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12042785 No.12042785 [Reply] [Original]

I loved the warhammer 40k games (except dow3). I really like the lore and the brutal edginess. Afaik there are plenty of wh40k books. Has anyone read some? How are they? Any recommendations?

>> No.12042793

Theres one cool one about a lone space marine trapped on a dead planet that is being swarmed by tyranids, but i forgot the name of it

>> No.12042816

That sounds really good. I love this entire martyr shit and serving the emperor until death and beyond. Can you read the books independently of each other? Or do you lack too much background knowledge then? I know the basic lore due to vidya though.

>> No.12042839

I mean if you want more lore you can read the army codex/s and rule book as they give a basic overview to both the universes timeline and who some of the noteable characters are.
The books are usually independent of each other and cover a variety of events, like the battle of maccarage and the horus heresy.
Honestly just look up the best ones to read and go from there.

>> No.12042851

Btw the emporer is not a good guy by any stretch of the imagination and even his most loyal son "rowboat gayman" is starting to realise hes a shit.
Plus theirs the whole fact that the "listeners" of the emporers psychic messages are basically just making shit up to better suit themselves, which rowboat gayman is starting to realise and possibly (?) Rebel against the imperium itself

>> No.12043020

Anything by abnett is really good. The eisenhorn and malus darkblade series' are my favorites. Horus heresy series ive heard good things about.

>> No.12043042

I once wrote a bunch of 40k porn about Salamanders brotherfucking each other. Something tells me that's not what you're looking for, though.

>> No.12043078

Wait what. That sucks. I'm srsly disappointed now.

Also if anyone has any idea which book this is please tell

Thanks, will check.

>> No.12043116

Ciaphas Cain, anon. Get on it.

>> No.12043768
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The Night Lords Omnibus by Aaron Dembski-Bowden are the best imo.

The Night Lords are a very interesting sect of Chaos Space Marines that are so few and ragtag that they basically have to use stealth and surgical tactics just to survive.

Also, some of the lead characters actively try to resist the Chaos Gods, which creates an interesting tension between "are these guys "evil" or not?"

>> No.12044321

>are these guys evil or not
Considering they slaughter hundreds of innocent people id say their evil

>> No.12044434

Abnett is pretty much the only good author employed by them and a big part of it is because he tones down all the shit in universe that i just plain dumb.
Really enjoyed the Gaunt's Ghost's series.

IMO 40k lore isn't worth getting into unless you're not frustrated by having to ignore reams of lore for the sake of coherency and non retarded nihilism.

>> No.12044441

So does the imperium. There is no good or evil. There is only who will survive in the end. And it's probably the imperium because chaos is ragtag.

>> No.12044449

Tyranids are the only good faction because they'll just eat you rather than torture you to death on an agri world.

>> No.12044485

Tyranids are just zerg right

>> No.12044491

I figured the emperor was a bastard considering how he killed all the other religions so he could be worshipped in the end. He also neglected Horus so this could happen.

>> No.12044513

Get the fuck off this board.

>> No.12044520

This liberal arts board is the best place for geeks

>> No.12044525


Take this shiterature to >>>/tg/

It's not welcome here.

>> No.12044647

For the "Rowboat gayman" thing and his rebellion, read 'The Horus Heresy', set in 30k and not 40k, it's basically 'All quiet on the western front' with a civil war in it and a shit-ton of characters and sub-plots

>> No.12044694

Basically, like all of his sons that rebelled to chaos did so because he offered nothing to humanity but survival and completely disregarded the fact that humans can be driven insane by torture in the form of "strengthening" warrior's, but then its like this whole dilemma of how there can be no weakness in this universe, etc etc.
But to be honest the imperium is just a bunch of guys pretending to do stuff for humanity whilst it also benefits themselves WHICH rowboat gayman wants to stop

>> No.12044699
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lol, no, whatcha going to do faggot

>> No.12044704

All he can do is kill the highlords. Other than that he can't rebel because he himself split up the space marines. Plus they now have assassins that are stronger than space marines in the emperers palace

>> No.12044712

I guess, either way hes like the only reasonable human in the entire galaxy but shits prolly gonna end bad because of "muh grimdark"

>> No.12044728

Basically psychic zerg, but they got fucked in the new story development and their entire fleet is basically splintered by THE MASSIVE FUCKING RIP IN OUR DIMENSION WHERE A MILLION DEMONS ARE POURING OUT OF EVERY SECOND

>> No.12044739

Dead men walking is a good grim dark 40k book. I don’t remember it well but it was about necrons invading some imperial shithole and the grimdark gets turnt up.
Gaunt’s ghosts is probably the best series like what >>12044434 said. It reads more like pulpy war stories about a band of guardsmen trying to survive in a war that throws men in the meat grinder. As long as you don’t mind some lore getting ignored, the characters in the regiment are fun and it’s nice to see their fights and friendships.

>> No.12044776

Slower but more brutal
The history is yuuuge, you will need tg, probably infinitycha and 1d4 chan because some authors change parts of the "history" and sometimes you get confused

>> No.12044795
File: 871 KB, 1781x1845, 44EF91E9-683C-4768-A45F-E4F24E85AB09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ciaphas Cain is pretty good if you liked Catch-22. It’s not intro to warhammer but it sure as fuck is a great read. Imagine Yossarian became a commissar and you get a great series, it’s not really warhammer intense on lore though so even a person unfamiliar with warhammer 40K can enjoy it
If you want an intro however try eisenhorn.

>> No.12044808
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Dead men walking is pretty good.

>> No.12044908

>I figured the emperor was a bastard considering how he killed all the other religions so he could be worshipped in the end.
He didn't want to be worshiped he wanted to smother any kind of believe to weaken the chaos gods, and he was so opposed to be seen as a god that he had monarchia destroyed.
>He also neglected Horus so this could happen.
It was hardly neglect since horus was nearly killed and then corrupted by erebus, additionally the emperor was busy working on the human webway so that they could finally stop directly going into the immaterium for transportation.
The Emperor did many mistakes but that was not one of them.

>> No.12045092

Yeah well chaos soldiers barely believe in anything. They consort with the ruinous powers but for their own gain

>> No.12045099

Primarchs only know war. Horus didn't believing the great crusade from the very start. He just liked war. He pretended to believe in it for the emperor.
The emperor knew nothing

>> No.12045146

>Primarchs only know war.
Most primarchs had hobbies that would be quite useful outside of war, vulkan even talked about being a farmer or some such thing back before all went to shit (in vulkan lives and curze made fun of him).
>He pretended to believe in it for the emperor.
He clearly believed in the vision of the emperor if he didn't he wouldn't have been so surprised and angered about the lie he got served about the war ending and the emperors ideals getting turned on their head.
>The emperor knew nothing
I doubt anyone would say otherwise, after all he never pretended to be an omniscient god.

>> No.12045177

>it's basically 'All quiet on the western front'
I lol'd

>> No.12045413

lol. You seem triggered.

>> No.12045500

Hell nah anon, I like 40k and all, but there's contamination board for it, and those books are rarely good enough to be considered literature.