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/lit/ - Literature

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12077800 No.12077800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some modern classics of lefty literature?

>> No.12077815

East of Eden but rewritten with an all black and trans cast.

>> No.12077849

define "modern"
I would say Zizek and Byun Chul-Han have both released some classics within the last 10 years

>> No.12077850

god i wish that were me

>> No.12077858

Pretty much all of them except Paradise Lost and dantes inferno

>> No.12077862

Preferably 21st century, double preferably within the last 10 years.

Any Byun Chul-Han recs?

Zizek is a charlatan. All his books are like this:

>leftists say x is the problem, and we should do this thing
>most people say y is the problem, and we should do another thing
>I say y is the solution, and we should do nothing

>> No.12077876

>Byun Chul-Han
Burnout Society, The Scent of Time, and Agony of Eros are all pretty good.

>> No.12077883

I hate the /pol/ posters and I hate the /leftypol/ posters, OP needs to deepthroat a shotgun.

>> No.12077887
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>ywn have sex or have a romantic partner
By modern you mean post WW2 or contemporary?

>> No.12077889
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join us

>> No.12077896

Contemporary would be great

>> No.12077926

Desert, Against His-story, The Coming Insurrection, EXPECT RESISTANCE, Tiqqun

>> No.12077962

Hunter S. Thompson wrote extensively from a far left standpoint in all of his journalism. his coverage of politics from the 70s onward is great

>> No.12077991

Zizek, The Invisible Committee, Kliman's analysis of the 2008 crash

>> No.12078143

Good to see another rational centrist.

>> No.12078200
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>> No.12078277
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>Hunter S. Thompson wrote extensively from a far left standpoint
That is perhaps the most retarded thing I've heard on this site. Congratulations, you are a retard. I'm sure you're good at other (simpler) things though!

>> No.12078284
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well it is stupid, hunter was left wing. He really hated regan despite also being a strong advocate for the NRA

>> No.12078297
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By today's standards, Hunter S. Thompson would be considered a far right nut-job by the American left wing.

Antifa would literally protest his public appearances.

>> No.12078314


>> No.12078317

Is that Boyd Rice?

>> No.12078321

Man, if that was my daughter i would just beat the shit out of her and disinherit the fuck out and them follow her where she would seek the compasion and care from a negreo who would fuck her with her BIG FAT BLACK COCK. Hot.

>> No.12078324
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Because I'm tired of you fuckers having your little ant-empire squabbles on this board for literature and philosophy. Don't you all see how pathetic you are? All you're doing is cluttering the board and taking away from more substantive discussion. Nothing anyone says in this thread or the Hitler thread matters or will make anyone's life better.

>> No.12078329

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.12078332

Varg's books, this guy is basically an sjw.

>> No.12078333
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>muh moral highground
Pick a fucking side faggot, and then fight to the death for it.

>> No.12078337

I'm a Catholic and I hate both sides because both of you hate Jesus Christ.

>> No.12078354
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I'm Christian as well. The left wants you dead. They want your children raped and dead. They ant your culture destroyed. the future of this world will grow from the vast and deep pools of leftist blood. 14/88 brother.

>> No.12078362
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*blocks your path* uwu what's this

>> No.12078366
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You people think anyone who doesn't have white skin is subhuman. You hate the poor. You hate the natural world and the patterns of human life it has created. You use tradition and history as a crutch to justify patterns of behavior which are often less than a century old. You're as awful as as the leftists in your own way.

>> No.12078371
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>How many thousands, tens of thousands of prisoners, are in for petty theft, while the 'robber barons' of our day get away with murder. Literally murder, accessories to murder. "Property is Theft." Proudhon wrote--The coat that hangs in your closet belongs to the poor. The early Fathers wrote--The house you don't live in, your empty buildings (novitiates, seminaries) belong to the poor. Property is Theft.

>> No.12078372


>> No.12078377

>You're as awful as as the leftists in your own way.
Perhaps. I hope you can retain your moral high ground as you are hoisted by the neck to dangle beneath a lamppost until your indecisive spirit drains from your body.

>> No.12078379

>Moderately attractive hoe
>Corpcuck Pepsi symbol on flag
>Anarchist symbol on mesh netting over taped nipples
>Hairy europoor armpits, but Ameritard
>NRA bullet belt
>What looks like usagi version of playboy bunny tattoo on leg

Do these kids have any fucking clue what kind of message they /want/ to send v. what they /are/ sending?
>Wants to send "fuck nazis/fascists, they're garbage" message
>Sends "I'll be a whore for corporate interests and money and fame, gibs attention 2 cause alsoplz"

It's kind of out of the way from "modern" but Female Eunich - Germain Greer. Otherwise Twilight & 50 Shades. Althouuugh, you can see a *certain* trend by including Hunger Games & Harry Potter. That trend being a deeper-seated pattern, one called The Matriarchy.
>Makes sense the leftists would create rich and influential matriarchical mother-figures espousing liberal idealism when they claim the right is stern, patriarchical father-figures espoused traditional exclusivism

>> No.12078388
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>references klan lynchings
>says this is bad
>forgets the american right lynched people, not the american left

>> No.12078395

>You people think anyone who doesn't have white skin is subhuman.
Do you deny this evolutionary & historical truth?

>> No.12078402
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you're just mad because she'll never let a fascist like you plow her

>> No.12078405

>Forgets the left periodically undergoes purges and witch hunts
>The right congratulates and tries to integrate any examples of beating "the system" into the system

>> No.12078406
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and you're just scared a black man/another woman will fuck your wife better than you ever could. y'all are children

>> No.12078407


>> No.12078409
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>> No.12078414

I wouldn't plow her unkempt fields if I were GRRM with hedgecutters.

>> No.12078416
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So you fear and hate them based on appearances and genetics rather than their personalities? are you afraid of brunettes as well anon?

>> No.12078419

"Import More Blacks Because My Daughter Isn't Going to Impregnate Herself" by White Rap Fan is a great read.

>> No.12078421

you are some special kind of retarded

>> No.12078425

Dorothy Day repented and submitted to the pope. Have you?

>> No.12078429

>Women are terrified of being raped, but somewhere in the back of the womb there is one rebellious nerve end that tingles with curiosity whenever the word is mentioned.

>> No.12078432 [DELETED] 
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>and you're just scared a black man/another woman will fuck your wife better than you ever could. y'all are children
Huh, a black that cannot think outside the parameters of "muh dick". I am shocked.
Nah, I just have eyes that can witness the horror that is Africa 2018, crime statistics, IQ statistics, mirror recognition tests, etc.

>> No.12078433

see >>12078406
Jesus, all of you really do think the same

>> No.12078445

So because an area that is impoverished is violent then it is justified to hate it's inhabitants? should we also consider the citizens of ex-iron curtain countries to be less human than those in NATO?

>> No.12078447


>she founded the Catholic Worker
>remained its editor until she died
>Pope Francis called her an "exemplary American"
>Church opened the case for her canonization
>her title is Dorothy Day, Servant of God

Nice try my guy

>> No.12078450

Nothing abnormal about wanting to prevent savages from ruining your property.

>> No.12078454

Good boobs, good ideology. Upvoted

>> No.12078458

I'm more scared my kids will grow up to think strange sex = the height of ingenuity & freedom anon. Idgaf if cultures learn to love other cultures -- in fact, I'm banking on it, it's great for business -- or if different kinds of people learn to be compassionate to one another within the same culture.

I care about the petty emotional victories and revenge tactics of the left. Sure, the right's fucked up a lot in the past, and having affairs is fucking daft. But it's not about emotionally or self-righteously fucking other people over; it never was. That absolute disregard for respecting the boundaries and values of others is what scares me, anon.

People having sex with my spouse doesn't scare me, we're already swingers lol. Even my kids, once they're of age and sufficiently developed, whatever. Don't fuck around with a level playing field of meritocracy.
>The same way I'll call out those further on the right for nepotism, that shit doesn't help anything either.

>> No.12078459

Nah, this guy thinks that Africa's fucked because black people are there. He totally ignores literally all the evidence that says it's fucked because white people fucked it. But whateva, fash gonna fash, he's scared a black man's gonna impregnate his daughter. It really all boils down to sexual anxiety. I bet he has a small penis and has a secret fantasy of wanting to fuck a black woman

>> No.12078463

I'm white, you fucking dumbass

>> No.12078467

>So because an area that is impoverished is violent then it is justified to hate it's inhabitants?
Hate? No. It is illogical to hate an animal. Animosity is reserved for humans. Blacks are animals. So, hate? No. Genocide? Yes.

>> No.12078471

Black women are probably the easiest to bang since they're the least desirable and therefore most desperate.


>> No.12078472

>I'm white, you fucking dumbass
You're a cuckold. You forfeited your status as "white". Aren't social constructs fun!

>> No.12078479


Wait, hold on

>worst of the left: mildly annoying SJWs, the occasional blac bloc smashing a window
>worst of the right: actual literal nazis

My guy, these things aren't equal. It's just that one makes you uncomfortable.

>That absolute disregard for respecting the boundaries and values of others is what scares me
Why should I respect the boundaries of someone who would stuff me in a gas chamber if they could? If someone's values are "hey, let's lynch all black people," why am I obligated to respect those values? You have children. What if someone's values were "hey, I want to rape your kids?" You're not obligated to respect them because they pose a clear, present, and grievous threat to your children. No more am I obligated to respect fascists.

>> No.12078480

>I'm white
Let's be real for a second. You're Jewish. Not white. Right? This is anonymous. You can tell me.

>> No.12078485
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>actually believes race is a scientific category
Hold on lads, hold on, stop laughing, I'm not done
>actually believes cuckold is a race

>> No.12078495

Let's suppose that blacks are in fact a separate species from us, does that truly warrant extinction?. Even animal predators are preserved against poachers as the world will forever be lesser without them.

>> No.12078498

I used to find hairy armpits disgusting but now I find them weirdly attractive in good looking girls. Am I becoming a leftist, bros? Please say it ain't so.

>> No.12078499

ANTIFA isn't left wing. They're just one small part of the defense force for the corporate norm.

>> No.12078501

We can preserve them in zoos.

>> No.12078512

The worst of the left is worse because they're more unlikeable.

>> No.12078513

So you're Jewish. Gotcha.

>> No.12078519

We kind of already do that. It's called the inner-city.

>> No.12078520
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like clockwork

>> No.12078523

Nice poetry slam tier analogy.

>> No.12078526

>implying leftist girls aren't secretly attracted to fascists

>> No.12078549
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>I'm a Catholic

Literal retard spotted, go swallow some chosen people cum ,dumbass.

>> No.12078554

They may be attractive in a way but I would never have sex with a fascist. They have no morals.
t. socialist girl

>> No.12078555

It's a joke, faggot.

>> No.12078558

I've been looking at these boobs so long I just realized Im supposed to be giving left recs.
>Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky
Y'all probably know this already but seriously give it a read. I'm convinced the only reason it's vilified is because it's effective. Plus I love his ethics. Seriously underrated.
>Trust me I'm lying by Ryan Holiday
Not left exactly, but a great piece on how fake news currently spreads. I much prefer this to Manufacturing Consent (surprisingly dull)
>God and The State by Bakunin
No one ever told me how fun Bakunin is
>The Rape of the Mind by Joost Meerloo
I samefag this book every chance I get and I'm gonna do it again. It's a comprehensive study of coercion techniques used by facist, communist, and democratic governments. Not originally meant as a left wing book at the time it's since been adopted by anarchists and given a new terrible cover. Contents are still golden
>The intelligent Investor by Ben Graham
Financial illiteracy is a plague among the young and poor. It's a self destructive trait which can be corrected. Although this book is now considered just a standard business classic, Ben Graham wrote it as a means of communicating Wall Street secrets to regular people, in hopes of reducing shady Wall Street practices. Everyone on Wall Street pretends to have read it, but those who actually live by it are of the left persuasion.

>> No.12078568



I'm not Jewish, if that's what you're scared of. God, all of you really do think the same. Used to be Catholic but not anymore

just wait any minute now will come the "marx was a jew" arguments. Like, I've never got those, you know? Either Jews are moneygrubbers or they want to redistribute all the wealth. Like which one is it?

Jesus, fascists are so fucking stupid

>> No.12078571

>Worst on the left, SJW's
My man, Hollywood. Literally killing people for money and having sex with children. Nazis were fucked up, but I can understand the original call to action about a country's injustices and a political movement gone horribly fucking wrong. Neonazis and the KKK are trite fucking parasites hanging onto the glory of a dead ideal.

Killing people and having sex with children just because you can, I cannot comprehend that frame of mind. Same thing with someone like Caligula.

I can kind of get the whole antifa v. extreme leftist v. feminazi v. alt right bullshit. Bunch of adults using movements created by ignorant kids, most of them caucasian, lower-middle class, in their 20's, to make money and push political agendas via sensationalism.

>Why should I respect...
You should respect values and boundaries of all individuals anon. Until those boundaries or values lead to demonizing, witch hunts, and actively suppressing or eliminating the voices of opposition. Or outright fucking with humans' basic rights. And I was talking about my values and boundaries, and those of people like myself. I don't plan on gassing you because you disagree with me on fundamental issues, and I don't like that you took it that way. I'd rather learn and grow.

I am indeed obligated to respect the person who desires raping my kids. Until they make some kind of act toward my kids, it's a verbal provocation and nothing more. Does that mean I'm willing to bet on someone not doing anything they say they will? Fuck no, I'mma be well prepared. But if that person has values and boundaried that don't infringe on mine or my kids' basic rights, the most I can do is respectfully disagree and take precautions against acts that will infringe on those rights. Those on the left, for whatever reason, seem to believe that saying something is equivalwnt to doing something. It isn't. If I say I'm going to skullfuck your mother, it's crass and vulgar but it's not taking action. Same with some dirty sonofabitch telling me he (or she) will rape my kids.

I mean, sure, you do you. If you don't want to respect other people don't lol. Golden rule is a two way street. As a human, though, I'd hope you eventually come to your senses and realize a lot more can be done/gained by talking with people you disagree with than by silently hating them or disrespecting them for their beliefs.

>> No.12078575
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Not God but a swastika
So black no sky could squeak through.
Every woman adores a Fascist,
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.

>> No.12078578


Congratulations. You are so uniformed it is literally impossible to argue against you (since you have no point of reference for when you're wrong). Impressive.

>> No.12078581

>Caucasian IS Jewish
lol anon, one of the biggest lies on this planet is that Jew =/= White. Only difference is that Jew is "supposed" to be naturally higher in mental acuity and spiritual development. That's it. Goy = unenlightened, following baser animal desires more than higher reasoning or awareness of deeper emotions.

>> No.12078587
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>I can't come up with a good reason why you're wrong, so I'm just gonna project and act superior

>> No.12078591


High IQ recs, not OP but thanks anon.
Know where to start w zizek? Want to get into him but damn the fucker has so many books

>> No.12078596

Do you know that poem is a satire, right, you fucking idiot? No. Women don't love fascists. In fact we despise them.

>> No.12078600

You'll never be a girl, faggaroo.

>> No.12078604

Svage Detectives

>> No.12078606

> he thinks jews think jewish isn't a race

>> No.12078611

why do americans pronounce antifa wrong?

>> No.12078622

white women consume more rape/bdsm porn than any other demographic

>> No.12078626

They're also the most sheltered of violence desu

>> No.12078628

...that doesn't mean they enjoy being raped, you absolute fucking idiot

>> No.12078634

Thanks anon. Everyone says Sublime Object of Ideology is the best Zizek book. He's kind of a charlatan tho, I wouldn't worry about too many of his other books

>> No.12078640

Just because the fantasy of a "fascist" taking you by force is hot doesn't mean we actually want it or that we don't despise fascists in real life lmao. Are you stupid?

>> No.12078658

just watch youtube videos, honestly

>> No.12078676

wait why is he a charlatan?

>> No.12078679
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Did you repent and submit or not, Anon? I'm waiting.

>> No.12078702

I'd smash that harder than the Loyalists at Teruel.

>> No.12078713

not believing you're a woman till i see ya boobies

>> No.12078726

What about fascist women?

>> No.12078745

Come on, you can't fool us. You despise them because they're dweeby white boys, not because of their actions or beliefs. If Chad was a fascist you would put out for him.

>> No.12078757

I honesty don't see how a woman could be a fascist if she isn't brainwashed but I despise them too even then. They have no morals. Fuck them.
Of course not. I want a man who respects me and treat me as his equal. He tan dominate me in bed but only there.

>> No.12078762

Women love a dude with no morals you fucking virgin.

>> No.12078766

Keep saying that to yourself, virgin. I'm sure that's why no one wants to fuck you lol and not your shitty fascist personality.

>> No.12078768

The script for black panther

>> No.12078771

He makes a lot of flashy complicated arguments, but often doesn't have a clear original insight. Often he talks just to talk and seems uninterested in really moving forward or coming up with a clear takeaway. That seems like charaltan behavior to me. I think he just likes attention desu.

>> No.12078772

You are sending mixed signals all the time you fucking tranny.

>> No.12078777

you know the only reason she's wearing that button on her hip is to have an excuse to adorn herself with a swastika, no matter what the context

>> No.12078787

If he's handsome enough you'll whitewash everything he does. Trust me, I've seen it happen a million times.

>> No.12078788

You should be grateful that baptisms by force are no longer valid, or else we'd dunk you and christen you and there'd be nothing you could do about it.

>> No.12078792

lmao go to /pol/ or /r9k/ or wherever, won't you?

>> No.12078799

That's not very nice. They might say the same thing about you.

>> No.12078808

>teehee he can dominate me in bed hmmpsh but only there wink wink ;)

>> No.12078814

Doesn't contemporary anthropology tell us that "morality" is just a social construct anyway?

>> No.12078815
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>> No.12078836

Yes. It's hot. What's so wrong about that? Are you telling me men are animals who can't act like civilized person 90% and only be dominant in the right context?

>> No.12078854

i pick up girls by yelling at them in a fatherly voice, calling them dumb fuckholes ordering them to fellate me. the more aggressive the tone, the quicker they comply and start deepthroating my syphillitic and discolored penis.

>> No.12078880

There's nothing wrong with it but it belies all this feminist nonsense.

>> No.12078888

What's so nonsensical about wanting to be treated like human beings?

>> No.12078910


You want an animal as a man. Just an animal that'll do what you say.

>> No.12078924

Woman aren't equal to men, and say it in a complete non-derogatory way.Men and women are complimentary to each other.

>Also your either misinformed,dishonest,a feminist or all of these.

>> No.12078926

Sandra Cisneros, Cory Doctorow, Dave Eggers, many others to be sure

>> No.12078934

What's ironic is that feminism is what presupposes the inferiority of women. Without it everyone already knows they're as valuable as men (but still different.)

>> No.12078951

"Civilized people" are nothing more than domesticated beasts.Women not just want, they NEED a dominant men as a partner to feel happy,protected,fullfilled etc..

>> No.12078983

this thread is retarded

>> No.12079038

Yeah,thanks to social "sciences" and people who spread this absolute nonsense currently.I feel there's a malicious intent behind all of this.

>> No.12079082
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Tell anyone from /pol/ that Jews are white and they all reply with the same rehearsed response.
>Jews aren't white, Jews hate whites
Sounds like race, to them, is less of a genetic certainty you're born into and more of a fucking kickball team you join.
They speak of hard science but remind them that 'white' has no basis in science, only Caucasian does and they might reply with something like.
They're not race realists. They're the biggest social constructionists of us all.

>> No.12079117

why do you say you want a man who respects you and treats you as his equal, why not say you want a man whom you respect and see as your equal? if they respect you, you respect them? If a man doesn't respect you as his equal that means a fault with the man, not with you? this is the language that you use to express yourself, it seems as though you want to be elevated in the man's eyes, to be "one of the guys," rather than want a man who seeks to impress you with his ability to hold his own in a room full of women, oh my god i just read that sentence. A room full of women and one hunky guy? He wouldn't need to hold his own, that's for sure. You want to impress a man with your ability to take it, to be tough, get fucked in the ass and like it, watch boxing and get thrilled by blood pouring from a broken nose, you're so diminutive in stature and submissive in spirit you cannot conceive of the ritualistic violence indulged in by your brothers when you were children, their nature is so beyond you and you never developed a personality beyond girlhood so you seek to understand the mysteries of the male psyche? let me break it down: fuck and kill, not necessarily in that order. 99.9% of males operate on those two instincts alone, and that includes a lot of the immediately physically attractive ones, and your big goal in life is to be sexually dominated and allowed to pick what netflix show is running in the background by one of these semi-conscious brutes? That's your idea of mutual respect? What does a man have to do to earn your respect? Make a lot of money? Drive a nice car? Dress well? Work out? Call his mother once a week? All of the above? You wouldn't respect anybody slinging burgers for a living with no coverage, no car, one room apartment, overweight, yet you demand respect for...what exactly? Debt? Personal trainer? Hermes bag? Vintage Docs? Non-profit? Tell me about yourself.

>> No.12079179
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>> No.12079196

you know, i write these damn theses all the time and reread them and hate myself for it, i'm tired and bitter and feel like these threads are a way to express my anger in a healthy way yet they probably just exacerbate the symptoms further, it's the disillusionment of thinking that the free love and peace and plenty promised by preceding generations isn't extended in my direction no matter how hard I work to earn my place in this Utopian society, it's all met with frustration and disappointment, all the rage and vitriol i expose myself to fans the flames of this emotional bonfire burning my spirit to ashes, what hasn't fallen apart due to negligence is being actively destroyed, it's easy to lash out when you feel life dealt you a crummy hand

>> No.12079229

That's just factually inaccurate, I think. He'd get some criticism from the usual dogmatic SJW crowd, but I think he would be widely accepted by leftists in general and even by most SJWs. Do not make the mistake of thinking that dogmatic extreme SJWs represent the average left-of-center American.

>> No.12079256

The works of John Dolan - best known for being the author of various columns for The eXile and of being the "War Nerd".

>> No.12079333


>> No.12079435
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>> No.12079474

If you're not a communist (or anarchist) then I'm sorry to say but you're a cuck. A capitalist supporting cuckold. The Russian Revolution was one of the manliest things to ever happen.

>BTFO the tsar
>BTFO the backing nations

Blown the fuck out.

>> No.12079528

baby, i'm an anarchist, they're all spinless liberaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals

>> No.12079555
File: 38 KB, 393x600, capital pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>showing up to anti-trump protests to own the libs

>> No.12079634
File: 318 KB, 500x475, canyounot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[... etc]
Normally, I would not condone the burning of words, but I would make an exception for allowing this thread to burn in a fucking fire.

>> No.12079644
File: 48 KB, 1000x1000, this is bait children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12079668

Light skin doesn't determine race. If you are genetically descended from Europe, and aren't contaminated with non-white blood, then you are white. Period. It's pretty simple. Jews are from the Middle East, and are therefore not white.

Does that make sense to you? I tried to make it as simple as possible for someone of your low caliber intellect to understand.

>> No.12079676

Cooking For None

>> No.12079681

Economics for Dummies might help you.

>> No.12079684

Well, I mean "race" as a convention was largely made up in the past 100 years or so. Ethnicity and nation, bloodlines and geography, were the things people cared about for millennja. Race misattributes political views, faiths, biochemical composition, psychology, geography, among other artefacts into one lump of shit stirred frequently to offend certain kinds of people.

I can see why they get all butthurt by "racism." The whole whites v. jews v. blacks v. reds & yellows thing is fucking daft, no matter which side of it people come in from. Once people settle on one common, excluding, decisive description, though, they're locked in. No takebacks. So the children bitch and bemoan the "bad people" don't like x, the other "bad group" are y, and the ones with differing opinions are wholly dismissed or labeled z.

>I'd be more willing to bet on some unknown group kicking up dust within each party's group to keep everyone focused on the fight and the dirt, instead of what's going on.
Seen too many instances of that The Interview movie causing a media shitstorm that just so happens to coincide with the governments of certain countries passing bills. Bills that could be affected by the common person in each of those countries rallying against them.

>> No.12079689

Lmao not all jews are descendants from the tribes you fool. Hardly any of them are.
Do you know how many white Europeans were converted to Judaism? Millions.