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/lit/ - Literature

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12062199 No.12062199 [Reply] [Original]

Which board is the most complementary companion to /lit/?

My nominees are /fit/, /fa/, /sci/

>> No.12062215

I hate /fa/. They're the goofiest motherfuckers on this site. Teenagers are the last people on earth who should be talking about fashion and style.

>> No.12062219
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>/fit/, /fa/, /sci/
i dont fucking think so pal

>> No.12062225


>> No.12062227
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>> No.12062235
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>> No.12062236

Obviously /his/

>> No.12062253

/his/ is a failed board, I won't be associated with those losers. They're like our son with Down Syndrome.

>> No.12062298

/sp/, /ck/, pre new starwars /tv/

>> No.12062310
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/k/ is the correct answer

>> No.12062312

Since /lit/ has a lot of philosophy discussion (unironically more of a humanities board than /his/), the "companion" to /lit/ would be either /sci/ or /his/. The latter probably fits more, since humanities/philosophy is the official second half of the board, but /sci/ does have analytic phil and phil math discussion as well, plus some phil topics that are popular in pop-sci like gene editing and AI

>> No.12062313

This and /sci/, and /tg/

>> No.12062314

It's /fit/. Why even start this thread? Everyone already knows /fitlit/.

>> No.12062324

the only correct answer is /reddit/

>> No.12062334


/x/ and /k/ are already together, Anon. Have been forever.

>> No.12062635

You sound like you wear all white new balance

>> No.12062878

/sci/ is /lit/ but more intelligent

>> No.12062910

/sci/ is sperglords engaging trolls in endless debates about the most trivial elements of STEM with a troll boss rising every few weeks with a new proof or disproof of very important math theorems.

>> No.12062921

what's /lit/ version of haruhi's theorem? curious

>> No.12062932


>> No.12062968


>> No.12062974

/ck/ definitely. They used to have the best schizo poster

>> No.12062981

/sci/ and /lit/ is the obvious answer, just need to allure them out of their positivist shells

>> No.12064321


>> No.12064347

/sci/ is just the 4chan verison of /iamverysmart.

>> No.12064350

/sci/ and /tv/, the highest IQ boards.

>> No.12064359
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>/sci/ is just the 4chan verison of /iamverysmart.

Fuck off back to Plebbit, retard

>> No.12064363
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>> No.12064535

dumb frogposter

>> No.12065814

No, you're thinking of /g/

>> No.12065824


>> No.12065825

We’re tsundere with /tv/

>> No.12065849

/pol/ is the only board that reads stuff

>> No.12065862

/r9k/ unfortunately

>> No.12065866

/lit/ and /his/ (whether you like it or not, it´s beside the point)

and /fit/ is fucking garbage, neo/r9k/ at it´s finest

>> No.12065895

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/2413698