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12046774 No.12046774 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.12046780

>dude the roman gods were actually demons!

>> No.12046782

A life-changing read, and I'm not even a Christian.

>> No.12046799

shitloads of violence that involves children

it's rough at times but it's worth it. really makes you appreciate why brazilians are willing to vote in a fascist to restore order at all cost.

>> No.12046808


>> No.12046861

Read the Quran instead

>> No.12046916

bad post

>> No.12047003

saint augustine is so good

>> No.12047013

I'd recommend the Cambridge version of the text. Better translation.

>> No.12047252


Be ready to open your heart to Christ.

>> No.12047260

One of the most brainlet early saints, trumped only by Athanasius

>> No.12047302

as opposed to?

>> No.12047389

Not really. He mostly argues from a pragmatic point of view.
>You should choose the Christian god because in the end you will be better off

>> No.12047396

there's two cities
One city where people are godly and good and do good things called the city of god
another one where people are degenerate cucks

>> No.12047409

Some major redpill

>> No.12047548

Don't listen to such idiotic posters. He won't give you an alternative; he has nothing to contribute.

>> No.12047551
File: 71 KB, 700x426, varg-vikernes (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12047669

Varg or St Augustine and why?

>> No.12047712

I was genuinely interested.

>> No.12047807

A long assertion of the christian truth. It starts out as a critique of Paganism. So if you ever had to argue with a Pagan, he touches upon why their gods should not be worshiped.

The rest of the book deals with a lot of problems in theology/ philosophy. Mainly between the earthly city and the heavenly city of God.

It is long but it is worth it. Augustine isn't considered one of the better church fathers for no reason. He knows his shit.

>> No.12048316



>> No.12048323

A pathetic attempt to justify a made up sky fairy

>> No.12048335

eh, the film was better

>> No.12048414

sheath your katana shadow the edgehog

>> No.12048429
File: 44 KB, 304x400, St Athanasius the Great 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot even begin to fathom how powerful a witness Athanasius is. He spat in the face of pagans and heretics alike. By the grace of God he defied all attempts on his life and died a natural death, fitting for such a witness of Christ. Contra mundum!

>> No.12048434

God is not graceful, he gives bone cancer to children lmfao