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12049576 No.12049576 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth the commitment /lit/? I'm just getting into mainstream fantasy and have been hearing good things about this. Despite that i'm hesitant to begin since there are 20+ books in the series. Are any of those optional or do they form a coherent/complete story?

>> No.12049976

only if you are underage

>> No.12049983

it's not

>> No.12049989

No. You're better off reading Jordan's Conan pastiches.

>> No.12049997

>just getting into mainstream fantasy
if you're at all discerning, this is the point where you should be getting out of it. I like fiction more than non-fiction before you straw man me as a hater of fiction.

>> No.12050005

Life isn't that long, anon. Spend it on something that's actually valuable.

>> No.12050076

And what is valuable in the opinion of the most exalted >>12050005 ?

>> No.12050098

Figure it out for yourself. But I doubt when you're nearing death you're going to sit back and think, "Gee I'm glad I spent all that time reading 12,000 pages of The Wheel of Time."