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/lit/ - Literature

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12065959 No.12065959 [Reply] [Original]

Are people reading this?

>> No.12065997

I've read it. It's a must read for whites.

The author was recently on Red Ice too.


>> No.12066028

this is actually such a mild book
it's just looking at like 7 'movements' that were mostly carried out by Jewish people and showing that they are acting in the interest of their ingroup

writing the exact same thing about whtie people is commonplace all over academia

>> No.12066047

racist drivel

>> No.12066049


>> No.12066080

not an argument, sweet pie.

>> No.12066741

oh sweetie

>> No.12066781

people ARE reading Culture of Critique

>> No.12066846

ummm sweaty

>> No.12066867

Delineate or invalidate by non-response. Your choice.

>> No.12068157

Has anyone read it recently, in say the last 6 months?

>> No.12068172

Is there any reason to actually read through the whole thing if you've already seen enough videos of Kevin McDonald on youtube and a general summary?

>> No.12068187

There's people retarded enough to read the garbage that is Occidental Observer, so yeah, probably.

>> No.12068207

Yes, it really adds depth to one's understanding.

The Occidental Observer is one of the best sites on the web. That you know about it and automatically condemn it likely means you're a jew, correct?

>> No.12068211
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>The Occidental Observer is one of the best sites on the web.

>> No.12068233

No doubt. Most of the writers there are anonymous university professors with PhDs. And you are, what, some 17 year old kikelet?

>> No.12068246

>muh PhD's
Anyone can get a PhD in this day and age. The site is pure typical conservative nonsense and Christian ressentiment, a complete waste of time to anyone who has any interest at all in actual scientific study and philosophical inquiry. I can't believe morons like you are actually browsing this board now.

>> No.12068261

the teenage leftys here can't take the CoCpill just yet. we have to ease them into it by books like The Wondering Who by Gilad Atzmon.
It's on one those vanity leftist publishers (Zero Books) too.

>> No.12068266

So are you butthurt about it because you're a jew or because you worship a jew?

>> No.12068277
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>He's not a Christian conservative cuck like me, so he must be a Jew / crypto-Jew!

>> No.12068311

People are reading this, but not people with whom you’d like to be around. I find that people who only read books that confirm their pre-existing ideology are generally insufferable to be around.

>> No.12068323

>most of the writers at the Occidental Observer are University professors with PhD's
>of course I cannot prove this at all and will get into a vicious shouting match over trivialities and red herrings with anyone who raises concern that I'm lying

>> No.12068330

Doesn't asking whether someone worships a jew indicate that the asker is not a kike-worshipping Christian?

Who has a preexisting jew-wise ideology? The fake jewish egalitarian ideology is the difficult thing to break out of.

>> No.12068338

That’s the problem with a lot of these threads on lit. People are just here for extra material for their echo chambers.

>> No.12068345

Case in point, you sound insufferable.

>> No.12068351

People are purchasing "Culture of Critique" on amazon then not making it more than 50 pages in

>> No.12068354

Fash lives inside their own fantasy world, and whenever they're confronted by a different point of view they project their worst fears onto them and assume they're their imagined enemy (the jews or the muslims or the cucks or the elite or what have you), and their shriveled brains can't handle ambiguity so they believe anything they imagine is true.

This is why they call even the center left "leftists," and react to even the most passe and moderate opinions that differ from theirs with "I can picture you right now, you beta/basedboy/jew/cuck/nigger/faggot/tranny," because they genuinely can't handle the ambiguity of their opponents beliefs or intentions and are forced to believe they are some radical degenerate other plotting against their way of life.

>> No.12068359

Fanatics are almost always insufferable. When I was in my first year of university I met this girl who was obsessed with one of our local provincial political parties. She literally wore a party badge on her coat, it was a bit appalling. She was a nice enough girl, and pretty, but that political thing really made me not want to be around her. I try to remember her when I get all autistic about politics.

>> No.12068368

Why does it bother so much if people talk about jews?

The JQ is pretty obvious and straightforward. It's kind of absurd actually that any white under 40 with a triple digit IQ wouldn't get it by now. Which is why people like you are usually mentally disturbed jews sweeping in to try and break up any talk about jews.

>> No.12068375

>The JQ
abandon thread

>> No.12068384

You should. White people are trying to have a discussion about this book, so what are you doing here? Just trying to interrupt it?

>> No.12068393
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>> No.12068396

anyone who has studied evolutionary biology wouldn't be able to take it seriously. the fact that our 1-3 (probably just 2) resident jew hating clowns shill it constantly (because they are literally shills, in the classic sense of that word) is not really surprising. Virulent anti-semitism is associated with low iq, as opposed to just nominal anti-semitism, which is understandable and justified by history and good taste.

>> No.12068397

Thanks for swooping in to prove my point

>> No.12068417 [DELETED] 

>Virulent anti-semitism is associated with low iq,

Actually the majority of the smartest men throughout history were aware of and wrote about the jewish problem.

I have also studied evolutionary biology for years and you are lying. And you're lying because you're a jew.

This is what happens in these threads. A jew stakes it out and writes post after post trying to interrupt the conversation because they know it's bad for jews that white people are waking up to their behavior.

You can see it blatantly with this jewish poster. Jews are dishonest, they're bad people.

>> No.12068423

>anyone who has studied evolutionary biology wouldn't be able to take it seriously.
This is just downright false.

>> No.12068432

Whites aren't Christian anymore.

>> No.12068433

>Actually the majority of the smartest men throughout history were aware of and wrote about the jewish problem.
If you're going to troll, you have to ignore only part of the premises, not literally jump into a schizophrenic rendition of the thing you're aping, idiot.
>i have studied evolutionary biology
no you haven't, group selection isn't taught to anyone at any university on Earth and is basically fake nonsense that was created to protect the nurture crowd from having to cope with gene theory. Its not real, the gene is the unit of selection.
>you're lying because you're a jew
weak logic and gay affect, you come off like a shrill drunkard
>you can see it blatantly with THESE jews

>> No.12068436
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People are also reading these digits.

>> No.12068443


>> No.12068447

I am the savior of /lit/

>> No.12068456

>Actually the majority of the smartest men throughout history were aware of and wrote about the jewish problem.
They weren't boorishly obsessive about it, the way you are.

>> No.12068457
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>group selection

Jewish thread disrupters always mention this nonsensical point. Of course groups select for individuals, this is obvious to anyone.

Notice the anger of the jew. He is experiencing an angry tribal response due to centuries of brainwashing and inbreeding, as he senses that his tribe is being attacked.

Whites are individualists so it's hard for us to understand the disturbed psychology of the tribal jew, but it's apparent in this jew's posts, so pay careful attention. Jews are a very sick people.

>> No.12068466

Anon, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you are a sick person.

>> No.12068468


Notice how the jew tries to pathologize the nonjew. He is projecting his inbred sickness and tribal need to parasitize off a host onto the goyim.

>> No.12068470
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this is why i love 4chan

>> No.12068475

gotta love it when slugs like you think the ceiling of human knowledge is the JQ

these posts are becoming as algorithmically predictable as tumblr posts

>> No.12068481

Again he projects aspects of his character onto non-jews.

Why can't this book be discussed? That's all people like myself are asking. But we get these psychotic jews every time sabotaging the thread and attacking anyone who tries to discuss the matter.

What's important to understand is why they do it. The jew is tribal and is exhibiting a tribal reaction to protect his tribe be engaging in these behaviors I'm pointing out.

>> No.12068485

People Are Reading The Culture Of Critique

>> No.12068492

Jews run all of the major institutions in the west now. To claim that understanding jewish nature is somehow not essential to understanding the world is ridiculous.

>> No.12068504
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>Jews run all of the major institutions in the west now.

>> No.12068516

To deny that is to more or less change your handle here to "Retard Numero Uno."

>> No.12068520

Where is your evidence? Is evidence of such a thing even possible to muster up?

>> No.12068526

>And you're lying because you're a jew.

I honestly don't understand why /pol/tards make insane assumptions like this all the time.

My personal theory about the pol crowd is that white supremacists want to be seen as superior to blacks by performing better on some arbitrary set of criteria but they usually get demolished by the Jews on that same set of criteria. To make that second point invalidated they make up a grand conspiracy about how the systems is rigged. The extra bit of irony is that they literally want to rig the laws of the government to favor themselves so even if there is a conspiracy they are just asshurt that the Jews did it already and are doing it better. if half the time you spent coping on /pol/ was spent improving the condition of yourself and your family maybe you could actually mean something in the world you half-wit lying brainlets.

>> No.12068529


From banks to media to Hollywood to publishing to government lobby spending to academia and on and on, jews have turned white institutions into ethnic rackets.

It's not up for the debate, it's a fact.

>> No.12068534

I've never posted on pol so your theory is DOA. Why are you in this thread, jew? Can you be honest with yourself and admit you are derailing it due to tribal conditioning that is a result of your culture and the inbreeding practices of your people to make you start foaming at the mouth and interrupt discussions like this? Are you capable of that degree of awareness?

>> No.12068538

You just described every brainlet who uses political ideology as their identity.

Jews are such a small percentage of the population yet here you are thinking half the board belongs to this sliver of society simple because they disagree with you?

>these posts are becoming as algorithmically predictable as tumblr posts
AI is getting good these days. Would not be surprised if the /pol/ bots are breaking out of their designated playground.

>> No.12068547

They actually have deformed brains

>> No.12068560

get off the internet, go look in a mirror and say this three times:
"I am a humongous faggot, and my hatred for others stems from a cowardly fear and innate knowledge that I may or may not be inferior to others on a physical or intellectual level. I will no longer let my fear make me hate as a means of coping with the chaos of the world. I will learn to love life in all forms."
I wish rightwing and leftwing dumbasses that came to this board knew a thing or two about human psychology and systemic biases and how they effect the way we interpret stimuli and information. Your current beliefs are not actually informed by what you see but rather by how you see it.
You don't deserve the fruits of this earth. I wish I could strip you of all opportunities you ever had and give them to a far more deserving individual who was deprived of it merely by the circumstance of their birth.
Go back to your shithole containment board, and leave the discussion of literature to those with at least a morsel of intelligence.

>> No.12068562

>You just described every brainlet who uses political ideology as their identity

Sort of. It's true of fash and commies, but there are plenty of political moderates who have staked their whole lives and identities on politics who don't need a shadowy "other" working against them to believe in good governance

>> No.12068564

Jews are very easy to spot through their argumentation style and gather around threads like this. But your statement is a strawman.

One of the ways you can tell a jew is by the sickness and extreme nature of his tribal defense conditioning.

Look at this post: >>12068547

Jews are mentally disturbed people who go into overdrive when they sense their tribe is under attack. They say crazy shit like this jew.

>> No.12068565

radical political ideology* works better

>> No.12068566

Nice reddit spacing. Now fuck off.

>> No.12068569

More case in points for my argument.

Look at the extent these jews go to, and the venom they spew, to attack any discussion about jews. They have been inbred and selected to have this tribal response because they are a brainwashed cult of semites.

Look at the anger and the venom this jew responds with. These are sick people, and they have to be removed from the west because of it and the many other problems they cause.

>> No.12068579

get off the internet, go look in a mirror and say this three times:
"I am a humongous faggot, and my hatred for others stems from a cowardly fear and innate knowledge that I may or may not be inferior to others on a physical or intellectual level. I will no longer let my fear make me hate as a means of coping with the chaos of the world. I will learn to love life in all forms."
I wish rightwing and leftwing dumbasses that came to this board knew a thing or two about human psychology and systemic biases and how they effect the way we interpret stimuli and information. Your current beliefs are not actually informed by what you see but rather by how you see it.
You don't deserve the fruits of this earth. I wish I could strip you of all opportunities you ever had and give them to a far more deserving individual who was deprived of it merely by the circumstance of their birth.
Go back to your shithole containment board, and leave the discussion of literature to those with at least a morsel of intelligence.

>> No.12068584

Everyone is a jew but me: the brainlet story

Honestly I feel bad for you. I hope you find peace somehow.

>> No.12068595

Is this the /schizo-lit/ general?

>> No.12068601
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LOL. As I said, a very sick people

The most important point to the make now is why we can't talk about a book that discusses jewish nature, because jews immediately sabotage it.

You see it right here, they lash out and derail and attempt. That's because what people like me are saying, and what the book in question discusses, is the nature of a people who would behave in this bizarre fashion and disallow any discussion of their group.

That is not normal. That is not how whites behave or react. That is how sick tribal semites behave and react, which is one of the many reasons they don't belong in the west and have been removed from everywhere they've ever been.

>> No.12068609

This is simple pattern recognition. They are behaving exactly how I am explaining they are wired to, am I not?

>> No.12068648

There have been countless threads with actual discussion this book that werent derailed by people such as yourself. Stop replying to copypasta.
Lurk more newfaggot.

>> No.12068656

I have. What would you like to know?

>> No.12068675

You're nuts if you think the guy talking about jews and jewish behavior is the one derailing this thread.

Eye opening?

>> No.12068762

I see nowhere in that source that states that Jews run all major institutions.

>> No.12068872

Of course. It's as eye opening as any other book that depicts the ethnocentric nature of some groups.

>> No.12068891

Daily reminder that fascists are blind to capitalism and ascribe to the Jews what is actually ascribed to capitalism.

>> No.12069333


You are as mentally unstable as that China loving Canadian in /int/. As blind as you are, I would not be surprised if you were the same person.

>> No.12069384

'Jews' obstruct actual antagonisms also it's false generalization aimed to preemptively judge jews as guilty of something.

>> No.12069663

It gives some more material, like naming the overwhelming tribal influence in some movements instead of the short (though accurate) 'it was them'.

>> No.12069668

There was no need for 'obsession' when they had less influence.

>> No.12069853

Everyone uses fucking nepotism. Are people actually surprised kikes do?

>> No.12069867

Why would you read this? Read the bible, read the qu'ran...

>> No.12070162

Shoo shoo, Abrahamic

>> No.12070366


>> No.12070397

You obviously haven't studied evolutionary biology

>> No.12070431

Have you been to a doctor lately? You seem to be showing symptoms of some sort of mental illness my friend. Just looking out for you!

>> No.12070435

nice spook

>> No.12070442

Most important text if you want to understand politics and society. Unironically

>> No.12070452

I have no problem with the argument if it's statistically backed, but I'm not seeing the statistical backing in that source which states that 100% of 100% of major institutions in the West are owned and run by Jews.

>> No.12070473

>100% of 100%
No one said that, nor is it necessary for control as long as the goyim are indoctrinated with your ideology.

>> No.12070526

>No one said that
So Jews don't run all institutions in the West then? You're not easy to follow.

But let's say that Jews statistically fill more executive positions in society than any other group. Can you explain why this is a bad thing?

>> No.12070530

Was this a Daily Shoah drop or something?

>> No.12070549

I'm as white as the driven snow.

>> No.12070567

You must be stupid. Jews own all 6 major media corporations and have stocked them full of jews. Not 100% but that isn't necessary or viable, which is why your 100% benchmark is retarded. With that type of media control they have brainwashed many non-jews into doing their work for them anyway. And that is obviously a bad thing. Having a hostile minority running your institutions is an very, very bad thing and they should be purged.

>> No.12070618

>You must be stupid.
Am I? I'm just going off what you or another anon wrote, which was:

>Jews run all of the major institutions in the west now.

The 6 major media corporations =/= "all of the major institutions in the west", so whoever wrote that was being disingenuous or simply doesn't understand how running the media corporations is not the same as running all major institutions. The director of DARPA, for example, is Dr. Steven H. Walker, who is not Jewish; neither is Paul M. Nakasone, the director of the NSA. If you look at a number of military and security related institutions in the West you will find this to be the case.

Prove that current media is having the negative effects on society that you suggest it's having. Give me hard evidence of it. You are adamant about your stance, so you should be able to pull up this data fairly quickly.

>> No.12070668

You have a weak understanding of how the current system works, or are jewish and playing games. Jewish institutional power is ubiquitous because it forces everyone to fall in line, individuals and companies alike. If an agency or corporation works against the jewish international globohomo agenda they get attacked by the jewish media, funding cut off from jewish banks, stock tanked by jewish Wall Street. And so on. Jews do not need to literally fill 100% of positions within an organization, they can be 30-80% or whatever, which is insane over representation for a people with 2% of the population regardless, and carry out their agenda with relative ease.

>Prove that current media is having the negative effects on society

The above statement could only come from someone enormously out of touch.

>> No.12070672

Serious question are you autistic?
>own Congress through AIPAC
>both political parties
>pulbic school system
>higher education
>facebook and Instagram
>the judiciary system
>world trade organization
>90% of porn (The only thing a jew gives for free to destroy you)

And much more. Just because the director of some organization isn't named kikstien doesn't mean it's not Jewish influenced

>> No.12070686

>Jewish institutional power is ubiquitous because it forces everyone to fall in line, individuals and companies alike. If an agency or corporation works against the jewish international globohomo agenda they get attacked by the jewish media, funding cut off from jewish banks, stock tanked by jewish Wall Street. And so on.
Can you prove this or demonstrate it in a remotely convincing way? Without proof or demonstration, it's just speculation. "no u jus don't understand!" is not an argument. I'm not a NEET, I live and work in the first world, so I doubt you are in a position that grants you more immediate insights into the matter than myself.

Also, you have yet to state why this would really be a bad thing anyway. Do you think executives of any nationality, ethnicity, or religious background really have your back as a citizen in a capitalist structure? If so, why do you think this? Explain, and don't just throw insults like a barbarian.

>> No.12070701

>ton of speculation, no evidence
Good post.

>> No.12070708

Ever heard of political correctness pleb?

>> No.12070709

We are talking about macro phenomena that describe and shape how the world as we know it works. To acquire such an understanding requires time, patience, and high preexisting intelligence, and is not something that can be presented in the fast and easily digestible form you desire.

If you are actually interested in obtaining this deeper understanding of your world you can however take steps to help yourself, one of which would be reading the book in the OP.

>> No.12070723

Yeah, and it's something only plebs care about. No one involved in real work gives a shit about it beyond exploiting it to get some brownie points in with the girls at the office.

>> No.12070732

>We are talking about macro phenomena that describe and shape how the world as we know it works.
In other words, speculation based on assumptions.

>> No.12070803

An acceptance of reality based on facts such as those presented here >>12068529

Are you jewish btw?

>> No.12070807

Nobody but zog and npcs agree with you

>> No.12070815

That source doesn't provide evidence for what's written here >>12070668 and neither does Culture of Critique. You are taking vague statistics and extrapolating them to support your much broader speculations. And no, I'm not Jewish, you brainlet.

>> No.12070838

Since you earlier questioned whether the media had a negative effect on society, we can probably assume that the failure to connect the dots or comprehend the reality being presented itt wrt to jewish power is an internal problem.

>> No.12070847

>the fact that we can't find direct evidence of the problem is proof that the problem exists

>> No.12070860

The direct, quantifiable data on that site would take you an entire day to sift through it's so extensive. You don't want to do that because you're intellectually lazy. The problem stems from you.

>> No.12070895

I don't want to sift through the entire thing and only skimmed it and looked over the comments by others because I typically judge arguments based on the people making them, and the posters who make these threads all behave like cretins. Regardless, the data on that source coupled with Culture of Critique STILL does not support your broad speculations about society and the Jews in it. The support is just not there. You're arguing that Jews are in control of everything or have majority influence over everything and imply that no other group does which is just farcical and laughable, and also don't say at any point why this is undesirable in the first place. Most Jews don't fit the happy merchant political cartoon caricature that gets posted on here constantly, either.

>> No.12070992

>the data on that source coupled with Culture of Critique STILL does not support your broad speculations about society and the Jews in it.

It and the plethora of associated data most certainly does. You are intellectually lazy and are neither willing nor able to take the necessary steps to change that, so until you are ready to make a change, please stay out of these types of threads, where a higher level of discourse is expected and non-novice-tier posters tend to gather.

I'm sure there's a Harry Potter thread up or a write what you want conversation where you usually post about how depressed you are. We at the higher end accept your presence and feel sorry for you, but when you wade into the big brain topics you bring the discussion level down and waste our time.

We now will recommend you leave and abstain from highbrow discussions here in the future. Have I made myself clear?

>> No.12071056

rolling for holy

>> No.12071061

>because I typically judge arguments based on the people making them
do you realize how retarded this is>>12070895
>You're arguing that Jews are in control of everything or have majority influence over everything and imply that no other group does
If you read the book youd see that nobody is saying this

good god this is embarrassing

>> No.12071149

I'm glad I spent years on this board, since if nothing else it revealed to once and for all that communism is a properly /lit/ ideology. Reactionaries are without fail the biggest brainlets imaginable, they can't discuss philosophy, they can't discuss history, they ruin this board every single day. Most of the good discussions I've had here were with left-wing individuals. Even that guy who made the "/lit/ Philosophy Project" document is a Marxist, and it's not surprising since Marxists are far less likely to be uneducated idiots who only come here to talk about the "jewish question".
Breaking news, nobody is ignorant about the Jews, we'd have to be deaf and blind to miss your "arguments" about them every single day on this miserable place. We disagree with your framework of social analysis and your preconceptions. But unsurprisingly, disagreeing with the reactionary ideology ontologically makes us Jews who pursue the ethnically-determined agenda to destroy western civilization. These people LITERALLY, ACTUALLY THINK THAT AN ETHNIC GROUP IS BIOLOGICALLY DETERMINED TO DESTROY THE WEST. I've had so many discussions with them that I've lost all hope, you cannot argue with someone who abandons the very idea of rational debate.

>> No.12071151


>> No.12071208

Marx was an anti-semite, get real

>> No.12071217


Jews are parasites that are biologically wired to destroy everything they touch; it doesn't have to be the west, it's just that whites are a more lucrative host for the virus to attack.

I best this poster is a mulatto who gets uncomfortable around racial discussions since he exists in limbo between identities.

>> No.12071288

Yes. It's a completely reasonable academic interpretation and attempt at an explanation of jewish socio-political activities. Of course, nobody is allowed to talk about jews unless it's absolute praise, so it gets rejected a priori and people who talk about it or agree with it are demonised.

I found it similar in this way to Mein Kampf. Most people have been trained to have this gut-wrenching knee-jerk reaction to the title and claim that anyone reading it or owning it or talking about it must be a horrendous evil, fascist, bigot, nazi who wants to murder everyone who isn't a straight, white male. Simply not true. It's not the 'bible of hate' or the 'manifesto of genocide' that it's purported to be. Most of it is Hitler's musings on various topics, outlines of national socialism, various bits of history and philosophy and some biographic details. It's painfully obvious that most people who talk about it haven't read it.

I would highly recommend people read Culture of Critique and if they disagree with it then they should say why and respond in an equally academic manner as the book was put forth in.

My view of jewish behaviour is far from stellar and I would be lying if I said CoC wasn't instrumental in me forming that opinion over time (used to be fairly centrist classical liberal), but it is a scholarly work and I haven't seen anything close to a refutation of it.

>> No.12071403

I totally agree with you, these misogynist extremists must be punished severely. Removing them from 4chan is a good start, here is what we can do:
Ban pol and r9k to get rid of sexists and nazis.
Ban anyone who indentify as or uses the word "incel".
Implement upvotes(so that the popular threads are on top instead of of the controversial)

>> No.12071406

>I can picture you right now, you beta/basedboy/jew/cuck/nigger/faggot/tranny,
Not that I agree with fascism but 99% of "antifascist" arguments boil down to accusing you of being a loser virgin

>> No.12072255

>Have I made myself clear?
Yes, it's quite clear at this point that you're an insufferable and uneducated idiot who repeats the same self-referent garbage over and over because you're incapable of reasonable thought.

Someone like you would never admit to the fact that you are miserable, hate the world around you for it, and want to destroy it by all means, which is why you deny every little thing that currently holds it up, i.e. everything that defines civilization currently. No one — and I mean NO ONE — who finds even a shred of joy from civilization today agrees with you. Does that mean we are willing to ignore nepotism and nefarious acts befitting of a "last man" archetype? Absolutely not. But the core of your message is anarchism and we don't agree with that shit, it's repugnant to us. Don't reply to me further because all you're going to do is repeat the same bullshit and act like you're in the right and much smarter than me despite not demonstrating so at all like some high and mighty douchebag.

>nobody is saying this
That moron said / implied it itt. Don't give me that shit, dude. You know exactly what kind of holy roller cunt this guy is like I do. He does not give a shit about civilization one bit and any time he says otherwise is a lie to get you to shut up so he can manipulate you. There's no other reason for his seedy bullshit, and if you can't see that, you're just inexperienced with these types of people. The far right Christian movement is by far more sickly and degenerate and dangerous to civilization than any left-leaning Jews are.

>> No.12072326

Also, who's the real "intellectually lazy" one here? No matter where I look in the source, I don't see anything that supports your claim earlier in the thread. I mentioned this multiple times and gave you plenty of opportunities to provide guidelines to me in order to look in the text better. But you didn't. Why not? Maybe because it's not actually in the source? Or maybe you haven't even read it yourself and are just parroting what other evangelist dipshits have written about it? I will read any material I have to read to see your point, but when the material seemingly does not line up with what you are saying, what else do you want from me? There are comments on that source even saying the same as me, that the data does not suggest all the claims being made from it.

Culture of Critique does not back the claim that Jews are "biologically wired to destroy everything they touch," or even that they are wired to adopt any specific type of ideology whatsoever. The problem is that there are hardly any purebred Jews at this point, they are all mixed, civilization as a whole is dominated by mixed people and has been for centuries and centuries. Mixed people are not always lesser for being mixed, this is an unfounded assertion that can be proven wrong repeatedly by referring to examples of great individuals throughout history who happened to be mixed. The idea that a genetically mixed individual can't find the means to simultaneously grow the positives of each genetic member in possession and suppress the negatives is derived from an extremely shallow understanding of life and evolutionary history.