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/lit/ - Literature

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12023641 No.12023641 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone here hate this book so much?

>> No.12023691

it’s made up

>> No.12023710

Unironic Jewish propaganda

>> No.12023735

Unsupported claims.

>> No.12023740

Unsupported claim.

>> No.12023742

Hate to say this but wher are ur supports

>> No.12023746

why dont you both unsupport this claim *unzips dick*

>> No.12023750

Google it

>> No.12023751

it's boring to read.

>> No.12023758


Let's be honest, it's poor fiction to start with, making it required reading in public schools only adds insult to perjury.

>> No.12023765

Why are we taking it as a given that the book is fictitious?

>> No.12023770

Why would we take it as a given that the book is factual?

>> No.12023771

It describes things that didn't happen in real life.

>> No.12023776

because even as someone who does not deny the holocaust at all and isnt some naziboo, this is pure fiction

I remember even when I was pretty much a zionist I read this and thought it was garbage

>> No.12023778

I knew this shit was fake even when I read it in high school.

>> No.12023780

Extrapolate. I've read it, it seems like pretty standard holocaust fare. I want to know what sets it apart.

>> No.12023785

I remember getting called a nazi in 9th grade English for saying I didn't think this book was very well written

>> No.12023817
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>tfw when you actually like ‘Night’

>> No.12023834
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There is literally nothing wrong with spicing up otherwise boring stories by adding some fiction.

>> No.12023837

The sequel continues with the main character fighting in an underground zionist movement against the british in pre-independence israel.

the author, on whom Elisha is based and named, was never accepted into the fighting wing of the organization and spent his time associated with it (they would not make him a member) translating unimportant documents.

this tells me all I need to know about night. good writers do not have this much ego.

>> No.12023849

>nazi's literally murder over 6 million people
>"b-but some people told exaggerated stories!"

/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.12023864

They aren't our people and they have no business living among us, so who cares what happens to them?

>> No.12023889

I'm literally jewish dude and no one inherently gets to live somewhere where other people don't

>> No.12023902

How come Jews only ever care about the Jewish body count?

>> No.12023917

Do you have a source for that? Europeans seem to care more than jews themselves

>> No.12023926

Not support.

>> No.12023933

My source is the guy I'm quoting who admits to being Jewish who just rattles off the classic six quadrillion without seeming to acknowledge the tens of millions more people who were killed but not in his tribe.

>> No.12023938

So not a source and also nothing to do with the question? Alright

>> No.12023944

Jewish tricks.

>> No.12023945

Typical Jewniversalism. Animals have packs, herds, territories, we are no different.

If you're incapable of following the thread of discussion you should probably stop posting.

>> No.12023947

except israel right?

>> No.12023965 [DELETED] 
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Fuck you Jew. Subhuman garbage. Can't wait for the ACTUAL Holocaust (ya know, since the first one didin't actually happened and was manufactured by Russian Marxist Jews).

Learn your own history you fucking JEW RAT.

>> No.12023978

I hate you and all your people.

>> No.12023993

No racism outside of /b/

>> No.12024076

Jews aren't a race (by their own admission), so technically anti-semitism is completely allowed under the rules of 4chan since the rules say "no racism" not "no anti-semitism".

Sorry my Hasidic friend. Are you going to censor me like some fucking kike, or are you going to follow the rules?

>> No.12024089

He said it himself when he met a Hasidic rabbi (rebbe) whom he had not two decades.
>"‘What are you writing?’ the Rebbe asked. ‘ – Stories,’ I said. He wanted to know what kind of stories: true stories. ‘About people you have known?’ Yes, about people I might have known. ‘About things that happened?’ Yes, about things that happened or could have happened. ‘But they did not?’ No, not all of them did. In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end. The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: ‘That means that you are writing lies!’ I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself. ‘Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are – although they never occurred.’

>> No.12024107

>muh babies being thrown for machine gun practice!!11!
that I remember as standing out as bullshit.

>> No.12024169

i don't like genre fiction

>> No.12024236

Night is the source of a lot of Holocaust cliches. It's the Lord of the Rings of the Holocaust genre, and in fact was written for roughly the same reason and degree of factuality (mythology building)

>> No.12024243

Why do you hear so much about a war crime committed on another continent by a now-defunct enemy state before your grandparents were born?

>> No.12024261
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I'm just going to say it. Fuck Jews. I hope they burn in hell for eternity among their ancestors.

>> No.12024284


>> No.12024433

>Some events do take place but are not true; others are – although they never occurred.’
What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.12024650

Do you think Primo Levi disliked Elie Wiesel

>> No.12025306 [DELETED] 

Because it's not the first time germany committed a large scale massacre complete with death marches
And because we learned about it as children before we even knew about previous wars where similar cruelty played out
And kids are supposed to believe adults and question later

>> No.12025331

>no holocaust denial before this post
>muh /pol/! muh nahtzee!
/pol/ and /leftypol/ is really a race to the bottom huh

>> No.12025336
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>Genres: Novel, Memoir, Autobiography, Non-fiction novel, Fictional Autobiography
unironically what did google mean by this

>> No.12025339


>> No.12025353

Seidman argues that the Yiddish version was for Jewish readers, who wanted to hear about revenge, but the anger was removed for the largely Christian readership of the French translation. In the Yiddish edition, for example, when Buchenwald was liberated: "Early the next day Jewish boys ran off to Weimar to steal clothing and potatoes. And to rape German shiksas [un tsu fargvaldikn daytshe shikses]." In the 1958 French and 1960 English editions, this became: "On the following morning, some of the young men went to Weimar to get some potatoes and clothes—and to sleep with girls [coucher avec des filles]. But of revenge, not a sign."

>> No.12026007

So it's literally jewsploitation

>> No.12026028

There was a study of this book done some years ago in which the author dissected its glaring chronological inconsistencies.

>> No.12026456


>> No.12026488

Weasel is a lying holocaust merchant

>> No.12026750

Because I don’t read fiction

>> No.12026998


>> No.12027477

Author was an ass as well, given how he attempted to make the Holocaust Museum to be about how only the Jews were targeted by the Nazis in the Holocaust. Read Preserving Memory by Dr. Edward Linenthal for more.

>> No.12027639

How many books do you remember reading about the Jewish-sponsored Holodomor in school?

Genrikh Yagoda, a Jew (like most of the Soviet Union's security apparatus prior to the Stalinist purges), organized the deliberate starvation and genocide of some 7.5 million non-Jewish Ukrainians. Also like most Jews, he was also a virulent anti-gentile and Jewish supremacist who tortured and murdered and starved thousands of Ukrainian babies to satisfy an ancestral revenge for pogroms.

But instead of learning about the 20 million killed by the predominantly Jewish Cheka, you learn about the Holocaust for 12 years. In elementary school it's Number the Stars. In middle school it's Night. It's Anne Frank. It's The Assault. Children as young as five are deliberately and repeatedly traumatized by images of Jewish corpses and stories of lampshades, which are disseminated by Jews themselves to celebrate their cult of victimhood.

During my time in American public school, I read no fewer than six or seven books about Holocaust, all outside of history class, and every one exclusively focused on the Jewish experience--not the Catholic nuns or Gypsies or numerous other groups who suffered under the Nazis.

Jews think they own suffering. They like to pretend that they are persecuted, they like to pretend they are not the single most privileged group in all of Western society, they like to pretend they are not genocidal imperialists.

In truth, they are just a bunch of bullies. Whiny, sniveling, nepotistic, ratlike bullies who cause problems wherever they go, and who use made-up stories like Night to justify their hateful, whiny, sniveling ratlike bullying behavior.

>> No.12028164
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>How many books do you remember reading about the Jewish-sponsored Holodomor in school?

People don't give a shit about the Holodomor in the West because it literally didn't occur in the Western sphere of influence. It occurred in Ukraine, deep within Eastern Europe. Morever, there has been a long-standing prejudice against people from the "East" that runs back millennia and their suffering is considered to be trival. The Holocaust on the other occurred in Germany, the heart of Western Europe, and its victims came from as far as the United States in some instances.

Also, Anne Frank would be pregnant if the Confederacy had won the Civil War. Fuck Yankees and fuck Krauts.