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12026226 No.12026226 [Reply] [Original]

Whose side are you on? Jordan Peterson or this journalist? She went to Oxford so she is like a smarter version of the British posters on here.


>> No.12026231

why I watch this normie pseud shit

>> No.12026241

cuz u dumb nigga

>> No.12026242
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Are Petersonfags the same people who used to be fedora atheists a few years ago? It seems like the logical evolution of that type of person.

>> No.12026246

1. We hate women
2. We are right wingers who are into redpill

We obviously prefer based JP, you retarded cuck faggot. He speaks for the right wing with logic and reason whereas the women speaks with muh feels

>> No.12026249

>Are Petersonfags the same people who used to be fedora atheists a few years ago?
Pretty much. Peterson/Sam Harris shilling comes from the same kind of teenagers that would have been all into Dawkins/Hitchens from a decade ago

>> No.12026250

my sides are in orbit so i'm all on my own

>> No.12026256

You niggers are dense af. The only people making JP threads anymore are irate lefties of the chapotraphouse style trying to bait hate towards his direction

>> No.12026257

>He speaks for the right wing with logic and reason
Peterson defends Englightenment liberalism, he is not right wing

>> No.12026258

JP shilling is not a 4chan phenomenon, I was talking about the whole JP shilling ecosystem

>> No.12026259

daddy :3

>> No.12026262
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I cannot stand this kike shill. I'll even take leftists over this faggot. At least leftists are honest about what they stand for. Peterstein is a sneaky, hypocritical little rat.
>dude you should always speak the truth no matter who finds it offensive
>unless it's about the Jews

>> No.12026264

Peterson hates trannies and leftists, he's /outguy/ (we hate them too. Of course we hate Jews, niggers, and women as well, but bar Jews, you can sense that he agrees with us on that, but can't say it for fear of his career). He has a few great videos on why women just aren't as smart as us white men

>> No.12026268
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Who would win in a debate between the virgin Jordan Peterson vs the Chad Jared Taylor

>> No.12026273

I kinda like peterson. How such a milquetoast canadian who tells man children to clean their penises cause such amounts of rage will never cease to amaze me. Seriously.

>> No.12026276
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I wonder if Peterson has dealt with Reich anywhere

>In contrast to a symptom — which must be considered as a production and concentration of character and which is felt as a foreign body, giving rise to an awareness of illness — a character trait is organically embedded in the personality. Unawareness of the illness is a fundamental symptom of character neurosis. An explanation of this degradation of individuality cannot appear except within an attempt to communicate, in this case within the analytic technique itself. However unilateral this technique may be, it rapidly revealed character for what it is: a defense against communication, a failure of the faculty of encounter. This is the price paid for the primary function of character, the defense against anxiety.

>> No.12026285
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Why do feminists look like pic rel?

>> No.12026287

I already hate that woman quite a bit. She doesn't know what it "means to feel like a woman"?

>> No.12026288

tbf most of us look like a horse's ass which is why we're anons who bitch about chads

>> No.12026291

peterson has extensive jewish and globalist connections and has worked directly for the UN

>> No.12026297

>For this reason few things injure us so much as the egregore known as "social justice activism," because it is an autocatalytic loop of ugliness
>An ugly woman is not as well cared-for as a beautiful one, hence she is less controlled.
>Being unloved, she consoles herself with a lie; "I do not WISH to be loved", except she phrases it, "I cannot bear to be ruled by a man"
>To prove it, she makes herself uglier
>There are few things more dangerous than feedback loops without dampeners. The classic example of cybernetics is the thermostat which tries to change the temperature of the room in response to the temperature of the room. A signal modulates an action which modulates a signal
>In the situation of the ugly woman, her self-amplification of her ugliness causes others to love her even less, and so she makes herself even uglier. Ugliness creates a desire whose fulfillment creates even more ugliness, a feedback loop without a dampener

>> No.12026306

That's it? He just works with jews? For fuck's sake. How can these people progress their cause if your base minimum requirement for entering is name the jew and tank your career?

>> No.12026311

almost entirely the same audience

>> No.12026312

Why would a based and redpilled individual such as myself desire juden peterstein to continue spreading banal liberalism to aimless losers for shekels?

>> No.12026313

I'm on the side of the Ents.

>> No.12026315

>At least leftists are honest about what they stand for.
Very few of them are and even then only if they have already done what they speak about, and even then they pretend it was merely the sign of times.

>> No.12026317

Im so sick of writing about how Jordan Patreon is a jungian charlatan that fundamentally does not understand modernism, post modernism, marxism, and psychology and pedals pure pseudo-science and ideology as gospel.

Its all so tiresome

>> No.12026321

Too much irony. I am genuinely lost now. I am sorry stranger, I have no idea what I am doing anymore. Peterson is a dull Canadian.
Peterson gives banal advice to young men with daddy issues. How does this translate into so much sheer rage across the entire political spectrum?

>> No.12026327

True, but bitch looks like a donkey's hemorrhoid lmao

>> No.12026332

What I'm saying is that peterstein is a simple shill and a snake who has been gifted the role of ideological gatekeeper along with the rest of the "intellectual dark web" by the media in order to maintain the current state of affairs, dull liberal consumerism. Socialist freaks think he's a nazi and national socialist heroes think he's a jewish shrink doctor who overdosed on a potent mix of jung and his own farts

>> No.12026349

I wonder who bothers to type these posts

>> No.12026359

Works for incels too desu

Please he can't even do jungian right

>> No.12026365

Is it snake oil to give basic advice though? Not his weirdo religious stuff, I mean his actual self help. My dad died at 12 and I was aimless in life and the dude helped me. Am I retarded? Of course! Turns out I genuinely did need super basic life skills that I had never been taught.
That said I would tell the jew haters to beat them at their own game. Study hard, use nepotism, and sue people. Why does every jew hater assume you can't just beat the jews? Why does it always have to be the government that has to get rid of them for you?

>> No.12026376

>tbf most of us look like a horse's ass

>> No.12026380

Or maybe he genuinely doesn't believe that there's a jewish conspiracy

>> No.12026383

Circumcision is anti-jewish jewish conspiracy.

>> No.12026388

Why not just beat the jews at their own game? Get your in group, focus on study, use nepotism, and sue anyone that looks at you funny? Unless you are a defeatist?

>> No.12026394

>needing youtube daddy to tell you to wash your penis because you can't do it alone
You are not ready for the initiation of counter-semitism, I cannot help you now. But if, in the future, you wish to grow, you can find me at redchanit.com. For now, stay based, white brother. I will see you again.

>> No.12026400

I am lost truly. I have no idea what is going on anymore. Sorry friend.

>> No.12026410

i don´t care what leftists and commies think, peterson is doing god´s work by opposing the leftist madness and sjw rethoric

>> No.12026437

He speeks like a cool guy, honestly.

>> No.12026465

I am on nobody's side, because nobody is on my side, little anon.

>> No.12026471

the left also opposes sjw shit
nobody likes this stuff

>> No.12026478

they don't though, they like to say they do, but if you push them minimally they fall in line with the corporate machine

>> No.12026479

>the left also opposes sjw shit

go outside for once retard

>> No.12026487

I just hate him because he defends, that's all.

>> No.12026490

sjw censorship is neoliberal controlled opposition

>> No.12026493

defends the jews* i meant to say.
I sure hope it was my mistake and 4chan doesn't censor "jews"

>> No.12026503

may be, but there's no leftist "uncontrolled" opposition anywhere to be seen

>> No.12026517

In america there isnt. Americans dont have anybody that is opposed to loans without interest let alone any type of socialism

>> No.12026522

how new are you

>> No.12026540

and the rest of the left is slowly being culturally colonized and neutralized by american leftist ideas, at least in europe, i concede that there may be some "real left" somewhere outside the west though

>> No.12026541

i actually like her, she's cute in a weird way

>> No.12026588

aw they're bonding over how awful twitter is, this is sweet

>> No.12026612

>New age jungian hack vs. IQ obsessed nihilist
All I know is that society loses.

>> No.12026812

He doesn't really answer her questions here that well

>> No.12026815

Does that mean fedora tipping atheists are now fans of a prime mover?

>> No.12026843

No memerson shill here, but this is my honest opinion on him: I believe he has been dragged into public discourse for the stupidest reasons and from then on he has been able to capitalize on a set of ideas which I believe are sort of relevant. He seems to be well informed and a good debater, for as much as I do not agree on many of his positions. He is rational and worth listening to. I do not believe he is an intellectual who will be remembered as groundbreaking, but the reason why he is perceived as such is because most of the things he says, which have been around in Europe for the last 200 years at least, fairly accessible to every educated person - we do philosophy in high school, etc. - are relatively new to canadian culture. I see him as a relevant figure in the popularization of certain authors, such as Nietzsche, Jung, Eliade, who never really made it outside universities in Canada and the US, like most books. This is the first time, honestly, I have seen something which loosely resembles a public intellectual in north america. In Europe they stopped existing around the eighties/nineties, as we imported the american television model - before that television was still trying to be something more than simple entertainment and had some relevant cultural niches which are almost completely gone by now.
So, for as much as I don't like his theories, I think that his presence of the public scene has forced us to elevate a little bit the quality of public debate, with journalists forced to engage with academic thinking - which is way more systematic and does not start from the premise that the complexity of a certain discourse should be "dumbed down" in respect of an "audience" of stupid people, which is the premise of most discourse appearing in television. Peterson may have got many things wrong, and he may be overgeneralizing a lot of stuff when he talks about philosophy, but if I honestly do not remember when was the last time someone mentioned nietzsche in a tv debate and was still taken seriously. I see this as a relatively positive side of Peterson becoming famous.

>> No.12026961

>the definition of tyranny is something that isn't good

i don't think so jp

>> No.12026981
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>1.193.983 view
wew, i thought Peterson was internet-dead, i guess i am out of touch with zoomers

>> No.12026988

>>A tyranny is a cruel, harsh, and unfair government in which a person or small group of people have power over everyone else.
>>cruel, harsh, and unfair
>>isn't good
>i don't think so jp

>> No.12026991

the youtube comments are hilarious. endless fanboys calling her an npc and celebrating their hero

>> No.12027014

Like when?

Bullshit, if anything Europe is bringing socialism back. The fall of center left parties is being coupled with the rise of hard right and left parties ala Corbyn and Melenchon

>> No.12027019

this is an actual comment
>He basically called her an NPC at about 1:08:45... “I could replace you with someone else...”. Also, ...” the pathology of ideological possession”.
this is huh, wow

>> No.12027045

top kek, have you looked at the actual Labor party beyond Corbyn? it will be a free for all identity politics cry-fest purity spiral that will consume everything as soon as they manage to grab some power
>Labour is no longer the party of the traditional working class - British
>'Cities are now Labour heartland, with working-class turning away ...
>Can Jeremy Corbyn restore Labour's working class vote?
>How the decline of the working class made Labour a party of the bourgeois left
>Labour Faces the Need to Reconcile With Working Class Brexit Supporters
>White working class boys 'at bottom of heap' because of focus on minorities and women

and i don't even care about the white working class, but don't try to meme me into thinking Corbyn's party is an old school left party

>> No.12027069

Honestly, JP gets owned in the beginning of the video by this chick. I'm not even left-wing, but she is making sense.

>> No.12027091
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Chapo crap house false flaggers.

I love JBP. Doesn't make me pseud, normie, rightwing or whatever the hell else. He's an interesting guy whos selling stuff thats genuinely helping a lot of people. Hating him and trying to silence him seems like pure spiteful malevolence to me, although I can completely understand those that disagree with a good chunk of his politics or philosophy.

No you faggot

>mfw everyone who despises jbp is some weird form of extremist and probably lives at home with mommy
>durrr horseshoe theory
suck my dick

>> No.12027108

FUck off NPC. Try and post something original next time instead of spewing out verbatim NPC tier quotes.

>> No.12027125

shes so cute :3

>> No.12027130

We need to rangeban the anglophones.

>> No.12027154
File: 564 KB, 719x719, 1480523822666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video is an hour and forty-two minutes long. Are you people actually watching this shit? That's way too long for me to watch fucking Jordan Peterson. I can get a lot of shit done in an hour and forty-two minutes, I'm not going to sit here and watch a fucking Peterson video. Even shitposting on 4chan for an hour and forty-two minutes would be a more productive use of my time than watching this dumb video.

>> No.12027174

>guy who literally has a bible study lecture series
are you braindead?

>> No.12027203

can somebody give me a basic gestalt on the video, can't watch it either

>> No.12027226

atheism was never about not believing in god, it was about feeling smarter

>> No.12027231

No, it's the next generation of those people.

>> No.12027233

youre better suited to /pol/ where your ridiculous insults in favor of providing a counter argument are the norm.

its fucking boring and its the interviewer trying to talk about the history of feminism and Peterson interrupting her and talking over her to say the patriarchy isnt real

>> No.12027242

Until this man debates Zizek he is a fraud

>> No.12027251

Zizek already got cucked by Will Self, it would be boring and pointless

>> No.12027281

Holy fuck he sounds drained in this, he's finally tired of playing online dad

>> No.12027302

he always sounds like that, did he cry once or twice during the interview? he always does that too

>> No.12027322

Wait til you she what she looks like from the front.

>> No.12027324

I don't think the interview was held so some ugmug can teach Jordan about feminism and explain to him muh political views let's tax the rich and the rich just leave to another country. Peterson on the other side tiredly responds to everything even more offtopic so it's a never ending boring shitstorm of random opinions and some basic psychology

>> No.12027350

>Will Self
I don't know who he is, but that guy deserves an award for talking to Zizek in a manner he deserves. It wasn't so much a debate but more a sympathetic attempt to direct Zizek's rants from going in circles as he usually does.

>> No.12027355

her way of speaking and display of emotions is cute
many people are not photogenic or attractive from one angle but are beautiful in motion in the flesh in the way that they hold themselves

>> No.12027364

confirmed braindead

>> No.12027387

Therapists help people who are fucked up and neckbeards who hate women and fap to anime all day are fucked up. He's just doing his job.

>> No.12027401

confirmed clueless, read the Four Horsemen between lines and it's all about liberal circlejerking about how smart they are except maybe Dennet, and he is p-zombie but that's a different conversation

>> No.12027405

yeah, but to think most people become atheist just to seem smart is stupid

>> No.12027407
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Peterson is the stupid person's smart person. That said at least he is very intelligent. I don't agree with his philosophy and I certainly don't agree with his business practices but he is smart and strong willed. That journalist is just some stupid college kid and an NPC.

>> No.12027424

but most atheists don't identify as atheists, it's mostly a useless label

>> No.12027456
File: 87 KB, 960x553, GGpuFaR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has, by his own admission, thought thoughts that no man has ever thought before. He has dared to dream dreams that no man has ever dreamed before.

Of course, Jordan Peterson also happens to be a narcissist, a charlatan, and an intellectual con man who doesn't even bother to learn the subjects upon which he lectures. He is a defender of free speech who silences other speakers, a fearless free-thinker who never hesitates to run away from debates, difficult questions, and controversial issues, a philosopher who rejects the conventional definition of truth, and a learned professor who has failed to read most of the great classics of the Western canon. He is, in short, a shameless and unrepentant fraud who lacks even a modicum of intellectual integrity.

>> No.12027461

>and a learned professor who has failed to read most of the great classics of the Western canon
kek, did you unironically fall for the canon meme or are you just memeing?

>> No.12027476

you are reading your own bias into it, you are way off

>> No.12027483

lol if this is the state of Peterson's detractors then that says a lot

>> No.12027593

This. The fact that most of his audience are neckbeards is actually a good thing because it shows some sense of shame.

>> No.12027609

peterson is based and redpilled. hes helping gamers rise up to genocide all feminists and SJWs

>> No.12027626

aren't all gamers zoomers nowadays? are boomers still playing games instead of shitposting somewhere?

>> No.12027662

Nah she Shrek

>> No.12027741
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>> No.12027746

I think its very unfortunate that the NPC meme got normified like this. The right had a genuinely accurate meme that shed light on the nature of many leftists, but they just had to turn it into yet another buzzword

>> No.12027761

Video is too long. At what point does he start crying?

>> No.12027764

I only play Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.12027765

Ur shrek

>> No.12027766

the NPC meme was always garbage, the only reason it became funny is because of how mad bluecheck journalists got about it

>> No.12027769

looks based and redpilled

>> No.12027785


>> No.12027838

Peterson does not understand postmodernism. He is an man who is capitalising on this momentary fame to fill his pockets. He peddles half baked ideas and espouses a model of ethical behaviour based on Christian values.

But he is smart, calm, soft spoken yet assertive and a convincing speaker. He is not someone who can be dismissed casually. It appears he genuinely believes in the things that he is talking about. His critics need to do proper research before taking him on.

He is not a representative of the alt-right, he is a classical liberal. He hates identity politics.

He likes Dostoyevsky.

That's the long and short of it.

>> No.12027850

>he is a classical liberal
ughh, is there a worse meme-ideology?

>> No.12028011

>not knowing where the surge Labour had in 2017 snap election came from
>copy pasting headlines from newspapers that have always hated Corbyn
Also not all working class are from the rural areas moron.

>> No.12028021

coping this hard

>> No.12028107

Not an argument. Even the articles themselves that you quoted don't target Corbyn per se but talked about the trends Labour had before he came around that he is reversing.

>> No.12028129

whats wrong with classical liberalism?

>> No.12028639

what bothers me about him is his inflexibility and hypocrisy regarding an all-encompassing ideology. he sees everything through his lens and refuses to give any ground or revise anything of significance

>> No.12028650

>I don’t think I’m selling anything
What a charlatan

>> No.12028659
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My dad sent me a video of Petey's; absolutely praising him and "only one who makes sense of this chaotic world"

>> No.12028663

Yeah atheist professor would NEVER STUDY THE BIBLE!!! Anyway his christfaggotry is an obvious LARP and his evasive questioning is embarrassing. Authentic (that is to say, believing) Christians don’t like it. It’s not like he has doubts or something but still ultimately has or tries to have faith... he is a cultural Christian who doesn’t want to say it for some reason. No clarity.

>> No.12028682

>The right had a genuinely accurate meme that shed light on the nature of many leftists, but they just had to turn it into yet another buzzword
mainly coz it was as applicable to the people that it was used to as to the people using it. It was an already shit to begin with

>> No.12028723

What about these guys?

>> No.12028732

I am extremely attractive

>> No.12029502

Speak for yourself, im a tall handsome guy who works out and has a great paying job

I abstain from degeneracy because I have morals

>> No.12029508

She is fucking unbearable, holy s h i t

>> No.12029512

He said so himself, it’s a touchy subject and he doesn’t want to speak unless he’s done a fair amount of research, give him time

>> No.12029523

fucking lmao.