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/lit/ - Literature

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12074265 No.12074265 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just enjoying some Baudelaire with a café noir

J'ai cultivé mon hystérie avec plaisir et terreur.

>> No.12074272

Tres patricién! Tres patricién comme moi-même ;)

>> No.12074303

je mappelle i lalalove germaine sausage in moi bumbum moi bein

>> No.12074309

Can you go speak faggot elsewhere? Thanks.

>> No.12074316

>that pristine book
try reading your books instead of taking selfies with them. your extreme frenchness is offensive.

>> No.12074369

i admit it, i just got back from hanging out at bars reading books, been doing it for a while cause it gets me out of the house, i don't drink alcohol, 2 years sober, so i order coffee, sit in a booth and read my books, i'm sure people think it's pretentious and they probably have friends to talk to as well, i don't, also since there's this whole witchhunt going on with certain literature being flagged as alt-right or nazi stuff I just make no bones about it and read my fascist literature right there at the bar, that's what they're thinking anyway so i won't try to hide it, nations belong to the citizens and they make the laws because they fought and died to secure their place, the losers want to complain and insidiously undermine the fabric of the nation by pouring poison in the ears of the youth encouraging them to not only reject their family and country but to assist in its systematic destruction, while demanding rights and privileges within the very borders they mean to eradicate, it's a bald-faced open lie, and as long as they keep screaming it and doing their demonstrations to foment confrontation they'll get what they want just so the middle-class can keep their peace, drive their SUV's, wash their wood-fired pizza down with craft beer, then vape some cannabis oil while they watch the game and their wife and sisters-in-law take turns fondling their genitals under the table, it must be great to be on the other side, the perpetual victim, everybody wants to help and there are underground railroads, assistance to living expenses, they've got it so easy and they want even more, every creature on earth has to fight and kill to survive, if you've never experienced a moment of doubt or fear then you've got a problem, it's the people utterly secure in their position who are the villains, in case you didn't know

>> No.12074370

that feel when cannot read his poetry in French. I have the oxford edition.

>> No.12074384
File: 3.26 MB, 3120x3740, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just enjoying some philosphy with a little energy boost.

Bang boom motherfucker, it's MONSTER TIME!

>> No.12074392

Truly based. And redpilled!

>> No.12074427

>he posts on 4chan

>> No.12074433

basado y rojopillo

>> No.12074612

OMG I love penguin classics beat published version of the clasics

>> No.12074619

Basé et roguepilule

>> No.12074634
File: 239 KB, 720x914, basé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rougepilulé mon ami

Je veux te dénommer pour me souvenir.

>> No.12074665

> roguepilule
Is that some AD&D artifact?

>> No.12074694

Yes, it turns every piece of foodit touches into butter.

>> No.12074702


How many Instagram likes are you getting for this? Attention seeker.

>> No.12074705

I have that same book anon. Been trying to practice French with it.
>tfw French is good enough to understand with looking up the occasional word, but pronunciation sucks so much I can't get a feel of the poetry.

>> No.12074832
File: 71 KB, 858x536, monty_3061005k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pronunciation sucks so much I can't get a feel of the poetry.
I am inevitably reminded of the classic scene in Withnail & I where Uncle Monty quotes Baudelaire - with an English accent so atrocious that he makes a piece of prose actually rhyme!

>> No.12074842

mdrrr “selected poems” et pas fleurs du mal. teête de chien

>> No.12074846


How do you remain unmurdered?

>> No.12074847

he got my like on 4chan

>> No.12074898

If I saw a guy sitting somewhere like this, I'd approach him and beat him up, collect the phone numbers of the women that have watched me dominate and maybe end up fucking one of them on your corpse.

>> No.12075093

>Not the Oxford translation

>> No.12075163 [DELETED] 

>falling for /lit/ memes
I have this edition, it's not a translation in that sense. It has the original French text, with a direct English translation at the bottom just as a reading aide.

>> No.12075165

sounds like you want a sausage in your asshole

>> No.12075172

>falling for /lit/ memes
I have this edition, it's not a translation in that sense. It has the original French text, with a direct English translation at the bottom just as a reading aide.
Fleurs du Mal is included in it as a section.

>> No.12075177

>selected poems
I select what poems to read myself thank you very much

>> No.12075455

What's Baudelaire best poem?

>> No.12075532

They made a top 12 on buzzfeed

>> No.12075536

I can’t keep the front cover down like that

>> No.12075541

Based and frogpilled

>> No.12076358

sit on it at all times post reading

>> No.12076632

>café noir
Times like this, I respect the academy.

>> No.12076729
File: 261 KB, 484x260, eyeballnazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading that

>> No.12076750

Holy shit, that entire paragraph is one huge run-on sentence. If you actually read much there's no way you'd be such a shitty writer.

>> No.12076871

>muh struct rules of grammar must never be broken

>> No.12077281

It's not about rules or grammar you retard, it's about writing in a clear, readable way. Unless you're doing it purposely for effect, a sentence like that is practically an insult to those who have to read it.

>> No.12077290

I dont think most people really put much effort into their 4chan posts. i sometimes dont even bother to use grammar, i just throw words together that vaguely resemble the gist of what im feeling

>> No.12077321

I don't put effort in either; I have never managed to write anything like that abomination. I don't give a shit about proper spelling or grammar, but should come naturally to write in somewhat clear paragraphs.

>> No.12077335

im not that anon but i find writing run-on sentence paragraphs entertaining. I dont mind reading them either, espeically if theyre polemical or absurd in some way

its actually something of an informal format for pasta now that I think of it

>> No.12077429
File: 46 KB, 1909x145, Screenshot (59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based god

>> No.12078522
