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12074227 No.12074227 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Harry Potter has mostly run its course pop-culture wise, or do you think it will continue to build up its fanbase even further in the years to come?

Will the next generation of kids be reading Rowling?

>> No.12074235
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>> No.12074238

and no, of course not. it's a classic. generations will be introduced to HP by their parents or teachers for decades to come. there's not much wrong with that. it's pretty decent for children's lit.

>> No.12074239

It's dying. Even the fans are getting tired of it.

>> No.12074330

Can she actually read? All her movies seem ad lib

>> No.12074341

>female takes selfies with books
>capable of reading
pick one and only one

>> No.12074598

W-who is this semen demon?

>> No.12074600

that's Hermione Granger

>> No.12075390

It’ll die, slowly but it’ll die.

>> No.12075637

How do you think she comes?

>> No.12075736

I think it might become something like H Rider Haggard's books, badly written but influencial.

>> No.12075748

On my dick

>> No.12075751

You know, actually intelligent people are just being polite when they don’t straight up call you an idiot. Some of them who have dared to say the obvious — Harry Potter is not that well-written and the fan base around it is just proof of how low this culture’s literary standards are — have been pounced upon, called “buzzkills”, heartless elitists, arrogant and stuck-up intellectuals, etc. The critics have not considered that maybe themselves are just low-class and stupid people with bad taste.

>> No.12075814
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>> No.12075832


Of course its not very well written, its a childrens book. The important thing is that its entertaining and enjoyable for them. Theres nothing wrong with children reading the Harry Potter series. As for the adults who idolize it, most of them are just being nostalgic for something from their childhood. We all like to cling on to things from our younger, happier years. Lighten up man, it's just a book. Its just a bit of fun.

>> No.12075907
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Why I'm no longer talking about Pace?

>> No.12075922



>> No.12075927


>> No.12075959
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It will never be as hype as when the last books were coming out. As long as self directed school reading is a thing harry potter books will be around. I hope that the next gen reads harry potter, but Im afraid hollywood is going to milk it like starwars. Thankfully fantastic beasts wasnt a blockbuster.

Gets me thinking about what a movie does to a source. Even though Watchmen wasnt a great adaptation, did it do an overall good thing by introducing people to the source?

>> No.12076003

I have a 12 year-old sister who read Harry Potter and watched the movies. Don’t know if that indicates the trend overall, but clearly kids still can enjoy it. My guess is it will fade out of popularity if and only if societal conditions continue to change like they are now; Harry Potter is a distinctly liberal, decadent, materialistic fantasy.

>> No.12076015

>Oh, Mr. Weinstein!

>> No.12076017

This is true, and I would point out that no one reads Haggard anymore.

>> No.12076052
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>> No.12076054

She looks so sickly and misshapen.

>> No.12076082

In still hear people praising it in tv, I know people in their 20s watching over and over the movies whenever they're aired in tv and making constantly jokes.
That normie of my cousing gave a copy of the second book as a gift to my brother.

I hope it will die out sooner or later and none of Rowling's other books will become such a phenomenon.
Bloom would roll in his grave

>> No.12076086

(chorus) N E W Y O R K C I T Y ???

>> No.12076418

Depends of course what you mean by nobody. For every Haggard and JK Rowling there are also entirely forgettable authors like Christopher Paolini. The difference is the former will be found in some form 100 years later while the latter will not. I think it's silly to ask will Harry Potter have the same status it had when it first came out. The mass market is fickle, especially the younger they are. I can't see any book maintaining popularity that long.

>> No.12076426

where are her muscles

>> No.12076428

in her anus

>> No.12076431
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I sure hope the next generation isn't reading one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.12076513

The Harry Potter books are pretty much this millneium's Agatha Christie books, badly written yet entertaining pieces of fiction

>> No.12076562

>shit tier
>To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.12076583
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>entire shit-tier section

>> No.12076594

fucking newfags i hate you

>> No.12076595
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T-take it back!

>> No.12076603

>Calls me a newfag after I use a seven year old meme

>> No.12076662

lol this is so savage

>> No.12076668

I bet it will die, mostly because huge best-sellers seldom actually stick around. Like if you look at a list of best sellers from the olden days its a bunch of shit nobody these days has ever heard of (and wouldn't enjoy if they tried to get into).

True classics are extremely hard to suss out, perhaps it's even impossible to tell, with absolute certainty, what will stand the test of time... but when in doubt, bet against it.

Dude I don't even know if infinite jest will last forever

>> No.12076692

Can we get 500 upvotes on that post?

>> No.12076706

relax man just something really funny about that burn. idk what it was

>> No.12076720

>Will the next generation of kids be reading Rowling?


>> No.12076740

>Do you think Harry Potter has mostly run its course pop-culture wise

i'd say the wave has broken, but that doesn't mean publishers, film makers and game companies won't continue to squeeze the flaccid breast to try to force a few more drops of bitter milk out.

>> No.12076762

As long as the source is aimed at people who have to read like for Harry Potter it'll be good for the source. Most adults don't bother reading though.

>> No.12076763

i thought the same about star wars in the mid 90's

>> No.12076764

Read the first book again. Then the second, and so on. They are written for children who are entering secondary education. The word choice and sentence structure, themes, so on are all chosen to instruct children, to develop vocabulary, and how to be good friends and brave in a world that is at times frightening. Assuming each book is read per year, by the end of the series the reader should be 17-18. It's magical and wholesome and you're a cunt if you don't appreciate them.

>> No.12076833

It`s dead, dumb parents and the media keep HP alive

>> No.12076870

All these haters on here. Probably jealous cause my mum read the books to me and yours doesn't even love you

>> No.12076876

I'm pretty damn relaxed

>> No.12076902

I've never felt as shamelessly pandered to as when I read Harry Potter, to the point that I couldn't read the series out of embarrassment. It doesn't speak to anything deep or meaningful beyond, 'don't be a dick,' and 'you deserve physical objects.' If this is what wholesome means, I want no part in it.
My mom read me the first book when I was in elementary school and I didn't enjoy it at all. Tried reading it again a few months ago and felt the same way.
This. My cousin built her newborn a Harry Potter theme room, with all the books and loads of paraphernalia; it was the kind of thing that belongs on the front page of reddit. Those books will not speak to the society that the baby grows up in.

>> No.12076905

My mom does love me and she isn't a stupid vapid conformist cunt either, which is a bonus.

>> No.12077029

Maybe you're just a broken toy.

>> No.12077040

Maybe you’re just an infant, cradle to grave. I’ll bet you like sugar cookies and four chord songs too.

>> No.12078026

My little sister is twelve and she's just now getting into it. I bought her a couple of the books for her birthday, and she was really excited.

>> No.12078036

>lurks /lit/ and doesn't know who Harold Blooom is

>> No.12078037



>> No.12078058

+1 epic

>> No.12078069

get a rope

>> No.12078096

If I had to make a bet I'd say HP declines. Genre never seems to have as much sticking power as litfiction, and I think drawing out a franchise with marginal movies (and plays) tends to dilute its value.

I think Star Wars could follow a similar path. The original movies don't feel as special now that its anchored to a slew of average movies.

>> No.12078155

agreed. not all literature has to be incredibly complex sometimes it can just be fun

>> No.12078165

Harveys cumrag

>> No.12078229
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>> No.12078265

The fact that Hamlet is in low-tier makes me mad because specific looks like it's actually trying to be serious
>Oscar Wilde, Faulker and Orwell in high tier
Nevermind, there's no way it's serious.

>> No.12078370

I have no respect for adults who like harry potter. Its like these awful man children driving around with darth vader decals, i loathe them.

>> No.12078427

Man, Star Wars in the 90s was a fucking golden age in hindsight. Late Gen-X in general is pretty great.

>> No.12078532
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>> No.12078833

I don't think there's going to be any kind of real momentum to grow the fanbase now that the series is done
People who grew up with it will show it to their kids and excitedly make awful posts on facebook and reddit about how they made their kids dress up as the characters for halloween, then they'll get old and uncool
I already feel like everybody's tired of these new fantastic beasts movies, but maybe I'm not in the right demographic

>> No.12078898

Can Paceposting in Harry Potter threads please be a thing?

>> No.12078933

Nobody actually cares about the books, but the movies will likely have staying power for at least as long as millennials are a relevant generation

>Will the next generation of kids be reading?
lol no

>> No.12079609
