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12072948 No.12072948 [Reply] [Original]

I want to understand what freemasonry is really about. What are some good books for this?

>> No.12073247


>> No.12073311

go to a local lodge and ask them

>> No.12073315

Morals and Dogma by somebody Pike iirc

>> No.12073621

This desu, they'll tell you. What they won't tell you is what it's really really about.

>> No.12073648
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it's mockery of the true system, played in a system of court

>> No.12073845


The Brotherhood by Tim Dedopulos

Best book on Masonry I've ever found.

Contains ritual spoilers though, be forewarned.

>> No.12074251

Manly P. Hall's The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, The Secret Destiny of America and many others of his.

>> No.12074284

>what it's really really about

>> No.12074336
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I would suggest you to familiriaze yourself with René Guénon´s "Studies in Freemasonry and the Compagnonnage" being a more historical, objective study without mystical overtones and having historical perspective on the matter. Also Eliphas Levi´s "Dogme et rituel, La clef des grands mystères ("The Key to the Great Mysteries") to understand the basic symbolism of Masonry can be an eye-opener (Albert Pike, with his book "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" basically plagiarized Levi in a more plain-language, being apparent when one reads both of these books)

Guénon had shortly been a Freemason and that in his earlier works, he saw Freemasonry as one of the two only genuine Western initiatic orders. Later in his life he changed his mind. Guénon came to observe that the authentic expression of pure Masonism could apply only to the craft masonry of a bygone era.
He noted that if speculative Freemasonry would one day acknowledge this, it would be logically led to the integral restoration of the old operative

There are many sorts of Freemasonry. First of all there is the big different between "regular" (i.e. recognised by the Grand Lodge in London) Freemasonry, the rest is "irregular". A "regular" Mason will tell you that the rest is bogus and, in the words of Guénon, "counter initiation". One of the easiest ways to tell if the lodge you are looking at is regular is by seeing if the allow women to join. Regular Freemasonry is a strictly male thing.

Freemasonry has a different 'system' from many other initiatic organisations. Ones you're accepted, you're immediately initiated. Guénon calls this the "virtual initiation". This is an actual initiation, an "opening of the third eye", but only a starting point, such as a child who receives a bike still has to learn how to cycle, the initiation as to be "realised" and this is where much Masons who see their organisation as some sort of social club fail.

Most of the modern American lodges, especially in America which boast thousands of members, are akin to Boy Scout club with social club overtones based on fraternity, brotherhood etc. with all of the more esoteric aspects removed the rituals being nothing more than sentimental exoteric dogmatism and ritualism.

>> No.12074351

>Most of the modern American lodges, especially in America which boast thousands of members, are akin to Boy Scout club with social club overtones based on fraternity, brotherhood etc. with all of the more esoteric aspects removed the rituals being nothing more than sentimental exoteric dogmatism and ritualism.
They're basically intended to breed the managerial class, like police chiefs, judges, corporate managers, politicians, etc.

Nothing wrong with that as it's a necessary function of society, but it's not the "real" stuff from an esoteric perspective.

>> No.12074501
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>Nothing wrong with that

>> No.12074517


>> No.12074518


>> No.12074824

Guénonfag mon amour!