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12028769 No.12028769 [Reply] [Original]

What's some required reading to better understand buddhism?

>> No.12028816

Maitrâyana Brâhmana Upanishad
The Heart Sutra
The Lotus Sutra
The Samaññaphala Sutta
Nagarjuna's Letter to a Friend
Weed & LSD

>> No.12029053

>Weed & LSD
you don't seem to understand Buddhism, do you?

>> No.12029055
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The Dhammapada

>> No.12029058

Should I have to?

>> No.12029068


I love you all

>> No.12029211

Nagarjuna, MahaParamita-sastra

>> No.12029315

Thick Nhat Hanh - Anything, but definitely Heart of the Buddhas teaching.
Shantideva- Way of the Boddhisattva
Suzuki Roshi - Zen Mind Beginners mind
Chogyam Trungpa - anything
Songs of Milarepa - amazing
Pema Chodron - anything

>> No.12029320

I've mostly been reading Chogyam Trungpa "The Great Eastern Sun" lately. Inspiring for sure but I can't tell if it would be as good without a meditation practice.

>> No.12029345

If you want to get into the nitty-gritty and come to a higher understanding of Buddhism; Gendün Chöphel is your guy.

>> No.12029982

A introduction to Buddhism.

>> No.12030471


>> No.12030480

You will never “understand buddhism” by reading books

>> No.12030494

Do not read Evola to understand Buddhism. He didn't understand it himself.

>> No.12030530

What didn't he understand?

>> No.12030608
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is this good place to start - is it good selection at all? does anyone have this? worth a buy?

>> No.12030615

The fact that he legitimately thought "Arya" had racial / political connotations

>> No.12030648

You obviously haven't read any Evola.

>> No.12030677

>We have to remember that behind the various caprices of modern historical theories, and as a more profound and primordial reality, there stands the unity of blood and spirit of the white races who created the greatest civilizations both of the East and West, the Iranian and Hindu as well as the ancient Greek and Roman and the Germanic. Buddhism has the right to call itself Aryan both because it reflects in great measure the spirit of common origins and since it has preserved important parts of a heritage that, as we have already said, Western man has little by little forgotten, not only by reason of involved processes of intermarriage, but also since he himself-to a far greater extent than the Eastern Aryans-has come under foreign influences.

- Julius Evola, "Doctrine of Awakening"

>> No.12030715

are you seriously trying to suggest it doesn't?

>> No.12030721

Nuance is needed here: this work was written in what? 1943? German-Italian relations (especially as far as racialist thought is concerned) need to be taken into account. That does not affect the integrity of the rest of the book and its interpretation of Buddhist doctrine and practice.

>> No.12030726

In the Buddhist context, no, it didn't. Aryanhood was available to anyone with the eyes, ears and motivation to reach nirvana and become an Arahant.

>> No.12030744

Even if I accept this explanation, why should there even need to be a caveat in the first place? If you want to introduce someone to Buddhism, why introduce them to it through the work of a 1940s Italian fascist concerned with racial theories, instead of you, y'know, a book by an actual Buddhist?

>> No.12030748

This is a very skewed interpretation, if not false outright: in early Buddhism, and indeed in Theravada, and to a more nuanced degree in common Mahayana, only a monk, and only a man, can achieve arhathood.
Renunciation meant abandonment of caste, yes, so in that sense the sangha is beyond those distinctions on the virtual level. So, no, not "anyone" as you say.

>> No.12030750

You forget where you are. But I digress.

>> No.12030754

in this thread:
pseuds trying to out-pseud each other over a load of made up old bollocks

>> No.12030784

>a book by an actual Buddhist?
You probably shouldn't, all "Buddhist" books written for westerners are all universally terrible.

>> No.12030786

>This is a very skewed interpretation, if not false outright: in early Buddhism, and indeed in Theravada, and to a more nuanced degree in common Mahayana, only a monk, and only a man, can achieve arhathood.

False. I refer you to the Anguttara Nikaya, 8.51

>So he said to the Blessed One, “Lord, if a woman were to go forth from the home life into homelessness in the Dhamma & Vinaya made known by the Tathāgata, would she be able to realize the fruit of stream-entry, once-returning, non-returning, or arahantship?”

>“Yes, Ānanda, she would.…”

>> No.12030790

t. someone who's never read a Buddhist book written for Westerners.

>> No.12030835

>Exiled for supporting violent dissident groups
>Despite being excommunicated they still advertise themselves as authorized to teach
>Decades of accusations of sexual harassment and abuse
Which Buddhist that teaches in the west am I describing?

>> No.12030842

>>Decades of accusations of sexual harassment and abuse
could be pretty much any religious fucknut really

>> No.12030871

Most people aren't aware of the amount of Tibetan lineages that haven't survived a single generation after moving to the west, It's fucking amazing, to survive a thousand years only to ordain a single westerner as your successor who dies of AIDS a year later without properly naming a successor.

I don't think any other religious fucknut could be as morally depraved as Suzuki, not even the Pope.

>> No.12031219

and this proves what?

>> No.12031236

Deus vult shadilay brother! We must save western civilization.

>> No.12031551

Are there any Buddhist books which combine the ideas of Peter Wessel Zapffe

>> No.12031923

lol no
If you take a high enough dose that lets you experience a full "ego death" (as in a complete memory supression that lasts more than just 2 seconds) then maybe yes. But it depends on how you analyze that moment once your brain goes back to normal.

>> No.12032417

Interested in this also

>> No.12032702

the greeks

>> No.12032755

That's correct, however the Buddha goes on to say that ordaining women will shorten the length of time the correct dhamma will be taught, and that they're to be treated as inferior to male monks.

>> No.12032788

Dogen Zenji

Founder of the Soto Zen school. Highly talented writer, poet, and philosopher. The Shōbōgenzō is considered his magnum opus. It concerns Dogen's completest doctrinal exposition on the teachings of the Dharma (the Buddha's essential teaching). This masterful collection of essays remained unknown to the public for centuries until it was eventually given to academics by Soto monks to publicize.

>> No.12032800

didn't the buddha say that women were insatiable in sex and childbearing, and could never get rid of those fetters in this life?

>> No.12032972

Is that it?

>> No.12032996

so he is right about everything else?

>> No.12033003

I'm interested too

>> No.12033010

any good edition of the majjhima nikaya? or is it better to get a different book than that?

>> No.12033546

no it isn't

>> No.12033949

The various pre-Buddhist Upanishads contain most of the ideas in Buddhism already, to some extent he rearranged or tweaked a pre-existing framework. The pre-Buddhist ones without a doubt are the Taittiriya, Aitareya, Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads and quite possibly also the Kena and Isha Upanishads.

>> No.12035287

I'm going to guess SGI.
Bonus points
>claims to be the only relevant form of Buddhism

>> No.12035297

Literally read the pali canon.

>> No.12035530

Correct, shrooms are what you want to really "get" buddhism.

>> No.12035660

>I know the condition of viññāṇa with shrooms

>> No.12035715

Buddhists got buddhism without them for thousands of years.

>> No.12035728

literally not even most monks do that

>> No.12035730

mushrooms are a passive path, buddhism is an active path

>> No.12035731

Sure. Honestly though I don't get how people can entertain buddhism when it's clearly just a reaction to hinduism. If you don't put any stock in hinduism to begin with (westerners) what is the motivation exactly?

Yeah not like the vedas mention weed or anything. No drugs influenced indian religion at all definitely not a possibility.

>> No.12035736

You need some Buddha Kush

>> No.12035744

Buddhism as Philosophy, Siderits (goes over the philosophical parts of Buddhism very coherently)
An Introduction to Buddhism, Harvey (mainly history and context)

>> No.12035751
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>as Philosophy

>> No.12035755

Also, you can take Buddhism as a philosophical wordview, as a religion (religions are broad, cultural things that have nothing to do with mere philosophy or belief), or as a kind of utilitarian vehicle to react a goal, though notions of goals are vehicles can be questioned and clarified as you progress. Arguably closer to the original intent, indeed, the name itself mythologises and idolises the Buddha. Not his intent but his intent has little to do with the religion. For the last one, most of 'Buddhism' as collections of quite varied religions will be useless or wasteful to you.