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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 904x794, tobias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1205933 No.1205933 [Reply] [Original]

This kid I am facebook friends with decides that he likes to write shitty poetry. He writes a new poem every week and tags a bunch of people in it. They are constantly telling him how great he is and to keep on. I know he can only get better with time, but he has not progressed at all. Pisses me off /lit/.

>> No.1205942

Post some of his stuff.

>> No.1205950

poast some poems

>> No.1205954

explain why his poems are bad and tell him how he can improve

>> No.1205959

Seeing if I should screencap instead

Bring me the Dawn
Perhaps the Horizon
A New Day Drawn
I shan't be Broken

Today is the Day
I shall Rise Again
Life isn't Gray
Now isn't Then
Be Happy Forever
Let there be Light
There is no Night
Shan't cry Never
Today is the Day
When all is Right
Everything's Okay
Let these words be the Light

>> No.1205966


let him write what he wants

you don't have to read it

>> No.1205968
File: 4 KB, 223x245, maruki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1205972

I think they would be better as song lyrics...maybe. he could do like inspirational rap?

>> No.1205975

I wrote you guys some poetry, myself.

The world is an ocean
and I'm swimming like a dolphin
then I do the tricks for the trainer
and I get the fish
sweet sweet fish
turn on my jet engine
I'm a rocket dolphin

>> No.1205977


I have no problem with him writing, its just the fact that all his friends are just complimenting him while he has not progressed at all.

>> No.1205986
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>> No.1205987

Another here:


>> No.1205989

Hey guys, I wrote you guys another poem.

The clouds are volcanoes
billowing and bubbling
the heat rises and rises
reminds me of jello
stick the stapler in the jello
and the voices in my head
call for the spoon
they demand the jello
the volcano erupts

>> No.1205995
File: 29 KB, 427x423, BringMeTheHorizon794699dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bring me the Dawn
>Perhaps the Horizon

>> No.1205996


OP Here...that just took shit to a whole new level...

>> No.1206002
File: 17 KB, 200x199, skurt_frilagd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger nigger burn so bright
Your suffering prove our might
Oh yeah, it all right.

>> No.1206003
File: 20 KB, 300x200, milk1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbass!

You're completely missing what's going on here. Nobody cares if his poetry is good. By posting it, he's getting a reputation as Artistic and Smart. By praising him, people are building social ties with him and others, and building their own credentials as people who are Artistic and care about this sort of thing.

If you go in and shit all over his poems, you're pretty much just going to come off as an asshole, someone who takes things too seriously, is overly negative, and just a big ol meanie. It's completely antithetical to the whole point of the thing. It's not about being good at poetry. It's about building social capital.

>> No.1206007


Shut the fuck up, his poems suck.

>> No.1206027

OP here..I never said I was commenting on them on Facebook.

Will post another poem in a minute.

>> No.1206038

Times they drift away
Eternity is nigh
I fall unto your arms
I fall into your eyes
to my demise.

>> No.1206050

OP Here...this is the person's attempt at "3 line stanzas"

I'm here to Stay
Nothing will Gray
Always Happy, Everyday.
Trust our Love
Sent from Above
For, It even Fits like a Glove.
No need to Rush
My Worst side, you Crush
You even make me Blush.
We're so Weird
Nothing to be Feared
We know We will have Cared.
But, Revealing are Your Eyes
Our Love to Grow to Full-Size
Should the Chance Arise.
The Chance will have been Arisen
All of my Heart is Given
All Shadows shall be Driven.

>> No.1206089


>> No.1206101

That's completely not the point. At all. No one actually cares about his poems.

>> No.1206122

>I'm here to Stay
>Nothing will Gray
Gray is not a verb, gb2 gradeschool.
>Always Happy, Everyday.
Attempting to care..... Attempt failed.
>Trust our Love
Fucking homo.
>Sent from Above
>For, It even Fits like a Glove.
I saw that coming
>No need to Rush
>My Worst side, you Crush
Teenager words do not fit into this excuse for a poem.
>You even make me Blush.
I get it, you can rhyme.. We done?
>We're so Weird
>Nothing to be Feared
>We know We will have Cared.
>But, Revealing are Your Eyes
>Our Love to Grow to Full-Size
>Should the Chance Arise.
>The Chance will have been Arisen
>All of my Heart is Given
>All Shadows shall be Driven.

>> No.1206142

Here's a poem I wrote for you OP

Yet another Butler has been slain today
Blood drained from his throat and his life drained away
Was it the priest? Was it the messenger?
But nobody suspects an Eagle

Puncture wounds by blade or by beak?
What dastardly criminal must we seek?
Was it the nurse? Was it the child?
But nobody suspects an Eagle

And with feathers strewn across the room
which spell out the message "Coo! Coo! - and I'll kill you soon"
Was it the detective? Was it the gardener?
But nobody suspects an Eagle

>> No.1206150

Please tell him to try some different rhyming schemes*. And that the "picture" should not be sacrificed for rhyming.


>> No.1206155


OP here..I noticed he could rhyme and be original really well too!

>> No.1206158
File: 16 KB, 400x390, AK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.1206159


He posted a status update with a little preview of what's to come.

" Got me so High, Caught in this Ecstasy, I know this isn't Fantasy, but You have Me Euphoric in Reality."

>> No.1206161
File: 107 KB, 982x333, robotnik smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like it.

>> No.1206164
File: 98 KB, 800x1013, mick6a00e54ede41cc883300e5538640778833-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you...It is from my anthology

'poems in which birds are the central theme'

>> No.1206190


I'm disappointed that that isn't real. Or at least isn't showing up on Google.

>> No.1206197
File: 57 KB, 450x396, mick_jagger_020708_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is another poem

I begin my great voyage out to sea
but I'm far from starved of company
is this some ornithological hovercraft?
No! No! This is my two hundred strong duck raft

They make up the oars and they make up the hull
and break up the waves into a gentle lull
My friends quack merrily as I rest on their backs
Making the noises that my other boat lacks

"We don't need no seagulls or swans!" I cry
"Who cares how majestically those other birds fly?
Who else could swim me to distant banks?
Those airfowl are foolish and my duck raft outranks."

But soon there is trouble, one duck has left loose
that despite liking ducks, I would have chose goose
they quack and they bicker and bite and the peck
and out from the hull I hear "All wings on deck!"

They all break formation and break apart beneath me
Until my duck raft is all gone and I'm just left with the sea
And as I float here lonely, there's only one thing I wish
That upon starting my journey, I should have chose fish

>> No.1206212
File: 36 KB, 467x404, 1278553583759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glorious. More please.

>> No.1206228
File: 8 KB, 250x254, mick_jagger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This poem is based off some birds I saw

A suspicious pair creep
and prowl on the edge of Ladybird Lake.
They sneak on soil and stalk on
water, no ordinary fowls make no mistake!
The second is always silent and
the first he always speaks,
such guttural scrapes and squawks
they produce from their flesh-pink beaks.
Whenever there's chaos or commotion
at an ugly, little duckling scene
this predatory pair are always
the last to be seen.
And the only thing more unsettling
than their great, towering size
is to stare into the heart of
their bright pumpkin-orange eyes.
So keep watch for these hunters
like raptors lying in wait:
the most sinister of fowl by
the shores of Ladybird Lake.

>> No.1206232
File: 10 KB, 251x251, 1255694863708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1206252


So did you get this published or something? Because these are pretty funny.

>> No.1206271
File: 30 KB, 575x340, mick_jagger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No but I have a bunch of bird related poems I shall upload onto this blog


I don't think any sane person would publish these

>> No.1206287

>“Like many Canadian people, they can be found outside Canada”

I lol'd. I don't know why.

>> No.1206365
File: 38 KB, 300x383, mick_jagger_1810246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not a poem but I very short story about a bird

This Tuesday afternoon was not ordinary
or normal in anyway.
Though the sky was blue and the grass was green
something was astray.

I don't know if it's coincidence or merely
extremely good luck.
But on this Tuesday afternoon your narrator
had a misunderstanding with a duck.

I was sitting by my favourite lake
taking in some Somerset Maugham
I looked up and there I saw something
that was quite out of the norm.

A mallard duck stood before me
remaining perfectly still
and I must say his piercing stare
left me awful ill.

Maybe it was the Summer Sun
that caused me to shout out:
"Go away Mr. Mallard Duck, surely
there are female fowl about?"

And I clearly remember what happened
as clear as I remember his yellow beak.
That peculiar duck that stood before me
opened his mouth and begun to speak.

"I'm sorry Mr.Human Man as I never
intended to be rude.
But I'm not too familiar with this waterground
and I'm looking for my brood."

"Maybe you could help me as I can't remember
even after reflection.
I'm looking for a bridge nearby so
could you point me in the right direction?"

Being a old-fashioned English man
I pointed him on his way.
The duck thanked me and waddled off
making this my bizarre day.

I continued reading from my novel
from which many insights were learned.
But an hour later I was again surprised
as Mr.Mallard Duck had returned.

"I'm sorry, sir but there's been a misunderstanding
because I think you believe I can talk.
But I assure you, sir, no English has spoken
I'm just the same as any old goose or hawk."

And the beast was quiet and he
never again did speak
And he also had never spoken to me before
the duck merely had mystique

>> No.1206368


wait sorry it is a poem

>> No.1206381

>thread begins about bad poetry on facebook
>thread ends up being about poetry revolving around birds

>> No.1207292 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 218x314, rutsala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a poem called 'Looking through the album.' I read it in my english Higher School Cetificate (i'm australian) this morning but couldn't take the question sheet on which the poem was with me.

>> No.1207300

I saw the hawk ride updraft in the sunset over Wyoming.
It rose from coniferous darkness, past gray jags
Of mercilessness, past whiteness, into the gloaming
Of dream-spectral light above the lazy purity of snow-snags.

There--west--were the Tetons. Snow-peaks would soon be
In dark profile to break constellations. Beyond what height
Hangs now the black speck? Beyond what range will gold eyes see
New ranges rise to mark a last scrawl of light?

Or, having tasted that atmosphere's thinness, does it
Hang motionless in dying vision before
It knows it will accept the mortal limit,
And swing into the great circular downwardness that will restore

The breath of earth? Of rock? Of rot? Of other such
Items, and the darkness of whatever dream we clutch?

>> No.1207327

Well bird dude, I bookmarked your site. Keep up the good work.