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/lit/ - Literature

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12069420 No.12069420 [Reply] [Original]

Tick tock, nazis. You've been found out.

>> No.12069428

the sacred scrolls hahaa someone post the meme

>> No.12069429

>they didn't actually think the way that was normal or revolutionary for the time, the way that's been studies for centuries or longer, they actually thought the way I THINK THEY DO

>> No.12069430

How the fuck don't liberals and feminists not do the same thing with texts?

>> No.12069432



>> No.12069442

I don't know what we were going to do without our great overlords, the Semites. If not for the nazis would have taken over the world. Can you imagine living in such bigoted and hateful world, I do not.

>> No.12069451

>Red Pill community
hahahah, /pol/ bugmen are so cringy

>> No.12069469

“The female is as it were a deformed male”
– Aristotle

>> No.12069474

based aristotle

>> No.12069491

"I wish I was a woman" - Nietzsche

>> No.12069496

"Semen retention helps brain function" - Aristotle

>> No.12069499

i love discussing literature in threads like this

>> No.12069506

Why the fuck was I born with a dick- Me

>> No.12069527


>> No.12069542

is she really wrong? the vast majority of alt-righters are not capable of living up to ancient standards of masculinity, so obviously it's toxic to them.

>> No.12069559

The vast majority of all people fail to live up to their own standards. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have standards.

>> No.12069562
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>> No.12069572


Imagine my surprise

>> No.12069596
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Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.12069687
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it's actually Mark's sister

>> No.12069777

haha is this serious?

>> No.12069780
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>mfw Aristotle was no fap

>> No.12069782

I don't think someone who wrote their doctorate on "Tampon Theory in the Odyssey" or the equivalent should be taken seriously. Do you?

>> No.12069787

>Alt Right
>Red Pill Community
If this is what I think it is, the author is trying to refer to Frogtwitter, which isn't really Alt Right and certainly isn't "the Redpill Community."

She hadn't even heard of BAP when she released this book, and he has been the primary exponent of the movement she's describing for the last 3 years.

>> No.12069788

" I wish I could smash a rock in a Jewish's woman teeth"

>> No.12069792

So what is the solution? Banning books? Not letting certain people purchase certain books without a license? Or is the article just complaining about this? What was the fucking purpose!? Hey

>> No.12069795

none of the memri tv captions are real but that makes them funnier when they get spread around

>> No.12069805

For some reason it feels very strange to learn that Mark Zuckerberg has a family.

>> No.12069806

"The Alt-Right Is [doing x] And Why That's A Problem" is a popular genre of journalism apparently.

>> No.12069821

Based & Redpilled, that's why J*hn Gre*n keeps shitting on him.

>> No.12069837

Did you at least bother to read the article to find out?

>> No.12069860
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When ever NPC's call something 'dangerous' I just assume it means 'superior'. Of course it seems dangerous to you mediocre fucks. Another man's poison is another man's medicine.

>> No.12069883

This thread is /v/-tier.

>> No.12069884

>purple hair
>alt-right booygeyman
>projecting by saying the very thing they've been doing since the 60s

need one of those checklists

>> No.12069893

what is this referring to?

>> No.12069908

Thanks for the /pol/ thread, tourist. These always improve board quality.

>> No.12069928

>if i ignore these stories they don't exist

>> No.12069934

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12069954

I don’t give clicks to shill posts.

>> No.12069983

She says we should teach the classics in a way that doesn't lure students into white supremacy.

>> No.12069989

I want to have sweaty intercourse with this jew queen.

>> No.12070051
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literally impossible

>> No.12070057

Then why be confused about something you are not curious enough to find out?

>> No.12070090
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>> No.12070251

I’m curious, but not curious enough to support a bad content creator. That’s why I was curious enough to ask.

>> No.12070269

They keep retardly spinning things off

>One random red-pill guy quotes Ovid
>37 articles written about rape apologists appropriating the classics

>A right-wing group uses a Roman statue on a propaganda poster
>73 articles about how racists think the Romans were white because of white statues, but actually statues were painted and Romans were black

>> No.12070293

Still not curious enough to find out nigga

>> No.12070313

It’s not a real family, it’s just whoever happened to be nearby when they all slithered out of their bio-pods

>> No.12070363

My girlfriend is Syrian and she told me they are more or less accurate, although at times they are presented in a way which makes you interpret them differently to how the speaker intended.

>> No.12070379

I too can't see a difference between literary analysis from a specific school of thought and "heh heh, that chick totally got raped by Zeus, literally epic."

>> No.12070385

we can't really say which one is better

>> No.12070399

More textual support for the latter

>> No.12070405

Nah, another anon spoon fed me. I’ve already won.

>> No.12070413
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Sure but that undermine your lack of curiosity and desire to fed opinions instead of forming one...

>> No.12070418
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>> No.12070427
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Got into Stoicism first, then became a Fascist


>> No.12070432

gret mem fren

>> No.12070441

"Citizens of Rome, if each one of us had set himself to retain the rights and the dignity of a husband over his own wife, we should have less trouble with women as a whole sex. As things are, our liberty, overthrown in the home by female indiscipline, is now being crushed and trodden underfoot here too, in the Forum. It is because we have not kept them under control individually that we are now terrorized by them collectively. I really used to think it a fable, a piece of fiction - that story of the destruction, root and branch, of all the men on that island by a conspiracy of the women.
Our ancestors refused to allow any woman to transact even private business without a guardian to represent her; women had to be under the control of fathers, brothers, or husbands. But we (heaven preserve us!) are now allowing them even to take part in politics, and actually to appear in the Forum and to be present at our meetings and assemblies! What are they now doing in the streets and at the street corners? Are they not simply canvassing for the proposal of the tribunes, and voting for the repeal of the law? Give a free rein to their undisciplined nature, to this untamed animal, and then expect them to set a limit to their own licence! Unless you impose that limit, this is the least of the restraints imposed on women by custom or by law which they resent. What they are longing for is complete liberty, or rather - if we want to speak the truth - complete licence.
>t. Cato
sauce: http://www.u.arizona.edu/~afutrell/republic/web%20readings/livy34week10.html

>> No.12070564

Is literally everything the "alt-right" does going to be considered bad from now on? When the left finds out the "alt-right" also enjoys breathing, drinking water, and eating food, will the stop doing those things?

>> No.12070683
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>year 2025
>a group of classics majors decide to resurrect the Sacred Band of Thebes

>> No.12070692

Have you read the classics? How would you even do that? They are handbooks to white supremacy.

Ah, the Hitler was a vegetarian argument.

>> No.12070748

>Implying they even understand fascism
It's literally just "being racist"
Fascism as understood today is more a symbolic antithesis to Liberalism, none of these retards actually read any fascist literature.

>> No.12070754

In this transhistorical post-truth world, what you've posted is utterly boring. Oh boy, men hate women! Even wise men hated women! Isn't that a guffaw?! is the gist of your post. Who knew that the ancients had their share of Trumpist hue-man wymyn-hating? What's your point? That Rome was sacked by Alaric? Utterly boring. No more generative of synthesis than the worst of /pol/tarding. Sigh. I hate the alternative right. Not because of any edge, but precisely the opposite. Their rebellion has become groupthink. In 2k18 the average 25 year old white boy thinks it's revolutionary to read "On Women" in "context." Utterly boring. tee dot man who possesses hermetic and therefore immortal masculinity

>> No.12070762


>> No.12070774
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>> No.12070795

his dad is him but with soul

>> No.12070804

>literary analysis from a specific school of thought
Yeah 'wimminz r oppressed' is such an intelligent and sophisticated way of understanding social relations. Next only to the absolute genius of 'white pp r mean'

>> No.12070818

You wanna talk about "civilization?" Talk about respect for tradition. Breker never respected the classics. It's obvious from any study of his work that he stole from the shapes of the doryphoros et. al. without drawing from its idea. This is why his works will never embody anything but the lazy craft of imitation.

>> No.12070824

In this day and age, reading classics won't turn someone into white supremacist, or even a traditionalist. Most people will just dismiss the parts that clash with their liberal worldview. Heck, Mark Zuckerberg himself knows Latin, and has probably read more Roman literature in the original language than this entire board. Just look at how he turned out.

>> No.12070825

He's a jewish billionaire, i dont think the laws of physics allow him to be honest

>> No.12070827

Not that anon. So your complaint is that "women are oppressed" is a simplistic way of looking at society? Did it ever occur to you that "women are oppressed" is a basic truth of our society? If it's too simplistic, please, tell me your nuanced and discerning hot takes.

>> No.12070831
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Imagine being so shallow

>> No.12070832

I don't get it. My Classics courses are 99% "WHAT WERE THE WOMEN DOING???!??"
Classics courses won't turn you into an alt-righter, it'll turn you into a feminist. I think it's just alt-righters who want to enjoy "Western" culture.

>> No.12070841

That'd turn me into an alt-righter desu

>> No.12070845

did it ever occur to you that 'women are oppressed' is not in fact a basic truth of society? Have you ever questioned this particular idea at all?

It would certainly be strange if an oppressed class was a net drain on the wealth in a society, was less likely to be killed, jailed, be homeless, kill themselves or die wokring. That would be odd

that might actually mean we would have to think aout things for a second- for example is it possible that, given the sexes are extremely different and that sexual relations are very complicated, that facile words like 'oppression' do not express the reality of what is going on?

We see the highest positions mostly filled by men, does it then follow that men are a single class acting as an oppressive agent against women?

dont bother answering to any of this btw i know you are literally incapable of going against what the NYT or Harvard tell you

>> No.12070849

sigh. I see you are incapable of responding outside the prefigured modes of personal implication and memery. This is because you have no beliefs to stand on, and are simply reacting to outside influences like a leaf on the wind.

>> No.12070853

why do you apply your egalitarian values to works where these values were not present? Women were lucky to have it so easy throughout history.

>> No.12070858

All conflict is caused by class relations

>> No.12070859

>is one of the richest men on Earth
>singlehandedly creates an entirely new kind of global communication
>is one of the most powerful and influential men of his era
>has a committed and loving relationship with his wife + kids
>donates billions to his own charity organisation to fight against poverty
>reads Classical Latin and speaks fluent Mandarin
what a chad

>> No.12070866

>Have you read the classics? How would you even do that? They are handbooks to white supremacy.
My guess is that they would claim that the modern conception of whiteness was nonexistent in the classical period and attempt to provide examples this in the texts.

I think the problem is that they're frustrated with people having an authentic relationship with these texts (or really any element of culture) that exists outside of their dominant modes of thought and agenda. I really hope we see the development of more consciously anti-intellectual modes of relating with works of art and culture in the future. It's the only way to save them from the academic vampires.

>> No.12070869

Women, regardless of the truth value of your statement, are simply rarely discussed at all in most literature going back to ancient times. Obviously there are exceptions (Aristophanes, Emily Dickens, the Brontes, etc), but the fact is that the vast majority works are about what they are about, and they are not about women.

>> No.12070871

>implying anyone with a brain would pay attention to something said by a tie-dyed university student.

>> No.12070878

Oppressed by who? Be specific, give names.

>> No.12070879

How do people not see the problem with interpreting these texts however they see fit to strengthen their own preconceived viewpoint? How is this alright?

>> No.12070883

welcome to arts university, where every year the lucky few get Bloompilled

>> No.12070886

women oppress themselves by their own low self-esteem. In the modern world they have no excuse to all be rich and powerful and they still can't manage it.

>> No.12070891

>thousands of American women are unable to find / afford reproductive healthcare due to budget cuts and state legislation
>millions of women worldwide are forced to breed like cattle
>honor killings still happen like weekly circus shows in the middle east
>"these aren't problems"
>"because women aren't oppressed"

>Net drain on the wealth in a society
What defines wealth? Dollar bills? In that case, do you really want to measure a person's worth based on their bank account? Is Jeff Bezos your personal hero?

>the reality of what is going on
You still haven't given any explanation yourself--though you act like the simplistic explanation is flawed. I assume this is because you yourself do not possess an explanation.

Oppression is not synonymous with tyranny. Oppression happens anonymously. It is the form of a wife-beating husband or a piece of legislation

>> No.12070894

>debating /pol/ somewhere that isn't on /pol/

>> No.12070898

It is a basic truth, because it is a basic truth that women are less capable of individuating and distinguishing themselves. Applying your own moral compass to this to make value judgments is disingenuous.

>> No.12070917

I'm not even gonna say go back to containment. r9k was a mistake

>> No.12070927

it's real, it's just shiite bantz regarding the sunni
>captcha: chimneys

>> No.12070928
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>> No.12070932

>simply listing examples of ways in whcih life is unfair to women
You know you can do the same thing to men anon? DId this revolutionary thought ever occur to you?

The sexes are not coherent classes they cant oppress each other as such. For one thing the marriage, being for most of civilization the primary social institution, makes the interests of the couple outweigh those of the members of your sex to you.

Women are literally given an enormous amount of shit, willingly and through coercion by taxes, by men who have to slave away to provide for them doing often dangerous stuff. Is this 'oppression'. No, it's just the way shit is set up now, somewhat dysfunctionally, because the sexes have some interests that are aligned and others that conflict, and throughout history changes are made to reflect some flux in this situation. Feminism of the past 2 centuries is clearly a tip towards things being easier for women, but it's not so straightforward.

your rambling about Jeff Bezos is literally incohernet and has nothing to do wiht the idea of women being a net drain on wealth.

>> No.12070934
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It's sad that you've programmed yourself to find facts and anything that might make you think critically about the views that you hold repulsive.

>> No.12070941

The classical answer would be this: Men are inherently superior to women, and thus its only natural that women get the short end of the stick compared to men. Trying to bridge this gap would be working against nature. Women can lead perfectly meaningful lives as mothers, that's what they're made for. There's no oppression here.

>> No.12070942

no, they're accurate. arabic has an especially florid style of insult that when translated literally looks bonkers to non-arabs

>> No.12070945

How do you deal with the fact that everyone of any intelligence before 1850 basically thought this way of women?

>> No.12070965

>Oppression is not synonymous with tyranny. Oppression happens anonymously. It is the form of a wife-beating husband or a piece of legislation
What does tyranny have to do with anything? 1 person hitting another is not oppression. What legislation? You haven't given a single specific.

>> No.12070968
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what's wrong with blooms canon, anon? it's pretty solid and pissed off all the PC types back in the 90s

>> No.12070975

re-read my post, irony has clouded your mind

>> No.12070982

This is my life, don’t take that away from me, Chadnon.

>> No.12070991

So in reality women are inferior, right? Like to think they are equal is just poisoning your mind with egalitarianism, right?

>> No.12071006


>> No.12071007

don't you mean dolicocephalic?

>> No.12071011

> reproductive healthcare
killing kids is neither healthy nor caring, cuntface

>> No.12071014

>"women are less capable of indivuating and distinguishing themselves"
It's sad that I can't tell if you're unironically an incel or just pretending to be one

>> No.12071019

>i know ill imply he's sexually unattractive instead of thinking about anything
I hope youre at least a woman, if youre a man youre in a very low state

>> No.12071026

I'm not gonna jump into the mud with you, but just know that when people like you open your mouths I tune out involuntarily.

>> No.12071032

We're well aware of this, it's called programmed brainwashing

>> No.12071038

>removing the ability for women to slut around consequence free on the government's dime
Typical insane leftist entitlement.

>> No.12071052

>Every woman who has an unwanted pregnancy was "slutting around"
>no woman is ever raped
>no woman is ever coerced into unprotected sex
>no contraceptive has ever failed
wanna know how i know you're a virgin?

>> No.12071058

Sorry, it's an ingrained policy. My time is precious and I can't waste it on people who never passed the 10th grade.

>> No.12071062

>rape is even remotely representative of the general trend
Complete bullshit.

>> No.12071065

Arguably the only thing oppressive here to women is if the child would have been a girl, and its mother was allowed to murder it. Who cares about the potential boys though, right?

>> No.12071066

>haha ill say hes not good at getting sex, thats another good one
The sophistication of your ideas continues to impress me.

>> No.12071071

It was ingrained in you by leftist academics, you will probably live your whole life in the meme world they invented for you. At least you wont have unfashionable views though right

>> No.12071075

Way to miss the forest for the trees. Rape is not limited to back alleys and frat parties. Rape includes any instance of unwanted sexual penetration. You might be one of those people who believes a man can't rape his wife, but I assure you, you are wrong. It happens much more than you are aware of because you are only attuned to statistics--that is to say, reported instances.

>> No.12071079

>le secret rape epidemic
lmao you people are insane

>> No.12071080

>>>no woman is ever raped
Overwhelming minority of involved cases, and covered by other services.
>no woman is ever coerced into unprotected sex
Why are you repeating yourself? Rape is rape.
>>no contraceptive has ever failed
Vast minority of cases. Condoms literally have a 99%+ effectiveness rate.
Why should the exceptions dictate the rule? What you describe is not how or why most people use planned parenthood, it functions as a way to subsidize irresponsible behavior currently.

>> No.12071083

You're only responding because I hurt your feelings on some level, friend

>> No.12071084

> t. Andrea Dworkin

>> No.12071087
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>Believing a man can rape his wife

>> No.12071088

>if you deny what i say that makes it more true
another classic, bringing me back to 5th grade wonderfully

>> No.12071090

>woman should be sexually liberated, sex isn't a big deal and shouldn't be a taboo, it's just sex
Feminists are insane oxymorons.

>> No.12071091

You're literally complaining that I'm too educated. I'll take it as a compliment, plebe

>> No.12071093

It's quite literally Orwellian.

>> No.12071094

sorry but it does not follow.
It is something that holds true for the vast majority of species on the planet.

>> No.12071096
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Mods, please...

>> No.12071098

in the very special sense of the word yeah
For example you don't read original sources, you read carefully chosen secondary or tertiary sources. It is in this sense that you are 'educated', a word that used to mean you could speak latin and greek and do mathematics, a mere century and a half ago.

>> No.12071101

The whole point isn't for equality among the sexes, it's for special privileges for your group and oppressing others as revenge for your imagined hurts.

>> No.12071104

Same but also with severe nihilistic episode inbetween

>> No.12071106


Yikes yipes whooo wheeee

>> No.12071112

Women are inferior in many ways, and that makes it easy for me to manipulate them into having sex with me. It is absolutely ridiculous to imply that any two distinct groupings would share identical capabilities in any regard.

>> No.12071116

>thousands of American women are unable to find / afford reproductive healthcare due to budget cuts and state legislation
God damn it, EVERY single time I talk to a w*man about oppression this is the argument. EVERY SINGLE TIME. “Waaaah I can’t get free birth control and abortions that I only want because I’m always slutting it up, I’m so oppressed.” Why does your entire worldview always revolve around this? Are modern women seriously incapable of any higher thought than getting fucked?

>> No.12071125

Imagine being so well-off that your idea of oppression is big daddy government not paying for the consequences of your sleeping around.

>> No.12071130

overeducated, underqualified

>> No.12071136

getting fucked by chad amounts to the single highest desire of the entire female being. It is the main reason we exist, to reproduce, and for women that means finding the absolute best genes they can, and the best soure of resources to care for their children.

dont think men are any different, they also spend their entire lives devoted to trying to become attractive enough to get a woman, usually by gaining resources, status, etc., or if theyre naturally attractive, to mindless sex with as many hot women as possible

this is normal and if you get mad about it youre simply immature

>> No.12071176

>capitalism in action
The only work that matters in this life is intellectual. I'd rather be an aesthete than a machinist. Kafka had the right idea. But capitalism has so infected your person that you require a wage job to hold your identity together.

>> No.12071187

Fucking is the natural state of things. The only people who resent it, and who want to restrain fucking, are people, such as yourself, who ain't gettin any.

>> No.12071195

i would venture that almost every demographic gets butthurt about one element or another of fucking.

>> No.12071210

>The only people who resent it, and who want to restrain fucking, are people, such as yourself, who ain't gettin any.
How can you be this disconnected from society?

>> No.12071220
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>dangerous narratives of toxic masculinity and western supremacy

>toxic masculinity
every example of this that I've ever seen has just been normal masculine behaviour
masculine and feminine behaviour for men and women respectively is natural and normal and should be encouraged to thrive, not beaten down for some insane notion of total, universal, enforced 'equality'

>western supremacy
while I wouldn't argue that the west is inherently superior in some kind of moral standpoint (although very obviously the west constructed the most efficient, most beneficial and most fair socio-legal-ethical systems in history), it's very, very painfully clear that the west is the best place to live, work, thrive etc. it's not perfect and nobody is claiming it is, but it's markedly better than the rest
of course not for very much longer if the west becomes increasingly 'un-western'

what a fucking shocker that texts written by accomplished, masculine, western men are pro-western society and traditional gender roles/behaviours/virtues!!

what a fucking shocker that people who agree with those things like the texts!!

this shit is such a bunch of bollocks

>> No.12071230

This is due to religion.
Probably because I'm gettin it.

>> No.12071241

Jacking it to anime girls isn't "gettin it" Anon.

>> No.12071253

>due to religion.
i dont think so
for example girls are constantly writing songs full of butthurt over guys playing them
guys are typically crying about girls leaving them, or just being alone

i guess there is a small segment of guys who find the entire thing fun because theyre both attractive and dont really fall for girls

>> No.12071254

We really are going to get raped by the Chinese, and we will deserve every inch of it.

>> No.12071256

>normal masculine behavior
>beating up the fat kid
nah, fuck that. I was the fat kid for a while and it fucking sucked. then I got skinny and picked on a fat kid for a while. the world would be better without these social codes that say, as a young kid, you need to impose your fists on the world. This is something that is learned from fathers, whether verbally or physically.

>> No.12071259

what utter tripe. you are some silly little faggot in your 20s infected with the proverbial "notions". you won't be an "aesthete" for long though.

>> No.12071275

The point, my dear anon, was that there is no need to project some [currentyear] bullshit "toxic masculinity" onto the Ancients: they, like many of us here, held completely normative views.
Unless you want to dismiss the foundations of the system you affect to espouse in tis day and age of machinery and groupthink.
As for your "hermetic masculinity", methinks you haven't understood much of either.

>> No.12071276

The ressentiment is oozing from your post. Nonetheless I don't apologize for your plebeian origins.

>> No.12071277

Maybe women should stop being so trifling then.

>> No.12071280
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>what a fucking shocker that texts written by accomplished, masculine, western men are pro-western society and traditional gender roles/behaviours/virtues!!
>what a fucking shocker that people who agree with those things like the texts!!
There's no 'secret way to read the classics' that turns people to far right politics. They simply see things they agree with so they want to read them.

>> No.12071283

I don't have a stirner big enough for you, but just know that i am scoffing

>> No.12071297

You can scoff, but that doesn't make it incorrect.

>> No.12071312

Unironically dying your hair unnatural colors should be grounds for revoking a professorship. A soldier can't do it, why should a 'scholar' teaching the youth be allowed?

>> No.12071319

don't choke.

>> No.12071327

Let them mark themselves. Tells people that they should stay away.


>> No.12071340

Because a soldier is a little dumb faggot that takes and executes orders mindlessly, while a professor is (or should be, not saying that everyone in academia is deserving) the embodiment of Western civilization, someone free.

>> No.12071372

>the embodiment of Western civilization, someone free.
ehh, umm...

>> No.12071765

"I never hesitate to declare that the diploma is the deadly enemy of culture."
t. Paul Valery

>> No.12072044

she's cute

>> No.12072206

>capitalist is going to to something against the side effects of capitalism

>Western society
At least pretend not being retarded.

>> No.12072247

i wonder if she hates mark for his behavior

>> No.12072280

Him providing extremists with a platform also provides her with one. It's not like anyone would pay attention to her without the last name and connections.

>> No.12072303

I'd hijack her pussy.

>> No.12072341

I live in a country without many remarkable jews and i find this pic really spooky.
t. biologist

>> No.12072349

Professors aren't educators like they once were, (I say this as an Arts major) Mathematics professors are the only professors that aren't merely "showing young adults what to read". Gone is the valiant efforts of the enlightened Feynman type, today's professors are basically high school lecturers with arrogance and a different title. Show me a single STEM lecturer in a well respected university with dyed hair and I'll show you my surprise.

>> No.12072368

>every single mom: it's not my fault I got knocked up by a scumbag
Here is a basic truth: Women are 'oppressed' because they are mostly stupid and lack agency/personal responsibility to make good life decisions that could benefit overall society.

>> No.12072376


>> No.12072379

she should try telling that to the Talmud scholars

>> No.12072387

>fake wealth built on book-cooking and inflated stock price
>Got CIA backing in college after ripping off ideas of otehrs
>not influential at all
>I'll give him that.
>"charity" is nothing more than a tax shelter. Get real
>maybe he can, doesn't mean he does
He's a fucking android/globalist stooge

>> No.12072395

Wow, you are genuinely incapable of logical argument. t. for confirming what the classicists already knew but now we deny.

>> No.12072401

Jesus, what the fuck is the "redpill community"? Anyways, I study STEM and I read the books myself, so good luck teaching me in a non whatever way.

I don't think I'd be right wing if the left wasn't so insane, desu.

>> No.12072410

Regarding fascist literature, who do you recommend? I think I am a nationalist and a socialist, and I wonder if that makes me a fascist in the literal sense.

I want autarky (no imports except raw materials, and only exports if it "makes sense" or benefits our people, like using goods to buy back our debt or to get bullion back into our country). And I don't think immigration should be allowed, at least not for people with less than an MD or Ph. D. or something equivalent.

But on the other hand I also want a libertarian society regarding individual citizens (as opposed to corporate citizens). They should be able to do drugs, be Muslim (if they want, whatever), sell sexual acts, own guns, and get on a goddam airplane without taking their belts off and getting patted down.

Also, do you think Bernie has any fascistic tendencies?


>> No.12072413

>what are condoms, readily available in all pharmacies and grocers
>what is the word 'no'
waah, why can't I fuck random dudes with zero foreplanning and zero consequences to myself?

>> No.12072444

Nah, they just want to prevent unwanted children or pregnancies and the resulting social problems, and they have to restrain fucking because people are too stupid to use contraception in spite of it being simple to use, effective and readily available.

>> No.12072457

Imagine living in a world where your worst issue is the existence of a class of impotent children who's blogposts are totally ignorable.

>> No.12072471

I'm still the fat kid. It's a vicious circle of not caring about yourself enough to change and getting bullied into depression. Food tastes and feels good and it's the best looking exit door to life.

>> No.12072479

Honestly I can't even say I'm trying to fix it right now. A big part of it is that I don't have self control, self esteem or discipline. Going to live alone soon and get a job. I'll be able to control what I eat then regularly and I plan on buying/eating enough to get by and 0 soda except for when classic wow launches because us fat guys need our mmos.

>> No.12072486

I feel like we are looking at this problem like men and imagining us men as being women and saying as a man I would not like that. But as we know women are not men and have different portieres are things they enjoy or even do. Like for example women don't hunt wild animals so saying their was a law that forbid women from hunting as a man who may like to hunt we would say "that sucks that's oppression" but in reality is it because its not like the average woman is actually having something like like to do or even do curtailed. Its like you banned men from buying tampons it would not have an effect on the vast majority of men so would it really be oppression.

>> No.12072489

Sounds like a plan, my man.

>> No.12072498

Well-done + underrated post, but don’t let it get to your head you little bitch.

>> No.12072506

But you're not the fat kid anymore

>> No.12072511

>npc doing what npc does best

>> No.12072526

reddit please, we have so little time left, please leave this place

>> No.12072593

>those solutions
>"""classicist""" wants to change classics (yet again) via (more) indoctrination in education system against an amorphous, unorganized mob of shitposters
>probably has millions of dollars now backing her by her brother and others
>story in major australian news site

But I've been assured by smug /lit/ leftists for the last four years that this behavior was relegated to backwater tumblr blogs and could never have any influence on the real world. How can this keep happening? What is it about leftists that they bury their heads in the sand about the consequences of their ideas? Even places like /pol/ you can find them admitting the problems with mainstream conservatives and capital. But mention war time levels of rape with ethnic rape gangs, or that the education system is filled with leftist indoctrination, and suddenly they need to come out and let everyone know there is no such thing.

>> No.12072602

>getting doxxed is inconsequential
Jews will be defeated.


>> No.12072707

>has a committed and loving relationship with his wife + kids
>>reads Classical Latin and speaks fluent Mandarin
His wife is literally to curry favor with the Chinese government, and so is learning Mandarin.

>> No.12072741

>classic wow
my man, literally the only game I've ever cared about, in it's infancy it was a blessing to meet and hang out with other chill loner dudes. Shame it got ruined, but hope it'll come back with at least 40% of the glory.
I'm a lanklet conversely trying to gain weight, I wish I had the passion for food like you do but I can't get myself to like food, I don't know how you do it.

>> No.12072745

Because they control institutions that convey moral authority, therefore, when they hijack the classics, it is Good and Progressive, but obviously it is Bad when the alt-right does it because they are racist and racism is the worst thing ever.

>> No.12072749

Because modern leftism, particularly the more Marxist strands of it, is more like a religion than a set of political beliefs.

>> No.12072762

The average soldier has more going on upstairs than the average professor of the humanities and social sciences nowadays.

>> No.12072785

You can control what you eat right now, even if it's just eating less shit. You don't need to move out to do that

>> No.12072797

He's one of those evil people with a great deal of real accomplishments. Think of someone like Cao Cao or Napoleon, but significantly less impressive in every way.

>> No.12073043

Napoleon is only a shithead if we judge him by modern standards. During his time, he was basically an angel, even when he did ego driven shit.

>> No.12073050


"Bitches follow the proverb exactly and become like their mistresses"


>> No.12073149

Evil might be a strong term for both men. They were far from perfect, but I have always felt that they were far less malicious than Mark Zuckerberg is.

>> No.12073158

This thread is absolutely on-topic. Stop whining.

>> No.12073242

people with coloured hair should be banned from talking

>> No.12073308

>Female Jew accusing White men of hijacking the works of European men

Pottery. It is not possible to have less shame.

>> No.12073372
File: 24 KB, 288x252, 1536517379715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally one google search later
>On his college application, Zuckerberg claimed that he could read and write French, (((Hebrew)))), Latin, and ancient Greek. In college, he was known for reciting lines from epic poems such as The Iliad.

So he had Latin courses in high school and enjoyed it apparently. Only classic he mentions reading is the Aenid

Also, from New Yorker:
>On the phone, Zuckerberg tried to remember the Latin of particular verses. Later that night, he IM’d to tell me two phrases he remembered, giving me the Latin and then the English: “fortune favors the bold” and “a nation/empire without bound.”

Wow, he definitely has read more Roman lit in the original language than this entire board! He can say "Audentes fortuna iuvat!"

>> No.12073394
File: 21 KB, 396x379, C9L9wkEUAAAsCHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded /pol/acks try to appropriate Homer and other classics as muh hwhite burger heritage without reading or appreciating them
>this would be incredibly easy to explain and shit on as people misunderstanding the significance of classic works
>instead retarded journalists appeal to the demographic too lazy to read the books and stoke fears that the books themselves are now racist
>both sides continue their unending march into some kind of eventual singularity of retardation when they could just barely change what they were doing with the tiniest effort and stop it

>> No.12073399

sorry, only LATIN classic he mentions is Aenid. But apart from Homer and Virgil, he doesn't seem to read classics, he just likes the epics and appearing smarter and more cultured than he is

>> No.12073433

>Online alt-right men's groups are using the work of Classicists like the Stoics to affirm their idealised notions of superior masculinity, Zuckerberg says.

>"Stoicism is really having a cultural moment," she said.

>"The essential concept of the [Stoic] philosophy is that the only true good is virtue… other things like health and wealth are preferable, but are not good; they're indifferent."

>(((Zuckerburg))) complains that young men aren't attracted to wealth, and uses this as a criticism of Stoicism

Not only is it hilarious given the context, it's also not a criticism at all

>> No.12073446

>Arno Breker

>> No.12073458

I’m not a poltard but are you implying the classics aren’t in fact a huge part of white heritage?

Sure thing kiddo

>> No.12073465
File: 102 KB, 268x391, 1538164538232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marcus Aurelius is one hero of the "Red Pill" community

Welp, I guess you're a Nazi now if you're just looking for some old-fashioned meaning and guidance. Or if you're just unironically interested in ancient history and culture

>> No.12073472
File: 13 KB, 225x217, Papini,_Giovanni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are niggers and women so annoying?

Why does everything have to be about complaining or blaming something on others?

>> No.12073482

I’m very interested to see our future culture as political idealogues are literally claiming otherwise normal and even obstinant items and people. The left literally claims shit like tv shows, musical styles, forms of dress etc and evenlre broadly women as a whole lmao. If the right is now claiming classical literature and high art it’ll be a very interesting world to live in.

>> No.12073487

You don't have to be white to read and understand classics

Also: it's weird how Mexicans and other Latin Americans are given a new ethnicity (Hispanic) despite only being separated from Europe by only 400-500 years, while the Spanish and Portuguese are still called White and European. And yet, people are somehow saying that Greeks and Romans were white despite their being separated by a substantial period of time. Shit boggles my mind

>> No.12073506

As well as Tyson, Tesla, Ghandi, Carl Jung, Beethoven, Buddha etc etc

>> No.12073510

>it's weird how Mexicans and other Latin Americans are given a new ethnicity (Hispanic) despite only being separated from Europe by only 400-500 years
Hispanics are a mix of indigenous native American ethnicities with the European ones anon.

>> No.12073516

There is no "white heritage," that's a meme that hasn't even been fleshed out for a century yet
There is a very loose idea of a western canon trying to connect things back to the presocratics but to make the claim that its contributors saw themselves as part of a single white identity is laughably stupid
Something written 400 years ago in Germany has no less significance to a Chinese dude in Canada or a black dude in Mexico than it does to me as a white dude in America
>But I'm European!
Who the fuck cares

>> No.12073521

>Latin Americans are given a new ethnicity (Hispanic)
That's because the majority of hispanics are literal 56% face with a minority being of mostly or purely european descent.

>> No.12073526

Yeah I agree with that. We can split hairs about genetics and anyone that has a basic understanding of them can see race is mostly a social construct. But the classics were also drawn on historically by Europeans and other whites especially in the conceiving of America and The West in genera and that’s what this fight is really about. Makes me laugh my balls off when white supremacists find out they have a high level of African heritage in their genes or when people celebrating their “black identity “ discover they have more East Asian blood in them than anything else.

But it’s also not whites as we know of them now who are trying to censor and change and even mistranslate the classics ( unless they’re women ofcourse )

>> No.12073549

>But it’s also not whites as we know of them now who are trying to censor and change and even mistranslate the classics
Can you elaborate on what you mean here? Genuinely curious

>> No.12073558

Here’s one of many examples


>> No.12073561

No, I don't buy this at all. If you look at medieval Europe you can already see modern Europe in its nascent form. Our culture wasn't formed overnight, that idea is laughably stupid my dude. As far as European history is concerned 400 years is only a few blinks of an eye. My ancestors had already moved to New England by then.

>> No.12073581

>a translation doesn't get attention for its quality, but because it was done by a woman, while translations by male authors aren't given this kind of free publicity

funny idea of privilege there

>> No.12073598

>Wilson "comes from a long line of academics",[3] including both her parents, A. N. Wilson[4] and Katherine Duncan-Jones,[5] her uncle, and her maternal grandparents, including Elsie Duncan-Jones.[3] Her sister is the food writer Bee Wilson.[6]

>A graduate of Balliol College, Oxford in 1992 (BA in Literae Humaniores, Classical Literature and Philosophy), she undertook her Masters in English literature 1500-1660 at Corpus Christi College, Oxford (1994) and her Ph.D. (2001) in Classical and Comparative Literature at Yale University.

Yeah wow we need to hear from more underprivileged voices like hers!

>> No.12073601


Suppose this hypothetical society where an annual marathon is held every year or so, passing through mountains and difficult terrain. One's performance during this race heavily impacts one's future quality of life. Naturally, we can expect that healthy, athletic people will be favorised by this, but since the entire city is organised around this race, most people, if they try, can find the ressources to help them achieve a decent enough placing at the race.

Now, the city is also known for its stormy weather and its sudden, unpredictable lightning strikes. As you might imagine, some people, despite their best efforts, do get struck by lightning ; and as it turns out, the lightning bolts in that city strike in such a way so as to never kill the victim, but always leave their soles completely burned and their feets unusable. Of course, these people end up with terrible placings at the race, and are disadvantaged compared to the rest of society, moreso than people who simply did not bother putting in much effort into their training.

Now, if I were to describe you this city and its classes, but without telling you about the lightning bolts, you would be quick to realize that people are not equal in this society, some are in better positions compared to others. You might even say that some are oppressed, just from the information that has been given to you. But this would be a mistake. Oppression is something done by an agent towards another agent, or by a group of agent towards other groups of agent. If I were to tell you about the lightning bolts, you would realize that the disadvantageness that you see is not caused by an agent because lightning is not an agent, it's a natural fact. The disadvantageness follows as a natural consequence of certain matter of facts, namely, in this case, lighthning bolts striking people.

Now, since you're a smart cookie, you might say that the disadvantageness comes not from lightning bolts, but from a certain organization of society, and that if we were to organize society differently, this disadvantage would dissapear. But I don't believe this society can exist, there is no society where having burned, bleeding soles would be beneficial in a general sense, save for a society which would arbitrarily give advantages to people with destroyed soles, but all that society would do is compensate for a natural disadvantage. The burned sole is bad in itself, not because of some particular social organization.

All this anon to exemplify one thing ; that you can't infer oppression, in a society, just from noticing that people are not equal, because the cause of inequality could always be a natural one.

>> No.12073605


Seeing people refer to "JEWS DID EVERYTHING REEEEEEEEEEEEE" as "the red pill" is pretty annoying, desu.

>> No.12073611

>our culture
This is what I'm talking about you dense fuck
You do not share a culture with every ethnic group in Europe as an American that hasn't had roots there for centuries
There is not a monolithic white people, and there is not a monolithic white culture, and even within the microcosm of "your" people that you haven't ever been a meaningful part of, claiming tribal ownership of cultural works is vapid grandstanding
What you should do is appreciate the works of western civilization as best you can and stop trying to draw arbitrary skin tone lines around things you can call your own, since putting an end to that autism would leave the "it's racist" camp nothing to stand on

>> No.12073620

It's also hilarious that after spending so much time deciding how to capture the nuances of "polytropos," she goes with "complicated"

>Tell me about a complicated man.
Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost

Fucking laughable

>> No.12073631

Listen here fag.
Books belong to everyone. The reason the right is so familiar with books is because they actually read them. If an equal amount of leftys bothered to read than, 'nazi's' opinions wouldn't dominate the discussion. It's that simpler

>> No.12073633

This is the most self-important shitpost ive seen all day

>> No.12073634

>it's the state's job to make sure women don't get pregnant
I've never understood this attitude. Why can't they just keep their legs shut? They're adults, they can take responsibility for themselves.

>> No.12073640

I'd actually say this seems more in line with r_d to be honest.

>> No.12073642
File: 160 KB, 1303x1600, Hendrik_ter_Brugghen_-_Heraclitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautifully put anon, just beautiful...

>> No.12073645

I’m not the anon you’re responding to but I want to say, while I agree with your principles we both know that the “ muh racism” group isn’t going away anytime soon. I agree that the escalation can only get worse with the forming of a solid white identity with superior tastes and morality, and even culture.

However you aren’t completely right about this, even America’s judicial system is based on ideas of Greek justice and ethics. There is in fact a western tradition but it isn’t as important or as relevant as some want it to be. But if some nerd wants to feel close to these mostly good cultural ideas and achievements let them fucking have it. In an American society based on individualism and isolation it’s OKAY to let whites have this. Let us have some fun for once and maybe all this resentment and bullshit can go away. The net result of this will be 99% benign I guarantee it.

>> No.12073646
File: 52 KB, 256x256, rustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

touched a nerve, eh? I see you were rustled into responding

>> No.12073650


The ant doesn't think of itself as being on Earth, and yet it is on Earth, regardless of what it thinks. The contributors are part of a western identity regardless of what they think of that, or if they even acknowledge its existence.

>> No.12073656

nigger please. do you know what happens when a man has access to pussy the way most women have access to dick? You get tiger woods, that's what. tell me with a straight face that you're gonna refrain when that busload of scandinavian nymphs jumps on your cock as soon as you walk off the 18th

>> No.12073658

I would say the mistake is trying to set western influence as synonymous with "whiteness," when "whiteness" is an incredibly vague concept that doesn't correlate with western influence
This is too nuanced for America's team sports thunderdome politics, though, so instead we just have the loud screaming of white good brown bad versus brown good white bad

>> No.12073673

A 19th century French aristocrat and a 1000 BC Greek peasant and a 2018 white mutt in West Virginia are not part of the same culture no matter how hard you larp, nigger
Influence can be traced back through these steps but claiming ownership over such completely alien cultures is exclusively the work of fucking idiots

>> No.12073679

>if some nerd wants to feel close to these mostly good cultural ideas and achievements
Nah, I don't think so. Let's say that nerd cultivates a white ideology, not a huge hurdle. Let's say that nerd crossposts to Gab. Let's say that crosspost gets read by a young, angry white guy who doesn't have many friends. Let's say that white guy walks into a synagogue. Or a church, or a school, whatever. Nothing is harmless in this world. No one's ideas exist in a bubble.

>> No.12073684


>There is not a monolithic white people, and there is not a monolithic white culture

But there is anon-kun.

>> No.12073686

Our culture wasn't magically replaced by a new one when we took the boat trip. Americans are just transplanted Englishmen, and Englishmen are just transplanted Germanics. And so on and so on back into prehistory. I think you have a point about the Greco-Romans, but not the Germans (and their offshoots). Then again, my people (there's that word you hate) have been more devoted to the classics than literally anyone else, so in a way they are "ours." Loving the classics is part of the Western tradition, even if Arrian was from Asia Minor and Terence was from North Africa.

>> No.12073690
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1535170787619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>online conversations about white culture and ideology lead directly to mass shootings

That's a stretch, even for a retard like yourself

>> No.12073700

Your analysis about American politics and identity is 100% correct and for people like us it’s very obvious what’s going on. However this bullshit idea of “whiteness” isn’t an invention of these so-called whites it’s a machination more broadly of the left, and absolutely American in nature. This is a huge problem in left politics in general as their ideas are often paradoxical and in fact place these “oppressive identities” into a higher cultural class. I mean imagine being a young person today and being yelled at that your white history has ruined every single persons life that isn’t just like them. If what we’re considering a category of “cos white males” is indeed a rea things it’s obvious that that group is indeed historically, intellectually, culturally, morally, and financially supreme and always has been. How could this young person not be quite proud of this; even if they’re fully acknowledging whatever reparations or privilege they feel they have? It’s an idea that makes these identities inseparable.

I don’t really know what we should do about this but just pretending like this is a fault of white men or the right or whatever else isn’t in fact helpful and in all actuality plus into white supremacy. This is a social problem of literally everyone and placing the onus on anything less than all of society is a huge problem and wishful thinking.

>> No.12073701

If I knew that I would get them knocked up and that I would have to care for the babies I would go home and jerk off. I'm an adult, I can think with my big head.

>> No.12073703

I didn't say lead directly. Nothing happens in a bubble. Shooters are influenced by many things including illness and social exclusion. But don't sit there pretending that ideology is not culpable in that morass.

>> No.12073704
File: 567 KB, 300x456, 1463657038279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>t. buttmad hegelian

Two apples are not the same apples, but they are both apples.

>> No.12073706
File: 211 KB, 2000x773, 1*fowVaA35cAckoH2u7aJdyA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cover of her book
Fucking legendary

>> No.12073712

>If I had unlimited, unilateral power I would give it back as soon as our current crisis is over
>if i won the lottery i would be responsible and invest

>> No.12073715

>ideologies are responsible for shootings
Let's close the Mosques then. Getting run over by a truck or stabbed to death by some Arab psycho on the subway is no different than getting shot by an AR-15.

>> No.12073719

Lot of tough blackpills to swallow ITT, desu.

>> No.12073720

did you steal this from that "/lit/ invents new, apocryphal-sounding yet meaningless aphorisms" thread?

>> No.12073723

Real niggas only read pubmed and obscure anthropological texts from the 19th century

>> No.12073725

I never suggested impeding on the first amendment. Combating ideology does not require censorship. In the case of Gab, in case you were about to bring that up, it is simply market forces. No one wants to financially sponsor anyone associated with that website.

>> No.12073730

I think how you perceive this exists in an entire matrix of biases and bad ideas you’re perhaps not even conscious of. I mean I can’t exacrly blame you because the only above ground people celebrating their so-called “whiteness” are indeed problematic. But what I’m suggesting to you is taking away the tabboo about this, if our universities can celebrate cultural contributions by people across the globe there’s no reason they can’t talk about these in that fashion. In fact they were up until
The 60’s.

Guilt by association, ascribing motives to people where there are none, and overall conspiratorial thinking are things you should break free from. The act that you used this recent shooting as an example to me that you’re easily frightened and persuaded by the media. The way you link causation is bad man. As for the shooter himself, he’s emblematic of these taboos and frustrations we’re pushing under the rug. Those people might not be dead if we had simply talked to this kid and made him feel like some of his emotions and ideas weren’t so vile that he needed to kill. I’m sure his mind was full of fear and paranoia and hate which all come from the painfulness of alienation on some level.

>> No.12073732

If you won the lottery you would be insane not to invest. Buy a house, buy an economical car, put the rest in cautious investments and live off the interest. Buy yourself something nice once a year.

How could you fuck that up?

>> No.12073738
File: 155 KB, 2000x773, classicwhiteman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12073741

Actually Gab keeps getting their service rejected for political reasons only. The site is growing and if you’re suggesting the hate their way is some result of the free market that’s laughable.

In fact they only exist because the terms of service and implosion of more popular sites of twitter and Facebook keep getting tightened, they are literally the free market answer and response.

>> No.12073743

looks like the statue is giving him a handie

>> No.12073770

A 19th century Jewish financier and a 1000 BC Judean peasant and a 2018 mischling in NYC are not part of the same culture no matter how hard you larp, nigger
Influence can be traced back through these steps but claiming ownership over such completely alien cultures is exclusively the work of fucking idiots

Imagine if you had a single iota of honesty in your being.

>> No.12073777

unfortunately, religion ≠ culture

>> No.12073779


I don't know what you're doing here with that level of reading comprehension. Have you tried following the sequence of posts?

>> No.12073780

Yeah, I think I'd agree with pretty much all of this. The left has its head just as far up its ass as the right at this point, constructing arbitrary classes based on whatever definitions of privilege they can try to project onto modern day Americans that ignores thousands of years of rising and falling of different groups. The left's treatment of slavery has become a joke, for example, where they've set it as some kind of original sin of all white people everywhere against all brown people everywhere, and colonialism isn't much different.
I think American politics as a whole will never have any kind of genuine progress unless it moves out of the current paradigm of internet outrage bullshit and tries to build something else.
It's evolution, anon. Ancient greek culture is gone. Its descendants exist, and the lineage and influence can be traced, but to say it is "yours" is wrong.
Even to say contemporary American culture is still the culture of the founding fathers is wrong in my eyes. My ancestors came over with them too, but their way of life, the way they saw themselves, the way they interacted with the rest of the world, and every other aspect of who they were has changed so significantly that I would not be able to call it "mine" by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.12073802 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 800x450, 1542084986616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I disagree with you but don't know how to express it
>So I'll accuse you of being a member of some outgroup based on no evidence whatsoever, allowing me to sweepingly declare everything you've said wrong with as little effort or self-reflection as possible
This is just fucking sad
Video bonus: this post will be pointed to as definitive proof that I am in fact a jew, since only a jew would deny being a jew, the ultimate sneaky jew play

>> No.12073811

Interesting. I see your point about time and the rapid change of society. But by this definition it would seem that there really is no such thing as cultural or historical consistency in the modern global age.

You could argue that globalism along with other aspects and modernization is trying to strip the world of its history and lineage of identity. For example the Chinese farmers have absolutely nothing in common with their kids who moved to the burgeoning cities ten years ago. I personally believe this is partly a way to understand the rise of nationalism across the world. Nations everywhere are closing and securing their borders and embellishing their histories and identities. Americans don’t really have much to work with compared to most other places. The project of multiculturalism is an abject failure and frankly it makes me proud to see America as successful as it still is in this era. We are the only civilization to ever make this level of simmering cultures work in such a mass scale, not to mention how quick we absorb and culturalize immigrants into our prism. If we weren’t so hue there’s no way this could of happened.

>> No.12073826
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>implying globalization, the abolition of borders, obliteration of cultural distinction and dominance of sign-value isn't the ultimate expression of the western, or more precisely Germanic thoughtform

>> No.12073839

Wow you read a handful of obscure philosophers that felt this way? Have fun getting your dick crushed under the reality of historical facts and responses to reality as opposed to ethereal philosophical abstractions and dare I say it, feelings

Fucking lol

>> No.12073851
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Reactionary sentiments are merely a death rattle, a reflex similar to that of a decapitated chicken. The arrogant notion that we are able to exert control on the thoughtform and the course of civilizations.

>> No.12073856
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>> No.12073857

>I really hope we see the development of more consciously anti-intellectual modes of relating with works of art and culture in the future. It's the only way to save them from the academic vampires.
What do you mean by this, Anon?

>> No.12073860
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I think globalization does factor into it as an accelerating force. Instead of the evolution I was talking about taking place over hundreds of years, lifestyles change so rapidly in a century or even a decade that people end up feeling a weird sense of alienation and being misplaced. Some segment of the population tries to channel that into "we don't need any of this tradition garbage at all, it's outdated, we can make our own," and another segment sprouts up as reactionaries trying to reclaim the traditions without really understanding them on a deep level. Both end up unhappy, and both will simply blame the others for their failure.
I guess you could argue a source for it as being a fundamental lack of identity. If the religion I was born into stands in contradiction to what I see in the world around me, I have no meaningful ethnicity beyond "mix of white," my country's rampant preying on other countries and even its own citizens is paraded in front of me constantly and sours my pride in it, and the community I live in is too enormous and heterogenous for me to be a meaningful part of it, then who am I? The healthy answer is a genuine self-actualized identity, but that's difficult for most people to achieve, so instead you see everything from obsessive sports team fanaticism to turning your sexuality and made-up gender into a serious foundation of your personality. In the absence of god or king or local butcher there is now a giant gaping hole in who we are, and we cling to whatever markers give us an answer we can feel good about.

>> No.12073903
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>> No.12073911

Are you me? I feel this exact way. I think when we talk about the line “god is dead” we must remember that the remedy to nihilism which we now are forced to live under because of the modern world is culture in its very essence. I believe this is why you see factions fighting over culturally signifigant things like music or even sports “belonging” to these obtuse and frankly made up identities. A true intellectual can see that the most important identity is the individual and it spirals our from there. I’m not suggesting some kind of ultra individualism or esoteric capitalism or anything like that. I think the joys of life and fun and capital C culture are the true remedy. When people are happy they don’t need to cling to these facile and fragile identities. But artificial impediments like “cultural appropriation” or “muh white classics” are stopping us as human beings from experiencing the full breadth of a well lived life. True idealized multiculturalism as I believe it was conceived is an equal celebration of all things rather than a mush of rules allowing for the identity hierarchies to form. This was truly the freeing and best part of postmodernism , but it collapsed in on itself with another one of its tendrils , you know the one, moral relativism. Goddamn I’m sick of hearing about all this OLD postmodern shit. I believe me and you believe almost exactly the same thing and I legitimately do find the overemphasis of white identity being found through thing like classic works or anything else a problem however my tonic to the situation is more an approach of a steam valve, let the people have what they want. If someone wants to debate that there’s a strict lineage of white western canon ideals and traditions then they should be able to do it freely in academia and have their ideas scrutinized just like the cultural ideas of literally any other group. It seems so counter intuitive but it also feels like the only real way through this terrible moment is to destigmarize all this shit, and we can point fingers at cases of abuse on this topic from all groups political or otherwise but the solution seems so clearly to be that; because what else could it possibly even be ?

>> No.12073942

That folk modes of interpretation should be developed to find new and authentic ways of engaging with the texts. The ultimate goal should be to ensure that our relationship to art, the past, and our culture should be one dictated by us rather than by powerful academics trying to push nefarious agendas.

>> No.12073963
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It does sound like we see things similarly, anon.
Over the past couple years when I reached all these conculsions I decided that what I want more than anything else in the world is to elaborate on all of this in a book, but I also realize that I don't have the talent or opportunity to even get such a book published, let alone have it actually reach a wide audience and show people all of these things. I don't know how to come to terms with that. All it's resulted in so far is a kind of withdrawal and dull apathy.

>> No.12074019

>able to do drugs
>sell sexual acts
Why would you want these things

>> No.12074184

>>Here is a basic truth: Women are 'oppressed' because they are mostly stupid and lack agency/personal responsibility to make good life decisions that could benefit overall society.
The funny thing is, those commonly identified as enemies of women enfranchisement and equality, the alt right or incels or whatever, are arguably the least discriminatory males on the planet. Precisely the reason they aren't getting sex is because they respect women and have a minimum standard of expectation on how to deal with them, which obviously the incels fall short of, and which doesn't really exist, but they believe in it so much so to actually deny themselves opportunities for sex -- when any normal male just takes it basically by engaging women with indifference.

>> No.12074196


can you record this as a litty hypno PMV?

>> No.12074252

Shes cute

>> No.12074337

Speaking of tick tock, I bet her boyfriend doesn't kiss her.

>> No.12074345

That annoys the hell out of me, since there is literature out there in philology and classics that indicate it's a word with a few senses that capture aspects of Odysseus in figurative ways. At least one interpretation is that of being the man-of-many-plans or schemes (able to turn people's plans on themselves, or quickly adapt to circumstances). This becomes more obvious with slightly related epithets that Homer gives Odysseus, e.g. polymetis. Saying he's "complicated" is terrible and really does not do it justice. Imagine being a leftist who simultaneously talks about how awesome social justice, identity politics, and other positions are and then saying with a straight face that this kind of stuff in academia is actually productive. This stuff pushes me further and further to the right, honestly.

>> No.12074375

this is one of the best posts i've ever read on here that gives a good example of a retard in action using the slippery slope fallacy, and also the conjunction fallacy.

>> No.12074396

but then birth control is bad

>> No.12074400

I guess you never miss, huh?

>> No.12074409

history:white supremacy, Talmud:Judaism

a. True
b. Nature doesn't care about your entitled sense of fairness
c. You are living in the physical manifestations of Western philosophy and not the demonic manifestations of Talmudic psychopathy
(d.) All of the above

>> No.12074418

lol are you 12?

>> No.12074419

I can't even imagine the sort of dystopia that would occur if no human ever got to experience something as natural and fundamental to life as being in a fight in their entire lives. Imagine, the entire world would just be the arbitrary social rules that everyone slavishly follows.

>> No.12074444

>Most people will just dismiss the parts that clash with their liberal worldview.
and what do the tradcucks do when they get to the parts in the republic where plato advocates banning private property for the ruling class, introducing total gender equality in all areas of life including warfare and politics, completely dismantling the family as an institution and so on? or do they just never get that far?

>> No.12074451

The quality of /lit/ is decreasing day by day. Thanks you JBP for bringing these /pol/edditors here

>> No.12074456

>Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
t. Mark

>> No.12074457

>it's weird how Mexicans and other Latin Americans are given a new ethnicity
>miscegenation, mate, know it.

>> No.12074463

that is silly, as to be expected from a female hack.
q. what is wrong with 'multi-talented', "of many talents", "ingenious" etc?
a. those choices were already taken by men.

>> No.12074467

he's an awful faggot alright

>> No.12074472

true, but you have failed to understand the judaeity involved

>> No.12074504
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In the US, birth control pills are extremely cheap and can even be gotten for free from Planned Parenthood and similar organizations. Even if you can't afford the free pills, you can still buy condoms. There's no excuse for a responsible person to get pregnant accidentally unless the BC fails. I don't know where you get this idea that birth control is unavailable.

Btw this is coming from a person in Kansas, which has some of the most restrictive laws on reproductive rights in the Union.

>> No.12074512

such a toothless motif

>> No.12074520

I saw a couple of memri images and i actually saw them irl on tv before seeing the image. Notable example is that sheikh in white clothes talking about hitting the other guy with a shoe

>> No.12074528

>Real niggas only read pubmed and obscure anthropological texts from the 19th century
This. If you can't recommend at least three phrenology texts on archive.org, there is no way you'll be able to assess the criminality of someone's skull shape.

>> No.12074530

Btw this story is real and its in sunni's books, Shiites use it to insult Omar from Sunis' own books

>> No.12074531

>blames /pol/acks for an obvious leftist thread.
How deranged are you?

>> No.12074537


>> No.12074550

>obvious leftist thread
The whole point of these threads is that OP imitates shallow leftist rhetoric with an inflammatory pic related so that all the Anons rush in to argue to the contrary.

>> No.12074553

when there's no sjws around, half the /pol/acks assume the sjw role so the other half can stay angry. it's like the dinosaurs in jurassic park. life finds a way.

>> No.12074556

Damn, must mean there is nothing wrong at all with leftism IRL, and we shouldn't be discussing this at all, because some dudes on /lit/ with skinny necks and black framed glasses are put out of place that their pet favorite ideology is being put on blast.

>> No.12075551

But we do.
We absolutely share a culture based on centuries of shared history.
Our culture is based on Christianity, the stories of the Bible mixed with native European pagan folklore, like Italy's Divine Comedy, or Portugal's Lusiads, or England's King Arthur, or Germany's Faust.
Our culture is based on the common experiences of European history--feudalism, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution.
Our culture is based on the Europeans who came before us literally we wuzzing, and taking up Greek and Roman law and philosophy and architecture etc to try and elevate their culture, and we are the inheritors of that Tradition.

>> No.12075552

>Get into pleb psuedophilosophy self-help shit
>Decide to identify with a retarded ideaology.
Not surprising or interesting.

>> No.12075606
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Oh sweaty

>> No.12075612
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>"Yea bro we have cheap crap from china what issues are you talking about lmao"

>> No.12075627

joke's on them, their eggs are rotting as we speak.

>> No.12075703

greece versus judea, judea versus greece
it has been like that since for ever

>> No.12075725

stop being weak there problem solved

>> No.12075753

lol who cares get stronger or die

>> No.12075763


>> No.12075778

i saw this one quite often during the last elections then said women proceed to claim they weren't objects.

>> No.12076365

>What defines wealth? Dollar bills?
No retard it's goods and services. Jeff Bezos has the most wealth because millions of people use his service, and it has improved the quality of life for countless people. He has also created hundereds of thousands of jobs, to support and feed hundereds of thousands of families. So yes he is a very valuable member of society.
t. never read a book on economics.

Also btw choosing to have sex and then living with the natural consequences of that choice is not being "forced to breed like cattle". Get some fucking perspective

>> No.12076549

The Greeks weren't fucking white