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12063541 No.12063541 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about starting an insurrection. What books would provide me with the knowledge to get started?

>> No.12063921

The Dick's Warehouse hunting catalog.

>> No.12064180

how to win friends and influence people

>> No.12064197
File: 32 KB, 328x499, 41p2lVK3%2BeL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varieties of Religious Experience
Citizens by Schama
Os Sertoes by Euclides da Cunha

>> No.12065756
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Good luck anon.

>> No.12065783

The Hunger Games

>> No.12065800
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Unironically pic related, start with the turbochadjews

>> No.12065881

The Seven Madmen

>> No.12067411

Meme book

>> No.12067556

The Rebel - Albert Camus

>> No.12067568

V for vendetta

>> No.12067709


>> No.12067853

Your idea of a insurrection is a spook, you plebeian.

>> No.12067992
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>> No.12068149

no book can help you you have to be a chad an utterly incorruptible and Robespierre was called the incorruptible so nothing has to be able to corrupt you.

>> No.12068183

>the anarchist cookbook
nice for knowing how to hack payphones and get high from banana peels, not much else

>> No.12068201

>that image was made by a Romanian
far funnier than it should be

>> No.12068234

>jack donovan
i didn't know you enjoyed jacking off with other dudes, anon

>> No.12068252

Mein kampf

>> No.12068262

I can do both of those things? Shit, I might have to get it. I heard it was just a recipe book for making bombs, but most of it was just wrong information, and they would just blow up in your face