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12072640 No.12072640 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book for summoning devils, particularly Lucifer? I want to sell my soul for power.

>> No.12072651

try a suicide manual you fucking rat

>> No.12072663

t. Christcuck

>> No.12072668

>i dont believe in God but I believe in the ideas of the devil

Okay idiot

>> No.12072677

Rather shoddy reasoning there, my Christcuck friend. The fact that I called you a Christcuck does not imply that I don't believe in God. I accept his existence, but I do not follow him or accept him as my master.

>> No.12072695

that wasn't even me, which I think stands as a testament to how retarded you are OP.
I am not a Christcuck but the idea that someone would even turn to "magic", especially evil "magic", at all is just pathetic to me and if I knew you irl I would literally push you down for being such a retarded leech

>> No.12072703

>I am not a Christcuck but the idea that someone would even turn to "magic", especially evil "magic", at all is just pathetic to me and if I knew you irl I would literally push you down for being such a retarded leech
Go ahead, but you would wake up in a hospital bed, internet tough man.

>> No.12072710

okay faggot go pray to satan for it.
I'll just sit on my pile of money and share it with people who are possible to like aka very much unlike you.

>> No.12072716

Pretty funny that you got upset by thread that is clearly satirical. You're not a very smart person.

>> No.12072723

>satirical thread =/= shit thread
go back to /x/ with teh rest of the deranged faggots.

>> No.12072731

I've never been on /x/. The only deranged person ITT is you. The irony is that you would get KO'd in real by almost everyone, including me, if you behaved like this. Now you are safe behind your keyboard, so your balls artifically inflate.

>> No.12072738

Literally no evidence of that.
Evidence of you being a weak rat-willed desperate, and buttblasted little fag is mounting however.

>> No.12072755

>Literally no evidence of that.
Consider yourself blessed for that, now you get to feel self confident whereas in real life you'd feel nothing. Until you woke up after the worst beating of your life.

>> No.12072765

Oh and now buzz of you dyel incel. You're not interesting.

>> No.12072768

I feel good all the time.
I am not afraid of easily suggestible manbabies who feel the need to call up to their imaginary magic power-daddies to protect them from reality.

>> No.12072776

As I've already told you several times, you're a complete moron. This thread was supposed to be for a good laugh until your autistic ass showed up. I don't believe in the devil or summoning devils, you utter bellend.

>> No.12072778

The Ars Goetia (lesser key of Solomon) is what you're looking for. Youd have better luck on /x/ though
Dunno why you'd want lucifer though

>> No.12072779

okay, please delete or take it to /x/.
No one wants to indulge your stupidity.

>> No.12072788

>dyel incel
That got based and redpilled real quick!

>> No.12072798

I'm not going to go to /x/ as I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a believer in woo. Now go clean your knickers, they must be smelly after all the sweat you've worked up ITT, fatty.

>> No.12072808

>repeating terrilbe ad-hominems with no supporting evidence
Like I said, evidence of you being unhealthy in mind and body is significant and hard to deny.
The extreme levels of projection are notable, indicating a sort of insecurity which, in addition to the concept of the thread alone, does not reflect well on you.

>> No.12072822
File: 31 KB, 598x448, Time_to_stop_posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For your own good, stop. You seem very unstable. A joke thread reduced you to sperging like an utter tard for 20 + minutes.

>> No.12072825

>you're making yourself look bad anonymously
Not even op but seriously you're autistic. Get laid, incel.

>> No.12072839

>Get laid, incel.
based and redpilled

>> No.12072841

have fun in hell while I'm banging qt3.14 azn paizuri mommy gfs in paradise

>> No.12072847

>Dunno why you'd want lucifer though
Why not? He's the most powerful isn't he?

>> No.12072855

Well yeah I suppose so but the other dudes are also infinitely powerful and can give you anything you want basically so its like saying: infinity*1 < infinity*2

>> No.12072861

Which other dudes?
I don't believe in any of this shit, but I've read some books recently that suggest many influential and powerful people did (and probably still do).

>> No.12072865

I've studdied magick you fucksticks, yes the Kabalah is true, yes the way of the left handed path is possible. But it's going to damn you for all eternity.
I do not joke on these serious matters.

Want to know the truth? God hates those that acknowledge the proper path and yet turn their back. Want to know the secret of Cain? He did not know murder was bad, he was the first. That is why his curse keeps him alive for eternity.

Another thing, the way of both the left and the right is small, both are tiny, but the left always leads to eternity moving farther and farther away. The right will take you directly to God.

>> No.12072882

All the other 72 Goetic spirits. Freemasons and other rich weird Jews believe in this shit im sure. After all the legend goes this King Solomon dude used these spirits to build his empire or something so that's why power hungry rich people are drawn to this stuff.

>> No.12072988

Go home /x/

>> No.12073068

Why would Satan bother himself with you?

>> No.12073096

what ever you do please dont take that path. You will regret it trust me.

>> No.12073174

>he thinks demons are real

>> No.12073196

This is exactly what /x/ is for

>> No.12073204
File: 5 KB, 228x221, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is stunningly autistic

>> No.12073205

Do you think edginess is a way for a beta male to feel like they have any leverage at all over anyone? I was 14 and angry too man. You grow out of it once you realize satanism won't make your penis bigger.

>> No.12073208
File: 69 KB, 448x562, ascetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satan be gone

>> No.12073213

I like this idea OP, summoning demons sounds fun
/x/ is a shithole and I'd rather have a decent occult thread on /lit/. especially because of how much butthurt this is generating with local tourists for some reason.

>> No.12073214

Any good books on the right hand path?

>> No.12073228

Projecting man. I'd cave your head in.

>> No.12073343

sorry for fedora but there are no known methods
you can however closely approximate the concept by becoming very good at drawing furry porn

>> No.12073361

The Bible. It is the only book. It is infinitly deep, as God's knowledge is infinitly rich.

>> No.12073371

If you want to summon anything to sell your soul, you desire power more than it desires you.

When you have power, they'll come to you.
>By the legion.

>> No.12073375

>All the other 72 Goetic spirits.
Which is the most powerful?

>> No.12073377

I don't beleive in demons, but if I did I would assume they wouldn't be interested in some meagre faggot on 4chan. Especially what was left of his dessicated soul.

>> No.12073390

I don't understand how anyone would decide to follow the left hand path. If you accept demons and God as existing, you should also accept that God will judge you after you die. Following demons will just get you benefits in this world, and then you're damned to hell for eternity, following God grants you eternal life in heaven. I really don't get how these edgelords can unironically believe and follow this

>> No.12073396


>> No.12073406
File: 71 KB, 450x497, Bael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker

>> No.12073409

I know fuck all besides going in an /x/ thread once (perennial contender for worst board) but it seems you worship them based on their specific fields of interest rather than some powerlevel bullshit
maybe like patron saints

>> No.12073427

Worrying about being "damned to hell for all eternity" isn't a good reason to stop yourself from doing things, anon. You should see a psychiatrist.

>> No.12073504

>The Bible
Bullshit. There are so many variations and copies of copies, telling what was original is like trying to discern who isn't a sisterfucker or a cousinfucker by way of Adam & Eve's bloodline.

If you're serious about RHP, start with the simplest stuff.The 1928 ed. of Think & Grow Rich. If you're the studious type, look at the differences between the 1928 & 1937 ed. Then go backward to Occultism and Philosophy.
>Divine Plan of the Ages, 1914-1916 editions
>The Magus, vol.1-3 (you won't find vol.3 until you're ready for it)
>If you have a religious background, get a copy of the Tyndale Bible, the Torah & Talmud, and the Qur'an... Latin is better, unless you can find copies with older Greek notes.
>Wouldn't hurt to look into Osho & Upanishads, though you should take that with a handful of salt... some people have better luck on the science side of Spiritual Alchemy, too, so check out Newton et al.'s works.

If you're keen on demonology, read the Lesser & Greater Keys of Solomon. Then read Campbell, Jung, and Zuangzi. And then go back to the Lesser Keys.
>You'll have a better comprehension if you compare and contrast the Lesser Keys the second time around with the Greco-Roman pantheons.

And if you're the type to already be into self-help books, you can learn a lot by just going back and history-hopping through the public figures until you find their original sources, difficult as that may be.

>The only caveat here is to remember and deeply ingrain that RHP is one path. It is biased heavily toward a certain perspective, a certain outcome. Growing to hate other paths is part of development along any path, but don't attach to to that resentment and eventual disgust... it'll close a lot more doors than the path itself opens.

>> No.12073535

Oh, they Care. Deeply.
>The lesser demons, that is.

The ones that could grant anything like a contract from selling one's soul would never do anything beneficial for someone without power. And by seeking that out, one admits they have no power on their own.

LHP and RHP are just paths. One forges through dominance, the other connects through love. It's not necessarily true they're exclusive, either. On the higher levels, all paths lead to seeing the Universe as one conscious entity. It's down to a matter of personal preference.

>> No.12073610

Anon this occult shit is fascinating
Are there any intellectually serious, reputable ways of stepping into this world or is it all /x/ mumbo jumbo?

>> No.12073622

Bhagavad Gita shows the way between the two extremes.

>> No.12073637

Not really the original greek is still in print, there are variations to all translations, but they do not change the meaning of the bible

>> No.12073639

Also you beyond being a fool, you are a coward and a blasphemer, you judas of a dog

>> No.12073782

There are quite a few organizations, if that's what you mean. Masons, Rosicrucians, all the faiths. Not to mention the various subgroups like the Adepts, Orange Boys, or the Granum Order.

If you mean academic or rather intellectual pursuits rather than discussions and serious, like minds, there are lists available. Honestly speaking, Hitler's private library might be an interesting start if you want to also understand how the spoopies spooked politicians and help them make decisions.

Can't 100% guarantee, but the original Greek is most certainly not in print. There are edited copies, but the original Greek has considerably less in it. Same with the original Persian for the Qur'an -- don't comprehend why people think the telephone game doesn't apply to texts over hundreds or thousands of years, lol. When you find an original Greek copy without Deuteronomy, among other things, I'll believe it's closer to the original.

>A change in words does not affect the meaning.
The meaning is not the same between different languages, let alone different words within the same language. British English, for example, focuses differently than American English. Canadian English is an amalgamation of both and has another meaning entirely for similar parables, like that of the Prodigal Son.

I am the stone that rejected the builder, and you are a shadow of Cerbrus with too tight a leash.

The light faith is not all that there is.
>It never was.

Unrelated, how do you feel about the return of the Pagans?

>> No.12073843

>he thinks sex is allowed in God's boring asylum for the terminally unimaginative.

>> No.12073849

Lesser Key of Solomon is the gold-standard for evocation.

>> No.12073867

This is only valid in a purely Christian framework.

>> No.12073874

become a democrat

>> No.12074837


>> No.12074921

peak autism

>> No.12074925

You are playing with evil things
Pretending to be a magician, but you know nothing about it. You are just a sorry fool.

Let me tell you this: I have seen the Prince of Darkness, and he is nothing to be messed with. He is much stronger than you ever thought.

One day you will understand, but I'm afraid that it's too late, because he has got your soul
and there is no way to get it back.

What do you think, when you lie there at the altar: waiting for some ugly jerk to rape you
As a sacrificial fuck?

You are Satan's slave, just a stupid child

You say you are in love with Evil
I say you are out of your mind!

>> No.12074930
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>> No.12074940

You're soul is worthless, in fact you almost certainly don't even have one. More over, this is a 'if you have to ask you can't afford it' type of situation. If something as banal as evocation is beyond you, no entity would even considering associating with you.

>> No.12074944

Your soul*

>> No.12074985

This thread is a cringe fest.
I'm not sure if the worst is edgy OP, the LARPing /x/tards like >>12074925
or all the newfag Christcucks unironically butthurt by this idiocy

>> No.12075084

I was Lucifer one time. Ask me anything.

>> No.12075109

this, i myself i´m going to practice magick very soon and the op is an idiot because even though he wants to sell his soul, either way he´s going to work really hard to achieve his success

>> No.12075167

How are you planning to practice magick?
As an introduction I'm thinking about learning the LBRP, putting asperges me on the stereo, and then doing a few rituals from the Ars Goetia for fun/meditation

>> No.12075184

>How are you planning to practice magick?

doing meditation daily for 2 hours, when my magick senses are developed enough, i´m going to evoke a demoness to help in my path to become a better version of myself

>I'm thinking about learning the LBRP,

that should be mandatory because you don´t want to attract astral parasites

>> No.12075195

keked out loud

>> No.12075229

The LORD rebuke you, satan.

>> No.12075329

>immediately jumping in to the most powerful
You're a living fodder character in a horror movie. You die in the first 15 minutes.

>> No.12075354

Why do people immediately jump into demon summoning?
Why do you people never want to develop relationships with other entities?
Why do you never go towards Chaos magick, and the power of one's own will?
Why do you immediately seek ceremonial magic, and complex rituals?

>> No.12075413

if none of this shit exists anyway you might as well start with the most potent and dangerous rituals on the off chance it actually works and you can get results

>> No.12075425

Sounds like someone doesn't understand how expected value calculations work

>> No.12075459

i don't believe in the paranormal so i might as well roll the dice to disprove it for good

and if i am damned to eternal suffering at least there won't be any ambiguity

>> No.12075597

Jesus is Lucifer. Just read the Bible. Everything you need to know is in between the lines.

>> No.12075754

>he thinks that desire for pleasure is anything other than desire for slavery.

>> No.12076150

By your own logic, jumping into demon summoning is a net loss.
The summoning from the Lesser Key of Solomon, for example, requires a lot of time to prepare and materials. If none of this is true and you do the ritual, you're out the time and cost of the materials.
If it is true, then there's a great chance you've fucked up and invited a demon into your life, could offend them, there's lots of ways it could go wrong.
However, if you do some minor thing, like making a sigil, you're only out time and a piece of paper if it isn't real. If it is real, then you get whatever benefit comes from it without pissing off any entities.
Y'all need to put in your time learning the basics before you try anything drastic.

>> No.12076175

youre a larping faggot just like the bathroom mirror girl didnt ever get me

>> No.12076363

>the way of the left handed path is possible. But it's going to damn you for all eternity.
Unless God's a liar. Have you considered that?

>> No.12076400

>he thinks he can summon Lucifer
You aren't important enough, OP.

The books that teach what you ask are also the books that compel you to do right. If you understand the nature of the soul, really understand it, you will protect it. Mortal power is fleeting. You'll learn this.

The Holy Bible (ALL OF IT)
Plotinus' Enneads
re-read the New Testament again
The Lesser Key of Solomon
Three Books of Occult Philosophy

>> No.12076404

God this painting is unsettling ... his eyes ... his eyes ... the horror ... the horror

>> No.12076453

Why not an angelic spirit?

>> No.12076478

I don't understand this widespread idea that Satan can give you mortal power for eternal damnation and God can give you eternal salvation for mortal humility. How do you know that eternal power isn't applicable in your mortal life and that Satan won't give it to you in exchange for service? How do you know that God isn't just manipulating you into outright mortal and eternal slavery?

>> No.12076482

>Believing that God and the Devil are separate entities

>> No.12076539

>You aren't important enough, OP.
You're projecting

>> No.12076570

It's a pretty safe assumption that someone who has to ask to speak to the Devil wouldn't warrant his attention.

>> No.12076578

I'll make the devil my little bitch, you pussy.

>> No.12076652

I'll make your bitch my little devil, tough guy.