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/lit/ - Literature

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12020874 No.12020874 [Reply] [Original]

>He read fictional fairy tales

>> No.12020876

now this is a thread

>> No.12020883
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found you

>> No.12020887
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>he doesn't realize that women read more books and that 9 out of 9 of the books men read are generally shitty self-help

Read fiction. Women for the first time in history have gotten something right on a general scale

>> No.12020897

How do I break out of this cycle? :(

>> No.12020901

Women are in the right here, though.

>> No.12020902

I also love non-fiction, like Homer.

>> No.12020905

Women shouldn't be allowed to read. It's clearly harmful to them since they're incapable of thinking for themselves.

>> No.12020907

spot the npc's

>> No.12020912

Logically the reading fiction should just be replaced with reading .

Most of the great producers of any medium didn't consume much

>> No.12020916

this is complete horseshit

>> No.12020917
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Why not both

>> No.12020920
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>tfw the quark was named after a word in finnegans wake and countless stars after ancient myths etc. while stem-wannabe (pffff) redditor manchildren justify their already understandable by itself lack of interest in literature with a phantom masculinity they'll never achieve but constantly ache of
>tfw already academy dominating women are on the rise and still read

>> No.12020932

fuck off retard

>> No.12020936
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spot the brainlet

>> No.12020963

>woah now, we can make fun of you but don’t you dare try to say anything about us. We’re inbellegent because we read about 11th century wheat farmers and post about it on a Botswanan sword swallowing forum

>> No.12020965

You know what that is pretty sad. Hopefully science in the future won’t be so pseudointellectual

>> No.12020972

lol non-fiction is the most NPC genre in all of literature. Literally just swallowing facts. Fiction requires you to be awake and conscious.

>> No.12020984

Human beings create great works of art. NPC's consume them. you are the consumer, the underman, the entertained, the comfortable

I am the creator, the expressor, the history definer, I am the chad

>> No.12020990

What's that have to do with anything? lol you're a colossal faggot. Reading is the exact opposite of being an NPC, you pretentuous cunt. You don't even know what it means.

>> No.12020994

obviously a meme but it isn't my fault that some don't engage critically with a text or have them go lifeless along their skimming, also most writers read to understand and study a tradition or whatever

>> No.12021000
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Consumption as an act is so simplistic. When one is reading fiction attentively they are listening to dialogue and wondering how what is said affects every character. They imagine the location and the actions. It's not as simple as reading words on a page for a few hours and you're done.

>> No.12021007

>consuming escapist fairy tales for toddlers makes me a human being

Fiction is a pass time for NPC's to fill their abstract thoughtless days with entertainment and make their resting periods more comfortable. You are a consumer of human expression becuase you are an NPC. You dont create anything, you dont require knowledge you only require entertainment. You are an NPC and this isnt subjective

Consuming fictional media is only acceptable in conjunction with a creative outlet. Like a human writer reads books to write books. If all you do is read books by all standards of measurement you are subhuman and sub conscious

>> No.12021009

Damn... this guy is pretty redpilled bros

>> No.12021013

so what do you do, stare at a wall in T-pose with a smug look on your face?

>> No.12021025

fuck off with the npc shit man go do something productive if you're the only human around machines don't get sentient because you bang your head against them for long and you should know that so stop wasting your valuable to society or whatever time prove your worth

>> No.12021026

I create things all day everyday. When I read I read to attain knowledge on the many things I am constantly working on. I am a savant, a man of many interests. I am also a chad

This is not subjective. People like me create the works of art NPC's like you waste their time consuming

>> No.12021051

>I create things all day everyday.
such as?

>> No.12021053
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>> No.12021055

>You are an NPC and this isnt subjective
NPCs play vidya and watch Marvel movies, they don't read Dante, Borges, Nabokov, etc. like I do.

>If all you do is read books by all standards of measurement you are subhuman and sub conscious
Imagine unironically believing this shit.

>> No.12021058

It’s ok to read fiction as long as it is written by a traditional Catholic. Anything else is devoid of value.

>> No.12021065

All your bullshit falls apart since this is an anonymous board and you have no way to prove your claims. You're just another NPC lol what an uber faggot.

>> No.12021070
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>I create

>> No.12021081

that drawing is far more human than anything a consumer does. you literally sit around all day reading stories about how humans interact with one and other... its weird. that subhuman tier drawing shits on your whole life, flaws and all

>> No.12021084

>Dostoyevsky is for toddlers
>Tolstoy is for toddlers
>Faulkner is for toddlers
>Joyce is for toddlers

who told you that? your fellow plebbitors at plebbit?

>> No.12021144

>NPCs play vidya and watch Marvel movies, they don't read Dante, Borges, Nabokov, etc. like I do.
Literally no difference between these. In the end, you're a consumer looking for comfort, entertainment, escapism. Also, those authors are not above anyone else in terms of the essence of their works. Dante, for example, is basically shitty fanfiction. Worse yet, you only consume them because of perceived and self-indoctrinated prestige and superiority. I bet you don't even like them all that much, you just forced yourself enough that it became habitual, as any other section of entertainment. Actually, while someone may watch some Marvel movie, it requires no real attachment and ownership of the consumer, by the to be consumed. Whereas you're completely subordinate to your perception and consumption of literature. Evident as you huff and puff, indignantly with nothing to say. Liking literature (of the fictional kind) is merely a matter of acclimation to an outlet. It's harder to acclimate, generally, as it is removed from your circumstance and culture. Don't mistake this difference for superiority.

>> No.12021155

Fairy tales and old myths are more significant, every world holds a universe of greater meaning.

>> No.12021161

>there's no distinction between a work of art like the Divine Comedy and capeshit like Ant-Man.
Jesus. Just kill yourself. I don't even know what you're doing on this board, go back to /tv/ or whatever plebbit sub you crawled out from.

>> No.12021187

NPCs consume passive entertainment, humans experience fiction via the written word. That is the difference, if you're some quirky autistic faggot from Ohio or something, who can't see the difference here, that's on you. Also, who the fuck reads poetry for entertainment or escapism. Do me a fucking favour.

>> No.12021189

start creating things. consuming media isnt a hobby its a pass time. if you like reading as pass time you already have a knowledge base to begin writing. this will enrich your life and mind in a way consumption of media cant

>> No.12021199

>its different when i do it

imagine being this delusional

>> No.12021219

When you're an active reader, there's an inner monologue inside of you connecting the dots, narrating the story in your head, telling you this and that. Literally the exact opposite of an NPC. Maybe you read books with your arse, but I do it using my head.

>> No.12021237

>when you read a story
>you follow the story with your mind


>> No.12021264

> You are an NPC and this isn't subjective
There's no such thing as an NPC person. Get out you fucking pseud

>> No.12021265

>oversimplifying an argument and constructing a platitude out of it to make it seem ridiculous
You truly crawled out of plebbit.

>> No.12021270

>he watches fiction movies and shows
>he dreams of fictional alternative realities
>he describes plans for the future that are by definition fictitious and nonexistent
>he writes texts with hyperbolic detail
>he pretends his life is anything but pathetic
Yes OP, truly the greatest of thought provoking material you have given us here. Thanks for killing the Londonfrog thread, faggot.

>> No.12021281
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>> No.12021288

Most men are more likely to read non.fiction books because most men are losers trying to get their shit together by reading self-help garbage. They don't read philosophy or hard science, they read 10 Ways to Be a Better Man or the next popscience best seller by Bill McFaggot DeCunt.

>> No.12021290

>she reads exclusive film essays
I'm in

>> No.12021295

funny that the faggots saying what and who is an NPC are an NPC themselves. they have the "i wanna be different" complex, like teenage girls have. this meme was born because a study said most people didn't have an inner monologue, which has nothing to do with reading fiction or not, in fact, people who read are most likely not NPCs.

>> No.12021309

>in fact, people who read are most likely not NPCs.

sounds like you're trying to convince yourself of that. maybe instead of thinking so much you should go back to your escapist fairy tales... stop stressing out your cpu

>> No.12021313
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>> No.12021315

Better not download one fictitious thought in your head OP, it'll go against your codex.

>> No.12021329

>sounds like you're trying to convince yourself of that
No, I'm not, most active readers have an inner monologue.

> you should go back to your escapist fairy tales
I don't read fantasy.

>stop stressing out your cpu
NPCs are software, not hardware...

>> No.12021330
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>> No.12021335

>listening to music can't be cerebral
brainlet detected

>> No.12021339

Yeah, "error", yet you're the one regurgitating a tired meme, and I'm the one actually thinking and replying. You're the NPC, pal.

>> No.12021347

>this kid seriously doesnt make thoughts
you understand that most people have an inner monologue, correct? not all creation is material, but i wouldnt expect an r/atheist STEM-cheerleader to understand any of that :)

>> No.12021352

Why would you make something if you think only brainless retards would read it? Just to entertain yourself? That's little better than nasrurbation.

>> No.12021365

>he creates for other people

i found the npc

>> No.12021376

this is true. humans express themselves, npcs consume humans expressions

>> No.12021385

Both are unequivocally human. Otherwise they wouldn't feel another human's expressions.

>> No.12021396
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"npcs" do... empathy?

>> No.12021398

do they though? i have a hard time believing an individual who was purely a consumer would have much emotional intelligence

>> No.12021401

NPCs are incapable of consumption just as much as a hole in the ground. they simply become filled and throw it back up when they are full.
if you can read a book and think about it congratulations, you have a soul. go pray for your selfish sinful self.

>> No.12021411

>NPCs are incapable of consumption


>> No.12021414

There's people who read The Hunger Games and there's people who read The Brothers Karamazov. The former is made for entertainment, aka consumption, while the latter is a human expression.

>> No.12021421

>im a better consume than those other consumers

this is just sad

>> No.12021422

you dont have even a basic idea of what consumption is. do not post again.

>> No.12021431

wut is consumption poo-pei

>> No.12021440

i already explained it. when you eat food and digest it, you are consuming. when you throw food on the ground you are doing what NPCs do.
putting your eyes on media and then repeating what you have been told to feel about it by AV club is how NPCs 'consume'. the fact that you cant even imagine the difference between those two definitions of 'consumption' proves that you simply have nothing going on in your head.

>> No.12021444
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>> No.12021445

You can't consume (read: absorb) a work of art. This "muh consumers" shit is absolutely misguided.

>> No.12021450

well OP started the retarded semantics games.
point is, not all creation takes place in the material world, and only a mindless soulet like OP wouldnt be able to understand that process.

>> No.12021452

The irony of the NPC meme is that memes are themselves an NPC habit.

>> No.12021463

but u r consuming just like npc because this guy put it into your mind first. u r the npc fren

>> No.12021476

lol what is this npc tier cope?

>> No.12021485

Imagine being such a shallow person you built an identity around consuming media. its fucking embarrassing

if you're over the age of 20 and you havnt found a creative outlet I consider you a subhuman

>> No.12021501

If you eat out more than once a month you are a consumerist pig who has no lense of thought in how to create and invent. You are by definition a subhuman ape, most likely of mud skin, and never wash your hair. I hope you choke on the McBurger you purchased you lousy cretin.


>> No.12021506

People eat for pleasure. People read fiction for pleasure but only an npc could delude themselves into believing its something more than that.

Case in point, you.

>> No.12021510

I was agreeing with you and you called me an NPC. What a dunce.

>> No.12021513

The argument was that it's not okay to read fiction, yet here you are now moving the goalposts that it's okay as long as you don't believe it has any sense of worth besides pleasure. You are a scum sucking consumer and you can fuck off, (((McKike))).

>> No.12021517


>Consuming fictional media is only acceptable in conjunction with a creative outlet. Like a human writer reads books to write books


>> No.12021529

>He read fictional fairy tales
Good job moving the goalposts you dunce. But lets say you're not a samefagging OP, just this once. Consuming such medias in fiction is absolutely fine, even if you have no creative output, as the ability to do other things in your life makes it so that your personality, character, and resolve do not have to revolve around the entirety of reading and/or writing. Your philosophical lens is merely the statement that you should be so narcissistic as to spread your own thoughts and ideas to the world, as if anyone actually cares about your opinion. Otherwise, if you're not as narcissistic as you, you surely cannot be anyone with intelligence or output of worth. Pathetic.

>> No.12021537

>Consuming such medias in fiction is absolutely fine, even if you have no creative output

i found the ai

>> No.12021540

>i have no argument so i'll resort to ad hominem like a samefag
K. Peace faggot.

>> No.12021546

Imagine being this shallow. You really dont do anything do you? Just sit around like a lard ass playing video games and reading fictional books... Mate you are pathetic

>> No.12021551

Most non-fiction is like a textbook though, especially if it's for a practical skill like finance or something

>> No.12021557

Idont know if you know this you disgusting consumerist pig, but life is about more than being entertained

>> No.12021558

Yet here you are continuing to post on /lit/ like the failure you are. Gosh /lit/ is such shit now.

>> No.12021564
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Anon if you are going to say something you could at least say it with some style. Even psychology is more interesting because they put more character into their writing.
>implying i pay for anything

>> No.12021566

Fuck up pig boy

>> No.12021908

Is this book anything like Land's Chasm and Phyl-Undhu?

>> No.12021938

>average people
>reading 9 books a year
i don't think so

>> No.12021985

Its cringe but if u like landshit ure gona love it

>> No.12022022

>james bond shitposting on my board
dat'll be a yikes from me d0g

>> No.12022038

I bet you hate poetry, too.
>who the fuck reads poetry for entertainment or escapism
Too few people. Poetry is excellent entertainment and escapism.

>> No.12022041

You could easily read 14 novels and 9 histories/science books in a year. Set your sights higher.

>> No.12022073

What's that saying about reading history to not repeat it? You should read history, so you don't repeat its mistakes. Just read history, folks, or you'll repeat it. That's why men are smarter, because men don't make the same mistakes over and over, generally, as they read history. What feminist wave are we on now?

>> No.12022080
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Put me in the screencap senpai

>> No.12022092

How the fuck do you read a fictional fairy tale? A fictional fairy tale implies that the stories, as in the texts themselves, are imaginary. Surely you must mean fairy tale fiction, for it is certainly impossible to read something that doesn't exist.

>> No.12022093
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How do you guys define what's literature? Presumably it's the same way I define it. Any book almost exclusively enjoyed by men. I just can't take a book seriously if it has a large female audience due to fundamental difference in men's and women's value of life outside of physicality which I think comes down to men's inability to give birth.

>> No.12022115

holy shit so many triggered pseuds all he’s saying is that if you only consume you’re an NPC all your arguments about reading literature being more akin to conversing with the author literally makes no sense because using your logic only reading and not writing or creating is equivalent to only listening and not talking. All the great people both read and create not read only which is NPC tier

>> No.12022204

the reality is that no one who believes in the npc meme actually reads literature. so this is kinda a retarded convo

>> No.12022222

>NPC meme
Holy shit brainlet /pol/tards who've done nothing remotely significant in their lives please go

>> No.12022229
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Please use fixed version of the pic.

>> No.12022239

>only listening and not talking
yes RETARD we have done this for thousands of fucking years, it is called ORAL TRADITION and it required RESPECT AND SILENCE for the elder storyteller.

>> No.12022243

Ignore him, he's samefagging from what I gather in reading the thread. He's still butthurt hours later that he got btfo'd.

>> No.12022247

he's an australian /pol/lack bastard, i seen him last night, he's a hardcore shitposter alright.

>> No.12022304

is this relly all one aussie cunt. really? come on. guys we are better than this negativity!!