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File: 24 KB, 312x475, siege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12040448 No.12040448 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else actually read this book? I'm almost done and it has been a lot of fun. He actually makes some good points about political actors.

>> No.12040458

It is very easy to read and actually makes a lot of sense. I unironically recommend it.

>> No.12040477

>making shill posts in an attempt to influence "board culture"
>buying into political ideologies
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12040488
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People always meme'd it as a one way ticket into federal prison, but it is actually hilarious. Mason is a huge cartoon character with a fun writing style, and actual good points from the perspective of a crazed neo nazi.

>Inventing sentences I never said and attributing me to be a neo nazi.

Confirmed for some disgusting commie, not even able to ready books from the crazy ends of ideology and enjoy them.

>> No.12040552

It's ok but it's being touted as some sort of revolutionary work by stupid children on the internet.

>> No.12040556

Most of the people who post about the book don't even read it and treat it as a stupid /pol/ meme. Funnily enough Mason basically eviscerates /pol/ posters for dozens of sections.

>> No.12040558
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People who buy into the book are off the goop

>> No.12040586

He literally just says the same exact point over and over every page. It's also quite clearly a psyop to make more epin nazi caricatures.

>> No.12040627

read siege

>> No.12040636

What good is there to be gained from buying into the ideas of violent racists? In what way do they serve humanity? Why would you willingly promote such vile filth?

>> No.12040639

because fuck you that's why

>> No.12040645

Not that I agree from the book, but if one takes race realism at face value that would lend credence to social Darwinism and thus racial dominance as an avenue to Darwinist improvement to humanities capability. Unless you are some pussy faggot who thinks ethics and human rights matter compared to technological advances and space travel.

>> No.12040647

What's ironic is every idea you just espoused is an instrument of Darwinism.

>> No.12040650

Tell that to all universities that assign Frantz Fanon to students.

>> No.12040653

No, not "fuck me." If you want to buy into violent and hateful ideologies, fine, whatever, you're a free man, but don't come here acting like a friendly neighbour who just happened to come across some benign little idea when that idea literally advocates for the mass murder of millions of people.

I GUARANTEE you I have struggled and overcome more hardships than you. You cannot win this fight. Racism is a dark ideology that leads to hate and needless suffering. Grow a backbone and stop blaming unrelated people for your problems.

>> No.12040665

Well for sure the communists proved that mass strategy employed by less genetically succesful people and the hampering of the competition through liberal egalitarian frame works is a successful strategy. Mason and other far right thinkers simply reject the validity of such a strategy in material terms, and that is certainly the case. It is very hard to argue that the self serving of the dysgenic amorphous mass, and the cyclical redistribution to them will lead to better material outcomes for humanity.

I don't have problems, the mortal coil is the easiest and most overcome problem there is. You think you overcame problems that were created by the framework around you and then you brought into and let torment your mind and mold your behavior. But the whole thing was a farce and you are no more successful then before you started.

Your statements about hate and suffering indicate and infantile view of life which is in line with your supposed overcoming of the material hierarchy you established as your problem. Your continued strawmanning as If I am blaming anyone for anything and not simply stating a preference for social organization is laughable and womanly.

>> No.12040702

>I don't have problems
Yes, you do. Everyone alive has problems.

>You think you overcame problems that were created by the framework around you and then you brought into and let torment your mind and mold your behavior. But the whole thing was a farce and you are no more successful then before you started.
I escaped the framework and created my own reality. I am 10,000,000 times the man I was before I started my journey.

>Your statements about hate and suffering indicate and infantile view of life which is in line with your supposed overcoming of the material hierarchy you established as your problem
Hate and suffering are hate and suffering. There is no justification needed to oppose them at every turn. The fact you wilfully indulge in them is proof of your emasculated psyche, not mine.

>Your continued strawmanning as If I am blaming anyone for anything and not simply stating a preference for social organization is laughable and womanly.
Racism solves problems that only exist in the mind of a racist. True peace and warm-heartedness towards any and all are yours for the taking if you so desire to cultivate them, but instead you choose to spew vile and division out of an overwhelming amount of ignorance to your own evil. Wake up.

>> No.12040713
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>siege supporter calling anyone infantile

>> No.12040724

Your emotional babble includes language so vague and amorphous that any close analysis of it would yield meaninglessness. What is hate? What is suffering? Things you don't like? Isn't that simple defined by sensibilities taught to you by others? If it isn't, wouldn't it just be your arbitrary opinion and then simply your arbitrary protest against behaviors you personally find detestable, but have no axiom or moral frame work to refute?

You seek unity? peace between men? Equality? What a complete farce! These are all things you've chosen as your arbirtary values and now seek to impose on others through force of will. You think you're any different than the rabid communist but hilariously you simply seek the same outcome for another arbitrary set of outcomes that you view as moral. What if someone disagrees with your definitions of hate suffering and peace? Doesn't your pile of axioms become utterly meaningless?

Your goals are un-actionable, your ideas are a slime of nothing and your justification for their enforcement is non existent.

>Pays tax money to tranny dick surgery funds

Based and redpilled.

>> No.12040750

My axiom of hate and suffering is the own inner insanity I had to face as a young man. My experience was real. It was lived. It was entirely unnecessary. The fact I survived it has given me the thirst and power to end it where it occurs. I would never wish what I went through on anyone, yet I see it being repeated day after day.

>These are all things you've chosen as your arbirtary values and now seek to impose on others through force of will
The truth needs no imposition for it is the truth. Turning towards tribalism, towards cultivating false enemies, towards maintaining power through a corrupt ideology; THESE are the things that need imposition. If racism, white supremacy, and the need for genocide was so self-evident then there'd be ZERO opposition to them. But the opposition to them is immense, and for absolutely justified reasons.

>Your goals are un-actionable, your ideas are a slime of nothing and your justification for their enforcement is non existent.
I have no goals. I live to serve the truth, and to oppose human insanity as it arises. You, my good friend, are the victim of this insanity, and need to be pulled out, forcefully if need be, to see the damage your worldview.

>> No.12040768

>Corrupt ideology
>Argumentum ad populum
>Justified reasons yet unstated
>Babble about the 'truth' whatever that means and continued vague insults.

Justify the value of a human life outside of material terms. Because if you can't do it in a convincing axiom you are simply obsessed with the aesthetic of natalism. What value is the human who born into poverty, is taught material hedonism, and then rapes and kills for pleasure. Because that is the prevailing system and the natural outcome.

If it weren't for the traditional moral sensibilities, racial hierarchies or habits every race would behave exactly as the worst. And simply please themselves at the expense of all others under your axiom. And that is what occurs, theft from others to fuel endless pleasure. And retarded babble like yours when anyone lashes out and threatens your meaningless mortal coil strung out on dopamine and asks for the collective to aim for anything greater then that.

>> No.12040794

>Justify the value of a human life outside of material terms.
So long as you accept the material axiom is true, then we are never going to see eye to eye. The universe is primarily mental, not material, yet so long as you feel it is the inverse these truths that I am speaking to you will shoot past your head.

>If it weren't for the traditional moral sensibilities, racial hierarchies or habits every race would behave exactly as the worst
If I am to accept this axiom, then it would be very easily for me to posit that these "traditional moral sensibilities" actually have legitimate causes in a divine, trans-material dimension, which is what proves their efficacy.

>And simply please themselves at the expense of all others under your axiom.
Perhaps the most animalistic members of each group would, but it would not be a universal behaviour. Again, your argument rests on accepting the material axiom as true, which I flatly reject.

>> No.12040795

nazi here

i dont hate other people because of their race but i do want them to get the fuck out of my country and the last resort for acomplishing that is violence if neccessary

>> No.12040808

Mason isn't a very astute political thinker. He does have a good grasp of tactics though.

>> No.12040824

Ah I see, you are one of those deist spiritual types. Then there is little need for discussion between people who believe in two realities. I imagine you are pro abortion (maybe not?) if the sentiment that "It's just a bundle of cells" is true, then so follows the justifiable deportation and exclusion of other people. Because after all human life is cheap, all it takes is 9 months and a pile of food. Human civilization on the other hand is a fragile overcoming of animal sensibilities that is at risk by selfish individualists, hedonists, and namby pamby egalitarians.

If widespread human experimentation, the discarding of ethics, and pure top down forward momentum could lead to advanced human space travel or life extension, then I would support it. And although I don't think in those terms utilitarianism would justify such an action by cold hard calculus. Call it godless, call it barbaric, or authoritarian, but I have no interest in a species that pleasure seeks at the expense of itself.

And to call my stated preference insanity, is insanity on your part. If we are all dust in the wind, creatures with limited lives that time will eventually wipe away, then there is little reason to not permit whatever is preferred in that flash in the pan.

>> No.12040844

I see the logic in your perception, but it's logic based off axioms that I cannot agree with. I had you mistaken for some.. other... unsavoury type, although with that being said I still by and large find your ideas reprehensible.

I would strongly suggest you look into practical metaphysics and partake in strong dosages of hallucinogens, if you have not already. You have a strong degree of intuition, although it is an intuition I feel is ultimately misplaced.

>> No.12040867

Ah another suggestion for intellectual drug usage. I don't know why but this one always finds a way into discussion. No thanks.

I'll keep hard control over my faculties, and I already experience hallucination enough thanks to some sleep disorders. I don't think it would be a particularly novel experience considering I can access it at any time by sleeping on my back.

I can see why you think anyone that would read Siege worships the racial aesthetic but that too is a bit of a joke and somewhat arbitrary to begin with given human genetic history. I do support ethnic homogeneity but simply out of practicality as it inevitably leads to terrible political conflict.

>> No.12040904

I see. Well, I still disagree with social pragmatism, but at least its not an ideology based on delusions of racial grandeur (or the inverse, racial inferiority.) The last thing I would say is that there are legitimate reasons to believe in something greater than mere utilitarian Darwinism despite the seemingly endless struggle we go through, but I will leave it at that.

I hope you will find something more to believe in, anon.

>> No.12040949

Believe is a strong word, the only thing I believe in is the scarcity of life and thus usable time. And that legacy and wealth are useless trappings compared to time well spent while living. Perhaps a bit antiquated but life is simply preparation for a satisfying death and nothing more.

These political ideologies, discussions, hopes for the futures, and ideals of society are nothing more than conjecture and it would be silly to believe any given opinion will be implemented in the future. In this way it is simply the hashing out of a preference that can be called upon and little more. In fact I often explore different permutations simply to see their use in creating a livable society. There are quite a few options.

Similarly I cannot stand the forces in society that would impede that first task of satisfactory time usage, or cramp such enjoyment by creating a grotesque society of degenerates to pollute my environment.

>> No.12040995
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You've been wholly unsuccessful at attempting to shill this shit on /pol/ and now you're trying you're luck with /lit/.
Just fuck off retard, nobody is buying your moronic book.

>> No.12041002


>> No.12041842

Go back to twitter, rape.

>> No.12041885
File: 235 KB, 750x747, 33C3A70A0C3F47F68A0C11196EF1F933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But violence and racism are both beneficial to humanity. Both are easily among the most important things for our evolutionary survival and improvement as a species. So what the fuck are you whining about excactly? Gonna read Siege because of your retarded post.

>> No.12041894

Gay fanfic by a gay satanist "nazi"

If you really want to prep for RAHOWA read War of the Flea instead

>> No.12041896

>grow a back bone
he says as he spurgs out that racism is actually a popular belief held by 90% of the world population

>> No.12041907

I want Nazis out of my country and will accomplishing this with enthusiastic violence. I hope we can understand each others when the time comes for you to bite the curb.

>> No.12041927

>Violence and racism in league with speech, dexterity, systematized knowlege, ect.
Violence and racism are mere contingency, we can easily live without either.

>> No.12041977

>the truth needs no imposition
nature is a beast. equality does not exist in the lions den what say you too push an ideology that not even the most simple of animals can mimic?
>maintaining power through a corrupt ideology
the single least corrupt ideology of all is the loyalty to ones kin. the very essence of favouring outsiders to your own kind is in itself a corruption of your soul
>If racism, white supremacy, and the need for genocide was so self-evident then there'd be ZERO opposition to them.
you say this as if you have just won. what a scared little man you are. the average person cannot comprehend the scale of the world and such decicions should not be left in the hands of the foolhearted and weak whos whos minds are subject to manipulation at every acerage.

>i live to serve truth
and yet you preach equality? where on earth has equality existed? where in all the grassy planes deep blue seas and racing winds does equality exist?
the simple truth is there is no equality.
should the lion not feel superior to the deer due to its ability to kill? should the elephant not feel superior due to its ability to strike fear and awe into the hearts of man?

supremacy is everywhere and to say humans are an exception is a blatant lie and an imperical falsehood. you are not a truth seeker you a man chasing a perversion of nature to force your poisonous ideology into it and destroy the very fabric of what makes life life

>> No.12042003

no we cannot you merry fool.
there cannot be good without bad
you remove hatred you remove violence and you have created something numb and souless

>> No.12042010

It's very obvious that the Nazis are a pretext for you to fulfill your castrated will to power, which ironically was subdued by the exact set of institutions that tell you to hate nazis, making you a sort of refracted meta-cuck of truly comic proportions.

>> No.12042011

>should the lion not feel superior to the deer due to its ability to kill? should the elephant not feel superior due to its ability to strike fear and awe into the hearts of man?
I highly doubt non human animals feel superiority in the same way. They don't have egos. Superiority is a feeling, sentimentality. I can feel something is superior, and anyone else can feel differently. Superiority is not part of our shared reality, it is a personal feeling. Superiority is not the same as aptitude. You could say a human is more apt to program a computer than a red paper wasp, but claiming this makes the paper wasp inferior to the human is completely nonsensical.
Supremacists have absolutely no capability to think in terms of modality, or of potentiality. Everything is historical and actual for the supremacist. This blindness doesn't make them morally I, it just makes them unapt for higher level thinking.

>> No.12042012
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But why would we? We can live without all those nice happy good feelie things that make you all tingly inside too. That doesn't mean they have more value than the crude aspescts of humanity.
Also we absolutely cannot exist as any kind of society without violence. Violence has simply been outsourced to the authorities in most """advanced""" societies. Discrimination too is necessary. Maybe not based on race, however I see no reason why racial discrimination should be frowned upon.

>> No.12042015

No faggot, I just don't like nazis. I'm more of an outsider than any nazi.

>> No.12042019

right, you just happen to hate the one group of people that it is socially sanctioned to commit violence towards. A mere coincidence

>> No.12042022

No faggot. You can easily remove hatred and violence. The only reason we have such things are the reptilain parts of our brain, and psychopathy. Violence and racism are literally for low-iqs that can't use their prefrontal cortex properly.

>> No.12042031

I probably hate real estate investors more than Nazis lol. I just don't like nazis faggot. It's natural to want to hurt people you despise.

>> No.12042032

Racism is for anyone with basic pattern recognition, or have you missed all the AIs that end up being racist and have to be reprogrammed specifically not to be.

>> No.12042037

>you could say a human is more apt to program a computer than a red paper wasp, but claiming this makes the paper wasp inferior to the human is completely nonsensical.
how is this in anyway incorrect?
the wasp is inferior because it lacks the same higher cognitive functions to act as we do. it lacks the abilities that we have. thus the wasp is not as good as us.
>I highly doubt non human animals feel superiority in the same way. They don't have egos.
this is where you are wrong. pack hierarchy and food chain is entirely caused by supremacy. when the young lion feels he is better to protect the pack than the old lion does he not feel superior in his ability to protect? his feeling of supriority is what drives the him to attack the current pack leader to asert his dominace over the pack. this is a flexure of superiorty and has many times roared its head in the animal kingdom.

>> No.12042045

>Racists have the same reasoning capacity as AIs
HAHAHAHAHAHA, fucking retards. Recognizing patterns and making sound logical inferences from those patterns are two different things bub. Racists have a problem with the later.

>> No.12042046

if its natural to want to hurt people you despise than you can sympathise with the plight of the nazis?
you are no different morally than to they. as you wish pain upon those you do not like just as they do. are you really to take the moral high ground in a scenario in which you are no different?

>> No.12042050

Yeah it is much more reasonable to assume there is a secret conspiracy of white racism that prevents black people from creating a functioning city anywhere on earth. That is the logical conclusion.

>> No.12042051

im not sure if youve ever discussed the jewish question with a racist but making a sound logical inference of those repeating patterns is the whole process of conversion to their ideology

>> No.12042066

>Humans lack the ability to communicate with pheremons and can't use their digestive enzymes to make composite building materials. Humans lack the abilities wasps have, Therefor wasps are obviously superior to humans.
Fuck off faggot. I'm a systematist with higher cognitive functions than you. Say shit like that around biologists and you will be laughed out of the room.
>Pack hiearchy caused by supremacy
No, aptitude. See the wasp example, supremacy is a moral judgement, not a matter of fact.
>Food chain
There is no such thing as a "food chain"
>when the young lion feels he is better to protect the pack than the old lion does he not feel superior in his ability to protect?
No, this is a ridiculous anthropomorphism.

>> No.12042076

I don't like nazis and want to hurt them. Unlike nazis, I don't feign moral or ethical superiority. I don't think for hours on end about why I want to squish a mosquito that lands on me, I just squish it.

>> No.12042080
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>no such thing as a food chain
>insults instead of logical arugments
like clockwork

>> No.12042089

morals are relative. ethics don't exist. you are no different to the nazi. in anyway at all. you argument is the exact same as theirs when justify inflicting pain on jews

>> No.12042097

I've studied ecology for years. Food chains are not good models of predator-prey relationships.

>> No.12042101

I don't argue with Nazis.

>> No.12042106

this thread is providing quite a lot of evidence to the contrary m8. What's more is you have no idea that a lot of us are nazis when we're discussing literature, so you dont really have a choice, if youre going to use an anonymous forum.

>> No.12042109

what is the alternative

>> No.12042110

Lol no

>> No.12042115

What does building cities have to do with superiority?

>> No.12042117

>i don't aruge with nazis,
i didnt even get you that good mate. are you a brainlet or just riddled with anxiety
you had no reason to not present a comeback

>> No.12042129
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Webs for an iconic diagram. Systems and networks for actual modeling.

>> No.12042135

>board culture
Go away reddit

>> No.12042139

this still has a chain. there are just more divergences. which already existed in the initial theorisation of food chain

>> No.12042145

I don't like talking to you. Thinking about the words you write, writing replies. It's all too tedious just to maintain an unpleasant conversation with an uninteresting person. It funny how deeply you are willing to read into the conversation to find a little ego boost. Get alittle dopamine spike there sport? Im being dismissive because you are an unpleasant little fuck and I don't wish to engage in your low discourse banality.

>> No.12042150
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>Get alittle dopamine spike there sport?

>> No.12042156
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It's pretty ironic that the most obviously and openly hateful person in this thread is the one who dislikes nazis for supposedly sharing these same characteristics they have. In my view the people generally regarded as hateful are actually just good at hating. Everyone hates but if you do it well and intelligently you're hated for it. Kek.

>> No.12042167

Im more entertained by how he keeps replying to us and then saying he is above replying to us, as though he were leaving us at the door of some prestigious institution he was walking into taht we're barred from, and not in fact shitposting on 4chan

>> No.12042170

>i am being unpleasant
objectively false. your perception of unplesanty has arisin from your own cognitive fusion. you have been boxed into a corner where you have been forced to realise that your hatred for someone is entirely the same as their hatred for others and thus your hatred is of your own hatred.

with time and with help you can understand that its okay to be a nazi its even good. you dont need to feel the mental anguish you currently feel.

>> No.12042210

>Your preception of unpleasantry as come from your own cognitive confusion.
Yeah sure thing Sherlock.
I could go on forever about my reasons for hating Nazi's. Just like nazis could go on forever about why they hate the people they hate. What I was attempting to do was make the subtle point that hate exists independently of it's justification, while avoiding engaging in your retarded arguments. I accomplished the later but the point went way over your head.

>> No.12042212
File: 397 KB, 1488x1488, Siege Fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he doesn't. Fuck that faggot.

>> No.12042216

>hate exists independently of it's justification,
For people with emotional disturbances, for the rest of us it exists when something happens that makes it normal, like your mother is killed or something. Hating abstract political groups is mental illness

>> No.12042222

This hating any kind of political ideology is pleb tier

>> No.12042227

Nazis as a group are as cohesive of a group as blacks or Jews are. Moreso actually, since they all subscribe to a particular set of ideas. I'm sorry a Jew took your lollipop. fyi you just exposed yourself for not understanding what abstraction is.

>> No.12042228

you didnt accomplish anything all you did was show me youre a retard trying to justify your hatred while demonising someone for the exact same hatred
its really a black and white situation

>> No.12042235

I never tried to justify my hate. Which was the point, the point that you missed.

>> No.12042236

Really? So the appalachian with a neo-nazi tattoo and the group Golden Dawn are the same concrete group and not an abstraction you have labeled 'nazi'?

>> No.12042238

hating an ideology supremely based on the ideology is natural
brainlessly saying its bad without justifcation is pleb tier though

then that brings us back to my original statement. you are no better than those which you hate.

>> No.12042239

even american nazis are differnt to german national socialists. there are a million shades of fascism and 1 is national socialism

>> No.12042264

Cletus and the golden dawn(or has I like to call it, "the holding dong") both have certain characters, and share a common ideaological ancestry. This is more than enough to place them in the same systematic catagory. This is how biological organisms are properly catagorized.
It's not surprising at all that racists can't into systematics.

>> No.12042276

>It's not surprising at all that racists can't into systematics.
this is the most ludicrous comment in a thread full of absurdities

racists spend their time meticulously categorizing the sub-branches of the human evolutionary 'tree'

>> No.12042277
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>Why would you willingly promote such vile filth?
Because it's funny.

>> No.12042283

>racists spend their time meticulously categorizing the sub-branches of the human evolutionary 'tree
In a completely psuedoscientific way. What racists do is a cringey, psuedoscientific attempt to justify their hate.

>> No.12042294

Genetic analysis, psychometrics, and cladistics aren't pseudoscience no matter how many times you repeat that word, as though it were a magic talisman that will save you from the badthink.

There is absolutely no relation between these sciences and the emotion of hate

>> No.12042299

>If I say its psuedoscience enough it will be

Wack shit my man

>> No.12042313

Racists don't do any of that. They look at the results of actual scientific research and attempt to make catagorical judgments of superiority from it, that's where it becomes psuedoscience. Racists don't actually do any scientific research of their own. All scientific racism is little more than psuedoscientific interpretation of actual science.

>> No.12042339

Yeah they do dude, look up people like Rushton and Cochran

>> No.12042414

Racism is all about sentimentality. Systematics does not, and can not have anything to say about superiority/inferiority as a quality. Scientific inquiry does not yield preferential results. For the same reason science can not say anything about wether or not humans are superior to wasps, science cannot say anything about wether certain humans are better than others.
Sure science can tell you that certain objects are better than others-at a certain task. That isn't the kind of judgment racists make, racism is a general moral good/bad judgement, which belongs to sentimentality, not science. Thats not to say that sentimentality isn't important-it is. I'm saying that sentiment is not science, and using science to justify sentiment is ass backwards, psuedoscientific, and despicable.

>> No.12042416

IQ is 100 percent tied to race as are most other measures of intelligence, social interaction, and cognition. The SAT, and MEPS easily indicate this. One can argue the implications, and what they morally justify. But the reason most countries in Africa are a shit hole is literally their average person lacks the cognition to develop a civilization outside of superstition and basic living.

>> No.12042417

Scientific racism has nothing to do with 'superiority' this is a meme you're projecting onto it, you havent read Rushton or Cochran

>> No.12042429

It wouldn't be called racism if it had nothing to do with superiority

>> No.12042439

I'ma be real wit ya. I have a very, very high IQ. If I thought that made me a better person than the dumb'os, I would be a asshole. That's why I hate racists, because they think they are better than other people.

>> No.12042444

whats wrong with Fanon?

>> No.12042459

You clearly have a low IQ to assume a dichotomy that precludes the existence of people who are inferior to another group must lead to treating them worse categorically.

Are you seriously saying the mud hut civilizations of Africa and South America are equal to the technology, philosophy and social organization of Europe and East Asia.

In your effort to be unoffensive and humane you deny the very value of humanity and civilization and prop up the values of barbaric people. This fear that by admitting basic historical and genetic facts that goose stepping will return to the street is a retarded ideal impressed upon you by neoliberal schooling.

>> No.12042476

I'm a biocentrist bub. I think scum puddles are equal to western civilization. I prefer people living traditional lifes. If you are talking about sentiment, I actually prefer the way my homies in the huts live, I'm not a big fan of most of the western life style. It has it perks, but ultimately the west makes me depressed because of the life-hating. Western civilization is a joke compared to the great barrier reef(may it rest in peace)

>> No.12042567
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>This entire post

Lay off the lettuce my man. Your nonsensical ideas are only supported on the shoulders of the civilization you so disparage.

>> No.12042603

I know. Civilization rests on the shoulders of ecological life at large. I care about that far more than any particular civilization. My ideas aren't nonsensical.
Also what a larp, claiming the accomplishments of scientists and philosophers for the entirety of western civilization, lol. Most of western civilization is low IQ mouth breathers buying lawn care products.

>> No.12042612

Yes but the only reason someone like you could draw breath and espouse such an idea and be comfortable enough to unironically believe it is the work of generations of people to build up conditions that would let you engage in such fart sniffing.

>> No.12042622
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Based and redpilled

>> No.12042636

sounds fun desu

>> No.12042644

Actually most of Western civilisation is quite above average IQ compared to the average global IQ.

>> No.12042646

ah the noble savage myth, how politely racist of you, anon, to assume simpler living means more virtuous living

>> No.12042650

I already told you, I know. You think I never thought about that? You are pathetically shallow, why do you think this has any bearing on what I said earlier? Congrats, you pointed out something obvious.

>> No.12042658

>people's war for neonazis
wow mindblowing stuff

>> No.12042664

You just worship the natural aesthetic and lack attunement with the abstract depths of the mind. No different than a racialist you are simply obsessed with the organic and value it out of a lack of anything else.

>> No.12042671

That's not true. Lol.

>> No.12042673
File: 34 KB, 339x500, tom waits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas the urbanites, cave war now!

>> No.12042676

Completely true, out of the infinite permutations of thought and value a free willed human can choose, you simply chose the naturalistic one. To claim its supremacy is folly.

>> No.12042721

I didn't call anyone a noble, and I never presupposed anyone to be a Savage. I simply stated that I value and even prefer traditional lifestyles, mostly because they enjoy a connection to the wider ecological world. I do appreciate the amenities of western civilization, but I have major problems with it, namely the lack the the afformentioned connection. I certainly don't think it's any better than other civilization. Civilization is a small thing in the bigger, living world.

>> No.12042726

Who moronic do you have to be? You are making wild suppositions based on little evidence.

>> No.12042729

>being anything but an anarchist or a communist

Get off this board you're not welcome here you have a shitty retard board to shit on

>> No.12042733

>You have a stated value judgement arbitrarily chosen
>Wild statement.


>> No.12042755

I'm literally a sort of modal realist. And do explain to me what this singular, "naturalistic one". That was a retarded attempt at communicating a retarded epistomological position.
You have no idea what you are talking about and it really shows.

>> No.12042757

Alright you stupid atomwaffen retards, I will buy your gay ass book just so you shut the fuck up. Just so you know, you're all a bunch of satanic dumbasses with no foresight to understand that deals with the devil always lead to a bad time.

>> No.12042776
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Abrahamics pls leave. In blood, soil and technology you shall find salvation.

>> No.12042798

I just wanted to nitpick about that fact desu. As dumb as your average Westener may seem or even be relative to yourself, they're geniuses compared to your average African in terms of IQ.

>> No.12042822

Most westerns can't even name 5 native species of tree. No thanks! I think Ill stick with my retarded friends in the huts. I can hardly tell the difference between an 80 iq and a 110 iq

>> No.12042829
File: 43 KB, 803x439, 1528717839603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Linkola

>> No.12042831

is this real?

>> No.12042843

Lol ofc it's shopped.

>> No.12042849

That's why I specified in terms of IQ, I agree that post-industrial consumerists are basically useless cattle once their artificial structure drops away. Probably worse than cattle desu, we're the most domesticated of all and the least capable of surviving outside of our bubble.

I don't doubt that the hut dwellers will fare the best once the inevitable collapse happens.

>> No.12042854

he's so memable and i'm sure he's lurking here and stroking his ego boner.

>> No.12043602

>t. brainwashed by the ignoble lie of equality

>> No.12043682

>mfw this image is jewish propaganda to keep whitey docile

>> No.12043687

>all these basement dwelling virgins advocating for violence and racism when the average nigger would erase them from the surface of the earth in real life
lol'ing at the palpable insecurity of you pathetic teenager's, almost lmaoing. just waiting for one of you to reply about how many guns you have or how many american history x fantasies you dream up in your head before i do

>> No.12043710

>good points
The battlecry of pseuds.

>> No.12043751


>> No.12043758

Niggers exist because a signifant portion of whites are slave mentality drones

>> No.12043772

I do. They are doing horrible. Their land is being enclosed and converted, along with the wider ecosystem home and culture, gone. Then they get forced into the slums and racist assholes cyberbully them.

>> No.12043775

>130 posts


>> No.12043790

>muh lived experience
shut up

>> No.12044246

>in technology you'll find salvation
>posts Spengler

>> No.12044690
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333 1488 1917

read iron gates next

>> No.12045250

Lmao at this willful slave of humanity.

>> No.12045296
