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File: 54 KB, 825x510, Lo-Lee-Ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12058582 No.12058582 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it have to be written so well? Gosh.

>> No.12058611

>a lustful twelve-year-old nymphet
I hate that people keep falling for HH's trickery.

>> No.12058615

doesnt look like a real nymphet

i once dated an 18 year old on and off until she was 20 who was a genuine throwback to the nymphet. She was bulimic and had grown up doing ballet, which made her retain that childlike manner of movement, almost catlike, and the body of a 12 year old. When she'd come into my vision my first impression of her was always 'this is a child' which was then replaced by the almost intoxicating beauty of her face, a kind of round pale face,always slightly blushed, with these enormous diamond lips, blue and sand coloured eyes, a very pleasant sort of slope to the entire thing

I can't seem to find actual 12 year olds attractive, largely on account of their being zoomers

>> No.12058627

>largely on account of their being zoomers

>> No.12058639

The reversal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVIuXOuiYwg

>> No.12058648

im being quite serious, it is even impeding in my ability to find 18 year olds hot. I simply can't abide zoomers

whoever came up with that word is a genius btw, they literally do 'zoom' that is their basic way of operating in the world

>> No.12058650
File: 218 KB, 1200x2137, 1514647410334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to break any laws to live your lolita fetishes

>> No.12058665
File: 43 KB, 767x1000, gosh dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh dad, you're such a boomer~

>> No.12058693

i am a metaboomer i was already a boomer when i was like 14. This hot girl once told me back then 'youre like an old man, a dirty old man' which is absolutely correct I was, despite being 14. That girl found it and me repulsive but luckily some people are attracted to this appalling thing that has made its home in my body

in my mind there is this leering 65 year old from the antebellum South that took up residence in my psyche at some indeterminate moment of my childhood development and he makes himself felt more or less depending on my level of engagement with the 'modern' side of me which concerns itself with things like Taylor Swift songs but instead of being lecherous and predatory I identify with her vapid meanderings of narcissism and soft pseudo-love emotions as though i were a girl myself

>> No.12058764

You are falling for Nabokov's trickery, he's made you think the lustful 12 yr old stuff is all the unreliable narrator when really it's Nabokov himself getting horny

>> No.12058800

Lolita isn't lustful or sexy. Even Humbert realizes this by the end of the book.

>> No.12058810
File: 28 KB, 250x375, 1541258033798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based Nabokov having his cake and eating it
You see *sniff* there is an old joke that the priest on the train is reading Proust, but inside the Proust is concealed a copy of Playboy, *sniff* and the revolutionary sat next to the priest is reading a Playboy, but inside the Playboy he is secretly reading Proust. The reader of Lolita *scratches nose* has a copy of Playboy inside a Proust concealed by a Playboy. Because he would never admit to reading Playboy, so he says 'Don't worry, inside my Playboy is Proust!'
>also implying Lolita isn't sexy

>> No.12058845

Only a delusional person would find children, or Lolita, sexy.

>> No.12058885

lolita literally initiates the sex with him

>> No.12058888

top tier text but also shit tier opinion youre wrong

>> No.12058934

imagine fucking her super tight pussy

>> No.12058948

So how was it?

Shouldn`t the reverse be /ss/?

>> No.12058990

t. self loathing tranner

>> No.12059010

I’m not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.12059015

Nice digits. Nabby knew writing a straight up pedo fap fantasy wouldn't wash, so he put just enough literary fireworks in there that people would look the other way. He gives the reader plausible deniability, they can tell themselves that really, they bought this Playboy for the John Updike article on page 34, that they're watching this Shirley Temple film for the plot etc