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12058957 No.12058957 [Reply] [Original]

>something about yourself
>current book

>> No.12058961

i'm currently reading three books: tenth of december by george saunders, teatro grottesco by thomas ligotti, and the idiot by dostoyevsky
i'm currently reading three books: tenth of december by george saunders, teatro grottesco by thomas ligotti, and the idiot by dostoyevsky

>> No.12058962

mein kampf

everyone post incoherent bullshit to mess with the data mining

>> No.12059000

My kidneys hurt
Jane Eyre

>> No.12059009

chronic constipation
The Underdogs

>> No.12059021

My clothes are damp
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.12059101

>I have a fetish for Jewish girls
>The Late Mattia Pascal by Luigi Pirandello

>> No.12059116

moral nihilist
in the middle of so many but just recently Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.12059122

lift 6 times a week

>> No.12059130
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Alice gives me an erection.
None, because reading is for nerds and is neither based nor redpilled.

>> No.12059172
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Je ne suis pas une pipe.
Steel Ball Run

>> No.12059180

I squat 600lbs but am a benchlet
pessoa poems

>> No.12059184

i wish i were an alcoholic
bar menu

>> No.12059201

I am not happy
How to be Happy by Eva Woods

>> No.12059206

>about 20 billion years
>I saw generations after generations of birds sharpening their beaks against a mountain made entirely of diamond and eventually carving a tunnel through it; sadly, I just remember the event as a short and fast time-lapse
>eat, pray, love

>> No.12059220

Curious. The title should traslate to "the were-Mattia-Pascal" or "the no longer Mattia Pascal".

>> No.12059240


Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.12059254

just start drinking then. but it's no fun, i'm telling you.

>> No.12059257

Utterly repulsive. What is wrong with you?
Jews have a history of inbreeding.

>> No.12059261

i'm an alcoholic and it;s great
a+ would recommend
look at that i used a semicolon instead of a comma because i'm too drunk to type accurately
that's the kind of hilarious shenanigans that occur when you're an alcoholic

>> No.12059262

>I'm an anti-semite
>Starting Strength, by Mark Rippetoe

>> No.12059263

Jew woman here. I secretly dream of an affair with a Canaanite.

>> No.12059278

Israelites =! Canaanites desu uwu uguu

>> No.12059282

I have 3 half read books I've been reading for months at this point: Caesar: Life of a Colossus, Revolt Against the Modern World, and a version of Plutarch's Lives

>> No.12059289

jojolion is better fag

>> No.12059290

oh gosh i even said comma instead of apostrophe
what mischief will this devil drink get me into next

>> No.12059291

Forgot to say something about myself.

I still think about another girl even though I'm newly wed and have a kid on the way. lmao

>> No.12059301

r u implying i shuld skippeth parteths????

>> No.12059303

>Israelites =! Canaanites

>> No.12059307

i've been living like a neet for 5 months and it's great

>> No.12059310
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Israelis =! Israelites UwU

>> No.12059317
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Anyone else reading the Book of Θώθ?

>> No.12059340

I'm happy, which is contrary to what I observe in other people my age. Although I spend most of my days alone, I live a good life, because I see the worst case scenario everywhere, like an endless choir of church bells ringing in my head. But everytime I look up, I am happily surprised by an encouraging reality: my imagination has struck the wrong bell yet again.
Moby Dick

>> No.12059352

Yes. There's some OT passage prohibiting israelites to make babies with other local populations in the promised land.

>> No.12059362

Yes. Because they were evil, at a later stage in their civilization.

>> No.12059368

*The Canaanites, I mean.

>> No.12059402

>I glow in the dark
>The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception

>> No.12059501

mining engineering student
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.12059550

kymmenen kertaa kymmenen yhteensä sata
Nausea By Jean Paul Sartre

>> No.12059578

>The Count of Monte Cristo
>I want to learn French but I have such a shit attention span that I don't think I will be able to do it. I've bought a bilingual book that will arrive on Sunday but I don't know what other steps to take

>> No.12059588
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Still, I fantasize about taco-eating graphs (picrel) with mohabite/edomite/etc women during my husband's ridiculous attempts at procreation.

>> No.12059596

my feet hurt
on liberty

>> No.12059606
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I love the album Invisible Connections by Vangelis

>I am not happy
why the fuck you steal my shit?!

>> No.12059612

>i want to become a video essayist but on the subject of mass media and media literacy overall, not film
>montaigne's essays

>> No.12059649
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>something about yourself
Had a bad day. Feel like I want to die often, I think I might have to go back to psychiatric treatment. I hope better days are ahead, though it seems very unlikely at this point.

>current book
Under the jaguar sun.

>> No.12059667

>taco-eating graphs
wonder if thats a real thinge

>> No.12059691

Enjoying a cup of tea at the moment
Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata

>> No.12059704

>Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata
It's a very nice book.
I also think I was your age when I read it.

>> No.12059718

Masturbated twice today, while I didn't do it this week
Skin in the game, next one will be Marc Aurelius

>> No.12059737

>I have a driving licence but I'm almost incapable of driving
>The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.12059742
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>I'm high
>Dostoyevsky's The Idiot

>> No.12059765

ageless thread of awareness
'self' pshh
First Love

>> No.12060095
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married male

>> No.12060125

>reads three books at once
never gonna make it

>> No.12060145

>Masturbated twice today
what about No-Nut-November?

>Enjoying a cup of tea at the moment

>i wish i were an alcoholic

>> No.12060147
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>I lost my virginity with the girl I love yesterday night
>Oppression and Liberty by Weil, The Present Hour by Bonnefoy and The Crossing by McCarthy

it feels good for the moment

>> No.12060157


>> No.12060192

>between early age to mid 20s I used to read books and was inspired to read
>these days I'm broken and depressed so.havent been able.to finish any book
>machiavellian intelligence
might finish it today or tomorrow since only 40-50 pages left and it's an incredible read

It's all true and I have lived through the various experiences the book discusses

>> No.12060195

I'm happy for you anon :)

>> No.12060254

I’m in a mental crisis because i’m Not sure if I should switch my major in college or finish the one I’m in Notes from underground by Dostoevsky, and the Aeneid

>> No.12060265

"the democrats are the real racists"

>> No.12060375

>I work at Disney and hate it.
>Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard

>> No.12060380

23, I feel tired, The Wasp Factory

>> No.12060381

I think my peepee broken
Lord of the flies

>> No.12060726
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I was molested when I was like 6, lol
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

>> No.12060850

I have big dreams and bigger daddy issues

>> No.12060971

how am I stealing "your shit" exactly? where can i find "your shit" for it to be stolen?

>> No.12061019

i'm currently completely without prospects or goals and my job is dead end but i can't find it in me to commit to anything that might last for fear that i will hate it like i do everything i have commited myself to in the past
not reading anything which i guess goes along with my current state of mind

>> No.12061023

>I used to act as a bull for different girls
>None, using my time to write since nano is going on

>> No.12061075
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>where can i find "your shit" for it to be stolen?
yo mama's ass

>> No.12062004


I am a professional a data miner
Finnegans wake.

>> No.12063024

I've been having a constant pain in my head and limbs for the last 14 months and doctors cannot find the cause
Thus Spoke Zarathustra and The Sun Also Rises

>> No.12063027

>sadist (not being edgy)
>Seven Pillars of Wisdom

>> No.12063034

I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.

>> No.12063037


>> No.12063057
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Recently moved to LA, have no friends
Kafka complete stories and Vanity Fair Thackeray
So far Metamorphosis was good but overrated. I can understand how Metamorphosis is probably closer to the lasting modern isolation that most characterizes Kafka, but I thought In the penal colony was the best of the few I've read so far.


>Monte Cristo
Wow that book needed an editor. Dumas just spews whatever comes into his head. Probably good for you given your attention span though. Also Dumas is excellent practice for intermediate French speakers cuz it's essentially YA level. I read 3 musketeers after 1 year of French.

>> No.12063068

I'm being falsely accused of sexual assault
In the Swarm and Bel-Ami

>> No.12063071

>I'm actually reading multiple books but can't be bothered listing them all
>In Search of Lost Time

>> No.12063073

anon definitely sexually assaulted someone

>> No.12063085

ITT: narcissists

>> No.12063763

I don't care about no nut November. It's useless to go on streaks like that. It's a wrong way to tackles the problem. I prefer to slowly try to first reduce it and eventually replace it.
I 'm not planning on becoming a monk.

>> No.12063874

>I 'm not planning on becoming a monk.
also I mean it as "fun" not as a solution to a problem

>> No.12063920

>Lost my virginity to a prostitute
>A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.12063940

Hate my life
Conspiracy against the human race

>> No.12063945


In a perpetual state of over excitement
Often forget my pants unzipped

Raymond Carver: A Writer's Life

>> No.12063946

>not trying to be edgy
pick one

>> No.12063957
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Moby Dick, Discourses, Basic Economics

>> No.12063963

Boomers please get off my board

>> No.12064023

>Constantly insulted by my chink friends from being a filthy chink-austronesian-australoid mutt
>The Book of Disquiet

>> No.12064050

im autistic and ive been a shut in since I was 15
reading a lot of plato

>> No.12064069

The Power of Now

>> No.12064072

>moral nihilist
What a cuck

>> No.12064075

Duolingo suckz

>> No.12064148

You suck, Duolingo is good

>> No.12064159

Hey, I just finished that book!
>I'm being falsely accused of sexual assault
Pro-tip George Duroy is not good inspiration.

>> No.12064361

Broke for the next week
Faust pt1

>> No.12064411

Bad grades in school

>> No.12064441

19. I play harmonica. Der prozess

>> No.12064822


>> No.12064910

Recently put an end to years of incelness
Tennessee Williams, Cat on a hot tin roof. It's unbelievable how good T. Williams' plays are.

>> No.12065054

You deserved it

>> No.12065635

Moving to Albuquerque in a few months
The State and Revolution

>> No.12066067

lmao it's not even finished

>> No.12066082

I once wrote a story framed as the diary of a serial killer and dumped it on a city park hoping someone would fall for it.

>> No.12066092

i regret doing a law degree and i don't even want to be a lawyer

>> No.12066123

cant not finish a book so i read fucking shit 1000 page books sometimes
infinite jest

>> No.12066129

my hands are cold
the caves of steel

>> No.12066156

From Bolivia
How to cook with olive oil

>> No.12066371

>>something about yourself
I went to school for graphic design
>>current book
Process and Reality by A.N.Whitehead

>> No.12066386

I punched a wall last night until i couldnt feel my hands
The Idiot

>> No.12066412

i regret every decision i have made but somehow i feel better off than the day before

>> No.12066447

am a girl
crime and punishment

>> No.12066485

Started going into boxing gym this summer
Crime and punishment

>> No.12066496

I've had a lazy eye for most of my life but I've only recently started getting muscle spasms in it that are worrying me.
Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman.

>> No.12066502

>I've had a lazy eye for most of my life but I've only recently started getting muscle spasms in it that are worrying me
Don't worry about it. So did Jean Paul Sartre and nobody makes fun of him

>> No.12066687

Mine isn't googely, just doesn't function as well as the other. Nobody even notices it which is why I am worried about the twitch as it could hamper my good looks - not that I need them.

>> No.12066711

I listen to tom waits religiously
Boom of sand but i want to try faulkner

>> No.12066756
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Can't afford health insurance
Other v1 by Tad Williams

>> No.12067447

>hate myself
>The Idiot Doestoevsky

>> No.12068057

I lost my phone 2 weeks ago. I woke up at 5am in the toilets of a chinese restaurant in Dublin and my phone was missing, although my wallet and keys remained. Either it was stolen while I was unconscious, or I dropped it at some point. Regardless, I was forced to wait in the freezing cold train station for 3 hours until the next train arrived. I stayed in the toilets yet again as it was the only area with a door to keep some of the 3 degrees celsius out. Sitting there, shifting in and out of consciousness for three hours while the cold slowly crept deeper into my flesh was a horrible experience that has since stopped me from drinking. Eventually the orange lights near the roof of the station declared it was nearing 8am so I stumbled to the platform, the dark navy of the clouds lined with the rosey pink of morning as a background to the distant lights, red white green orange, of the railways. They delayed my train and I was forced to sit on a frozen metal chair before my train finally tugged it's way to a final rest before me. The gentle lights within and the cushioned seats were such a relief to me while I stared out at the early morning play of sunlight on the dewy fields. The train eventually reached my town and I was given the pleasure of walking for 20 minutes in the biting cold to my house wherein I was able to heat myself some pasta and finally embrace sleep for at least 5 hours.
Moby Dick

>> No.12068421

b a s e d

>> No.12068430

The Man who was Thursday

>> No.12068464

You doing brosplits or PPL? Also, upgrade to Abe, Kafka and Gogol you will be better off for it.

>> No.12068583

>I wish I was dead
>A Small Corner of Hell

>> No.12068758

love dogs
blood meridian

>> No.12068887

Make my own wine since I'm not old enough to buy it
Patent it yourself and Full Circle a treatise on roller locking

>> No.12068901

>I am a shotacon and a pedophile
>Journey to the end of the night

>> No.12068909

you mean were, because you're speaking about a condition that is yet to be

>> No.12068910 [DELETED] 

>Just got my first pubes
>Culture of critique

>> No.12069017
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I "lost" about 450k by not selling my crypto
Jane Austen's Mansfield Park

>> No.12070620

invented the NPC meme
Admissions by Henry Marsh

>> No.12070636


>> No.12070651

This is a low iq board and :>>12068909 is a redditor(low iq)
Anna Karenina

>> No.12070948

kind of depressed
the road

>> No.12071579

>One Hundred Years of Solitude is the only book I can't bring myself to finish.
>A Confederacy of Dunces
Am I a humorless asshole for not finding a Confederacy of Dunces remotely funny? I'm about halfway through and the book seems extremely depressing so far.

Thoughts on Mansfield Park? It's probably the work where her augustan prose shines best. I didn't enjoy anything by her until I picked up Mansfield Park, I hope it's treating you well too.