.

D&E will only try to degrade you by calling you names

or have measured discussion with people who say things that aren't stupid (e.g. mistaking phonemes for morphemes what a joke lol, and then having the gall to mention language games after such a faux-pas)

>> No.1208417
File: 101 KB, 720x568, 1281598614958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread should be stickied as guidelines for how to completely de-legitimize yourself as a trip/person.

Way to self-destruct off a one sentence post you silly "subhuman."

>> No.1208422

>mistaking phonemes for morphemes what a joke lol, and then having the gall to mention language games after such a faux-pas

you would be a good poster if you didn't do shit like this

knock it off or stop coming around here, your gimmick isn't really entertaining anymore

>> No.1208423

There is no substance to your "argument." It consists solely of ad hominem attacks.

>> No.1208424


good idea. I think I'll do just that. Tomorrow though. Sadly, time has caught up with me.

>> No.1208428
File: 51 KB, 360x470, united_we_win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great work everyone.

>> No.1208429

D&E is correct that linguistics is related to literature, but only insofar as it governs the way words and sentences are put together to create the meaning of the text. It is the structure from which all written English stems. Linguistics is especially useful in deconstructing a text at a sentence and diction level, but not much beyond that. It's also really cool to see the morphological similarities between related languages.

>> No.1208433

>Well, it certainly is your problem if your own thread gets derailed like this
I don't have an issue schooling a few tards that want to kick up a fuss. It will be enlightening for them.

>the fundamental problem is with your original post and your general attitude toward pretty much everything.
Never bow to the decadence of the herd.

Burn'em, burn each one of the ignorant fuckers.

>If you want to enter into academia in any capacity, you can't fucking argue like this
No shit. But I can do it with a bunch of idiots on an imageboard who stand to learn some home-truths.

>I've made some assumptions, yes. But they must have been accurate to some degree for you to defend them in such a way.
I haven't defended them, I've simply pointed out their status as assumptions. I'm not interested in confirming or denying them for your pleasure. You prove whatever assumptions you want make, not my problem.

>> No.1208435

meant to link to this one whoops

>> No.1208436

The relationship between Old, Middle, and Modern English is also pretty interesting.

>> No.1208443

>D&E is correct that linguistics is related to literature, but only insofar as it governs the way words and sentences are put together to create the meaning of the text.

This, but D&E INSISTS that literature is entirely linguistics, ignoring theme, plot, character-development, and anything else that makes literature literature as opposed to just words and punctuation and sentence structure strung together.

*fistbump* for being superior than D&E

>> No.1208444

>Thread should be stickied as guidelines for how to completely de-legitimize yourself as a trip/person.
Another ignorant moron who forms prejudices based off a single thread. Each argument is to be judged on its own merits.

Point out a single ad-hominem I've made you swine.

Now we're getting somewhere. Where were you half a thread earlier?

>> No.1208447



>> No.1208449

>D&E INSISTS that literature is entirely linguistics,
didn't say that, you fucking cretin, I said
all literature is linguistics
I didn't specify to what extent

>> No.1208450

holy shit this guy's finally being true to himself

>> No.1208451

>Point out a single ad-hominem I've made you swine.


>> No.1208455

>all literature is linguistics
>literature is entirely linguistics

There's essentially no difference.

If you want I can spank some sense into you, as my dick is shoved deep down your throat. We know how you like it DEEP and EDGY, right?

>> No.1208457

Inb4 you actually think namecalling is equivalent to ad-hominem

>> No.1208458


Actually, I'm the same one who made these posts:


Regardless, this could still be salvaged and de-derail into a thread about linguistics. :3

>> No.1208459

an insult is not the same thing as an ad hominem argument

>> No.1208460

I take after you, sir :) Glad you're acknowledging how far I've come.

>> No.1208463

Sometimes I start cringing in the middle of the street at how much of a smartarse I was. If I was D&E, this thread would be one of those moments.

There's no race to be the cleverest here. When you try and look cleverer than everyone else it doesn't make you feel proud - they're moments I wish I could forget. Do the wise thing and apologise, D&E. There's no need to prove anything.

>> No.1208464

>There's essentially no difference.


also, didlo lol

>> No.1208465

You rather me use a dildo? That's fine with me. I can just shove my dick up your ass while there's a huge dildo shoved down your throat.

>> No.1208466

I think calling everyone a subhuman and using that to disqualify any and all statements is the very definition of ad hominem.

And I like that you decide to agree with the guy who has stated things touched upon by several others in the thread. Incidentally, he also says that linguistics is pretty limited in it's application without a specific example, which you seem to have missed.

>> No.1208469

Come on D&E, you know you want me to fuck you. Where do you live? I'll come over right now, tie you to the bed, and then ram your ass so hard you'll never forget me.

>> No.1208472
File: 55 KB, 455x700, gay-sex-pics+-82-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me and D&E guys. Aren't we hot? I'm squirting buckets of cum deep inside his sweet little pretentious ass at this very moment.

>> No.1208492
File: 17 KB, 262x313, successfulltroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent enough posting I appreciate your contributions (even you phoneme-mistaking language game guy)

>> No.1208496

He's not trolling, bro. You'd know that if you took my dick out long enough to pay attention to the thread.

>> No.1208498

Whoops, forgot my trip.

But you should have known it was me, baby! ;)

>> No.1208501
File: 53 KB, 390x365, big_cock_gay_blowjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

It's what D&E does when he's acting superior to you guys. That's him sucking my cock.

>> No.1208532

This is a worksafe board. If you want to post gay porn, please do it in /b/. Thanks

>> No.1208568

Don't care. I can't hide the passion of Deep&Edgy and myself. He doesn't seem to mind.

>> No.1208768

just stopping by, counter-sage bump lol

>> No.1209991

Cmon bro don't stop now we had a good thing going, personally I'm holding out for when you start posting gore