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12032768 No.12032768 [Reply] [Original]

>his religion comes from books
>he needs to be given a clear list of rules to follow, he can't think for himself

lel, true spirituality comes from within. You don't choose a religion, it chooses you.

>> No.12032780
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>You don't choose a religion, it chooses you.

>> No.12032799

I think that's a poor line of argument, it sounds like you're advocating everyone making up their own religion. However, holding something as corruptible and open to interpretation as human-written to be God's final word seems ridiculous to me. I think the 18th and 19th century deists had a good point on that, they said that the natural laws of the universe are more scripture than any writing. One can write about these laws and rationally understand them, but there is no final book to be held up without criticism and scrutiny.

>> No.12033317

>an argument

I'm just stating a fact

>> No.12033337

From within I believe in following the rules set forth

>> No.12033346

So if Christianity chose me, shouldn't I take the next step and read the Bible?

>> No.12033358

Are you looking for me to tell you what to do? damn. Anyway, I dunno why'd you bother, most christians haven't read the darn thing.

>> No.12033363

The ultimate arrogance

>> No.12033372
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but natural laws are subject to change. this is the awesome part. within the infinity of chaos there was a period of cause and effect and that is now, but it will not always be so. natural laws to me suggest a type of homeostatis in which our planatary universe can exist. It seems to suggest a moving towards if you don't mind the anthropomorphism. that this is conscious in a manner that it felt concern for specks of dust is laughable. my suspicion is that we're sort of a mole. when's the last time you ever worried about a mole?

>> No.12033378

Not him but he obviously meant it rhetorically, wouldn't you say?

I think Christians should read and study the bible more too, if they can, for understanding. I'm Muslim and I've read a lot of the bible myself

>> No.12033387

That's a rather Lovecraftian perspective there dear

>> No.12033390

Well what you think Christians should do doesn't matter.

>> No.12033399

are you going though puberty?

>> No.12033408

That's a fair point. I should mind my own business, you're right, although my intention wasn't to giving commands or orders

>> No.12033419

Just pointing out the flaw in the OP's logic.

>> No.12033425
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>implying all of Christianity is Sola Scriptura

>> No.12033430

>tfw spiritual but not religious

>> No.12033450

christianity chose me with the sacrifice of God's one and only son, lifting the curse of sin, and making me new again. I sin along my path, I stumble, but I'm reassured knowing that the Lord forgives. We might all know peace if we came together under the light, the grace, and the glory that is the Lord.

>> No.12033482

>true spirituality comes from within
>fundamentally flawed human beings can be trusted to follow their own feelings on moral issues
>surely this won't go wrong

>> No.12034335

based and bread pilled. Stay strong in the Lord, brother

>> No.12034730

Not within a lifetime they don’t

>> No.12035007

let's be honest, the vast majority of people just believe whatever their parents taught them as kids

>> No.12035053

and an even vaster majority of western youth were never taught anything by their parents and so believe whatever the industrialized consumer-hungry media told them to, namely that all beliefs and all activities are equally fine so long as they do not conflict with one’s fitting in as a cog in the global machine

>> No.12035058

i believe what pol tells me. i dont dislike women, black people, or jews, i just like watching hitler speeches and working out to look like a hitler youth poster

>> No.12035099

>and an even vaster majority
it was literally difficult to continue reading after that stunningly bad opening

>> No.12035175
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>it chooses you
Spotted the nearly smart retard.

The only thing we can be sure of is our experience and the world as we experience it.
Religion is truth of the world how to use it to our benefit. Nature is the omnipotent God. We are demi gods looking to usurp Godhood from nature.

>> No.12035184

When psychology becomes a science (we seem to be a long way out) then that'll definitely give birth to an interested take on religion.

I don't think there is a such thing as chaos, but this poses the interesting concept of somehow changing the laws of the universe. Reminds me of the term singularity.

>> No.12035286
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the most vastest majority of people have no single trait in common with eachother that can make them easy to makest sweepy definitions of thems.

>> No.12035432

what else could it possibly be?

>> No.12036146

>The natural laws of the universe are more scripture than any writing,
God is the anthropomorphism of these instances as depicted in our creation stories. The Quran, The OT, NT, eastern religion or what have you are all attempts at this. Maybe religion takes away from this understanding because it inserts too much of a human aspect to the feelings in awe of the absurd. I think rituals and practices remove this appreciation in favor of the established customs. These customs are not universal as God is, they’re all strange cults

>> No.12036236

Christianity isn't an 'attempt', you post modernist

>> No.12036473

>people don't have a single trait in common
basic biology begs to differ