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/lit/ - Literature

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12062983 No.12062983 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. Any recommendations for anthropology books to give a good introduction to the subject?

I'm also intrested in learning more about ethnobotany and shamanism, especially in the Amazon basin. Is pic related a good start?

>> No.12063242
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The best books I've read so far have been The Serpent and the Rainbow by Wade Davis (not to be confused with the hollywood adaptation) and Entheogens and the Future of Religion edited by Robert Forte. Both books give a very good introduction to the subject and offer plenty of references for further reading and I found both to be overall very enjoyable and easy to read. I've heard good things about Mircea Eliade's book on Shamanism as well, but I don't believe he really tackles the subject of entheogens.

>> No.12064484

Thanks I'll check these out