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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 55 KB, 570x425, james-joyce-ezra-pound-ford-madox-ford-john-quinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12060200 No.12060200 [Reply] [Original]

You know, we always wonder what the modern equivalent is of Paris in the days of the Lost Generation. But couldn't we create something like that? Those of us who are artists, I mean.

After all, while Paris was a great city and had some good reasons to become the home of a bunch of writers and poets with little money and large ambitions, it wasn't inherently a haven for artists until Joyce, Hemingway, etc. all relocated there. The Lost Generation made Paris what we read about it being.

Couldn't a certain number of writers and artists today find another city that's like what Paris was back then, and all decide to move there? Maybe we could create an artistic community. We could move some of what we do here on /lit/ into the real world, and form lasting bonds of friendship and camaraderie while we create great art.

>> No.12060223

It will just turn into LA once all the fags move in

>> No.12060246


None of those people had the internet. It's impossible, now; we're all too stupid.

>> No.12060346

Cities don't have flavour anymore. They're'll just McDonald's.

>> No.12060390

It’s happening online now. Unfortunately it’s a bunch of YouTube vloggers and pseudo-philosophers like Stefan Molynuex. Things will be better eventually

>> No.12060397

what the fuck do they even talk to each other about? i havnt had a conversation deeper than the weather with anyone in months

>> No.12060402

Yeah, I'd love to be a fly on the wall to them talking
I have a feeling it's usually more mundane than we think though they have the capacity for a conversation of real substance

>> No.12060403

For LondonFrog to binge at

>> No.12060409

those times are past

>> No.12060427

This. New York is like a shower head of sameness. A steady stream of people move in, before they get sprayed over the whole world - to San Francisco, LA, DC, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Beijing, Seattle, Vancouver, Toronto, Berlin, Copenhagen, Moscow, Bangkok, Mumbai, Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore, Manila, Jakarta, Istanbul, Budapest, Rome, Mexico City, Rio, Tokyo, etc. all of these cities have the same restaurants, the same hotels, the same music available at concert halls. There are only cosmetic differences between them at this point. Different architectural flavors to put on Instagram, different instagrammable deserts, different rappers on Instagram.

>> No.12060432

So what do we do then? Isn’t 4chan enough? Why can’t /lit/ be modern day Paris

>> No.12060524

I can vouch for Copenhagen being an overpriced, largely uninteresting shithole. Don't believe the hype.

>> No.12061999

Because as much as I enjoy interacting with you guys online, there's no real substitute for more intimate, personal conversation. Plus, it's easier to share work in person than putting it up on a message board, where someone could steal it.

>> No.12062014

>where someone could steal it.
do you guys unironically fear this

>> No.12062079


I'm not >>12061999 (checked) but I feel the same. I enjoy interacting with you guys online so much, but for more intimate, personal conversation there's no real substitute. Additionally, allowing people to steal your work off a message board is a lot harder than sharing work in person.

>> No.12062315

This reads as a list of what would be called "megacities" or "international cities". I'd like to hope that smaller (in the context of the megacity) cities would still be worthwhile, stimulating places to be.

>> No.12062337

no, they've all been thoroughly braindrained

>> No.12062343

i couldnt care less if someone stole my work and got it published, i would find that hilarious honestly
i could also embarrass him publicly by pointing people towards the 4chan thread archive

>> No.12062528

I am completely unsurprised desu, I myself keep thinking about leaving the small city that I live in, but that's because the economy of the entire state (in the US) is shit.

>> No.12062536

This but unironically and uncritically and in a positive way

>> No.12062552

Lisbon desu

>> No.12062560
File: 168 KB, 1023x680, depositphotos_45718333-Beautiful-view-of-Buenos-Aires-capital-of-Argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could all move to Buenos Aires, the Argentinian economy has gone back into the shitter so things are cheaper than ever down there. Plus it would be fun to bum around Borges' hometown.