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File: 25 KB, 256x389, Sex_at_Dawn,_first_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12027386 No.12027386 [Reply] [Original]

My SO and I have become very interested in polyamory lately, what are the best books about this?
Is this any good?

We're looking for open-minded, non-bigoted material only.

>> No.12027391


>> No.12027392

You are on a board filled to the brim with ressentiment-fueled incels (you're probably one of them). You're not here to get recs, you baiting falseflagging faggot

>> No.12027393


>> No.12027395

Jesus. You make me sick.
I cannot wait until your relationship falls apart.

>> No.12027437

I hear sex in captivity is pretty darn good, only briefly covers polyamory though

>> No.12027463


If you've got nithing constructive to contribute towards the topic, fuck off. Don't post for the dopamine reward of reacting.

>> No.12027485

Check out The Good Soldier

Related question: would you marry or otherwise settle down with a woman who was cheating on her long term partner to be with you in the first place? Asking for a fren.

>> No.12027490

The Myth of Monogamy. It isn't pro-polyamory but just about how everyone cheats if they have the ability and opportunity.

>> No.12027496
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>My SO and I have become very interested in polyamory lately, what are the best books about this?

>> No.12027505
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>marrying a girl who isn't a virgin

>> No.12027515
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Polyamory did happen in hunter-gatherer bands but they lived in actual tight knit communities that lived and died for eachother.

This has nothing to do with contemporary hedonists fucking strangers.

>> No.12027526

>Living in a '''Western democracy''' in the 21st century

>> No.12027539

>being too much of a tool to find a virgin waifu

>> No.12028059
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The concept of "Cheating" is kinda problematic in the context of a society that institutionalizes monogamy and deprives women of a healthy vocabulary to talk about alternative feelings.
So yes I would.

>> No.12028085

cringe to the extreme

>> No.12028092

>the context of a society that institutionalizes monogamy and deprives women of a healthy vocabulary to talk about alternative feelings.
imagine being like this top lel

>> No.12028094

lmao those are the authors?

genetic trash

the woman has masculine dimorphism (increased promiscuity) while the man looks like he has klinefelters

>> No.12028170

I guess eroticism by bataille covers sexuality and it's weird transgressiony aspects, which may be insteresting, though not sure if there's anything about polyamory there, so check it out maybe? It's a great book either way

>> No.12028221
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Come to bed, anon.

>> No.12028253

Cuck blood on the tires, on the rooftops, in the gutters, in the grass, in the garden, behind the boulder, between the toes, cuck blood filling basements, cuck blood pumped from pools, cuck blood soaked in the library, cuck blood blood of fools

>> No.12028422

She will probably cheat on you too but you never know

>> No.12028436

>would you marry a cheater
bro that's like rule #1 when you fuck a girl who's in a relationship you just pump and dump, maybe leave a note for her man if you're feeling generous or a pic or something, just to say "hey your gf is actually a cheating ho be advised" but there's no way in hell you attach yourself to a woman who proves herself to be disloyal and to lack self-control

>> No.12028440

what if all women are like that

>> No.12028451

>Hey anon...I met this guy Tyrone, he seems really cool. I was wondering if we could invite him over to maybe--i don't know--spice things up a bit?
>A-are you s-sure, baby? It would be a little stra-
>Awesome, he's already on his way.
>Yeah, anything for you, baby.

Seriously end the relationship now.

>> No.12028456

Currntly readin “wie wir lieben” by friedmann karig, it’s gernan and i don’t reall know if it’s translated to english yet

>> No.12028464

Germans are cucks

>> No.12028467

I dated a girl who talked a lot about this book (and Dan Savage) while I was at uni. She ended up seriously bringing up the subject then cheating on me when I said no

>> No.12028474

I too like strange cum. Perhaps your SO and yourself have the same enthusiasm for polyamory, but she's going to be the only one getting anything.

>> No.12028482

That is why God gave us the power to use violence and intimidation

>> No.12028485

Reading this kind of shit unironically makes me want to convert to Islam and purge kaffirs.

>> No.12028489

if this isn't a ruse cruise pretty much all open relationships end badly. Almost all of them that is nondescript enough that someone could think not us! Im just bullshitting a number but when I say mid 90s percentile or higher I'm not fucking around. All the faggots on reddit end all the people who talk about open relationships have been doing it for about a year or two it blows up soon after

I'm not trying to be mean or acting out of bitterness but this won't end well for you.

>> No.12028492

>China: patriarchal and monogamous
>India: patriarchal and monogamous
>Greater Middle East: patriarchal and polygamous/monogamous
>Africa: patriarchal and polygamous/monogamous
>South America: patriarchal and monogamous
>Europe/European transplants: patriarchal and monogamous

Are there any societies that don't require monogamy? Other than Polynesian tribes that were all but wiped out after European contact, that is.

>> No.12028513

Pretty much no. Even most hunter-gatherers are monogamous or polygynous. It isn't natural at all and it's really just an invention of dissatisfied (usually ugly) females rationalizing away their unrequited desire for Chad semen.

>> No.12028661

>tfw two cuties are into you and you into them
>tfw can't decide who should i pick
i wish could take both desu probably will neither due my indecision

>> No.12028891

You're probably right
Fuck, this chick likes Dan savage too

>> No.12028926

Brett Weinstein said this guy is full of bullshit on Joe Rogan. Granted Bret's wife was there, so that may have influenced his statement. She also seemed to agree that it's bullshit.

>> No.12028954

Dan Savage is a cunt, at least from what I heard him say on This American Life.

He says at one point that he doesn't demand an open relationship with his partner, but "if I screw up, I don't want you to just walk away, I want you to stay and work through it with me [paraphrasing, but see the This American Life episode with Dan]).

So, in summary, he wants a relationship where both partners pretend to intend on monogamy, then the dishonest shiteater partner does whatever he fucking wants while the honest, loyal partner gets cucked (or whatever the faggot equivalent is).

So, stated succinctly, Dan just likes to cheat. He doesn't want an open relationship. He wants a faithful partner to cheat on.

>> No.12028959

It's related - Savage shilled (and presumably still shills) the book pretty hard, that's almost definitely where she got it from.

>> No.12029054

The second oldest known civilization, the Elamites, were apparently a matriarchal society. They got wiped out by the oldest known civilization, the Sumerians

>> No.12029060


>> No.12029100

Just looked this up, fascinating to see a cuckold attacking a shiteating cuckold. Wonder how many tiers of cuckoldry there are?

>> No.12029144

Can I ask why you are interested, and if you and your SO were both on board at the beginning or if either one of you had to warm up to the idea.

>> No.12029156

>that pic

It literally reads like something out of Brave New World. America is fucked.

>> No.12029180

>deprives women of a healthy vocabulary to talk about alternative feelings
Sorry, I think you meant "deprives people." Women like to think they're oppressed by monogamy so that it's not their fault that they cheat. This is some top-tier bullshit. Monogamy has atavistic roots in child-rearing and clan culture that don't apply as strongly today. But the desire to fuck outside a relationship is shared between sexes. I don't know why I'm declaiming, we don't really disagree. But don't think that women are these helpless and demure little creatures who have sex forced upon them and can't help cheating. It's total horseshit, and people who think this way desire an infantilized woman. You're a literal cuckold if you would "settle" for a cheater. That's tarnished goods. Throw it the fuck overboard.

>> No.12029190

He sounds like a faggot. You should call him a faggot on twitter.

>> No.12029279

i always go out of my way to cheat on every relationship i get involved in at least once. after i do that i never worry or fret if i get cheated on bc i already did it too. the key is to be the first to do it.

>> No.12029328


We don't have any reliable records whatsoever about these people but they lived in a free love paradise trust us!!!

>> No.12029348

If you're going to read this then also read Sex at Dusk, which attempts to debunk much of this book

>> No.12029349

better to read neither desu

>> No.12029358

Polyamory only works on paper when children aren't involved. Once paternal certainty and the distribution of resources to pregnant women and children become issues, then you're basically asking men to financially support the spreading of someone else's genes both directly and through welfare. And it's perfectly reasonable for men to not be okay with that.

>> No.12029380

It's a mistake. You've been warned.

>> No.12029398

>that pic
Every time I read something like that it depletes my will to live just a little more.

>> No.12029573

The Blood Oranges by Hawkes

>> No.12029871


>> No.12029717
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Watch out for box pox, OP.

t. box pox survivor

>> No.12029729
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>reading material on polyamory


>> No.12029744

It's great for women. They can have the financial security of a guy they know probably won't be fucking other women, all while enjoying new dick on a weekly basis.

>> No.12029752

The Ethical Slut.

But it's a mistake, you're a cuck and you will regret any polyamory you're involved in because polyamory is how whores shop around.

>> No.12029756
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>> No.12029766

>It's great for women

>the more emotional sex
>having multiple romantic relationships is good for them

yeah nah

>> No.12029793

You have a naive view of women. What's good for them is different from what they want.

>> No.12030056

I’m in this situation now. Her relationship was clearly over and miserable long before we met but i’ll still never trust her.

I love her and its all a terrible tease but it can’t last. I was a nihilist when we met and going through this has made me cut all that shit and straighten up.

>> No.12030141

Polyamory only works if you don't invest emotionally in these people. Starting with a gf is already a problem. It works best by just acquiring a bunch of fwbs. You can not have close romance like in monogamy.

Only do this if you're okay with literally looking at your gf as nothing more than a hole you enjoy the company of. Otherwise you'll be fucked.

>> No.12030144

>My SO and I have become very interested in polyamory lately

Did I teleport to Reddit?

>> No.12030165

Yeh but they probably had a very different view on who gets to fuck who, if they even did do polyamory relationships

>> No.12030174

why can't people just cheat? at least it was more honest and less degenerate

>> No.12030225

People want to derive sexual pleasure from transgressing societal norms, but at the same time they want to normalise their transgression with these pop anthropology texts, or through basic moral sophistry. But they can't have their cake and eat it too.

>> No.12030230

You should watch his Q and A appearance with Peter Hitchens

>> No.12030237

>These post holes in a circle clearly indicate a TEMPLE TO THE UNIVERSAL MOTHER GODDESS

Once you start reading academic works you realize how full of shit Archeologists really are.
I swear all the "conveniently pre-historic matriarchal utopia" and "great mother goddess cult" fags are secretly femdom fags and probably footfags as well.

>Polynesian tribes
That was almost certainly bullshit made up by Missionaries to convince the church to send them more missionaries and one autistic woman who got fooled by her teenage "informants". Ethnology is such a joke, pretending objectivity while considering culture as an insect under a microscope instead of an alternate reality.

>Polyamory only works if you don't invest emotionally
>everyone cheats if they have the ability and opportunity

Getting REAL SICK of your shit, bugmen.

>> No.12031046

Is pic related actually his own writing? Not bad desu

>> No.12031124

This is clearly bait and if it is not I have only disgust and derision to give both of you

>> No.12031174

>problematic in the context of a society that institutionalizes

>> No.12031177

polygamy is death. Decay and die degenrate

>> No.12031181


>> No.12031233

Go back to the factory and get a system reset anon, you're malfunctioning.

You've strung together nonsense concepts to say nothing that is grounded in the reality. You live in an imaginary world built on a foundation of tautology.

>> No.12031276

don't become a cuck

>> No.12031284


>> No.12031288

All things die in entropy

>> No.12031684
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Good archaeology happens. However, like psychiatry it undeniably has political implications and is sometimes used to political ends.


I don't think they even bother keeping it a secret anymore. If I'd written the book in the OP while looking like pic related I would've paid to have every picture of me scrubbed from the public record.

>Margaret Mead
I don't think she was fooled; that was just an excuse once she was exposed. She 100% went down there to "document" how if only we tore down our repressive patriarchy girls could finally be happy.

>> No.12031732

True, I read an article about contemporary hunting and gathering Hadza tribe. They still have incels I believe, if you suck at killing baboons you'll get the laughing girls dot png treatment.