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/lit/ - Literature

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12052389 No.12052389 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.12052407

It is roughly accurate.

>> No.12053339

where'd we go so wrong ...

>> No.12053434

We are maturing, like finally. Nature is killed or conquered, other people are just part of 'Space Ship Earth', God is a meme. There is only Us, as things We create, as We perceive, as We create.

>> No.12053443
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>> No.12053487
File: 915 KB, 1200x898, 02RVnWizg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man vs God
>Man vs Author

>> No.12053594

No. Ducks and cats are not men.

>> No.12053944
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>> No.12054043

He’s like a little child

>> No.12054288

lol those caps in your last sentence, trying to make your text read like a speech. People still discuss the conflicts of human vs nature, man vs man, with the only exception to man vs god. The most recent book I read about human vs nature was Annihilation, pretty good. Man vs man has moved to social sciences, but I am certain there are still literature about this type of conflict, especially with all the "racist" experiences minorities are writing about.

>> No.12054309

>There is only

>> No.12054316
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>> No.12054323
File: 611 KB, 960x1299, 2009-09-22-caveman_science_fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol starting your post off with lol, trying to make it seem contemporary

>> No.12054331

>reading pleb garbage

>> No.12054334

God, I love the future where philosophers have won.

>> No.12054337


>> No.12054340

>unintentional incest

>> No.12054361
File: 1.51 MB, 960x3896, 2009-09-07-the_sleepwalkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dresden Codak is underappreciated.

>> No.12054470

>Nature is killed or conquered
imagine actually believing this

>> No.12054711
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More so

>> No.12054722

whats some good examples of man vs reality?

>> No.12054728


>> No.12054731

my diary desu

>> No.12054754

good post

>> No.12054825

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.12054835

the trial
it's both man vs society and man vs reality

>> No.12054864

This is true, Joseph K. is fighting the fabric of reality itself in that novel.

>> No.12054936

Oedipus Rex, you twit.

>> No.12055129

>There are only we*

>> No.12055163

Man vs The Void
Man vs Recursion
Man vs vs

>> No.12055190

Isn't man vs technology very much at the heart of modernism?

>> No.12055272

Crying of lot 49

>> No.12055294

East of Eden
At least the parts concerning Adam and his delusions about hit wife

>> No.12055410

Try to run, try to hide! Break on through to the other side!

>> No.12055466

Man vs. God and Man vs. reality is the same thing

>> No.12055493
File: 187 KB, 1006x785, sexy ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been to /lit/ before. Huh so this is what happens when all the /lit/erate people leave... you guys are what's left. I guess this is why the board is so slow.

Has /lit/ ever been good?

>> No.12055514

>Huh so this is what happens when all the /lit/erate people leave... you guys are what's left. I guess this is why the board is so slow.
are you low-key retarded or just baiting?

>> No.12055535

He plays video games, so he is and is trying to.

>> No.12056453

I agree with him. I doubt there's any real need to ban liquids over 3 oz. I doubt it matters. 9/11 was so bad because of many security failures having nothing to do with tiny amount of liquids. For one thing, THEY HANDED OVER THE AIRPLANES, ALL FOUR OF THEM. The should have fucking resisted, but the airlines had gotten used to just giving planes over to hijackers at the first sign of trouble.

This is why retaliation and self defense is so important, and record of retaliation could have acted as a deterrent; that is, it would have forced them to either use more detectable methods (guns) to hijack, or they would have had to resort to a less effective method overall (like stupid truck bombs or something).

And the liquids thing is just one example. You also have to get patted down, they take a scan that shows an image of your naked body, and they make you take off your shoes and belt so your pants are falling down. It's just an unnecessary breach of basic dignity, and for that reason I am against. Doesn't matter if it's "effective". They shouldn't impinge on everyone's dignity to curtail the actions of the tiny fraction of people that will do murderous things. There are much better ways, like actually figuring out who is a danger in the first place, then monitoring that person closely.

>> No.12056647

Man vs. Reality is man vs the laws of his environment. Yossarian can't plead insanity because he'll be sane and forced to fly more missions, he can't also refrain from speaking up because that would render him able to fly more missions and accepted as insane by his MD, he's caught in a logical loop where the goal in unachievable because of contradictory rules. That hasn't anything to do with a contest with God.

>> No.12056657

Capitalized We-posting is the next big /lit/ trend

>> No.12056667

>implying bin laden exists

>> No.12056693

I agree with this upstanding individual

>> No.12056754

fear & loathing in las vegas

>> No.12056761

look, the planes is understandable because up until then all hijackings were usually demands for money and a flight to cuba. mostly it was just a big hassle for all involved. there wasn't a yardstick for "skyjacking where the hijackers have no intent to land again"

>> No.12057081

Yes, I had heard of that, and it makes sense at first. Why risk the plane full of people by retaliating?

But I think it is a miscalculation. Or at least I think it might have been. If you give robbers/hijackers/hostage what they want out of convenience, it is inevitable that sooner or later this policy will be taken advantage of.

I guess I am saying that I would prefer resistance for the sake of resistance, and then maybe there would be fewer hijackings?

I don't know, maybe that's crazy.

At any rate, I heard that in light of 9/11, the policy has changed, and now the pilots and crew will resist hijackers at any cost. So that is good, I suppose.

>> No.12057107

>wand actually handgun

That's how HP should have ended.

>> No.12057156

christfag begone

>> No.12057448


>> No.12057720

Not with retards like this guy >>12057659 running around

>> No.12057733

Most aesthetic thing I ever saw since this week

>> No.12057750

Man vs Alien vs Predator vs Brown vs Board of Education

>> No.12057845

>government is autistic boy

>> No.12057849
