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/lit/ - Literature

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12065604 No.12065604 [Reply] [Original]

>Believe all wom-

>> No.12065625


>> No.12065644

so is this a preposterous plots literary cringe thread?
>Black guy is NOT guilty
Ha, well played Harper, well played. Glad she's dead!

>> No.12065919

The only uniquely homegrown "American" culture was destroyed by the combined effort of the Northern state and its later intellectuals. Being an American myself it saddens me to see that we ended ourselves before we had the time to fully develop.

>But those racist redneck southern hicks amirite?
Sterile liberals.

>> No.12065934

Oh please, your inbred white trash culture would have harmed america alot worse than the north.

>> No.12065939

I agree the Southern aristocracy at least had a cultural outside of protestant insanity

>> No.12065940

>The only uniquely homegrown "American" culture
>What is Jazz, Hip-hop, etc
But I shaw hates dem niggers lawdy, the South gone rise agin I tells 'em

>> No.12065951


>> No.12065995
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It was never the plan to allow Blacks to be Americans. Hip-hop is culturally inferior to what came before it, and as an outlet for expression black people have never produced substantial novel ideas from Hip-hop. Jazz is from a musically technical lense also incomparable to the works that came before it.

The death of the aristocrat corresponds to the death of culture. The gentleman is the representative of manhood and seriousness. Once the plebs took over they sucked the vitality of the American people out of them.

>> No.12066131


This is a really weird opinion. Are you actually upper-class or did /lit/ convince you that you'd be more cultured if you lusted after aristocracy? I'm no commie, but if you think the entirety of artistic merit is born of the gentry then you have a very narrow conception, and apparently minimal, concern for art.

expansive artistic palate >>>> LARPing as a bourgeoisie art connoisseur online

>> No.12066140

not him and i wouldnt say art comes only from the aristocracy, but rather that only societies ruled by an aristocracy seem to create high art. Given generational lag we saw all the artforms die out as democracy took over

>> No.12066141

>baseless assumption about whites
>probably thinks nigger domestic warfare with neighbors culture is good

>> No.12066149
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>when you're innocent but you wish you weren't

>> No.12066162

Also not him but I agree with this statement as well.

>> No.12066164

Jazz and hip-hop are superior to all music made by white Americans. You are welcome to your redneck shit

>> No.12066173

And white everything is better than black anything. You are welcome you sorry nigger

>> No.12066175

Don't you just love underaged people whose entire worldview comes from pop culture posting on 4chan?

>> No.12066180


>> No.12066193

Hip-hop is garbage and Jazz is so awful that the hatred of it was the only thing Adorno agreed with Hitler on.

>> No.12066195
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implying they made anything as good as the Velvet underground and Bob dylan did

>> No.12066196

Imagine trying to claim fucking HIP-HOP of all things is superior to anything. How little awareness can you have.

>> No.12066219
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The only thing worse than Yankee culture is modern American culture. The destruction of the South is bar none the most tragic event to happen in the West in the last 200 years

>> No.12066226

based and antebellumpilled

>> No.12066237

>The destruction of the South
Bitch please, South got the least shit as any losers in any war. Seeing Southerners whining about it 24/7 made me wish the North should have just reshaped the South in their own image

>> No.12066243

t. apologist for the War of Northern aggression

>> No.12066260

More neutral observer that became 'Sherman did nothing wrong'fag after hearing too much whining from the Southern side

>> No.12066266

new england literally cannot stop trying to make the entire world into puritans in its image

>> No.12066272

Maybe if you didn’t fucking rebel to protect your backwater right to own slaves you wouldn’t have been destroyed.

Southerners are so annoying anytime their ‘culture’ and land are brought up.

>> No.12066275

You're fucking crazy. Reconstruction was a complete a total failure (and probably without good intention to begin with). The South got nothing, and basically lived in total ruination and desolation for at least 60 years after the war. Not a single nation on Earth got less help after a war than the former CSA.

Even Japan after WWII, who like the South saw their entire way of life vanish before their eyes got a boatload of support from the United States. You ask me, that's why there's so much good literature to come out of the South.

>> No.12066277

Probably hard bait, but if you truly think so you should hang yourself.

>> No.12066279
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>> No.12066282

People really can't even comprehend that the war was about much, much more than slaves for the South, and you're clearly one of them.

Read about it.

>> No.12066299

>What is Jazz, Hip-hop, etc
Artistic cancer promoted by Jews for a fat profit

>> No.12066303
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yeah the number one concern of Southerners after the Civil War, after entire states were razed to the ground and hundreds of thousands of husbands and lovers and family members and friends were killed, was that they couldn't own Tyrone anymore

Fucking retard

>> No.12066309


I'm >>12066131

And I don't disagree with either of you. But you'll get bored if you only value high art imo. It's not that high art doesn't tend to come out of where you described, however, I'm just saying high art isn't the only thing of value. To say hip-hop is "culturally inferior" is reductionist to say the least. Duh Illmatic isn't Shakespeare, but that was never the point. Idk, I just think pompously dismissing proletariat-driven art is boring and close-minded.

>> No.12066317

ITT: People thinking it's patrician to hate jazz

Is this bizzaro lit?

>> No.12066322

*buys gold*

>> No.12066325

i listen to complete garbage music anon, i dont reject prole art. Im just not going to say it's the same thing as Handel because it's not. And well 'inferior' is honestly not inaccurate

>> No.12066340

I don't think plebeian art would be precluded from existing in an aristocracy. The only reason there's so little of it in the past is probably just a technological matter. Serf Nas probably still could've dropped Illmatic

>> No.12066344

the point is for the lower classes to emulate the higher ones not vice versa. The social conditions that created illmatic should never have been allowed to exist in the first place.

The serfs did have their serf music btw, they played it for themselves

>> No.12066349

It's not as good as Country anon

>> No.12066363


I wasn't saying it's Handel either. And I say "inferior is reductionist "because it too often implies a necessity of disregard on this site. Sure, Illmatic doesn't have the complexities of Handel, but it's also just doing its own thing, completely separated from that entire field. I just don't like how people here trash black art as if it's a failed attempt to replicate European High Art rather than be recognized as its own breath. It reminds me of when someone on lit said "feminity is just shitty masculinity", no feminity is just it's own thing, likewise is black art to european to japanese. It's fair to compare things based on a technical level of grandeur, but beyond that I'd say art is subjective.


That's probably true.

>> No.12066421

i don't mind black art, but it's not the race component for me it's the class one. I dont think of Handel and Lana del rey as being both 'white art'. The lana del rey goes with the Nas not with Handel. Jazz is arguably a kind of halfway to high art, it's not strictly just music for serfs to dance to or whatever. I wouldnt call jazz strictly black art though, it's an American art that incorporated elements of whites and blacks, predominantly black but definitely not exclusively.

Im not sure what you mean about art being subjective, but the point of art like Baroque music is the creation of a complex artistic language that allows for the expression of highly nuanced and varied content. The 3 minute pop song can do a lot of stuff, but it can never do anything like 4 movement string quartet, it just lacks the sophistication, its language is 'simpler'.

There is also a clear correspondence with the nature of the content, the aristocratic societies emphasize a certain kind of elevated sensibility that the masses dont care about for the most part. The massman hears some piece of classical music and he may like it, he may recognize the complexity and beauty, but he doesn't order his life along those lines. We are such massmen ourselves despite an interest in high art we have for whatever reason.

I mean you would be laughed at and rightly, for acting like that today. We dont live in that sort of civilization anymore.

>> No.12066492

My bad I meant civil war. Plus America needed to prop Japan up for its own geopolitical purposes, not out of any goodwill or colonization needs

>> No.12066503

If the people whining about jazz not being high art like country they are probably the biggest hypocrites around

>> No.12066509


>> No.12066542

i agree with you on Jazz but hip hop.... lel

>> No.12066704

where are its painters on par with George Bellows or composers on par with Charles Ives?

>> No.12066719

They're where the Yank authors that are on par with Faulkner are

>> No.12066767

yeah /lit/ have shit taste in music. what did you expect?

>> No.12066825


>> No.12066855


>> No.12066929

The south is 100 percent was the usas most unique and distinct culture. Only my fellow milquetoast yankees disagree.

>> No.12066937


>> No.12066971

Reminder that country music was destroyed by capitalism:

>> No.12066992

>Charles Ives
Isn't he one of those atonal faggots whose music could all be described as ear rape on a violin?

>> No.12067004


>> No.12067051

>quoting that hack

>> No.12067063

/lit/ is musically illiterate

>> No.12067070

Aristocracy is merely to live in the understanding of quality differences.
Now that the world is equal nothing is good.

>> No.12067073


>> No.12067079


how do I give this gold

>> No.12067092

Melville, Hawthorne, James

>> No.12067109

Freedom of speech killed good art.

>> No.12067128

>Melville, Hawthorne, James
Melville released one great novel and then a boatload of mediocrity. Hawthorne was mediocre from start to finish, and James was good but never great, as he basically imitated and pined after Europeans his entire life.

>> No.12067129

fuck off you obese incestual subhuman from a nigger infested area

The Midwest Is The Only Good (and White) Part Of America

Put Yourself Down, son.

>> No.12067140

lol you discount Hawthorne yet like Faulkner? You're being disingenuous to assume he is somehow different when Faulkner was a verbose post-gothic parroting Hawthorne's themes albeit transposed onto the South instead of New England.

>> No.12067145

>>What is Jazz, Hip-hop, etc

>> No.12067158

whatever it helps you with your limited understanding of art.

>> No.12067161


>> No.12067167

the south is not white, nor is it human

>> No.12067174

>I don't like this music therefore it's objectively inferior
I agree, those of us who get our worldview exclusively from /pol/ and similar sources are much more enlightened. at least *our* opinions aren't mainstream

>> No.12067180

cry more, faggot. enjoy having to look at all those unowned human beings walking the streets and knowing there is literally nothing you can do about it.

>> No.12067195
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Damn imagine actually thinking that southerners want to enslave niggers again. And he probably thinks himself superior

>> No.12067207

To everyone watching: this is not a Southerner, this is a pathetic suburbanite midwesterner

>> No.12067215

What are you talking about? I've read Scarlet Letter and House of Seven Gables and nowhere in either of them did I get any notion that they are thematically similar to Faulkner's work, past just being dark and dreary. I guess I could make out similarities between Light in August and Scarlet Letter, but past that, what are you talking about?

>> No.12067255

Georgia's declaration of independence, second sentence:
>For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic.
Mississippi's, first reason given for secession:
>Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.
middle of South Carolina's:
>But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution.
>She [Texas] was received [in the Confederacy] as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time.

>> No.12067265

>They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic.
what did the North mean by this

>> No.12067313
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>> No.12067317

the south meant that the north wasn't returning enough escaped slaves in compliance with the Fugitive Slave Act and that they generally did not respect slavery as part of their way of life/economic system

>> No.12067328

imagine calling the side that didn't even start the war the aggressors and defending a war that was fought to preserve a system of human ownership

>> No.12067332

Anon... Are you retarded? You realize you posted single sentences out of the entire Declarations of multiple states? And of course they mention slavery: that is the reason the North antagonized and tried to hinder the South, and so it follows that the North's attitude of slavery is what caused the southern states to secede.

What is bullshit is saying that the only thing the south was defending was slavery, or that southerners gave a rats ass about slavery after the war was over compared to other things. The southerners were not some monolithic racist entity whose sole purpose was to oppress the negro (consider the constitution of the pacific northwestern and some Midwestern states that completely banned blacks altogether, free or otherwise). They were people like anyone else and fought to defend their way of life and their country, which is the role of at least one combatant in virtually every modern war ever fought. Slavery was part of that for them, and that's why they fought. It's such a tired and ridiculous notion that the South would be willing to secede and throw away hundreds of thousands of lives and see itself totally demolished in defense of slavery alone. It's really just common sense, the problem is that the opposite is taught in public schools.

>> No.12067333

imagine provoking someone into attacking you by abusing them and making them fear you would attack and then blaming them for it

why would the smaller, less prosperous side want war

>> No.12067340

I understand that slavery was like really evil and wrong but did the North have the right to interfere in the domestic affairs of the South?

>> No.12067345

Read about Fort Sumter. It's not as black and white as you make it out to be.

>> No.12067376

That's the entire point that people who regurgitate what they learn in the public school system apparently can't comprehend. The north had literally zero legal basis for interfering with slavery. The north had zero power to do anything legally.

Compare Buchanan's statements and their tone with Lincolns. It's painfully obvious that Lincoln was purposefully inflammatory and antagonistic.

>> No.12067385

>What is bullshit is saying that the only thing the south was defending was slavery
it wasn't the only thing. it was the primary thing that everything else came second to. most of the declarations of secession immediately mention slavery and cite it as the first reason they're seceding. Jefferson Davis made it pretty clear that the Confederacy would be the first nation that unreservedly recognized the inferiority of blacks too.

>> No.12067401

The only good thing American blacks have brought into the world is jazz, which while culturally significant is already a dying medium among them in favor of hip-hop.
And while jazz was, from a technical perspective, superior to the southern traditional folk song patterns of the time like call and response, it never ascended to the heights of the European classical tradition. Black people don't like to compose in that way, so the form focused primarily on improvisations, and more importantly, that meant that the players were essentially the composers; there was no room for a Great composer in jazz if he could not also play Greatly, narrowing the pool even further. Of course, even the greatest jazz legends could never match an opus like a great concerto, when they were limited to improvisations on the spot.

>> No.12067416

some of them composed, pretty sure Sun Ra composed a lot of his insanity

>> No.12067417

>south constantly throws temper tantrums about escaped slaves
>predicates an entire economic system on the subservience, inferiority, and bondage of a population
>b-but the north still disobeyed some laws!! (laws whose purpose was to perpetuate this system predicated on the subservience, inferiority, and bondage of a population)

>> No.12067426

>I understand that slavery was like really evil and wrong

>> No.12067429

Now this is a hot take

>> No.12067446

Okay, this is based

>> No.12067461

Southerners thought of slavery as essential for their way of life, which is why they fought over it. In other words, it was secondary (though necessary) to what was primary: their lifestyle. Jefferson Davis said nothing that every other western nation on the planet didn't already enforce, even if it didn't explicitly state, including the United States, aside from slavery (but I don't know what exactly you're referring to).

The most apt comparison I've heard for modern times is this: The federal government decides that computers are sentient, and so all computers (that you bought and paid money for) will be taken away from you. Especially any computers that are related to the way you make your money, and especially if you work with a computer to make your money.

Except slaves in today's terms cost the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars (some plantations had hundreds), and were virtually the entire income source of many many southerners.

If you think Southerners were fighting for anything other than the Southern way of life (life, liberty, PROPERTY as gruesome as it may be), you're crazy.

>> No.12067472

So it was okay to invade them, ravage their land, kill one fifth of their male population, because they were mean to some black people? I thought blood was supposed to be thicker than water.

>> No.12067479

>The most apt comparison I've heard for modern times is this: The federal government decides that computers are sentient, and so all computers (that you bought and paid money for) will be taken away from you. Especially any computers that are related to the way you make your money, and especially if you work with a computer to make your money.
Not only that. They decide this with no legal basis whatsoever.

>> No.12067490

Here, let me fix what you wrote to be correct:
>south constantly throws temper tantrums because the north doesn't abide by the Law (confirmed by the Supreme Court).
>predicates an entire economic system on agriculture, and uses the perfectly legal institution of slavery to aid in it
>become immensely prosperous
>try to defend what led to your prosperity

>> No.12067496

>The federal government decides that computers are sentient, and so all computers (that you bought and paid money for) will be taken away from you.
right, but computers are objectively not sentient, so arguing that this is the same as wanting to keep humans as property doesn't really work.
>the Southern way of life (life, liberty, PROPERTY as gruesome as it may be)
yes, human beings as property. this was the greatest threat to their way of life as they saw it from the north. I'm not arguing against the idea that southerners were fighting to preserve their way of life; it was a bad way of life.

>> No.12067506

you do recognize that laws can sometimes be unjust, right?

>> No.12067512
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>tfw progressives decide you can't keep your replicant sex slave anymore

>> No.12067528

Were they unjust in this case?

>> No.12067534

Imagine that some niggers and wiggers consider hiphop art.

>> No.12067536

are you asking me if laws that are intended to keep most members of a certain group of people deemed inferior in the ownership of another group of people are unjust?

>> No.12067544

and yet we are dealing with governments and laws, where laws are what you follow, even if they are unjust.

we might not think the same in some number of years, and then we may find ourselves in the same situation where now we find the way we live our lives to be morally reprehensible. The entire point is that it was totally and perfectly legal: who are you to say it was a bad way of life? Shallow moralizing is easy from our position 150+ years later, where now equality is something people believe in on a much wider scale. It was not so widely believed back then.

>> No.12067569

we will never believe desktop computers as they exist today to be sentient
>who are you to say it was a bad way of life?
I think that enslaving people is wrong, regardless of time, place, or public opinion. you don't even need to believe in racial equality to take issue with it--most Republicans certainly didn't. yes, obviously people's views on the morality of it were much different back then, but that doesn't make them right.

>> No.12067645

I think that too, and obviously back then the sentiment was not so popular. If we were born then in the South we'd probably be proponents of slavery, and if we were born 2000 years ago anywhere we'd definitely be proponents of it (unless we were slaves).

2000 years ago nobody believed that niggers would be thought of as equals to whites today, or any other race with any other race. They took slavery for granted. Like I said, it's easy to moralize and apply today's modern moral standards to past periods and say "man look how bad those people were." But when morals shift and you find yourself and your entire civilization on the wrong side maybe you'll finally see the tragedy of it

>> No.12067714

This is literally the lesson that Absalom, Absalom! and The Sound and the Fury teach

>> No.12067802

ok, this is epic

>> No.12067826

yeah blowing into a moonshine jug and smacking spoons together is so much better than jazz Lmao

>> No.12067830
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>> No.12067836

so why is slavery perfectly fine, but opening borders to allow immigrants that will work for less than minimum wage is not?

>> No.12067843

thay is a horrible comparison and you should feel HORRIBLE for even typing it let alone hitting fucking submit on the post form
god damn

>> No.12067863

2000 years ago we were still basing the foundations of our civilization off of the sumerians and ancient Egyptians...

>> No.12067895
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>> No.12068232

what would that even matter if it were true?

>> No.12068514
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Keep thinking I'm candy 'till ya fucking skull get popped
And ya brain jump out the top like Jack-in-the-box
In the hood summer time is the killing season
It's hot out this bitch that's a good enough reason
I've seen gangstas get religious when they start bleeding
Saying "Lord, Jesus help me" cause they ass leaking
When they window roll down and that A.K. come out
You can squeeze ya little handgun until you run out
And you can run for ya backup
But them machine gun shells gone tear ya back up

>> No.12068525
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Hipster noise. A fashion accessory. The more pretentious, the more obscure, the more its value in social currency. I say this as someone who LIKES JAZZ.

The death gurgle of American culture.

>> No.12068531
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>> No.12068571

t lord acton

>> No.12068726

>hip hop


>> No.12068731

>rebels against england
based yankees
>rebels against the tyranic north
stupid rednecks

>> No.12068755

The tyranny of spelling

>> No.12068765

>Slavery becomes less viable
>Wealthy southern slaveholders demand more and more privileges to keep slavery viable
>Blame all their problems on the mean old North not returning runaways quick enough
>Straight up ignore Kansas-Nebraska act
>Call any threat to wealthy landed slave tycoons "tyranny"
>Fucking exit the union the instant a moderate is elected because he won't prop up their immoral economic system but intends to let it die naturally

The story of the South would be tragic if idiots didn't keep lionizing its tragic heroes. Now it's just irritating.

>> No.12068780

I was unaware of /pol/s appreciation for things like Southern Gothic literature. Oh, nevermind, I realize that you're just using /pol/ as a buzzword for "people I disagree with".

>> No.12068831

>a moderate
okay, this is epic

>> No.12068847

ITT disgusting Protestant Americans bicker over their disgusting Protestant nation

>> No.12068856

Go back to cripple mass Flannery

>> No.12068859

What was so radical about him /other/ than being a Republican? They weren't even the first explicitly anti-slavery party, and Lincoln said he had no intention to abolish slavery throughout his campaign

>> No.12068943

I'm surprised you think so: his House Divided speech can be fairly easily interpreted as inflammatory, and it could be inferred that he certainly intended to abolish slavery.

Then there's an earlier speech:
>Do you say that such restriction of slavery would be unconstitutional, and that some of the States would not submit to its enforcement? I grant you that an unconstitutional act is not a law; but I do not ask and will not take your construction of the Constitution. The Supreme Court of the United States is the tribunal to decide such a question, and we will submit to its decisions; and if you do also, there will be an end of the matter. Will you? If not, who are the disunionists—you or we? We, the majority, would not strive to dissolve the Union; and if any attempt is made, it must be by you, who so loudly stigmatize us as disunionists.

>But the Union, in any event, will not be dissolved. We don’t want to dissolve it, and if you attempt it we won’t let you. With the purse and sword, the army and navy and treasury, in our hands and at our command, you could not do it. This government would be very weak indeed if a majority with a disciplined army and navy and a well-filled treasury could not preserve itself when attacked by an unarmed, undisciplined, unorganized minority. All this talk about the dissolution of the Union is humbug, nothing but folly. We do not want to dissolve the Union; you shall not.

>> No.12068995

That really wasn't that radical for a Republican though. If you want the radical you probably want Grant.

>> No.12069008

Lincoln was radical, Grant was basically the embodiment of Satan

>> No.12069014

totally epic

>> No.12069023

when you cum but she still cryin

>> No.12069028

everybody was a hellperson except for the slaveowners who were misunderstood philantropists

>> No.12069036

I think Grant deserves the title as the man who was single-handedly responsible for transforming the South from its antebellum state to literal rubble for the next 60 years

>> No.12069057
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>of all the Southern literature, the only works read in school are white-apologist garbage

>> No.12069066

As opposed to taking aggressive sides in a dead conflict, how about taking an objective analysis of how things actually are and become disillusioned with the rather watery bipartisan nature of manufactured issues?

Or go to /pol/, which is a part of the site but somehow worse than all of Reddit

>> No.12069086

What are you going on about? There's Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, O'Connor, Truman Capote, Eudora Welty, and a whole slew of authors that put out work that's actually good, and schools choose works that are mediocre at best?

And what does reading literature have to do with "objective analyses of how things actually are,", and how does my wanting good literature to be read in school mean I should go to /pol/?

>> No.12069103

You posted the image of some stupid frog shit with the confederate flag dipshit.

I’m going off of what I see here: you are most likely a bigoted racist retard. Go to /pol/

>> No.12069105

Lmao I read Faulkner in 9th grade public school and I live in Georgia

>> No.12069157

you're on 4chan you colossal fucking idiot, maybe reddit will provide you the safe space you need to be able to look past things that offend your delicate sensibilities. IM SO SORRY AWWWW


>> No.12069170

>claims the other anon is triggered
>posts an autistic all caps edge rant

>> No.12069179

Reddit can be high quality unlike /pol/.

You’re on /lit/, retard, there’s a thread on page 0 with Reddit images as we speak. /lit/ and /pol/ are like two different websites

>> No.12069250
File: 1.94 MB, 159x146, 1538971999599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit can be high quality unlike /pol/.
people like this man

>> No.12069661

that was a good thing

>> No.12069693

Edit: Thanks for the gold!

>> No.12070647

>I agree the Southern aristocracy at least had a cultural outside of protestant insanity
All southern auristocrats were raised by British black nannies and learned their affectations from them. To call that culture is a bit rich.

>> No.12071044

oh what, do you hate all american inventions?

>> No.12071053

>Reddit can be high quality unlike /pol/.
lel the lefties are always outing themselves as redditors

>> No.12071054

It's true what they say, nobody ever ran out of (you)s by triggering the insecurity of racists

>> No.12071070

I'd put more of the blame on Sherman, tbqh. He also badly fucked over the Nez Perce indians.