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12045819 No.12045819 [Reply] [Original]

What philosopher or what arguments are there for the claim that "God is bad because he doesn't intervene in the horrible things that happen (natural disasters, sexual assault, murder, etc)"

>> No.12045832

If God were actually bad things wuld be incredibly worse than they are, like just use your imagination
at most we can say God is an iffy nigga

>> No.12045839

I always viewed it as he just doesn't do anything, he observes. Gave us free will and is leaving us to our own devices. Why should he intervene?

>> No.12045850

I guess that's the idea, but then some people believe in Divine Providence and such, idk.

It's probably all a meme let's be real

>> No.12045921

I believe Hume makes a similar comment at some point, though (or at least his claims) it comes from Epicurus.

>> No.12045944

>implying sexual assault and murder and natural disasters are not entirely man's fault

God is not bad. Man is bad. We choose to live by the sea or near volcanoes. We force ourselves into civilization and the yoke of law. We do it because we are separated from God and it is the best we can do to bring something like His goodness to us here.

>> No.12045965

I mean, reality is a war of Good and Evil. Good inevitably wins, but evil people inevitably use the fucking retarded argument that OP is parroting .

I also see the same stupid arguments used over and over, like they know they’re trying to worm their way out of Gods existence like some sick optical illusion bullshit. You know how philosophers are. Fuck that!

>> No.12046074

I think the standard theological argument goes that we think that God is not good because we don't see the full value of freedom and love. Freedom is what got us into this, love is what can get us out, but all we're looking for is pleasure and selfish comfort...

>> No.12046082

Some argue since they believe he created them they're his responsibility, as none of them asked to be created. And some argue that he had no obligation because nothing says he should. That's the thing about opinions anon.

>> No.12046084

>so underage he doesn't know about the problem of evil
Deism YES

>> No.12046142

>implying natural disasters are man’s fault
This is your brain on Catholicism

>> No.12046151

or if youre really into Climate Change

im positive that those people are just fulfilling the 'god is punishing us for our sins' module of the brain

>> No.12047017

Are you a baby? St Augustine

>> No.12047154

Proof that divine providence exist?

>> No.12047195

What is a natural disaster, anon?

It's a cataclysm that destroys homes and lives, right? Something like a volcano or a tsunami or an earthquake or flooding or a hurricane. Sometimes called an act of God.

Tell me: did God decide to settle in those places? Or did man? Did God spend his wealth on these things, or did man?

Natural disasters are tragic because they destroy man and his property. But it was man who placed himself in the way. It was man who, by disobedience, fell to this world in the first place.

>> No.12047682

>God is bad because he doesn't intervene in the horrible things that happen
that's not quite right, because the context of such discussions is almost always one where God is defined as omnibenevolent, so the problem of evil is presented as evidence against the existence of God, not as evidence that he's bad
anyway, here:

>> No.12047694

Ignore Abrahamics, embrace EVROPA

>> No.12047702
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They deserved it

>> No.12047709


I think you may be correct in your interpretation that most who die in natural disasters deserved it, perhaps not all. I think that God does control reality and weather and the celestial bodies overall.

However that being said, I don’t think that just because you live on a fault line that God hates you more. I believe that if you live on a fault line, prepare for God to interact with you more. I actually am envious of people that get to feel Gods majesty like that.

I can tell you rainbows have a certain spiritual significance for me

>> No.12047717

>"God hates you more"
God doesn't hate you, dummy. He is goodness itself.

Mankind is just indescribably stupid, and incapable of putting blame where it belongs: on itself.