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12069437 No.12069437 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favourite part of Don Quixote?

For me it was the inn scene where Sancho was being thrown in the air after Don Quixote leaves without paying. The whole chapter was hilarious.

>> No.12069477

Battle with the Basque is my favourite part.

>> No.12069483

donkey hotep

>> No.12069485

Sancho solving the problems of the people in the city was great

>> No.12069488

Destroying the puppets. Beautiful and somehow sad

>> No.12069489

this t b h

>> No.12069518

The entire part about Sancho's governorship was fantastic

I also enjoyed the lion part though because of how utterly insane it was even in comparison to the rest of the novel.

>> No.12070015

Caves of Montesinos, and aftermath

>> No.12070042

the inn arc desu

>> No.12070044

>promises to relates his adventures down there
>he never gets around to it
I can't decide whether that was intentional or not.

>> No.12070056

Recants it all near the conclusion if I'm not mistaken (it's been awhile).