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/lit/ - Literature

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12023037 No.12023037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that literature isn't life? That maybe you being an incel is a product of sitting inside and reading, having an interest in epistemology instead of some dumb rapper's new album? Most women I went to college with and, are soon to graduate, are quite literally stupid and superficial. They are aesthetics driven, fall in love with the idea of something but never follow through with the reality, and have no time for genuine intellect from a male. You have to dumb yourself down, you have to be exciting, you have to be bad for them to even look at you.

>> No.12023059

>You have to dumb yourself down, you have to be exciting, you have to be bad for them to even look at you.
if thats true they are not worth my time

>> No.12023060

Pretty sure what you're saying here is common knowledge, you're merely overestimating how much people give a shit.

>> No.12023061


>> No.12023064

Why do you assume that an interest in literature replaces all other interests? I like things, but if the thing isn't a book, I don't talk about it on here

>> No.12023070

I'm eccentric enough to be smart and exciting.
Hell you don't need to dumb yourself down to be a bad boy. Just buy a quarter of: cocaine, molly, ketamine, et cetera, and start selling that shit.

>> No.12023074

that guy looks like a cool dude honestly, would join for a beer and shoot the shit

>> No.12023078

This guy sounds based.
Redpill me on Chase and Sanborn coffee. Looks like some shit the working class of the early 1900s drank.

>> No.12023084


I've come to the realization that if you fancy yourself an intelligent and knowledgeable person but are concerned with being an incel what that means is that you're not as intelligent and knowledgeable as you think you are
Or to put it more accurately you were never really meant for that life
You have just used it as a surrogate in the stead of the life you really wanted deep down all along which was just to be an average person who falls into an average life

>> No.12023085

The only people who both think that the majority of people are soulless automatons and still desperately want their attention are /r9k/-tier fags

>> No.12023089


>> No.12023093

read some Houellebecq and you will stop being this bitter about being an incel.

>> No.12023110

retail shit but better than folgers, rare, comes in a tin can
you can order it off amazon for cheap if you want to try some

>> No.12023117

>When did you realize that literature isn't life?

Without life there is no literature. Therefore, life is needed for literature; the opposite is not true.

>That maybe you being an incel is a product of sitting inside and reading, having an interest in epistemology instead of some dumb rapper's new album?

Being an “incel” is much more than a product of sitting inside and reading. Sitting inside and reading may be a product of poor social adjustment and adaptability. Poor social skills may be a product of being surrounded by dumbasses that want to be rappers, and the logic continues in multiple causal directions, making such cases corrolatory at best.

>Most women I went to college with and, are soon to graduate, are quite literally stupid and superficial.

Let them be stupid and superficial on their own terms. The best thing you can do is understand that you’re smarter and communicate just enough of an idea to play them to your advantage, if that’s what you’re getting at.

>They are aesthetics driven,

So is everyone, the object of what is and is not aesthetic changes. Money may be aesthetic to one where architectural design is to another. Another could just like the look of a clean shaven pussy on his dick. Fat people like watching cake boss. Each have their associates emotions and dangers.

>fall in love with the idea of something but never follow through with the reality, and have no time for genuine intellect from a male.

You are coping so hard I cannot offer you much, other than to focus on what makes you happy, and make sure that which makes you happy is none other than you.

>You have to dumb yourself down, you have to be exciting, you have to be bad for them to even look at you.

Who hurt you?

>> No.12023206

>not grinding your own beans
No fucking clue how anybody can stand that acidic chemical swill

Even 8 o'clock coffee whole beans or whatever they're selling at the supermarket is miles ahead of Maxwell and Folgers

I'm not a coffee snob. But it's like four dollars more expensive for two weeks of an exponentially better tasting coffee (you know, that beverage that you drink every morning)

>> No.12023211

>Who hurt you?
world and then he decided to hurt himself even more
i know from experience

>> No.12023214
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>> No.12023217

you guys are even more bitter and miserable than usual. is it because of the winter/christmas?

>> No.12023238

Haha loser, I have an expensive machine that crushes the beans and immediately turns it into god tier espresso

t. Loser grad student who still lives with his dad

>> No.12023259

My mood peaks around this time of year actually

The leaves and bugs are either dead or dying
It's getting colder
Spooky nights, and they come earlier too

I like to spend my Friday evenings smoking weed by myself, listening to shoegaze, and shitposting on 4chan. Maybe I'll make a stew later. I'm gonna leave the windows to my bedroom open and wear a coat until I go to sleep. Damn I love autumn.

>> No.12023378

>t. CIA nigger

>> No.12023588

no offence but thats some edgy shit
even for my standards

>> No.12023704

He’s practicing for homelessness

>> No.12023711

If that's what qualifies as edgy for you, you don't have much standards.

>> No.12023734

how is that anon sitting in his room on a friday edgy? if youre going to shitpost at least do it properly.

>> No.12023760

Liking night time, cold weather and autumn is apparently the peak of edge.

>> No.12023895

maybe edgy is a wrong word
more like high school 2deep5u stuff?

>> No.12023904

this. im perfectly fine with being alone. im probably better at it than anyone else i know. i guess im just a stoic

>> No.12024085

Where's your mom?

>> No.12024102

Who would have guessed that leading a well-rounded life is better for your mental health than autistically limiting yourself?

>> No.12024933

All I have now is literature.

>> No.12025055

you sound like me anon

>> No.12025086

>Most women I went to college with and, are soon to graduate, are quite literally stupid and superficial.
I bet you're from the states. No surprise here. Try visiting universities in Spain

>> No.12025137

What happened?

And to be fair, that’s still quite a lot to have.

>> No.12025144

Hehe, guess ima friggin stoic :)

>> No.12025156
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OP, let me put this way.

Imagine all your life, you're handsome, and girls all your life wanna suck your dick, you will be unable to understand a chad life.

Same way, all your life, since you're a small kid, most normal people will always hold a grunge or literally hate you, since you were a small kid, they always remind you how smart you are (simply how a hot girl is reminded every day she's hot), you lack an interest into plebians entertainment because is just stupid, trivial, dumb, very predictable. It feels like dumbed down shit for mentally handicaped kids. You need something to fill the empty void of your life where people argue about their retarded lifes and repeat stupid anecdotes about the same stupid shit they always repeat in every family reunion to strangers during the rest of their lifes, many times things that happened 50 years ago. Then you simply smile, but you're alienated because they don't seem to mind to repeat the same anecdata, the same political views, the same stupidity, the same triviality, over and over again, the same opinions, the same mediocrity.
After a while you're literally starving for some kind of intelectual debate, something interesting beyond the generic mediocre shit you see on anime, films, games.
Somehow at some point you start to read literature and find someone you consider your equal, or somehow someone smarter than you, you finally see there's another person out there that had your same concerns about life, and listen his ideas or debates, and you listen, and you learn.

OP, is not like we would prefer a social life, we yearn of having friends and getting a gf, but most people are simpletons who may be fucking NPC, like the fucking r9k maymay.

It gets tiresome to spend time with people who are less smart than you, since is like spending time with literal children, and most socializing feels like patronizing where they're silent when you try to discuss something you're passionate about and in the end they hate you, so is better to simply be quiet listening their mediocre lifes and mediocre problems about their mediocre memes they saw at facebook.

>> No.12025260
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just kidding

I know that feel boyo

but hey, at least the internet and psychedelics exist

otherwise I would've commited suicide long ago

>> No.12025275

Well no woman's ever going to fuck me anyways, so I might as well spend my time doing something I genuinely enjoy. And I genuinely enjoy reading good lit

>> No.12025308

I like literature but I love these anti/lit/ threads for some reason. And yes, though OP is trying to be pro/lit/ as a justification of himself (literature solely within the context and environment of /lit/, is his identity and being), he reflects poorly upon it and so it is anti.

>> No.12025365
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>literature isn't life
Understanding is life. Reading aids in the learning and understanding process. It is not life in and of itself.
Involuntary celibacy is due to lack of social skills. I myself am perfectly capable of socializing, as are many others on this board. The point is that this form of socializing, the socializing that focuses on getting "laid" is absolutely pointless to someone who is living a balanced life.
>Most women ... are quite literally stupid and superficial.
All the more reason to disregard "most women". Most people in general are not worth the effort to socialize with, hence the aversion to most social situations. Attention-vampirism of this sort does nothing to aid in a man's rising to greatness.
>You have to dumb yourself down, you have to be exciting, you have to be bad for them to even look at you.
Objectively wrong and bluepilled. You don't have to be a brainlet to be exciting. Women love balance. The man who has obtained balance between his intellect and his intuition is the superior man, and the true master of his own destiny. Women find this attractive, however, they have to get to know you on a personal level in order to see it. Getting their attention isn't the hard part. Getting them to give you their loyalty and devotion is. Through this whole process, at no point is a man required to lower his standards to such things as "rap music" or other transparent, banal frivolities found in pop culture.

>> No.12025376

Bugs.. easy on the actually sensible and insightful points

>> No.12025416

>his self worth is dependent of whether a person allows him access to their soft hole

>> No.12025454

I did my masters in Italy, I'm from America. Euros are just as retarded, they only have a thicker facade of bullshit to pick through before you see it

>> No.12025462

Remarkable how reddit /lit/ is without ever being able to notice or properly sort this out

>> No.12025527

i tip my hat for you supreme getlemen

>> No.12025681

I'm not going to abandon my ideals just to have sex with some illiterate moron. There's more to life than sex

>> No.12026645

Why is /lit/ filled with this incel and "why do good girls like bad guys" posts

Ffs is cringewhorty and pathetic. I just want to talk about /lit/erature and all the board is just cringe posts by some incel asshole

>> No.12026749

I agree anon, know what you could do to fix that? Bump some worthwhile threads instead of this one.

>> No.12027237
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floodover from /pol/.

>> No.12027454

>you have to be exciting
Maybe because most women actually want to enjoy this short and painful life, rather than spend time with someone too afraid to participate in it.

>> No.12028868

and this sir is why I upvoted you! Godspeed

>> No.12028888

Christ above /lit/ sort it out

>> No.12029501

This dude seems hip af. Bout to order some Chase & Sanborn now. Thanx mate!

>> No.12029578
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>> No.12029585

your words are not profound but they are true and somehow titillating

>> No.12029594

I feel the same way. It's always maximum comfy bedding down for winter, having a warm hearth, etc. Winter isn't pleasurable, but it's great to be physically reminded that home is a place for respite. The worst time of year is late springtime when the trees come into bloom, suddenly the days are long, the lovers go waltzing outside, and life is being lived everywhere except my sad little corner of it. Truly, as a melancholic, it is somehow doubly depressing and insulting to see the rest of the world wake up.

>> No.12029704

The reason you're an incel isn't your interest in literature or philosophy. It's because you're an insufferable fag. I read all the time and post on 4chan and I was able to find dates. I'm engaged now, and it's awesome. Get a grip, dude.

>> No.12029710

nice anon, I saw Slowdive live almost a year ago exactly