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12028028 No.12028028 [Reply] [Original]

In you best prose, describe the time you were emotionally scarred.

Who hurt you, /lit/?

>> No.12029300

I'm ashamed of you, /lit/.

>> No.12029305

describe your disappointment

>> No.12029321
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>> No.12029326

I'm so ashamed my conscious won't even let me explain it.

>> No.12029331


>> No.12029359

When a girl I followed on instagram somehow started dating my friend.

Im planning to cuck him.

>> No.12029373


you're never going to make it

>> No.12029377

The dumb bitch didn't have the wherewithal or the balls (no surprise there) to say she didn't love me anymore. Maybe she kept saying she did because bitches think like that--if they keep walking in one direction for long enough they'll find the path. Never mind that the trees are turning black, the air heavy, the light hot and--oh!--we walked right into a forest fire. In retrospect I know it was doomed, that the fire had encircled us like a superior army, that the only out was to charge forward into the flames or sit down, waiting for the smoke. How did it get that far? Maybe I was too soft (metaphorically speaking, if you will); maybe, as she later said, I did not have enough friends. Fuck knows I had neither money nor glamorous talent. It's always something superficial with a bitch. I could tell, those late mornings when she woke up in that dumb stupor, emotionless, that I was perfectly content with her face and person in a way she could never be with mine. So I shouldn't have been surprised when it ended so unsurreptitously, the revelation that she would be going to Amsterdam with a new friend, and afterward, the revelation of Amsterdam's bounties. Bar hopping. A hotel room. These objects, or perhaps only these words, will disgust me until the endpoint of the world, and every time they are invoked I will conjure images of that dark and seedy (no pun intended) establishment where she did with another what she taught to me. The shame of still having erotic nightmares ten months afterward was worse than the puncture she put into me when it happened. Anyway, that was my first breakup. Ten for fuckin ten, baby.

>> No.12029387

>when the poo poo wont come out

>> No.12029408

Many people speak about being emotionally scarred and I geuss in a way I was to. Now usually scars come from a tramatic experiences, a momment that cut deep, deep into who you are as a whole. Usually they are just a miniscule part of you life but they seem to wafe like cigarette smoke into every nook and cranny. Well I suppose this is true for me to, it seems to echo continually into my day to day life, relationships, work, home.
But for me, it's not like a knife cut it's like a spider bite. It hurt when it happened yeah, and yeah I had to get treated for it, and I know the source of my pain. The venom of a hostile child hood did it, it bruised my heart, it sunk it's venomous fangs into my youth and cause me to wither with who I am and who I could be. My love was insecure, I didn't know how to talk to any one, I didn't know how to even feel I just knew I wasn't healthy -sane.

>> No.12029415


pretty much same

the memes are true, girls don't have the same conception of "love" men do

>> No.12029427
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Since birth I have been my worst enemy.
You know the story two wolfs inside yourself.
I fed the bad one and now she's gone.
Here I am 5 years later, chasing the next high.

>> No.12029428

Just because I hated her doesn't mean I lack self criticism. I feel that you are heading in this common direction of "men have a deeper, more primal sense of love." And I disagree with that. In truth, young people are simply unaware of how not to hurt one another. A tautology, but a directional one.

>> No.12029446

That's a rough first breakup, having resentments is the best way to hurt yourself.
I don't believe in this meme, or at the very least want to pretend it's not true.

>> No.12029580


i don't know if it has to do with being deeper or primal. i just think men invest more into relationships if they're serious about them. it's kind of hard not to when you have to seek out and woo the girl. if i were a pretty girl and could sit back and choose among those men who approached me, it'd be far easier to remain aloof about the relationships that ensued. plenty evokes disinterest; scarcity the opposite. men simply aren't as "special" to women as women are to men.

>> No.12029587

i farded and shidded and camed

>> No.12029708

I had left my friends off at a McDonald's and said goodbye to them and approached the exit. As is typical in most McDonald's, there is two doors making the exit, one bridging from the outside in and the other bridging from the inside out, and the first bridge was fine. Stepping to the second bridge but not quite there yet I saw through the glass fixed in the door an unkempt and dull suited man nearing, and pushed the door open for him. Instead of stepping out of the frame so he could enter, I had blocked his path without meaning to do so, and in his lame voice he grunted and mumbled something incoherent between his lips and under his voice as he forced his way past me. It should be obvious that it is inherent in the nature of McDonald's to not attract the kindest or most agreeable of folks, but it seemed his rude gesture was compounded by the restaurant's location in a province of my town which demonstrated low standards and low people. My cheeks went red and I got hot and panicked and said "Fuck off", and he hadn't even turned back when I watched him keep walking. Fuck off, and he hadn't cared, not so much to even glance towards me. I don't hold the doors except for women and friends now.

>> No.12029930


>> No.12029815


>> No.12029831

Birth is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring.[1] In mammals, the process is initiated by hormones which cause the muscular walls of the uterus to contract, expelling the fetus at a developmental stage when it is ready to feed and breathe. In some species the offspring is precocial and can move around almost immediately after birth but in others it is altricial and completely dependent on parenting. In marsupials, the fetus is born at a very immature stage after a short gestational period and develops further in its mother's womb's pouch.

>> No.12029955

I was in the back of an ambulance, I felt nothing, I smelt nothing, I tasted nothing. A lady in a green uniform with white gloves on handed me a black-faced soft toy, the same toy still sits in my bedroom cupboard with stitching spilling out of its side. There was a man in green uniform sitting on the end of the thin mattress, he was holding my arm and saying things. Whether I’d been lying down or sitting too, or if I’d actually been floating as I remember I was, I have no idea.

A moment later I’m in a medical office screaming as four or five men struggle to restrain my flailing limbs. One calls out, my father walks in, he tells me to calm down. I don’t. He joins them and they pin me down on a table and start threading my head.

I’m with my father now in a bedroom, I ask him where my mother is, he tells me she’s in the hospital. “When can I see her?” “Soon.”

My father’s sitting in the passenger seat of a dark car, a stranger is driving, it’s nighttime and the centre console lights are glowing blue and red like spaceship buttons. He gets out of the car and walks in to the building to find my mother, I’m waiting in the backseat. He and another figure emerges, they’re both yellow in the light. He walks to the car alone and sits back down in the passenger seat.

“Where’s mum?”

“She’s dead mate.”

“Oh no.”