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12059729 No.12059729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>parents are forcing me to get a job
>decided to apply to work at an amazon warehouse
will this help me with my writing at all? i've never really worked before

>> No.12059733

no working is terrible. whenever i work i start to have homicidal daydreams

>> No.12059763

It probably won't help, because most places demand that they not only take up your valuable time that you agreed to, but you will also be expected to work those extras shifts they want to drop on you whenever they feel like. Not to mention the average work-rate makes you feel like a stressed out loon who is wasting their life if you allow for one second of introspection.

It's also very tricky to use your work as a muse because there are a series of constant shit-tests that make you get involved with the workplace hierarchy and politics, and you no longer feel like an outsider candidly memorising events for literary exploitation, but a busy bee who is afraid of getting ostrasiced.

And if you don't get depression and quit, you'll become one of them. Or go postal.


>> No.12059770

>working at an Amazon warehouse
Well, you'll certainly be suicidal enough to be a good writer.

>> No.12059778


>> No.12059790


>> No.12059796

experiences do make your writing better

>> No.12059798

Enjoy your wagecage

>> No.12060026

hit the nail on the head

wagecucking is cancer, especially minimum wage wagecucking. from my experience? even if there's no work to do, expect your arsehole manager to bullshit something to keep you busy and docile.

>> No.12060038

>i've never really worked before
>decided to apply to work at an amazon warehouse
youre going to carry boxes for 8 hours a day.

>> No.12060045

Don't do that. Just go for shelf-stacking in a supermarket or something

>> No.12060158

Why would use muscles for labor when you can only burn your lifetime for the same amount of minimum wage

>> No.12060164
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>> No.12060203

yeah you'll probably get some good ideas for [novel about dystopian future where [ideology] has gone too far] #1984451

>> No.12060206

Do you work at night ?
If so you're on the good way

>> No.12060217
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Why does it hurt when I look at her ?

>> No.12060221

its like i live in a different universe to you, the jobs ive worked have been nothing like what you describe at all

>> No.12060236

you people are all retarded. there is nithing wrong with wagecucking, it builds working class solidarity. you will gain deep insight to why people are such jaded cunts, and the system will jade you too, but this is not a waste, it is a battlescar. picture yourself as Kafka in his law office, keep writing, work to escape the wageslavery, but at the same time, embrace the destruction of self it hoists upon you.

>> No.12060240

he probably hasn't worked or if he did he was a sperg and lasted two weeks before his crippling anxiety took over.

>> No.12060241

high iq post

>> No.12060243
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A desire for true love prevails over lust. You long for something deeper; something that you've neglected and buried away and distracted through your own concupiscence.

>> No.12060485

No, those sort of precariat jobs are the "whip" of globalized capitalism. They exist to punish individuals who do not properly compete and will exhaust you psychologically and physically. After working you will be too tired to do much more than shitpost on 4chan and wonder how your life got to this point, and likely acquire an unshakable hatred for the human race, especially boomers.

If you've never worked before, well, maybe it's helpful in that you'll learn how awful the world truly is. This is something you probably already know though.

It's also a waste of time; you should do something productive instead like go to community college and learn to code. There's no point in saving money in today's economy, so wrack up debt and force yourself to attend class. If you can't study to better yourself and make your family proud, study to avoid the whip

>> No.12060497

Kafka worked for four hours a day at a prestigious white collar job (read: indoors) that provided a salary large enough to support his entire family and numerous luxuries

He was an upper middle class Jew who knew nothing of suffering, which is probably why he feared it so much and felt so guilty

>> No.12060516


this is true. A job is rarely ever just a job, they are usually asking for extra. Even if it is part time stuff, they ask you to do online training at home, or skip breaks, or stay late, extra shifts, and so on.

>> No.12060522
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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.12060526


>> No.12060534

the only lower class people i like are the natives and the greeks. based racist greeks.

>> No.12060658

enlist in the army
>learn to be a man
>learn a useful skill
>learn how to bond and interact with humans
>get in shape
>maybe have some experiences worth writing about
>move out of mommy's house, get a 401k, go to college for free

>> No.12060697

>it builds working class solidarity
I'm not a communist, this means nothing to me. You know we're not all your comrades right?
>you need to be abused to understand why the abused have no souls
>you need battlescars instead of good training
>you are just like Kafka working at a law firm except instead of working at a law firm and writing genius assaults on the Germanic death cult you're a retarded amazog slave working 14 hour shifts and destroying your joints
>embrace meaningless loss
You should kill yourself retard

>> No.12060749

solidarity comes before political specifics, comrade

>> No.12060826

Oh boy, hope this is b8. Don't listen to this retard, OP.

>> No.12060957

Avoid at all costs

>> No.12060989

Working changed me from a jingoist into a socialist.

>> No.12061014

seriously? it just made me want to abolish the income tax

>> No.12061049

>I'm not a communist
no, you're a prolitariat. you don't need to be a communist to be working class, anon. yes, you have to understand the world around you, and no, it's not cushy or friendly. and, it's not meaningless either, it's just not the meaning you were brought up expecting. welcome the world, anon, no one saved you a seat.

>> No.12061120

I did work at a lot of government buildings and for government customers and associates and other political groups.

>> No.12061132

and that made you want to expand, not liquidate, the government?
anon i...

>> No.12061140

Don't know who is actually butthurt about taxes but muh "business owners".

>> No.12061197

how much were you paid that the meager government taxes outweighed your medical and living expenses? you can literally measure how much more poor people gain from higher taxes and how much they lose from lower taxes. the only people that don't benefit from taxes are those that don't use or rely on government social services, THE RICH?

>> No.12061231

yeah but it's degrading spiritually

>> No.12061254

All the types of regulation are also of relevance.

>> No.12061289

you deserve this, you worthless neet

>> No.12061309

It will help you empathize with others but other then that, no. Do you thinking being able to empathize with others will help with your writing? It feels more like it will dilute your personal experience but allow you to reach a broader audience.

>> No.12061323

working a menial job is better than being a permaneet.

>> No.12061364


>> No.12061414

i'm in law school

>> No.12061424


>> No.12061432


>> No.12061456

i hate it, but its still better than neetdom.

>> No.12061459

>those that don't use or rely on government social services
i.e practically everyone

>> No.12061461

Oh I'm sorry

>> No.12061472

I take it you drive your own garbage to the dump then.

>> No.12061481

>muh spirit

>> No.12061496

>Do you thinking being able to empathize with others will help with your writing?

dude, do you think about how narrow and ignorant your own perspective is? being a NEET in your white boomer mom's basement inside a gated community and ranting online about the blacks and jews will only get you so far and is not very insightful

>> No.12061503

let me tell you son, work fucking sucks the big one. even great jobs do, just slightly less

>> No.12061514

universal basic income will set us all free tho

>> No.12061529

>implying private companies couldnt do that just as easily if not better

>> No.12061530

If we had to we could organize it ourselves, it would probably be cheaper and better service too, because it wouldn't be provided by the government.

>> No.12061539

give it another 1000 years

>> No.12061550
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>I take it you drive your own garbage to the dump then.

kek so much for the party of personal responsibility and pulling yourself by your boot straps


>> No.12061551
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>> No.12061577


>> No.12061585

how have they been different? what jobs were they?

>> No.12061630

>Only 51% of adults without a degree who are reliant on a social safety net are white
Uhm yeah that means they're under represented sweetie

>> No.12061635

not him but if a company forces you to come in when they call you they need to pay you while your off to be on-call, which isn't the worst way to make a paycheck (having done it). Most jobs are menial and require very little (if any) brain power and thus leave plenty of time for introspection. hell, get a night auditor job, do two hours of work then read till morning shift shows up. Your attachment to your job is totally subjective, I never gave a shit about workplace politics (which is actually what management prefers). I was crippling depressed before working and after, though, so it's hard to use that as a litmus test in my case. the really shitty thing is wagecucking till your old, just wagecuck for 10-15 years till you can bootstrap yourself into something sustainable.

>> No.12061650

sounds like the first poster is describing a middle or upper class job. my parents are minimum wage slaves and i've been a minimum wage slave since high school. there is no competition between peers or race to the top in shit tier jobs. if anything, it's a race to be the first to leave

>> No.12061690

building film sets, building a bar interior, being a mover, working as a tech at a drilling camp, doing slave tier work in a garage, construction, some carpentry

the atmosphere of all these jobs was extremely laid back. the Bar one for example, the owner of the building and me just worked together in the day and then got drunk afterwards being as we were in a bar. He was rich as fuck and he threw these dinner parties with the strangest variety of people. I would just not even work randomly for a week and he didnt give a shit, his other carpenter was also an alcoholic and often didnt show up, and hed just grumble and do whatever the job was himself.

another one my boss was my girlfriend's dad and i lived with them, so taht was obviously chill as fuck. he drove me to work every day with him, bought me alcohol and food all the time, etc.

the garage one was just a bunch of natives and mexicans so that was whatever.

>> No.12061712

A good job will fill you with purpose and inspiration and provide many novel anecdotes, a shitty one won't. I had a job where I moved across the country with the construction and labored up to 12 hours a day and it was the happiest I'd ever been

>> No.12061773

Many countries already have an early form. Even China will probably do it once lower-class jobs start to dry up.

>> No.12061800
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>> No.12061863

Never understood this weird leftist meme that the only people who hate brown folks are the ones who've never interacted with them.

The most racist people on the planet are Asian immigrants who live in vibrant multiethnic cities and poor white southerners. Financially segregated suburbanites who only ever interact with the top tenth of brown people or their cleaning ladies are coincidentally the only people stupid enough to be progressive

Being politically correct when you're surrounded by violent and poor brown people is a good way to get killed

>> No.12061916

>pass yet another legislation that affects the poor like social service cuts, stiffer penalties for criminal offenses, and anti-union measures
>meanwhile give tax cuts to the rich
Elites like to brainwash proles into taking personal responsibility to deflect the blame away from their own selves.
To make matters worse companies then proceed to make profit out of their misery as well as the vulture capitalists that buy up property from desperate people.

>> No.12061935

>stiffer penalties for criminal offenses
Why would that negatively affect the poor?

>> No.12061951

That has absolutely nothing to do with anything that poster said

>> No.12061956

He says it affects the poor and juxtaposed it with two things that he presumably thinks are negative

>> No.12061971

Gee I don't know, maybe all the hassles which come along with being convicted of them like perpetual incarceration and post-incarceration punishments since it's never enough with the tough on crime people.

>> No.12061979

Why would poor people be convicted?

>> No.12061980

Faulkner wrote As I Lay Dying while working the night shift at a power plant. John Prine wrote most of his songs while delivering mail for the post office.

It is what you make it.

>> No.12061989

They won't increase social spending or workplace regulations but they'd probably put a gold star on every convict if they could.

>> No.12061992

I'm not seeing what that has to do with poor people

>> No.12061997

Richtards don't get pulled over or have their tags run as disproportionately.

>> No.12062001

Why would a poor person be tagged?

>> No.12062015

Because all people must be tagged.

>> No.12062017

What does that have to do with being poor though?

>> No.12062024

I've often wondered about that.

>> No.12062026

see >>12061997

>> No.12062027

blacks and browns are disproportionately convicted compared to their white counterparts, even if everything is controlled to be equal. hell, i had black cousins sent to state prison for bullshit felony marijuana charges.

guess what is the first question on a background check that even shitty minimum wage jobs ask you about to continue branding minorities to second class citizenship?

>> No.12062036

Yes I've already seen that
I asked you why a poor person would be tagged but you avoided answering that question
What does that have to do with being poor?

>> No.12062063

Have your black cousins tried

Not committing crimes?

Crazy to even ask, I know. It's racist to expect brown people to follow the fucking law like everybody else. But have they tried it?

>> No.12062085

But richtards can probably get away with drug use more easily unlike poor in communities with predatory policing.

>> No.12062127

Poverty is a significant contributor to criminal propensity traditionally speaking. But the humility of the poor leads them to eventually accept culpability, meanwhile lots of richtards fight and fund whole campaigns to repeal the laws their persecuted with.
Their is also inequality in justice due to lack of legal services and ignorance on the behalf of the convicted who may be coaxed into accepting plea bargains or providing evidence against their interest.

>> No.12062131

"Richtards" aren't only 5% of the population and yet responsible for over 50% of murders and rapes in the country. They also don't have prior convictions or gang affiliations, which academic "studies" deliberately ignore in order to reach a more favorable outcome

Basically, stop breaking the fucking law. I don't care about what Tyler and Chase are doing, stop breaking the law if you don't want to be punished for breaking the law.

Real fucking simple

>> No.12062149

>be smart enough not to do lines of coke in public
wow, this is so unfair

>> No.12062151

Murders aren't the only crimes that are committed though. Plenty of other types may go unseen or more favorably negotiated by those with more wealth.
Poor people by comparison are dragged like livestock through the legal system.

>> No.12062152

So why do poor Asians not commit crimes and rich black people commit them?

Is it REALLY due to a vast invisible conspiracy which only you and the people who watch woke Netflix documentaries are privy to

Or is it the uncomfortable truth: black people are violent, low IQ, and participatory in a culture that rewards being impulsive, stupid, and violent

>> No.12062162

>Poverty is a significant contributor to criminal propensity traditionally speaking
Oh I see so presumably if we go back a few centuries we'd see that society was in a perpetual state of anarchy thanks to the crushing levels of poverty

>> No.12062166

He was also a fucking Chad who had women coming out of his massive ears.

Kafka is the biggest meme in literature

>> No.12062168

>be to poor to afford a penthouse or a room in which to do coke lines off hookers bellies
Stop policing the poor so harshly and maybe they could get away too.

>> No.12062174

>rich white bois telling others to just not commit crimes

easy to say when the entire criminal justice and law enforcement institutions are full of right wing white boomers that were sending MLK extortionist letters telling him to kill himself or elsehttps://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/16/magazine/what-an-uncensored-letter-to-mlk-reveals.html

>> No.12062184

You're so right
Darkies need to deliberately separate themselves from mean old whitey and form their own societies

>> No.12062187

look, i find the nouveau riche distasteful, but unless you're homeless doing crack out of a one-hitter there's no reason to get caught doing drugs

>> No.12062188

>Poor asians
Like cambodian gang bangers?

Blacks are a more numerous and established demographic.
Hispanic and non hispanic white crime rates are similar.

>> No.12062197

I think this too.

I detest the line >hur dur but you drive on public roads

I pay sales taxes and property taxes (indirectly, through my rent, but still).

That should be enough.

My income should not be taxed at all, and it certainly shouldn't be taxed at a higher rate than the capital gains of high frequency trading parasites.

Workforce participation is still low, isn't it? How many people are on disability who don't really need it? How many people don't get counted as "unemployed" because they've stopped looking for work?

So why is the government penalizing work? Why doesn't it penalize spending or going into debt more?

We're encouraging bad behavior in both rich and poor segments of society.

>> No.12062198

Well it doesn't end there. Instead of opting for treatment and decriminalization and treating it as a health epidemic, conservatard policies result in people dying from withdrawal symptoms in a prison cell.

>> No.12062202

look m8 this isnt a debate you can win on a site that doesnt ban racism

>> No.12062206

Poor people are appointed attorneys by the state and placed in front of judges who have been hectored throughout the entirety of their university education and law career to be as sympathetic as possible to dumb brown folks who don't mean to murder and rape and do drugs, really, it's just them circumstances. Those same circumstances which Asians and Jews and Irish and well just about everybody else with an average IQ around 100 was able to rise out of, and those same circumstances which mysteriously follow brown people around to whatever country they immigrate to regardless of its history

Honestly there is only one solution to the mass incarceration of brown people

It's not refusing to enforce the law
It's not giving brown people special treatment
It's not giving brown people MORE handouts

It's actually really simple

Black people just have to stop committing crimes

That's the only one that's gonna work. Every other "solution" is just a temporary bandaid

>> No.12062210

>To get people to stop poisoning themselves we need to make the poison more accessible to the masses
This is your mind on Jewish propaganda

>> No.12062217

I favor decriminalization for possession of small quantities. Hang the dealers though. I don't really care about your corner case of prison-cell withdrawal deaths.

>> No.12062222

No public defenders suck and don't get you off serious charges. That is if they are even solicited to begin with.

>> No.12062231

Well conservatard politicians don't favor what you favor.

>> No.12062241

congrats for describing all the people that use the term "wagecuck"

>> No.12062263

literally no one is arguing for that. they just want their fair share of power and representation in their government. you can clearly see how desperate the whiteys are to prevent that by just looking at their racist political ad campaigns. hell, look at the butt hurt obama cause to elect a reality tv show boomer in response

>> No.12062266

and what does that have to do with anything

>> No.12062271

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one that felt this way

>> No.12062280

>they just want their fair share of power and representation in their government
Why would mean old whitey give them that?

>> No.12062284

>60 years ago, a law enforcement institution which has been systematically dismantled and purged for decades was not kiked out
>thus, Darnell should not go to jail for being an obnoxious criminal
Not following you here champ

Are you trying to tell me that the guy who sent this letter has been supervising every criminal court in the nation in perpetuity since it was mailed?

Seriously bro, lay off the chapo. The FBI has no ideology, it's just a military arm of the liberal world order (which is favorable for brown people, dumbass)

>> No.12062305

>they just want their fair share of power and representation in their government
It's white people's government

This country was created by white people, not brown people. Side note: doing donkey work does not count as designing Monticello. Carrying bricks does not count as writing the Declaration of Independence

This country was created for white people, specifically, land-owning white men

If white people are going to die out then fine, but we're taking what WE built for when we go

>> No.12062307

your point being?

>> No.12062336

>The FBI has no ideology, it's just a military arm of the liberal world order (which is favorable for brown people, dumbass)





i could go on all day, kid. but please do tell where you get this holistic idea of ameriKKKa's "criminal justice" institutions? what sources?

>> No.12062338

congrats anon, enjoy using your piss bottle at work

>> No.12062344

le libertarian free will meme

>> No.12062362

I started at UPS and they really do piss in bottles. It's no fun when you have to do it or you get fired.

>> No.12062381

i fucking hate my life

>> No.12062445

>other people's achievements

>> No.12062454

how old are you?

the job is going to suck, but probably yes, as much as it will be suffering, suffering at work rather than at home will be good for you and your writing. if you have never had a job you are probably a mentally immature outsider and a bad writer by default.

>> No.12062492

Highest incarceration rate.
Dozens of things you can be jailed for and individual incidents are usually separated into multiple charges which are stacked together collectively.

>> No.12062510

>In order to feel represented I need someone my exact color

So how is this that diffrent from the whiteys?

>> No.12062524

The only thing he will be experiencing is sore muscles.

>> No.12062530

>everything is about color
Obama was elected for all the retarded policies of the Bush adminstration. Or would you have preferred the election of yet another political dynasty?
Yes it's true that many blacks may have been enthused but you can't really blame them and is beyond the issue.

>> No.12062639
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>sore muscles
climb a fucking mountain you fucking cucks. I can sympathize with resisting being used but you fucks are just sedimentary.

>> No.12062682

>you no longer feel like an outsider candidly memorising events for literary exploitation

Wow that's exactly it. I genuinely miss feeling that way, money be damned.

>> No.12062739

and that is the proof right there that every tard who utters the word "wagecuck" in a serious, non-ironic way is just down right mentally disabled AND prone to die from terminal fat

>> No.12062757

Old photos of plump prostitutes with playful expressions on their face is my fetish, how did you know?

>> No.12062771
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Mommy looks like 3d saber.

>> No.12063030



>> No.12063260
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>average IQ around 100

>> No.12063277
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Everyone here should go /out/. Read these threads

>> No.12063294

Work is work. It is highly unlikely that it will help you with any other pursuits.

>> No.12063367

I'm so open minded I went STEM and started looking at the opinions of other species. How bout you take it at baby steps and start asking heterosexuals how they feel about your opinions, see how the other side views it.

>> No.12063537

Fair question.

>> No.12063559
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did you know that the late complication of work is death?

>> No.12063569

Why not combine both and become Georgist master race?

>> No.12063663
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>tfw bitch easy HR job

>> No.12063682

I know this board in horrendously infested with pseudo leftist who will tell you work the Satan himself and you should be a parasitic neet your whole adult life, (and wonder why your a virgin).
But this is only part true, don't work a SHITTY job. Work a good, decent paying, and mentally stimulating job. And you'll always be a virgin.

>> No.12063689

based and redpilled

>> No.12063701

>work at a comfy job in a small sushi restaurant
>small staff, all very close
>upscale area, nice, respectable customers
>work 15 hours a week
>make $4000 a month after taxes
>am allowed to read when it's slow
>eat good sushi for free
I feel 100x better in this job than I did as a useless neet

>> No.12063713
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>tfw been working at Amazon warehouse two weeks so far

>> No.12063716

you've come a long way in 13 hours

>> No.12063729
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>amazon warehouse

>> No.12063732

How the actual fuck did you get a job like that? Most people in the industry either work bonkers hours or get paid shit. You say the staff are 'close', what does that mean? Unless you're in an area with ridiculous rent you're basically living an ideal.

>> No.12063752

The only people working there is a cook, dishwasher, sushi chef, owner and his wife. I only work on the weekends when it's very busy and the latest I'm working is 10pm. I'm paid minimum wage but make great tips. I really like the job, usually I'm a loner type so this job allows me to interact with people and improve my social skills. Once I proved I'm a good worker and don't slack off I can do whatever i want as long as the work is getting done

>> No.12063771

...then do it before you go to work?

Wake up early, do all the shit you care about, go to work, come home, go straight to bed.

Wow so hard.

>> No.12063788

Become a security guard you dunce. I spend a good part of my nights writing on my laptop.

>> No.12063807

What if you already go to work early?

>> No.12063810

wake up earlier

>> No.12063823


Was it retail/warehousing? Maybe you just a nice job or less sensitive mindset. I was going off how I was when I was in OPs position, first job, thinking it would be fuel for the creative fire etc.


That particular job, my first job was three years. And I did quit.

I'm not saying this is ALWAYS the case, but as your first job, and as I'm guessing the mindset of someone who thinks they can use it to help them write etc, I was just giving my own experience.

Seems like plenty of people agree.

>> No.12063852

this is soul crushing but true. shitposting on lit sometimes justifies its's self.

>> No.12063887

the wagie question is the only question worth answering because it is the root of everything now. given the situation that you have no choice because you are not born in a favorable situation is it better to embrace your slavery and make an achievement out of the hopelessness or to just avoid it at all costs.

>> No.12063891

Of course! The song Les Poinconnuer de Lilas by Serge Gainsbourg is a great example.

>> No.12063907

if it's a dull job it will probably dull your skills down

>> No.12063964
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Financial independence will open the doors of life to you. Think of how limiting dependence on your parents truly is, if you reflect upon it and wish to be man rather than child or creature, you will readily see that the ignobility of remaining in your father's home far outweighs the degradation of menial work. Without agency you are dead on your feet, every moment spent before your wagecuckery, which will steal from you and tear out flesh, was time wholly squandered -- but you will only learn this upon distancing yourself from that time. Remember, a slave is one without determination.

>> No.12063979

Everyone here is so resentful for work it seems. I understand it. But there is great gap between earning experience and getting stuck in so called ''wage-cucking'' for minimum pay. Go work that low pay job. Most likely it will be soul drenching, energy consuming, disapointing experience. If anything it will be learning experience and motivation to earn better atleast. And stimuli is really important, having seen how miserable you can get and refusing to fall to that is great internal stimuli that may be enough for rest of your life. Even if your lowest is dropping packages in amazon warehouse.

>> No.12063981

>other people's achievements which I feel more entitled to than the inheritors of those achievements
Isn't it fun to play these little Jewish games?

>> No.12063997 [DELETED] 

Outright untrue on average.

>> No.12064051

>be born after period of technological feat
>not the inheritor

>> No.12064054

>knowledge is hereditary

>> No.12064059

There's no need to demand access to European societies then

>> No.12064502

>i could link you to the huffington post all day, kid. do you know how many Chomsky anthologies I've skimmed? heh. Just try me.

>> No.12064541

I burn my garbage faggot

>> No.12064546

Please go back to twitter.

>> No.12064711

Of course everyone is still in demand for each other's material resources.
The developed world for natural resources and the developing world for economic ones.

>> No.12064731

You should stop as you probably make your neighbor smell bad.

>> No.12064754

read some socialists

>> No.12065066

How is it? Will I be ok?

>> No.12065101

>Canada would turn into India if we didn't have a municipal garbage service
Holy. . .

>> No.12065204
File: 141 KB, 1000x707, Blank+_d2aa8b692c967c291abdd5b9f2a596bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here given up?

I had a good career in government in my early 20s. My own house (well, a house loan), gf, large social circles.

Enter my mid 20s I lost it all. Had to negotiate house loan back with bank. No gf, friends diseappear, hobbies disappeared. At 26 moved back to live with my folks after living 8 years on my own. (now 28)

I have spent mostly time in mental institutions last 3 years. Last time I got out was this february.

Last week I started a job which I worked for a week and resigned. Physically I could have handled the job, I have worked in woodworking industry and I am pretty fit in shape. It was warehouse-type of work in wholesale retail, but could not even handle the occasional customers and coworkers

Do not even care at this point. My parents, my siblings (who are succesful normies) say that I am mentally ill and I should get on disability for the rest of my life because of all my diagnoses and various illnesses (I have some pretty bad physical stuff going on, organ damage from drug use)

In 2017 I did try some stoic endeavor in forest industry working a "real man job" in cold climate producing wooden pallets using handsaws and mechanical saws etc. I worked with bunch of russian and polish people who are here foreigners, but I found myself in mental institution after a while.

I have never seen my father cry, not even at my grandfather´s funeral or grandmother´s funeral, but he has shed quite a few tears to see what a failure I have become at 28. Some sort cockroach -type of pest with parasitical
relationship to surrounding society. Then again, I do not complain, because after all, I have become extremely comfy and comfortably numb.

>> No.12065241

>In 2017 I did try some stoic endeavor in forest industry working a "real man job" in cold climate producing wooden pallets using handsaws and mechanical saws etc. I worked with bunch of russian and polish people who are here foreigners, but I found myself in mental institution after a while.

I must add, that I worked there for 6 months

There is something quite peculiar in the slavic mentality I somehow admire.

These people, my coworkers, lived like animals on the worksite. They did not have a warm house or appartment to go after work: they lived on the upstairs in the locker rooms. Once a week our boss drove them to some local shop where they would mostly buy tobacco, vodka and pickled cucumbers (various sorts)

I never saw these people complain. Then again, they were extremely bad coworkers who had no regard for personal safety and some of them got really bad injuries. They had total disregard for their body and surroundings.

No wonder Soviet Union practically won the WWII. When you have millions of these kinds of animals at your command: nothing is out of your reach. Quantity will replace quality so to speak, when there is enough quantity.