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12036161 No.12036161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>one of his rules is literally "pet a cat when you encounter one in the street"
And you retards praise this fag

>> No.12036174

how can you pet street cats, they just run away if you get too close

>> No.12036200

I like him for the good he does for young men, who are encountering a serious plight these days, as well as his psychological explanation of the Biblical stories. I dislike him for his incredible hypocrisies.

>> No.12036205

have you tried petting cats? at first you are scared but then you realize that the cat is probably friendly so it makes you feel stronger and braver by having tried something new.

>> No.12036214


>build a philosophy around the constant need to reinvent oneself and one's world through the constant striving toward an undefined and transcendent good
>calls anyone who disagrees with his conservatard values tyrannical or verifiably mentally ill

at last i see the power of the logos

>> No.12036220

The rules are meant to be reductive. He says a lot of stupid things, but he obviously has helped a lot of jaded young men find some direction.

>> No.12036225

The stuff he teaches you (clean your room, don't be a hypocrite) is just mannerisms they should have taught you in grade school, the rest is just sexism and Bible verses. There is something a tiny bit novel about him but it's all just stupid good vs evil shit

>> No.12036230


>> No.12036232

Yeah, but the hypocrisy really comes out when he is confronted by nationalists.

He rails all day against how "left wing cowards" refuse to debate him, and when nationalists offer to even pay him money to debate, he refuses to even acknowledge or engage with them at all. And, he likes to go on and on about how Ashkenazi Jews have higher average IQs than Europeans, but never broaches the subject of other races' average IQs, conveniently. AND, he disinvited Faith Goldy from a free speech event because he didn't like how she freely used her speech to go on a far-right Neo-Nazi podcast.

And moreover, imagine being so poorly raised that a guy who rehashes the most banal examples of upright behaviour (clean your room, don't lie, etc) on youtube is somehow a revolutionary force in your life.

>> No.12036233

this rule is specifically made to teach you that

>> No.12036235

I suppose that's true, but so did that Tony Perkins guy. And that guy's self help shit isn't as weirdly self righteous and overtly political as jeeps

I mean that doctor oz asshole probably helped some ladies lose weight

>> No.12036238
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yeah, think about it.

>> No.12036241

Good rule, something small to make your day better.
Still a hack tho

>> No.12036242

>And moreover, imagine being so poorly raised that a guy who rehashes the most banal examples of upright behaviour (clean your room, don't lie, etc) on youtube is somehow a revolutionary force in your life.
jp is kind of a fraud but this is just a reductive nonargument

>> No.12036245

This was supposed to be a bait thread you dumb virgins

>> No.12036247

>Peterson NPC pets a cat in the street
>get rabies and taxoplasmosis

>> No.12036253

I decide what the thread is

This is a postmodern thread now and I choose to be not trolled

>> No.12036259

I'm going to fucking kill you

>> No.12036261
File: 49 KB, 470x706, downloadfile-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think beeing OP gives you power over me?

>> No.12036263


We'll see