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File: 12 KB, 300x300, georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel-9333532-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12023290 No.12023290 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, how the fuck do I understand this fucker?

>> No.12023301

Read his poetry + Rameau's Nephew + Antigone + Jacob Böhme + a primer on rosicrucianism

>> No.12023308

IQ 300 required, otherwise you will go insane and become a tranny and/or communist and/or nazi and/or alchemist and/or UFO enthusiast

>> No.12023310

Tranny is synthesis between male and female

>> No.12023314

How Was Haygle influenced by rosicrucianism?

Please elaborate.

>> No.12023316

Read him alongside Althusser

>> No.12023331
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this but ironically

>> No.12023343

here's his poem bros

>The mystic philosopher Hegel dedicated this poem to his friend Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin in August 1796. The two had first met at the Tübingen Seminary in 1788, and had remained in contact. Rich in mystical symbolism, the poem expresses the importance of the ancient mystery schools to these eighteenth century philosophers and literary figures.


>> No.12023344

post memes about him on social media

>> No.12023937

Reading him might be a good start.

>> No.12023942

I've seen multiple people turn into trannies when they were reading hegel

>> No.12023957

There's nothing to understand, Hegel is intellectual cancer.

>> No.12023966

You see those fearful wide open white eyes in your picture op? That's your answer. He saw the truth and couldn't speak its power.

>> No.12024019

guarantee your time would be better spent elsewhere

>> No.12024077

t. the abrahamic shill

>> No.12024090

:( i feel bad for you

>> No.12024123

i feel good sweatie

>> No.12024293


>> No.12024364

Hegel was literally a Lutheran, moran

>> No.12024423

its total obscuritanical, continental wankery.

Read Marx. he puts Hegel in his place whilst at the same time writing in a cohesive linear manner

>> No.12024480

lots of thinkers identify as prominent whatevers at their time to avoid getting executed, meme moran.

>> No.12024490

>spiritual eunuch can't into Hegel


>> No.12024494

his thinking was heavily influenced by Boehme, a Christian mystic who was himself nearly executed

>all great religious thinkers were just pretending to be religious

stop posting this meme you trog

>> No.12024497
File: 310 KB, 1280x856, structure-light-led-movement-158826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one in history ever understood Hegel.

>> No.12024498

dont fall for this materialist bait OP, remain firmly on the path of idealism.

>> No.12024510

what is standing under?

>> No.12024519

Fucking bozo

>> No.12024520

im not saying they were aetheist. dont strawman. they were religious no doubt but identify prominently as any religion culturally sound at the time, that doesnt mean thats all they studied. maybe read better, assblast.

>> No.12024536

wheres your argument nincompoop?

>> No.12024539

Nobody is saying that Hegel only ‘studied’ Lutheran theology. Whether or not Hegel made his adherence to a state church public knowledge, it doesn’t make sense to say that he didn’t hold the beliefs he espoused without a decent argument centered on his own life and work. You haven’t provided such an argument. You’ve provided nebulous statements about how people can espouse socially acceptable sentiments for political or professional gain. Woo hoo. Nobody cares. Come back with an argument specifically tailored to Hegel’s religious beliefs or fuck off. Nobody gives a fuck about your poorly considered opinions.

>> No.12024544


you posted a triviality, not an argument

>> No.12024548

It’s not exactly an argument but it’s rught here >>12024539 shit-for-brains

>> No.12024557

literally didnt say anything of that sort. observe your asshurt as you fail to understand hegel. your paragraph can be a case study on hegels thought.

>> No.12024562

I hope you’re just b8ing, you seem like a genuinely retarded person.

>> No.12024565

prove you understand hegel first

>> No.12024569

You don't. Read Frege instead.

>> No.12024571

this is why the meme of hegel being 'mystical' comes about. you guys are rigid.

>> No.12024583

>someone says something trivial but nevertheless controversial
>ask them to support their claim with evidence or put it into a context that makes it non-trivial
>’dude stop being so rigid’
Kill yourself, moran-bozo-mouthbreather

>> No.12024584

Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.12024599

>Hegel being mystical is a meme

this is what left hegelians actually believe

>> No.12024603

its either the subtlety evades you or it doesnt. i dont care if you guys think im wrong. whatever nigs. continue to meme him to fish for a basket weaving approved standard of his thought.
yeah keep it going. its only trivial if you dont understand. it will only keep haunting you because the elements of that thought reach unto this day in your everyday life. no big, lose asshole shitwalker
yes. some bbqs are triggered

>> No.12024605
File: 5 KB, 200x200, hegel smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hegel is not a philosopher. He is no lover or seeker of wisdom — he believes he has found it. Hegel writes in the preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit, “To help bring philosophy closer to the form of Science, to the goal where it can lay aside the title of ‘love of knowing’ and be actual knowledge — that is what I have set before me” (Miller, 3; PC, 3). By the end of the Phenomenology, Hegel claims to have arrived at Absolute Knowledge, which he identifies with wisdom.

ok now, this fucking slaps

>> No.12024611

I don’t have any fucking idea what your position is supposed to be, what are you even trying to say other than that you disagree with me?

>> No.12024654

>I don’t have any fucking idea what your position is supposed to be
youre now answering the questions of your own errors. such is the dialectic. wow. you can probably reply to yourself and it will turn out better than trying to paint me as saying what you want to say to yourself

>> No.12024666
File: 73 KB, 878x737, 428E7688-CB81-479A-AF3F-7257A0ACF6B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so done with this

>> No.12024971

Through intuition