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12021677 No.12021677 [Reply] [Original]

Lmao what went wrong

>> No.12021688

Is it kind of weird he has those painting in his house?

>> No.12021706

any more pics of his house?

>> No.12021727

His brain was malnurished during feeding when he was a baby. Really unfortunate how his he talks about his mother.

>> No.12021755

He feels like he deserves oppression and tries to cast any ideological opposition thusly. He's obsessed with the Gulag Archipelago and the painted bird because they let him live put his fantasy.

>> No.12021801

When you turn yourself in to a spectacle, eventually you buy a ticket to your own show.

>> No.12021851

Yeah. I think Memerson started out as a Stalin wannabe and when he realized he couldn't have it stared doing his best to make sure nobody got to be Stalin. Classic Stalin envy. Textbook.

>> No.12021874

nothing wente wrong. he's killing it and getting rich while beta pomo fag libs cry on /lit/

>> No.12021933
File: 196 KB, 604x453, DO_NOT_WANT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socialist Realism and Modernist paintings on the same wall

>> No.12021948
File: 368 KB, 600x607, Peterson-IHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rebel Media was founded by Ezra Levant – formerly he worked at the Koch funded Fraser Institute their primary think tank in Canada and did his internship at the Charles G. Koch Foundation. It has received funding from the Middle East Forum, which the Kochs fund through their Donors Capital Fund. And has produced anti-Muslim attack ads with them featuring far-right personalities.

Rebel Media has been a regular platform for Jordan Peterson who they have raised money for.

Jordan Peterson also often recommends Koch linked groups, pic related, and pals around with Dave Rubin who is Koch funded.

>> No.12021953
File: 2.52 MB, 1579x989, b89b4wllxfs11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And appears at TPUSA events with Charlie Kirk - TPUSA receives funding from no less than 4 groups funded by the Kochs.

Also in attendance were Ben Shapiro, who is sponsored by the Koch funded Young America's Foundation, and Kellyanne Conway who sits on the board of the Independent Womens Forum which is Koch funded.

>> No.12021954

So by now the question must be asked:
Why does Jordan Peterson hang around with so many Koch funded people and out lets?

>> No.12021955

I think you already know the answer to your question, anon.

>> No.12021958

No, I don't.

>> No.12021964

He was a good psychology professor, relatively well-established and well-respected. And then he took it upon himself to make a career out of publicly criticizing the entirety of Western civilization on YouTube.
He went from academic to pop culture critic. He's basically Tomi Lahren, but with a background in academia.

>> No.12021966
File: 56 KB, 460x523, 1529168811583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blah blah blah Koch brothers Koch brothers blah blah blah Koch brothers

>> No.12021968

whats your explanation for this: >>12021948 >>12021953

>> No.12021969

>good psychology professor
pick one

>> No.12021970

do you have a problem?
You can read the whole thing here, has sources for everything: https://old.reddit.com/r/KochWatch/comments/9ig7q3/the_kochs_and_the_altright/?st=jnzvvgnx&sh=63e8c5c6

>> No.12021987

so the Kock brothers are the boogeyman for the left just like Soros is boogeyman for the right?

>> No.12021988

jordan peterson is good

>> No.12021992
File: 34 KB, 500x363, drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh both sides

>> No.12021998

Cant understand Lacan
Cant understand post-modernism
Cant understand run of the mill french lunatics
Cant understand Marx
Cant understand Kant
Cant understand Hegel
Thinks Nietzsche matters

>> No.12022000

you what? just asking if it's the appropriate comparsion

>> No.12022002

They just happen to be goyim, so leftists feel free to mention them specifically.

>> No.12022007

pretty much but both soros and kochs are capitalists that just want to maintain their own interests so the kochs are a more effective boogeyman than soros because at least the the idea of a koch boogeyman is consistent with their ideology

>> No.12022009

He is well-cited, more than average actually, and ran his practice for a long time. He may not be LEGENDARY or whatever, but yea he's a good psychology professor. He contributed to the field of psychology.

He goes where there is money. Koch brothers have money. Koch brothers like Trump, and the tax breaks they receive thanks to him. So they support the people who normalize Trump's rhetoric.

>> No.12022023

Nietzsche Lives Matter!

>> No.12022024

I know how he feels, I have Stalin envy too.

>> No.12022064

>>12021677 He's fascinated by those propaganda paintings for their historic/artistic value. I recall him talk about how he thinks you could see the artists' individualities bleeding out of what is supposed to be pure propaganda.
Also he thinks keeping your environment beautiful is important. They may be propaganda but that doesn't stop them from being top-notch quality art(at least on a technical level).