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12027726 No.12027726 [Reply] [Original]

What were the books that made you settle on your lifelong beliefs/ideology?

I want to become convinced of something and have values so that I can start living.

>> No.12027825
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>> No.12027860

I get the feeling most people on this website haven’t “”believed”” in anything major for more than three or so years
I also think you should approach beliefs intuitively, rather than being convinced in a book

>> No.12027875
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>> No.12027897
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Converted me to Christianity

>> No.12028060

The Bible
Carleton S Coon

>> No.12028066

>your lifelong beliefs/ideology
I'm 24, anon.

>> No.12028073

I still haven’t. I’m going through the motions with Buddhism and Stoicism. Any recommendations, aside from suicide?

>> No.12028143

I'm 19
But my beliefs were formed through my Dad, Boy Scouts, and Steve Irwin. I don't read books to be convinced an ideology is true.

>> No.12028201

you need to get on it, how are you going to raise your kids without having values?

>> No.12028447

The Mencius

>> No.12028549

Read Epicurus, Aquinas, Hume, and Kant.

>> No.12028562


>settle on your lifelong beliefs/ideology

I would actually prefer not to settle on any ideology "for life" and keep searching for truth forever, thank you

>> No.12028582

>I want to become convinced of something and have values so that I can start living.

Pray. Can't hurt, might help.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

>> No.12028624

It’s time to accept uncertainty... for years I chased ‘Truth’, tried to discern the correct from the incorrect so that I could go about living. Catholicism etc.
IMO it is better to have an un-systematic and ‘liberal’ intellect. Not to say you cannot create or engage with carefully delineated systems of thought, but pious devotion to something like Marxism or whatever like its its own set of metaphysical doctrines, something that demands loyalty, is misguided. They are never perfect. They might be internally coherent and even very illuminating, but there is always some discrepancy with the outside world. Tunnel vision. Not something you want to lash yourself to.

>> No.12028877

>I want to become convinced of something and have values so that I can start living.

My friend.... Welcome to the club. You'll want the canon. The fast-tr

1. Plato & Homer
2. Vergil
3. [Your people's epic, whatever your people happens to be --- Beowulf+Eddas if you're Northern European, etc.]
4. Genesis, Job, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

>> No.12029620
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Gave me a fundamental scientific theory for understanding Human behavior.

>The bible
The Idea of cyclical history, ie nothing ever changes and man kind makes the same mistakes over and over again. + faith in God.

>Paradise lost.
Gave me a love of the English language which i had previously considered to be incapable of sublime expression.

>A vindication of Natural society.
Gave me rational proof of why society and religion are important. rather than the usual "hur hurr muh TRADition"

>Up from slavery.
Literally inspiring, its the story of man who quite literally lifts himself up from the lowest social-economical class in the united states to respectable member of society on the nation stage.

>Plutarch lives of Cato the elder and Tiberius Gracchus.

Also inspirational gave me a blue print to live my life by and set a stranded for me to meet and surpass.

> the stoic Philosophers and platos defrence and prison dilogs.

Taught me, with rational proofs, why death is not to be feared and why virtue and sticking to your princepels is the most rational course in life.

To paraphrase my priest, Logic not pathos is what convinces man.

>> No.12030011

Not a book, but a quote

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.

>> No.12030074

OP, my entire life is a continuous existential crisis.

>> No.12030088
File: 119 KB, 600x768, John_Calvin_by_Holbein-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to compliment OP on his based John Calvin picture and to post my own.

>> No.12030101

Good post, anon

>> No.12030137

The pinnacle of woke. How does it feel?

>> No.12030166


Paradise Lost is shit-tier biblical fanfiction

Your confidence in your own limited view of the world is approaching autism

>> No.12030277

Not all that great really

>> No.12030312

>Paradise Lost is shit-tier biblical fanfiction
The most ignorant fucking pleb opinion I have seen on this board in a good while. Well done.

>> No.12030521

The Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.12030570


>> No.12030701

I like you. Nice post.

>> No.12030751

>having a lifelong belief/ideology
If I have any ideology, it's that this is a mistake.
You should be fluid in your beliefs, able to adapt to new information, experiences and environments. Take individual thoughts from great minds (providing you understand their meaning) rather than whole belief systems.

Of course, it's occasionally necessary - or perhaps rather advantageous to have some fixed beliefs, but this is a part of being fluid with your thoughts.

But avoid dogmatic thought whenever possible.

>> No.12031621

I am never satiated

>> No.12031626

based and redpilled

>> No.12031681

augustine’s confessions. taught me that virtue and faith are inextricably intertwined with grief and loss. not sure how. but somehow i just know it after reading it

>> No.12031690
File: 338 KB, 1237x867, stirnerbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read stirner to get over the idea of needing a fixed idea to live by in the first place

>> No.12032646
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say what you must, while I acknowldge that the book isnt the most biblically accurate thing ever.

The complexity of the thought, impressive amount of classical refences and the almost lycial beauty of the language draws me in every time.

I recommend you give it a try some time but sugguest that you read the bible cover to cover first along with plato and aristoles metaphysical and poltical works to understand half the refences

>> No.12032651

Take a leap and believe in something more life affirming and meaningful

>> No.12032770
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>Your confidence in your own limited view of the world is approaching autism

That maybe so, but it is so, because I came to my current views through rational self Inquiry over many sleepless nights and restless days and found no rational alternatives.

I went from a utopian communism to a pinko leftist to an apolitical protestant,race nationlism, flirted with fascism, and fell head first into islamism then into monarchism, confucianism, shntio and democratic band wagoning. yet I found rational and logical fault with all of these doctines and after long poltical and moral stupor I came to the High Church anglican and High Tory doctrine as the most workable and practibal

I went from one ideology to another over the course of ten years and it was these books which got me where i am today without all the middle parts.

if you want i could add a host books from all the above mentioned ideologies but i have reputiated them.

>> No.12032812
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The best book I've had, very impactful

>> No.12032914

Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville