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/lit/ - Literature

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12064908 No.12064908 [Reply] [Original]

99.99% of this board can't even give me a proper definition of what is good writing, less alone tell me what constitutes good writing, as in what techniques do writers use for acomplishing this goal.

Stay mad retards with your trashy creative advice you learned in your ohio nigger CC.

Just give me a proper definition of what consitutes good writing, IF YOU CAN, dumb negroes.

>> No.12064915

Good writing makes you want to jump out of your skin and punch a wall but also fills you with butterflies but also makes you angry that you didn't write it yourself

>> No.12064916

why rationalists keep clinging to their definition mem whereas they failed to produce one single definition after thousands of years of attempts to be rational cucks?

>> No.12065198

>what is rhetoric
hello pseud.

>> No.12065218

good writing differs from soul to soul. s white trailer trash woman would love timothy dexter but you wouldnt be avle to endure his slur past 4 pages but guess who bangs her at the end. not you faggot

>> No.12065247

>taste is the same as quality
hilarious retardation, as expected from pseuds.

>> No.12065258

There is no such things as good writing because every reader is different and thus nothing can affect and reach people the same.

>> No.12065263
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Prove that quality isn’t subjective

>> No.12065272

Quality is the result of mastery of the rules and craft of your art, couple with emotional meaning and originality.


>he hasn't spend five second as to why some artists is better than another.

>> No.12065277

>Trying to make a subjective thing objective
Let's guess, you're religious?

>> No.12065280

You sound like you have never experienced true joy, I feel sad for you.

>> No.12065286

>taste is the same as quality.
hello retards.

>> No.12065294

If art could be explained away in such terms it would cease to be art.

>> No.12065304

depends on what definition you're asking and what historical period.

modern definition?

>> No.12065315

Your reading comprehension is a bit off, my friend. Quality is subjective in this situation since it is not defined, and is then in this situation equivalent to taste.
You are attacking people from smoke and then are expecting for people to take you seriously. Get over yourself, or provide a stance.

>> No.12065322

Quality is the result of mastery of the rules and craft of your art, couple with emotional meaning and originality.

>> No.12065340

if im so retarded and gay what do you want me to do with myself jump off a cliff?

>> No.12065371

Good writing is relatable and deceptively uncomplicated; it resonates with something you’ve felt or thought before, but have never been bold, keen, or autistic enough to identify or articulate. In other words, it demonstrates notable coherence in terms of concept, theme, or emotion.

>> No.12065375

>he thinks all of those aren't subjective as well

>> No.12065412

>motion and rest
> oh look, being and becoming both have the property of being but are not the same thing

>> No.12065415

figures of speech, grammar, retoric

emotional conection to the main character or characters by the use of common scenes where the reader learns the main character is flawed like him, has dreams and aspirations, and fears, then using a character arc and other storytelling techniques, you make the climatic act about the character losing something he deeply cares or desire, or has an emotional transformation to leave one of his beggining goals.

wow, so complicated nigger.

combination of previous works and inspirations into something tangible, generally in new forms or ideas, sometimes copied from real life.



>> No.12065433

Can it not introduce a new feeling or thought? It seems that would be even better

>> No.12065458

>he thinks all of those aren't subjective as well

>> No.12065473

>techniques are subjective

>> No.12065506

It’s “let alone” you goddam retard.

Also you might be autistic. That’s just my takeaway from reading your post. Writing is not math. There is not one answer that will make you a good writer.

>> No.12065512

It's when the writer's intention and the reader's impression are the same.

>> No.12065522

you sound like the faggots who complain I have an interest in music theory.

>> No.12065554

The organization of ideas into either narrative or hierarchical formats, the use of precise diction, the euphonic qualities of the text, the rhythm of the sentences, both internally and with relation to each other, the poetic quality of the bundle of images, emotions, ideas, etc. in each segment, and the interrelations between all these elements.

The complexity is such that good writing happens instinctively, the writer through natural aptitude and practice learns unsciously how to weave these many strands together, as the composer learns to do with musical voices. On some level the brain is processing all this, but the writer is not aware of it happening, only that this or that feels more correct, with occasional explicit ideas of some particular relation.