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12024589 No.12024589[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about being based and redpilled?

>> No.12024623
File: 20 KB, 279x302, 1532563430591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday i hear of the world getting worse and worse, and yet i still don't feel the effects of it. It's as if i'm shielded away from it by a thin veil that i can see through, yet it is easily tearable at any moment.

>> No.12024645

>Everyday i hear of the world getting worse and worse

People have been saying this since the dawn of man anon

>> No.12024653

Its because youre a fucking white male

>> No.12024657

everyday i read shitposts from brainlets, and yet i still come here. it's as if i want to suffer through content like this for no real reward.

>> No.12024668
File: 589 KB, 2046x1127, lefty v pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be based and redpilled, or you can actually learn something about the world

>> No.12024684

George Chalmers’ Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the Colonies

>> No.12024687

except that this is cherry-picked and therefore simply the act of making a post like this confirms that you are an idiot.

xbox owners should be scrubbed from the face of the earth though.

>> No.12024726

Sanctions against whom?

>> No.12024729

> muh sanctions

/pol/ told me this guy was supposed to be the opposite of hillary and obama?

>> No.12024733

it would be true no matter what collection presented

>> No.12024737

Smarter than you, Ahmed

>> No.12024739

They are desperate for a war

>> No.12024745

that makes no sense

>> No.12024750

If you categorically respect academics and especially journalists you already lost desu

>> No.12024762

you've made judgments on people based on conclusions that they have reached while making assumptions about how they reached those conclusions.

the assumptions you've made about the journey are what make you an idiot.

>> No.12024766
File: 245 KB, 1739x859, lauren southern literary genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should they not be given more credibility than fringe media pundits, failed science fiction writers, and con artists?
Should they be on the same level as the author of this?

>> No.12024782

>They are desperate for a war
Who are? The US? Always.

>> No.12024808

Yes but Trumps admin would be particularly in need of a distraction and the poll boost that comes with any military action

>> No.12024821

obama : black :: trump : white
hillary : woman :: trump : man

>> No.12024833

everyday midwits reply to artless brainlets with canned responses that make my chest heavy, that make my eyes droop, and still I return, and still I will offer them their attention they need to continue the cycle.

>> No.12024846

I actually can't believe this is real. Imagine any other president doing something like this. For Trump, it's just another day.

>> No.12024857

he didnt tell you to categorically respect any of the things you just rattled off. he opposed categorical respect.

>> No.12024869

>For Trump, it's just another day.
And that's a great thing.

>> No.12024870

>imagine any other president imposing economic sanctions on another country
i'm sure that sounded good in your head.

>> No.12024876

not familiar with the Raygun administration are you?

Dirty Wars across Central America
An illegal war against Nicaragua fought with the aid of drug cartels
A covert operation to propagandise the American public: Office of Public Diplomacy
Aiding Apartheid South Africa
Provoking the Soviets into invading Afghanistan and aiding the Mujahideen while running smack for them
Every time there was a dip in the polls or upcoming election there'd be a little fight with some pissant somewhere: bombing Libya, invading Grenada, etc
A bizarre operation selling arms to Iran
Ans a president that used racist dog whistles and by his second term was plainly suffering dementia

>> No.12024879

>because reasons

>> No.12024882

For me that veil is a wooden wall and Seneca is within a hand's reach.

The comments about the world getting worse exist only to make the person who's saying it feel better. I applaud them sarcastically and say "Congratulations. You have figured out and you proceed to drive that point home multiple times... for over 10 years in a row." Is Deleuze right about Capitalism being a process that goes in a circle without a goal? Does that mirror the way we think?

>> No.12024885

You know exactly what he meant, el hamburguesa.

>> No.12024888

The party engaging in the action of sanctioning delineates the specificity of the pronoun, "they", in the succeeding sentence. Clarifying the who is superfluous.
You failed to recognize this because your IQ is low as evidenced by your conclusion that the US is "always" war hungry. You assume the US is anxious for a war at all times without regard for the party but this isn't true and is just a reddit-tier "IS OIL THERE" meme; in other words, a gross over simplification. In actuality, the US has no jingoistic vae victis foreign policy, and its foreign policy interventions have zero gross benefit for its citizens. It's nothing more than a moralistic Frankenstein driven by competing "ideals" in a broad sense and in a specific sense, parties within the US seeking the exert the war machine for very specific reasons (such as a casus belli against Iran solely arrived at due to Israeli lobbying). If the US was truly intent on opportunistic war, Saudi Arabia could be mostly eradicated and plundered in a matter of weeks and it's oil resources nationalized for US use only. I'm actually astonished at how grossly incompetent the US is at utilizing it's war chest, and whenever it is deployed (at least the past 70+ years), it never benefits the nation.

>> No.12024889
File: 208 KB, 1400x2133, 71wTLXA-9PL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike donald, slim hated jews.

based and redpilled even though he's a nigger

>> No.12024890


>> No.12024894

Categorical respect isnt based on the merit of the work, so the sage casts it into the bin alongside its twin, the appeal to authority.

>> No.12024897

You could have chosen a better bookshelf for the leftypol image.

>> No.12024906

I can't wait to see /pol/ when Trump destroys Iran to benefit Israel.

>> No.12024908
File: 40 KB, 470x315, dumb-americans1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appeals to the core demographic

>> No.12024914


>> No.12024919

you typed all that out just to confirm that you have a bias towards your own nation. how many countries has usa invaded in the past 50 compared to iran? thanks come again

>> No.12024931

America is genius. Trump is important for the stability of the world, and the world has gotten too comfortable to a passive America.

>> No.12024939
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>> No.12024945
File: 81 KB, 645x729, ⚠️ CRITICAL ERROR ⚠️ INVERSE MASS LIMIT EXCEDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You "confirmed" that actually.
>how many countries has usa invaded in the past 50 compared to iran?
And of those invasions, which ones were successful or done for a purely self-interested reason? Very little. When did the US loot and plunder a nation instead of wasting her resources engaging in nation building.
The post isn't saying to invade Iran either, idiot. Retorting and and offering Iran as juxtaposition, is non-sequitur here. The point was that the US is not does not opportunisticly attack weak countries to it's own benefit as it sees fit. If that was the case, Iraq would be mostly depopulated and gasoline less than 50 cents a gallon.

>> No.12024950

Trick Baby is great as well

>> No.12024957

do you know how many nations it is? you think america drops bombs on children because the military has a big heart and not interests at stake?

how many military bases does america have again? its the new rome...you are blind and trying to defend it because its the nation you live in

>> No.12024965
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And of those invasions, which ones were successful

>done for a purely self-interested reason?

ALL OF THEM you dumb fuck


>> No.12024993

>do you know how many nations it is?
Straw man. Simpleton appeal to quantity which was not contested. It doesn't change the fact that most of these conflicts were lost or even if won, failed to yield any spoils of war.
>you think america drops bombs on children because the military has a big heart and not interests at stake?
Straw man and appeal to emotion.
>how many military bases does america have again? its the new rome...you are blind and trying to defend it because its the nation you live in
Where did I defend the actions taken? If the US was truly interested in empire building, they're doing a terrible job at it. Rome forced its client states to pay tribute. The US does not. The US provides defense and billions of dollars of aid to countries where they hold a military presence, again to no self-benefit.

Of benefit to small specific parties, not the nation, How did picking a fight with a tin-pot dictator (in both instances) benefit the US said for a small amount of industries and actors within the US who personally benefited. It didn't.
Reading comprehensions 0/10, please go back to /reddit/.

>> No.12025005

>American corporations don't benefit from militarily enforced globalization
You're kinda retarded there bud

>> No.12025010

Reading comprehension 0/10 still
Please re-read
>Of benefit to small specific parties, not the nation
Which includes a number of "American corporations".

>> No.12025036

you keep saying it failed to yield any spoils of war despite the fact the us has military based in every country and companies profit off war.

there is no 'strawman'. america has invaded countless of countries. you look stupid arguing that each case was because of america's big heart.

>> No.12025061

And ameritards get to buy cheap goods from said corporations, everyone wins
Now go jerk off your lost dreams

>> No.12025112

>dog whistles
Is there anything worse than the lefts’s use of quasi-psychoanalysis to control the discourse? I really can’t think of anything more annoying.

>> No.12025133

>us has military based in every country
Only of benefit to military logistics in the event of war. Having a physical presence without enforcing tribute or getting some other benefit out of it is meaningless and hardly a perk.
And yes, some companies profit; and again, not the nation.
>there is no 'strawman'. america has invaded countless of countries. you look stupid arguing that each case was because of america's big heart.
No. Each case is because of the the stupidity of America's politicians. Regardless, I wasn't discussing "each case", you are, and you are again turning this into a numbers game.
Conflicts where the corporate entities provoking it stand to gain seldom result in price decreases, but rather price increases. Case in point, oil prices.
Foreign policy is not waged in the US for the benefit of the nation at large. If it were, the defeated nations would be ransacked and their industries taken over, and that's going easy. The foreign theater of the US is an incompetent mess driven by competing interests, for various reasons. Most 'parliamentarians' of the US are total hacks and most presidents mere puppets and stooges for other interests. None of them have ever used the massive organ of the US military for purely opportunistic and jingoistic national self-interest in the past 100 years.

>> No.12025138

christ god that is cringe writing