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12020691 No.12020691 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12020708

toni fucking kukoc makes a three pointer for croatia and he's tall and thin and so young and the barman has moved down the bar to serve someone and vania is just sitting there and i want to shake him, tell him, that's toni fucking kukoc! that at this moment, he didn't even play in the nba yet, that this was the moment he was "discovered," and that just a few years later he would win the sixth man of the year award for the best nba team of all time, and that an obnoxious american announcer would, possibly intentionally, mispronounce his name over and over during the 1996, or maybe 1997, or 1998, i don't remember which, playoffs, and that really, toni kukoc was the heart and soul of those late 90s teams, and that that was really the last time i enjoyed sports and now i hate them, even though i now do it professionally, but i understand vania's not going to care, and i think to myself, of course it's like this.

everyone wants to talk about chicago. where are you from? chicago. and how do you like chicago? where do you live there? i saw a movie from chicago and so and on so forth. nevermind that i don't live in chicago, haven't lived in chicago for over ten years, and even when i did, i didn't really even live in chicago, but really 40 minutes (with no traffic) outside. but here we are, a totally pure moment, we've captured a small piece of the very soul of what it meant to live in chicago in the 90s, distilled it in to its most refined form; you can almost hold it in your hand, smell it and taste it, it's really real, and vania is sitting next to me a million miles away. but fuck it, i know i've still got hundreds of conversations left in my life, god willing, about the art institute and lake michigan, wind and al capone and south side north side segregation and all of it. fuck.

>> No.12020723

Porn is worse than opiates.

>> No.12020724

A Parable I had to write for my Bible 1 class

A boy was digging around in the soil while his father watched from afar. The boy dug up rocks and stones and pebbles of all kinds. Then he noticed a stone he took a fancy to. It was small and he could see his reflection in it. The boy took it to his father and said, "Look, Dad! Look how shiny this rock is." The father grimaced and replied, "It may look shiny, but its still just a rock. Its not worth your or anyone's time." But the boy protested and proclaimed its obvious value. Eventually, the father caved and went to an appraiser to have the stone examined. The appraiser looked at the stone and said, "This is a priceless pearl you have brought to me!"

Moral:Anyone will judge as they please, but only one's judgment matters.

I live in South/Central Mississippi so everyone was basically sucking my dick for having the barest amount of writing competence.

>> No.12020738

Well that's because opiates are so good

>> No.12020780

I installed Tinder and Bumble to try being a normal person for once, and I got a decent bunch of matches because I'm white and my job title makes it sound like I might be wealthy (I'm not). But this app is the most disgusting degenerate thing I've ever used in my life. I can't bring myself to message any of the women.

Somehow using this thing has triggered a full-blown depressive episode. I feel like I never understood how bad things really were, and now that I know, I can't go back to that innocence. It's one gigantic digital manifestation of a broken culture that has no values, no stable families, no reasons for association beyond hedonism and absolutely pathetic "look how cool and popular I am" culture. I feel gross and dirty for even having installed it. I feel like I waded into a junior high school as an old man and tried to hang out with the kids. I want to shoot myself in the fucking head.

There is nothing here for me, and when I try to imagine my future or old age I don't see anything, I just see a white wall of nothing, because there's nothing fucking here. I can't even be like /r9k/ incels anymore, who at least want what they can't have, meaning they think there's something out there worth having. I know there's nothing here at all. I'm just old enough to see past my testosterone and stop thinking with my dick for five seconds, and I realize that good marriage is a form of partnership that effectively no longer exists unless you win the lottery, and sex is like pizza, nice if you can get it but inessential and definitely not a solution to deficiencies elsewhere.

I think I'm completely dead inside now. I at least used to enjoy a few shitty hedonism things left over from when I was younger, but then they became barely enough to numb me while indulging in them, and now they do nothing at all. All I have left is reading and studying, and related things like learning to play an instrument, but those are "active" activities, and no matter how stoic you are, you need shit that just plain recharges you. You can't live decades on end without having a single feeling, a single moment where you're not fully self-aware and boredly "looking down" on happening to you. Human beings need creature comforts. I haven't felt or been loved, enjoyed sex, or enjoyed any pop media in years. I can force myself to listen to some Telemann for pretentious BILDUNG, but what is the point if I'm still just an emotionless robot who now knows three or four more Telemann quartets?

I don't think I can go much longer being dead inside, except for brief manic episodes when I delusionally think that I can subsist for another few decades solely on writing shitty philosophy no one will ever read. I think I had some romantic idea that going on a few meaningless dates with no expectations would help, but I now realize I can never have anything in common with these people, and aside from the technicality that I have an apartment, I am essentially an insane derelict.

>> No.12020788

This story’s bad, though. It would never circulate. No one would ever feel the need to tell anyone about it. Your moral doesn’t even make any sense. How does the father not know what a pearl looks like? Why does the appraiser speak in the most cliché way imaginable? It just doesn’t sound like a good ending. It’d be best to just say that the appraiser gave them a lot of money because it was a pearl.

>> No.12020803

God you're a faggot.

>> No.12020809

How do I live for God? The monastic life is calling me...

>> No.12020822

Its going to get worse. Just need to learn to accept that its all without any substance and dip your hand in hive anon, you need that honey!
Leave the narcissistic sperg alone, things are really sick right now and anyone who denies this is just aggravated they’ve been reminded what they’re now desensitize to.

>> No.12020824

Ulysses isn't very good but I'm going to finish the meme trilogy regardless

>> No.12020826

At least with opiates you can get sit done while still feeling pleasure.

>> No.12020834
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I'm so socially retarted when it comes to women. How do I court a woman /lit/? Who are some literary characters I can learn from?

>> No.12020906

You know that meme where the anon tries to become the guy from Drive? Do that but with Byron.

>> No.12020911
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Has anyone ever done a proper philosophic analysis of why 2d is better than 3d?

>> No.12020918

Because it's safer and easier than trying to put yourself out there and getting your heartbroken by some girl.

>> No.12021158

It makes me sad that the left is characterized by virtue signaling/narcissism disguised as empathy while the right is leaning more and more towards outright social Darwinism

It seems like genuine empathy is less valued than ever

>> No.12021204

So essentially I just need to exercise more, study more poetic form, and fast. Gotcha senpai.

>> No.12021216
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Today, in five hours, I read two weeks worth of study material. Then went ahead and approbed the respective exam. I'm on second year of law school, and been doing this since the beginning.
I've got a GPA of 8.43, is it bad? Should I put more effort into it? I feel there's no reward in achieving top grades, as I get the degree anyway.
Pic unrelated

>> No.12021327

fuck capitalism and fuck capitalists and fuck the cuckolds that support capitalism and fuck the morons that fall for and regurgitate bourgeoisie propaganda and fuck the idiots destroying the environment and the world doesn't matter what bullshit shithole country they're all shitholes borders should be eliminated fuck


>> No.12021407

im extremely blackpilled right now. Im 50 credits into a humanties degree and I just realized I don't want to live the "humanities life" anymore (abject poverty or 12 hour days at the law office). I think I might cuck and become a STEMlord.

>> No.12021621

Whenever i see the nonword "hubby" or variations of it i get irrationally angry

>> No.12021629

Does it upset you because you don't have a nice husband?

>> No.12021634

After I started sleeping 9-10 hours a night and having a consistent bedtime schedule I've come to the conclusion that 90% of depression and existential angst can for the mostpart be attributed to sleep deprivation.

I seriously feel better than I have at any point in my life.

>> No.12021676


No it upsets me because it's such a phony thing to say just say husband every time i see "hubby" or its derivatives i instantly think it's some morbidly obese american south housewife who takes too many photos of herself and her precious little angles[sic] and makes a nice chicken casserole for their #BLESSED date night w/ the hubby!!!

Infuriates me but i will admit i am in quite the mood tonight so i may be exaggerating

>> No.12021728

Get an appointment with a therapist
Don't really believe in therapy or psychology as a way to solve all your problems or to make me see the world totally differently
But I appreciate it as an idea to have the ability to decompress and have someone to talk to, which I assume is one of my main problems, having everything stuck inside me because I have no emotional support in my life

But idk, we'll see how it goes, trying to go in with no expectations

>> No.12021729

No matter how hard I try to sleep and turn my schedule around I can’t, and it’s affecting my grades. This post is depressing as shit.

>> No.12021735

It takes consistent effort. Find a routine that works for you. 1-2 hours before bed I turn off all gadgets, open a beer, drink half of it during my scheduled evening shit, the other half in the shower. Brush teeth, wash face, then read in bed till I start dozing off.

>> No.12021736

>She calls me
>Just miss it
>Call back pretty much immediately
>Goes straight to voicemail
>Call again 5 minutes after
>Straight to voicemail again
I really hate that shit, I called you right after you called me, what could have happened? NOTHING, I know you're just a BPD bitch who is mad I didn't answer the first time

>> No.12021737

>makes a nice chicken casserole

I wish somebody would make that for me.

It'll help more than you could imagine. Best of luck anon.

>> No.12021903
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if there is a heaven, will my dog go there when he dies?

>> No.12021924

i can't seem to feel anything anymore. maybe it's some residue depression but i am almost done with my science degree (fucking finally, after all these tortuous years) and yet, i don't feel an ounce of accomplishment, knowing i'll need to find some other arbitrary goal to work towards immediately following this. i mean i could potentially let loose and have my suppressed trauma and emotions all come flooding out so i can at least feel human again but it is much too dangerous, i just don't know if i have the energy or time to battle those highs/lows again now that i am older and have responsibilities. it's just i can't seem to find a middle ground, you know, the kind of lifestyle normal people lead? where they go out on the weekend, have a laugh, come home and go to work for the week then repeat. i'm either extremely euphoric or depressed if i let myself feel or i am like this... completely empty. life has become so boring, i don't love anyone, i don't connect with real life people and most online friends are too high maintenance and get real annoying after a while. i don't know. kind of just want to find a little apartment, a peaceful job where people leave me alone and to rot in some corner of the world.

>> No.12021944

i can relate a bit anon, but i think you got to go for it. you only get one life to live, and i think you'll regret being on your death bed one day, thinking back to being that young and having that much energy and opportunity, and rejecting it all for some kind of cynical detached nihilism. fuck that. you've got to go for it. do you want to drink the water or drink the wave? i say take the wave. there will be hard times. you will learn about yourself during them.

>> No.12021981

I dislike Hispanics. Their culture breeds mediocrity and corruption, I've been thinking about the implications of their rising population in the US and its worrisome.Hispanics will likely form an underclass that will become the very thing they originally fled from. The worst part about all this is that Hispanics are still people, they have agency, although primitive. Niggers are animals and can be dealt with as animals. Some of this is probably coming from the fact that I work with Hispanics and they're all immoral dumb, yet prideful troglodytes.

>> No.12021994

Don't worry, if you were actually depressed in the first place you will want to die soon enough :^)

>> No.12021995


Amerimutt posting lol

>> No.12022004

My mom was always obsessed with my small dick and lifted the bed sheets each night to check that I was naked and my penis had "room to grow." She openly discussed her concerns with her friends who would smile at me sympathetically. Mom even made me show both of my aunts my penis and got annoyed when they laughed. She asked the local pharmacist if there was anything I could take that encouraged growth. This was in front of the female assistants and other customers as I stood there blushing. She asked for regular updates on my erect size and, again, would tell friends and my aunts. Asked my best friend to let her know if the other boys ever bullied me over my small penis
She even told me that my 12 and 13 year old cousins were already bigger than me. Mom asked my sister if she had any friends who wouldn't mind having a "small" boyfriend. My sister thought it was hilarious and started to tease me and told her friends. I was glad to escape to uni and never lived at home again

>> No.12022013

lol, i really enjoyed this, whether it's true or not. just gold

>> No.12022018

I have nothing on my mind. This morning, I up at 4AM. Last night, I smoked three hits of DMT. Before then, in the afternoon, I was at my internship. I work for a trial lawyer named Tim Powers, and I was getting coffee for him and his team when I thought I felt happy. My life was trending upwards. Yesterday morning I groaned at the alarm clock and thought I have never felt this unhappy in a long time. This morning I woke up and felt a healthy nothingness in my mind. Tim just shot me a text. I have to go out and print out some documents for him.

>> No.12022025

have you considered not fucking with your brain with narcotics
or do you just subconsciously want to escape life and self destruct

>> No.12022091

vaporwave is just internet shoegaze for the next generation of boomers

>> No.12022135
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i want the black girl at work who sits near me to give me a footjob
she wears high heels in the office and plays with them under the desk
it drives me wild. sometimes i have to go into the toilets to masturbate

>> No.12022142

He is purposely self destructing because it is his only escape from the pitiful routine he convinced himself is the path to success. Sad, really.

>> No.12022143

I'll make a rape simulator for you, anon. Can you give me more details for the girl?

>> No.12022146

i am so fucking depressed i want to vomit
i feel like a leech, i am in grad school, live with my family, have no job, slacking when it comes to my thesis, playing vidya all day
i am anxious about working, i am anxious about going out, i feel the pressure on me to become a man, to earn money, to have a family, to not be a loser
i can't do any of these things because i am such a fucking pussy who can't answer a phone call without shaking

>> No.12022157

I'm wondering if history is worth studying in university. It was always my best subject in primary school.

>> No.12022159

I believe some people genuinely accept and promote this degenerate behavior within society, they revel in it.
Instead of being retarted you should have restarted. You court women by courting yourself first. It will help to learn to focus on yourself and give yourself the most success and happiness. Then you can worry about a bunch of whores and how to stick your dick in them. Women on the grand scheme of things, only matter for two things: procreation and love. If you cannot as a man build and keep a strong foundation for such promises to life then you have little call to stick your peepee inside of pupu.

>> No.12022162

Perhaps in the infinite complexities of what is Heaven, you will find that your Heaven will include the dog you most loved in your time on this mortal plane. Perhaps he is waiting there, albeit not the dog in physical nature or perhaps even spiritual essence as he was on Earth, but just maybe, only maybe, will he be waiting at the gates of Heaven just for you.

>> No.12022172

To be a man is to work towards ones own goals. Suppressing yourself in complete and utter servitude to the wants and demands of others is not always the ideal. Yes, fit into society and work towards prosperity and union for all who reside in your nation of same people, and ideals. But never forget that you are you, and your desires are not deemed trivial. To be a man you must think and want for yourself. It seems you just wish to mold yourself to what others want, and maybe that's what you want, I don't know. But a man knows what a man wants, and until you know what you want and how you're going to attempt to lay out your goals, you are only a child. They say that men mature quite late, and with the chemicals in the products we consume today you could be well into your twenties before any emotional maturity begins. Fear not anon, you always have us.

End pseudo reassurance.

>> No.12022193
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Everyday feels worse than the last, and I don’t know if I’ll survive through this cold and lonely winter

>> No.12022215

If you're going to kill yourself this winter, do it in style. Might I recommend waiting in a park on the coldest of Christmas nights, while everyone is falling asleep after opening presents, enjoying the company of family, watching the dumbest of trivial media on TV and the Internet. Do you really want to kill yourself? Sit in the park, in the darkness of night, questioning and pondering if you really want to kill yourself. Are you being melodramatic? Maybe you're just a little chicken shit who says he will kill himself but never does. Do you really want to kill yourself? Really, intensely, hungrily pry open your mind and think of anything and everything that comes to your mind. Do you really want to kill yourself? By now the coldness has seeped in and you'll know if you are too weak to persist. By definition of this weakness, by giving in to nature, your mind will tell you if you want to die. If by mornings end you feel nothing except the desire to end it, blow your fucking brains out right there. If you cannot end it by gun, if the trigger is to rigid and stiff instead of by a hairs pull, walk to the heighest bridge or accessible building and think to yourself - Do I really want to kill myself? If nothing floods your brain, jump off and do it. End it, faggot. But we both know you won't, the cold will get to you before you even can grasp the handle of a gun, before the ledge feels a million feet from the ground, before your mind accepts such the reality of death in its truest form - nothing.

Do you really want to kill yourself?

>> No.12022224

I havent written anything in a long time and started writing this in class the other day. its been a while since I really tried on my writing. this is all I got so far.

Before black followed the chaos of war and fog descended, I was a fisherman. Some of the most crisp and numb days in the arctic. Splashes tossed us and the goods. Old Fitzpatrick lost his wedding ring and a finger to frostbite on the last week. We joked it was in the stew. The boy O'Dwyer saw it distasteful. The joke, that is, although the stew was to be argued amongst the men.
I only live because of Dakant. A veteran grizzled and jawline rough. His face course and fuzzy gray. We made good on each other back when a gust tossed him and he slipped. Was on his tail so I grabbed him up. The both of us so brash not a word was said. A kind man he was under the hood. Caught me while I was cleaning the mess. Thanked me for the help. Needed ya for the nets I told him. we had a chuckle.
Ever since then he sat close by at lunch. Talked about his kids and what not. Always brought up the Chinese. They was scary he claimed. So many folks over there. They could over power us. The guys laughed it off usually. They don't got the arsenal like we does I says.
I knew his fears. A man whose life grants no inherent meaning will often go on about the Chinese, or politics, or things not concerning to him. Don't take me for a snob. I was no better. I wanted to get in his head so I prodded a bit. Whaddya gonna do I says. He'd say the run down but he always hid something. Couldn't figure it.
A couple days before Hell now and I got no place to be. Nobody understands what the news is saying, at least in my town. I had a good life I thought. I'll rest on the boat. Getting through town was a wreck. Traffic all over and folks lootin. I paid no attention. Luckily there was no commotion at the dock. I parked the truck reckless like and went on in the boat. Surprised nobody looted her. The place was empty except for the cockpit. Our captain was there with his brain on the floor. Didn't know him much but it made me sad a bit. I went down to the mess and napped.

>> No.12022230

shit thats supposed to say *coarse.

also this looked a lot cooler in my notebook with sloppy handwriting but oh well.

>> No.12022245

Can't say I'm intrigued or uninterested, reading it was mostly a blur. Keep writing though, it mends the soul more often than not.

>> No.12022313

i walked aimlessly around the town today and went to the library. picked up a book i already have on kindle, but didn't feel like reading on a screen, and also didn't feel like reading it physically, daydreamed for 2 hours. went on to the gym and saw the girls who bullied me in school with their chad boyfriends, and noisy laughters. felt shame because i'll never have a girlfriend and then rode on back home. fapped for 2 hours and i'm feeling disgusted. did not even feel pleasure when cumming. in fact, i haven't felt pleasure in orgasm for the past two years. therapist said something about depression and anhedonia. the normie has his sorcial circles and loving partners to account for his pointless life. what does the ugly beta male have? acceptance.

>> No.12022329

that means a lot man. I'll work on it

>> No.12022488


>> No.12022497

Death by drowning i want death by drowning i drowned when i was 17 trying to kill myself but someone ended up saving me. when water enters the lung you feel as if being embraced by the river, as if you become the river itself. only after you feel pain.

>> No.12022500
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>posted at 1:00 am
I feel you anon

>> No.12022501

I tend to agree with this. I'm still sad and lonely but once I started exercising regularly and sleeping 10 hours a day I stopped wanting to kill myself constantly.

>> No.12022505

I feel his retardation as well. his mind adrift in idiocy, it really is quite calming.

>> No.12022507

based but not redpilled and extremely naive. there is a reason the "youth socialist" becomes the conservative boomer. i'm going to be roflmaoing at you when you're 40 and talking about how to kicks the moslems out of europ lmaaaao

>> No.12022511

saw a super cute girl moments ago

>> No.12022512

saw a super cute boy moments ago

>> No.12022517
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Was it in the mirror?

>> No.12022518

how does it feel knowing you'll never smooch her? never cuddle with her? never feel the perfume of her hair? she's never goint to come barefoot and step on your face, making you inhale her feet scents. thank god i don't get out of the house, if i had ever to feel this feel i'd have killed myself

>> No.12022521

i already read everything by Cioran im too far gone buddy

>> No.12022522

>there is a reason the "youth socialist" becomes the conservative boomer
Different guy but what do you think the reason is? I've only heard that it's because they acquire capital or at least a high-paying wage job but that's objectively untrue for most of the population, at least because we're not in the post-war boom anymore.

>> No.12022535

i think i know what my purpose is but i'll never be sure, because i never gave myself to it

>> No.12022541

It was me.

>> No.12022551

i don't think it has anything to do with economics. i live in a 3rd world country and here young socialists too become conservative boomers, even though the economy hasn't progressed since, and they definitely haven't become more wealthy. i think it has to do with two things: normies in their youth tend to be rebels and being a socialist is fashionable and hip and cool. it gets you pussy, and a social circle. people in general cling to politics because life is boring, and they have no skills other than interpersonal relationships, so politics is a safe heaven for them. also the older you get, the more passive you become. at least that's what i observe. life wears you down, you simply do not care. being a socialist in a capitalist culture means having to constantly defend yourself, and when you're 40 and all you have to show for yourself is some wagecucking money and an unhappy marriage, you just don't care anymore. i still can't exactly explain why they become conservatives but these are the reasons they abandon socialism. also, a part of them just becomes apolitical or liberal. there's also the fact that society itself used to be extremely conservative (compared to these days), which adds to the whole non confrontation thing. we'll have to be how liberals today will act in the future, because culture isn't as conservative as before, they don't have much to regress into other than maybe white nationalism, in the context of immigration, but i don't think liberals will do that.

>> No.12022568

I felt this way last winter right down to making a post just like this in one of these threads. Stay strong anon <3

>> No.12022609

>Splashes tossed us and the goods.
>We made good on each other back when a gust tossed him and he slipped.

>The both of us so brash not a word was said. A kind man he was under the hood.
come on lad

I'm digging the narration style, nice to read, but yeah, it doesn't manage to get me interested enough in this war you're getting at; especially due to how hard it seems you're trying to get the reader interested in it

>> No.12022640

video games and chorizo burritos
damaged funko pops sitting in their piles
nude anime women running hands through their hair
long winter nights by a fire with a whisky
tao lin's podcast on the radio
the future is here, the future has always been
exactly the same

>> No.12022645
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Went home after 6 hours of slavic lessions and lit science, listened to game ost and drank a beer. ERPed a scene where I played Lancer Tituria and got knocked up. Finished Stoner, last part is a bit to fast, good book though.

>> No.12022650
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There is a tendency with cannabis to conflate the entire external world and call it one entity. This does not quite equal solipsism, but it borders it. It is dualism at its heart. Which is also a sort of schizophrenia. There are really only two other types residing in the infinite which interest me: the real, which is the world of science (physics, chemistry, and biology) which is the world composed of its uncountably infinite parts, of which I am one and one only, though there are many parts under my command. The second world is the monist world, or the solipsist world, where there is an I, which is faceted, and the world is an extension of that, generated by my own character, the trail leading back to the source of that generation forever inhibited by some initial obfuscation procedure: a necessary one. But there is a third (or fourth, if we’re counting honestly) type of world: the world of three. Where there is a self, an other, and some myriad of real objects in between. This is commensurate with the purest, deepest psychedelic experience…

Mushrooms and Cannabis are two sides of one coin. They oppose each other. Mushrooms generate an abundance of free will: so much that processes of behaviour, thinking, decision making, listening, make little sense at all. The user cannot find any reason to do anything beyond his basic desire to do that thing. The user should be careful not to carry this belief back with him to normal waking life, or he will be forever torn apart by his insistence on self-reliance and the other will become upset that she is unused. Cannabis, on the other hand, eliminates all free will and transports the user to a world dependent on the will of the other, a world where he has no choices to make, and no will to make them happen. Instead, he is a great listener, who does what he is told, or perishes. If overused, or if the method of submissivity carries on into normal waking life (back into enstasis) then the other becomes upset that she is doing all of the heavy lifting, moving reality with, effectively, a limp corpse of a dance partner. The two together produce an effect of overwhelming ecstasy and knowledge, which should be avoided at all costs, unless God is to be destroyed for a short time, and his vengeance suffered. One after the other: sure. It is a general rule not to use two drugs at once.

And what is this LSD ring doing on my finger again? Well, that was my first love, wasn’t it? Well, no. Mushrooms were the first to show me love. But without LSD, would I have a true interest in this art? No. A recreational interest maybe. But LSD catapulted me into a psychedelic landscape, nearly three years ago now, which I have yet to return from. There really is no going back. Would I want to go back? Sure, but with the knowledge that I have now. I would not want to go back empty handed, and if the journey were to offer itself to me again, I would take it again, every time.

>> No.12022658

stop replying to these bot threads
they get made every single day and every day it kills a thread of productive literature discussion

>> No.12022687

You can decide how much substance it has or hasn't.
I felt like cancer taking selfies and putting myself out to the fishmarket, but got used to it. Got used to writing first like a desperate ass. And got used to failed dates. Too this day, I've still had no decent date that doesn't make me feel like a failure.
But i am seeing how and what I'm doing wrong.

Expose yourself to whats worth outside your comfzone

>> No.12022706

Google up "overstimulated senses/ aspects of erotica"

>> No.12022707
File: 136 KB, 621x781, Utopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's raining today, the rain is ripping the leaves off the trees and leaving them strewn in big yellow and orange splotches across the asphalt. It's warm as well, nearly 65, I suppose the clouds have trapped in the heat. All this water and dead grass and leaves are going to melt into a boggy mess, I can tell. This will delay my plans to go explore the abandoned parcel I discovered while walking to the pharmacy the other day, I don't want to destroy my new boots.

>> No.12022708

bluepilled post almost reads like something a femoid would wite

>> No.12022719

why am i always so fucking anxious holy shit
i wanna punch somebody or maybe just be punched idk but fuck there's so much tension
i don't trust anyone to be genuine unless they're being nasty
i fake laugh at my own sarcasm to signal to people that i'm just making a joke, and i fake laugh at other people's jokes to signal to them that i like them and find them entertaining
i don't laugh at anything or feel joy for a week and then i go read some awful shitpost on /tv/ and start crying with laughter and literally howling and rolling on the floor because it's so ridiculous and funny and niche
sometimes i imagine my entire life as one long edging session, psychologically speaking

>> No.12022723

Watashi wa, Koodo desu.

>> No.12022724
File: 340 KB, 600x583, https___i.kym-cdn.com_photos_images_facebook_000_913_564_1fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Jordan Peterson. He and his fanboys should vanish off the face of the earth. My philosophy bro with which I used to talk for hours on the Greeks and all kinds of interesting stuff, started reading and listening to him after his girlfriend dumped him and he lost it. Now he listens to JP and his fellow YT pseuds and caught in this hobby of showing everyone how smart he his by being able to tell that extreme feminists and sjw are crazy. And he has this annoying urge to speak against collectivism and what an individual he is out of the blue, spitting these cringy statements about Peterson being his father figure and saving the west. When will humanity be rid of this plague.

>> No.12022725

desu new is better than 2d or 3d, there is no single best type of porn or fetish

>> No.12022730

Cognetive behaviour therapy is worth looking into also

Hope it gets better for you

>> No.12022733

As it is friday, now comes the highlight of my week, eating two pizzas, masturbating, taking a long shit followed by a long shower and then falling asleep shitposting.

>> No.12022735
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I wish I was in high school again, it fucking sucked but at least I could look to "normal" society and believe there was something good and worthwhile there. Something but the void.
Should I finally go to church and convert to a christposter or will I only find emptiness there as well?

>> No.12022739

Cognitive behavioural therapy is a fucking scam. Do not attempt it.

>> No.12022743

Perhaps she likes it when you are in need of her, the control of it

>> No.12022750

this is the generic young white male, how tiresome
reminder to never trust these people as they are snakes which bite on the whims of their neurosis

>> No.12022755
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>> No.12022756

Depends on the church, depends on the type of christposter
I find incredible peace and fulfillment in my faith and relationship with God, but I also know that relatively few churches promote as deep of a religion as I have. More people call themselves Christian than are Christian.
Recommend you look into it at least, and if you find it empty then try will-to-power or psychadelics.

>> No.12022760

>he has this annoying urge to speak against collectivism and what an individual he is out of the blue, spitting these cringy statements about Peterson being his father figure and saving the west.

lol, so he follows Peterson's populist teachings while calling himself an individual
desu this is your typical fanboy

>> No.12022763

I think if that's your perspective then LARPing will do you no good. If you only see God as some existential anesthesia then you won't reap the benefits of a truly religious life.

>> No.12022764

what kind of chuch you go to?

>> No.12022765
File: 567 KB, 725x416, 1512965350121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As it is friday, now comes the highlight of my week, eating two pizzas, masturbating, taking a long shit followed by a long shower and then falling asleep shitposting.
this + JoJo

>> No.12022771

underage b&

>> No.12022783
File: 194 KB, 720x333, 1533982896429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you on the right

>> No.12022785

Are you scared of being judged by people, feel watched when you're outside? Do you judge people in as mundane a situation as just walking past somebody, getting upset at people for the slighest mistakes they commit? Do you iconify everyday objects?

>> No.12022806

Why is there no pastebin for part 10 of Zoe´s story?

>> No.12022815

I go to a nondenominational proddie church, but an exceptional one. Heavy emphasis on community and the redeeming power of Christ, and a lot of intellectual bros to discuss theology with. I don't agree with every single view held by my pastor, but he and the other elders at our church have genuine faith, which is so rare that to me it's worth setting aside theological differences for.
Church is important for having a Christian community, giving you practical assistance and spiritual guidance in times of crisis, but ultimately religion is a matter between you and God. It's a personal relationship that you need to approach alone. I would recommend you check out Orthodox churches before Protestant ones, honestly, but Protestants before anti-Christ following Catholics who will always be spiritually enslaved to sinful humans.
Or just read Dostoevsky.

>> No.12022821

>but Protestants before anti-Christ following Catholics who will always be spiritually enslaved to sinful humans.


>> No.12022827

I'm not that guy but theres only one church made of two traditions (catholic and orthodox). You played yourself.

>> No.12022849
File: 39 KB, 640x408, 0cddR79l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 1920's bathing suits are much hotter than bikinis. Women these days show too much skin, it spoils the surprise and robs the sex act of a certain pleasure.

>> No.12022851

you're so useless, you condescending old hag
come kill me, by all means, but let me gouge your eyes out while you do so that we can be even in the end
sometimes, yes and no
i've gotten better over the years, i used to be incapable of passing someone on the street without my heart racing but now i've managed to convince myself that i'm the only one with this obsessive awareness of people around me
i used to get panic attacks every once in a while because i worried that someone might be able to read my mind
it would usually happen right as i was thinking some lewd thought about a girl i was walking past on the street, or thinking an insult about some guy who made me feel insecure by his composure, and then i would worry that i was thinking too loud and they could hear me and were secretly judging me
i would recover from this terror not by reminding myself that mind-reading doesn't real, but by telling myself that, if they could read minds, they already heard the worst of everyone's thoughts all the time, so they probably wouldn't judge my embarrassing thoughts too harshly since they had points of reference
i would then believe for a few minutes that they carried a unique insight into the human condition by virtue of seeing the worst of everyone's thoughts, and i would never consider the idea that they couldn't read minds. is this very unusual? or only a little unusual? i thought it was only a little unusual, but i told a friend about it once and the friend was very disturbed and off-put even though we were close, so it might be not normal but it feels pretty normal
either way i haven't had thoughts like that in months
i've thought about going to a shrink but i don't trust doctors and i'd only want to go if i thought i could get some pills and maybe neetbux out of it, also i seem to be getting better on my own

>> No.12022857

im not reading all of this

>> No.12022866

just finished my first book in a few years


>> No.12022881

Pretty common thing for young people to do. Gonna venture a guess and say you're under 19 years of age.
Read Notes from Underground, very slowly. He'll call you out going "I was actually talking about X right now, but you probably didn't even realize" - if he gets you you're going too fast. Also work on your principle of charity; acknowledge other people as being perfectly capable of reasonable thought, often moreso than you, and assess them with that in mind, if at all.

>> No.12022882

nice, can you post an paragraph? or at least say what did you write about?

>> No.12022892

no no no my friend, you are mistaken. I have just READ my first book in a few years.

>> No.12022893

got diagnosed with autism yesterday. It makes so much sense: why I make incongruent eye contact ; why I have issues with intimacy -- not, however, with distant relationships, for what better way to know distance than at a distance? ; why I still play guitar hero 3 and madden 15 ; why I don such blank expressions while my mind RAGES, while my mind on FIRE ; why my foot must avoid the calamity of lined sidewalks ; why I feel compelled to pick up trash (it belongs in the trashcan god damnit) ; but finally: now I know why I love you all -- but only from a distance </333 . one never knows when a quiet escape to the outside is required.

>> No.12022909


water is fire
love makes you wider
a feeling
there`s someone there

lost rivers
found their shores
so long ago
still we flow
alone, not understood
small but we withstood
destiny`s arrows

turned them to blossoms
as our blood flowed
roses on the fire
feel them on your brain
remnants of loneliness
charred hearts
fiery wanderers

water will be my fire
most faithful mirror
in which my eyes will see yours
and maybe mingle

>> No.12022913

smile you stair blasters

>> No.12022925
File: 816 KB, 528x555, 1525001155533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, I know, I was just messing with you

>> No.12022928

we are so sick it is beautiful
so broken it is beautiful
exactly where we have to be
alone or with many
failed or not
it is all according to our own plan
one day,
or once there is no more day
you will see

>> No.12022954

Always unsure about whether or not to reach out when I see a new friend post that they're feeling stressed on Twitter. The posts are now deleted, adding even more to the uncertainty. Worried, but don't want to be overbearing.

>> No.12022956


it is the joyous participation
in suffering

it is learning to forget
and remembering never more
than what you ought to ignore

it is noticing
only what you want to

it is enjoying every bit of it
just as much as you hate
every second of it

it is wanting it to go on
just as much as you don`t

it is finding out
why you keep coming here
when you are never bound to

it is remembering your pasts
and how they became your future

it is paying the price
for what you are yet to commit
receiving for what you are about to give

it is finding out the mistakes
you came back here specifically to repeat

it is a blind spider weaving the web of destiny
never knowing it is one of possibility
and one that is his

>> No.12022984

whats your favourite part?
mine is 6, it doesnt deserve the hate it gets

>> No.12023027

I'm just not happy
And nothing I do ever changes that

>> No.12023032
File: 1011 KB, 550x691, 1526476033767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like steel ball run the most, mainly because of the whole journey to collect mystical body parts in order to walk again
stone ocean really drags along in the middle, I guess that's the reason why people dislike it. although I predict when anime comes out people will suddenly love it

>> No.12023080

Happiness and satisfaction is overrated, you can't be automatically satisfied by waking up in the morning. The optimal situation is having something in your life that all your self worth hangs on, and doing that something is the only thing that lets your raise one step above being miserable. Being happy is not a virtue, it's not something to aspire to, it's death.

>> No.12023092

No Nut November is a normie meme, but I'm glad normie memes are leaning in that direction

>> No.12023100

>you can't be automatically satisfied by waking up in the morning.
Ironically the time of the day I'm most satisfied is those blissful moments between waking up and remembering all my problems

>> No.12023120

This is why you need that one thing you're passionate about, that way you can ignore all your other problems by labeling them unimportant

>> No.12023167
File: 365 KB, 500x275, 1541172034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to dedicate my life to having small adventures. God knows there's nothing else to do. Maybe one day I'll even be brave enough to go on a real one.

>> No.12023390

A girl asked me out today. Not particularly pretty but I'm fucking the shit out of her anyway. Feels good to leave you bitter virgins behind.

>> No.12023398

People who desperately want to be "normal" are faggots.

>> No.12023419

Finally getting back into reading more and it's making me want to write more but all I ever do is write in my diary desu. Looks like one of Caulfield's rants but it's pretty freeing to not worry about structure and just let it flow. Plebeian as hell but I have wanted to write a Warhammer story and get it published by their publishing wing but my horror story got rejected during their open submissions so I either have to wait till they do it again or just give up. It's a pretty inclusive thing where if you're not in you're most likely not getting in.

I also have the cliche problem of being my own worst critic so it's hard for me to write enough before I say, "this is trash," and bin it. It retards what I try to do.

>> No.12023468

overcome your irrational neurosis by saying the things you are thinking about people out loud to them. work on your running speed in case they try to fight you, but often they will not

>> No.12023473
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x3024, 6DA66466-7191-41B8-BDB1-56EF5A588B3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12023478

fucking stupid phone uploaded sideways i’m sorry

>> No.12023504

Is the death of privacy really that bad? I do unsavory things in private, things I'm very much ashamed of. Can't be certain about the acts of others, but I do think that others also do shameful things, some even do despicable things. I'm most likely wrong to think that privacy enables it, but if we took privacy away from people would it really decrease the instances of shameful and despicable acts or would it still exist at the same levels? And if it did decrease these acts, would it really justify the erosion of privacy? Perhaps, if the footage was archival in nature and that footage may only be pulled during investigations and used as evidence in a court of law. But, this is a slippery slope that will certainly will be exploited.

>> No.12023515

What small adventures?

>> No.12023555

Now I realize how stress and trauma reduced me to a neurotic shell of my true self. I was a cramped, crumpled Krump (Krump isn't a word but I'm feeling doctor Seussy now)

Now I know there is no fear. The way of bushido teaches that one should live as if one has already died. Life is constrained by the fear of death, the mother of all fears. But if death is irrelevant, the vanguard is open for a bold advance.

Defeat death by becoming death, by slaying the fearful foe of fear.

>> No.12023568

Today I climbed up a hill near my house. Near the top there was a little abandoned building half buried under the soil, maybe something for managing a former radio tower or something. I climbed up onto the roof and drank coffee for a bit before heading back.

>> No.12023608

You seem like a pleasant person. Would it be strange to ask if you have Discord? If you do, do you mind adding me? I'll post my user if you do have Discord and want to add me!

>> No.12023614

Sometimes I play make believe like a child would, like I'll be walking through town at night and imagine I'l actually an explorer making his way through an abandoned city. I feel like this is a legitimately autistic behavior but I don't seem to be actually autistic.

>> No.12023618

Sounds cool
I'd like to do that, but I live in a boring suburb and have lived here all my life so I feel like I've already seen everything

>> No.12023620

Having an active imagination does not make you a child.

>> No.12023622

I'm still pretty liberal, even though I'm 10 years older. But I've become a bit more cynical. I used to try and "fight the power" by buying from places like whole foods, thinking I was making a difference, when I realized even those places have food from factory farms. Never bought into the Apple craze though because even back then I knew that they were using companies like Foxconn.

It's not that I've become more conservative as much as I don't think there's much we can do to really change things.

>> No.12023627
File: 11 KB, 270x270, Tony_Soprano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this or at least something similar
Home alone I'm talking to myself, pretending I'm an author at an interview or talking in a class or on a date or that I'm in the mafia

>> No.12023630


>> No.12023643


>> No.12023653
File: 79 KB, 482x427, 1539091238699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i'm being watched all the time when i'm alone.
Whenever I enter a dark room I feel like whatever is watching me will come out and it will be terrifying.
I think it might be the aftermath of the two psychotic episodes I had 2 weeks ago. I'm still scared man

>> No.12023695

it's called paranoia. Perhaps even schizophrenia, depends on how visual or audibly you see or things.

>> No.12023797

Psychologist said I didn't have paranoia, she assumed it was caused due to some new pill I was taking and it fucked me up. I still feel shaken though

>> No.12023798

maybe you need to change your meds my psychiatrist wants to increase my Haldol to 3mg 3 times a day since my paranoia has become less manageable. Maybe talk to your doc?

>> No.12023803

eye itches
what? could have herpes. No chance. There’s a rash though.
My heart hurts, could be a heart disorder. Should I see a specialist?
Can’t afford it. My eye itches again. I am bored with life. I do not have a lot of money.

>> No.12023813

my penis

my anus

never the two shall meet

yet they have so much in common

they are both hungry for cock

>> No.12023891
File: 65 KB, 554x400, 1527211418082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy being a sad sack of shit in a constant state of pain and misery, don't want to change that, not even one bit
I detest the neurotic incels ITT, lol like get a life, by the simple fact of how many of you are here you should realize that you are normies, don't you have any pride, quit nationalistically moaning about it

>> No.12023898

im drunk

>> No.12024188

This is pretty concerning because it's almost where I'm at. That depressive episode happened to me as well. Installed both of those, except I didn't list my job (cause I don't have one :^)) and have gotten a handful of matches who won't respond, and haven't had any new ones in days. Increasingly feeling futile. It's a devastating feeling when it fully dawns on you.

>> No.12024217

Trust me it's worse to get matches that respond, talk to them for a week, actually try to get to know them a bit, feel like it's going well, then have them ghost you when you actually suggest you meet up.

>> No.12024291

stop caring about women
just fuck them

>> No.12024301

I can't, (my fantasy of) women are sweet and pretty and innocent and fun and great to be around. You can't take that romanticism from me because it's one of the foundations of my being.

>> No.12024308

lol, you sound like women
although they mostly bitch about how they hang out with a guy, have fun, but when they tell him they want to be friends the guy ghosts them

>> No.12024311

t. Svidrigailov

>> No.12024313

i would drink coffee on that building w you anon. sounds like a swell ol time

>> No.12024314

you do know that women are humans right? they're the exact same boring, flawed ass people as you are

>> No.12024333

if wanting to have relationships with other human makes you less of a man I guess I'm not one

Perhaps objectively but love is hardly objective

>> No.12024345

>Perhaps objectively but love is hardly objective
you're confusing delusional and narcissistic infatuation with love, love would be loving somebody for who they actually are and wanting them to become a better person

>> No.12024355

Yeah whatever friend, you know what I mean.

>> No.12024365

Funny you should say that, I feel the same as those anons and partially as a result am actually close friends with more women than men. I don't even want to get romantically involved because so many women are abject failures at relationships, and always bring a good thing crashing down around them in a frenzy of catastrophe and self-destruction. I've wiped away so many tears as a result of breakups that were entirely her fault, with a guy who was willing to marry her, and she can't even verbalize her regret or the root cause of her suffering. I don't mind supporting someone like that as an act of kindness, but I would never want to get in a relationship with that kind of person. I've become "the guy friend" to a lot of girls, and they always tell me "you're such a nice guy, anon! why can't more men be like you. I'll bet any girl would be lucky to have you" and I say prayers of thanks that they never connect the dots and start thinking of me as a potential mate. One of these days I'll get a steady job and then find a girl without daddy issues and settle down and have 4 kids (already have someone in mind), but for these roasties, self-sabotage is second nature, and none of them want me. And I don't want them.
Sometimes I think I might just be a faggot, but then I remember how much I love tiddies and I'm forced to the conclusion that it's not me who's abnormal, the entire rest of the world is insane. First a job and a house, so I can support my family. Then I'll start thinking about romance.

>> No.12024373

>yeah whatever
not whatever, you and whoever you want to be in relationship will get hurt if you won't treat them like a human
just open your eyes and you won't have to go through that bullshit

>> No.12024375

I wish my hamstring mobility was better.

>> No.12024391

you sound like who I'd want to be if I could stand people and wasn't an asocial misanthrope

>> No.12024400

I don't know what to tell you anon, other than that I don't think your twitter-tier attempts at psychoanalysis are helpful, everyone already knows that people are flawed at that you shouldn't allow infatuation to blind you to that. I'm not even sure why you commented to begin with, this chain started because I was rejecting another anon saying "stop caring about women", since you don't seem to share that opinion I don't see what point you're trying to make other than the standard "don't be blinded by love" shtick.

>> No.12024404
File: 187 KB, 323x313, anon what are you talking about.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work really hard to qualify for PhD
>do zero work once enrolled
Kill me please.

>> No.12024425
File: 165 KB, 1440x810, 1511057686815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh right, because your "romanticism" is so high brow
get that head out of your ass

>> No.12024435

What the fuck are you even saying now? Jeez anon

>> No.12024449

weird, you seem to be unable to even participate in normal human discourse let alone a romantic relationship

>> No.12024462

>I don’t know if I’ll survive through this cold and lonely winter
This used to mean something where I’m from, where people actually have to work hard to survive from season to season. You’re sad so you’re going to kill yourself? You have shelter, food, and no worry of warmth or violence. You’re all pathetic rats, you realize this don’t you?

>> No.12024466

Are you an unironic boomer? That's pretty cool.

>> No.12024471
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1541172097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you were the one who insulted me out of the blue

>> No.12024472
File: 17 KB, 256x256, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i decided to quit my soul consuming retail job to dedicate myself to something less time consuming. It felt really strange, liberating in a way ; i have been doing it for 4 years already and lately the only reason i went was for the 1 hour commute. I decimated books two hours every day.

I dont really know what i want to do but im happy, in a way. things will figure itself out.

>> No.12024479

Based childlike wonder anons. Don’t let the cynicism of the world away you from imagining.

>> No.12024484
File: 2.87 MB, 640x360, dieboomerdie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking enduring physical pain and stress is somehow the ultimate form of virtue


>> No.12024491

good work londonfrog

>> No.12024558

the moral of the story makes no sense in context to the story. The story is so american that the rock had to have earthly material value.

>> No.12024610

No I am not.

Who said anything about virtue? I bet I could kill you with my bare hands. Also that is an excellent webm.

>> No.12024629

As our standard of living increases the problem we face change how hard is it for boomer faggots to understand that.

>> No.12024662








6 KG'S


>> No.12024705

Do people actually understand what I'm saying, or do they just accept it for whatever they think it represents?

>> No.12024724
File: 68 KB, 800x600, 1540750898283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had the best conversation yesterday, I talk to her again today and she's distant and doesn't want to talk.

I'm so alone

>> No.12024728

have you tried understanding what people might think it represents and communicating that way

>> No.12024732

neediness is not attractive

>> No.12024816

you had the best conversation yesterday

>> No.12024863

Who had the best conversation yesterday?

>> No.12024864

The grass was greener/

>> No.12024920


What's everyone's plans for the weekend? I'm meeting some friends tomorrow night, but otherwise I think I'll just drink a lot and ignore my final undergrad course some more.

>> No.12024941

I wish I were more creative. It bothers me that I'm not.

>> No.12024946
File: 1.85 MB, 4160x3120, 1541103936924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crying and listening to the smiths

>> No.12024951

I feel uncomfortable with the idea that the idea that I can write all I want and never publish a classic.

The fact that something I want to accomplish is virtually impossible honestly terrifying to me

>> No.12024954

Work on editing a short story, read, fuck around, maybe go for a "hike" in the wooded area by the railroad tracks. Go to gym maybe.
Fuck that really doesn't sound like much written out. I really am a loser.

Pretty /lit/, in a pretentious, melodramatic way

>> No.12024984


That's fair, I had a good full body sob session last week. If you don't do it often it's very cathartic; if you do it often, you need to change your life a bit mate.

We're all losers in our own way, it's ok. More than I've got going on. If you go for that hike, bring a notebook with you, maybe you'll have some ideas about editing that you wouldn't have thought of otherwise. Also do go to the gym, or at least make an effort to do so; neglecting the body is neglecting the mind, you know.

>> No.12024988 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12025146

Sure anon, I don't use it much but I'll add you.

>> No.12025153

I think there are lesser and higher pleasures but I'm not sure if they are common for everyone or if the category depends on the person. I want to do more things for their own sake. Reading is fun and pleasurable but it's so easy to fall into short term pleasures such as mindless surfing and masturbating to porn I think I will get rid of my modem and start only using the internet outside of my home. worst part is then I can't shit post here on demand. Masturbating is pure degeneracy. I think the modem idea is good since I'm trying to go out more. I don't know what I'll do since I'm now jobless guess I'll go on disability. I wish London frog could see the world in a different light that video he posted looked like a nice walk albeit through a shitty town.
>Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.
Did he expect anybody to understand that? I'm sure if he was autistic since he seems to have his own special language. Maybe I'm just a retard.

>> No.12025162

question: can you say "a-hole" in a book aimed at 8-to-12-year-olds? know there's no chance of being allowed to say asshole, but do you think the abbreviation is fine?

>> No.12025163
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Is journalism even cool anymore? I can only think of war correspondents being the only good journalists left because they actually give a shit about what they write. Most of these "Journalist" these days just write some horse shit with no effort in it whatsoever, or make some lame ass quiz to get retards to buy subscriptions.

>> No.12025166

Just say butthole or butthead

>> No.12025172
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this girl is cute and all but she's constantly trying to probe the deepest parts of my identity and I feel like I'm under constant existential threat
talking to her is rewarding but also exhausting, and there are hidden barbs in all of our words to each other, no matter how friendly we appear
she's also the most likely of all the people I know to actually be a /lit/poster so if you're reading this it's not like I like you or anything baka

>> No.12025185
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>> No.12025193

butthole doesn't capture the emotion in the insult well enough. It doesn't have the right phonetic harshness. I'd rather censor than fuck up the speech patterns

>> No.12025258

This anon just wants to steal your soul for a childrens short story about what it means to be sensitive in a hard world, and finally learning what it means to be tpstrong through small accomplishments. Most likely they love drinking and will, when they get to middle life, have an affair and pribably turn to the church for absolution.

>> No.12025346



>> No.12025405

tonight we sing together

>> No.12025446

There are times when I think about the abject fragility of the lives of those I care about and I am filled with a profound and unquenchable sadness. My own death means nothing to me; in fact it would be met with immense relief. But when I think of my loved ones dying I am overcome with a misery beyond words.

Human life is so capricious, so left alone to chaoses and randomizations. I can't stand by and watch as my friends and family are picked off one by one, but what can I do? Death comes for us all and will but paid to every last qualm in the throttle of agonized mortal throats.

I just need something lighthearted in my life. Please...

>> No.12025638

Bump because fuck the other thread that should be gone

>> No.12025669

I'm such a fucking loser, I hate it
I'm such a fucking loser, I hate it
Your boyfriend is a chad, goddammit

>> No.12025679
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I still need to read The Pilgrim's Progress, but from a glance at the wikipedia page, it seems to be pretty much "The Phantom Tollbooth- Jesus Edition".

>> No.12025811

Doing the dishes just now was not boring or interesting, it was just nothing. I mean, what else was I going to do, post this on 4chan? Well apparently...

Though overall I guess what I'm thinking most of right now is how good my life is. I don't feel any exuberant joy or constant ecstasy, just "this is going well". I'm making progress on my degree, I've gone completely sober without anyone's help, I'm making gains at the gym and I'm getting a lot of reading done outside of uni. I've even taken up playing music again and listening more actively.

>> No.12025830

I want to understand why fascist art like this is so damn soulless.

>> No.12025856

isnt that kind of art just mimicking the album cover for floral shoppe which really popularised vaporwave? how is it fascist

>> No.12025945

ironic how pol-tards co-opted vaporwave art which like the music samples soulless corporate commercials and manufactures nostalgia

it's almost as if it's a very subtle prank played on them by some lefty

>> No.12026265

Expand your mental library, learn to extend further beyond your mental library
Read the masters, read the ancients

>> No.12026280

You insignificant wretched nothings.

>> No.12026352

significant enough for you to post this lmao *dabs*

>> No.12026467

tfw i'll have to go to the urologist and i'm sure he'll mock me
>any sexual activity in the past years?
>are you sure?
i can see him trying to hold his smirk but he can't he'll start laughing just like they all do fuckk it's better to stay with this pain than to go and be humiliated by the doctor isn't it

>> No.12026594
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> I've lived 45% of my life if I hit the expected life expectancy

give me a fucking gun and I kill myself asap

>> No.12026715
File: 88 KB, 650x842, 1541260485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was back at home with my parents and living in a town where I knew loads of people and had loads of friends and felt like I belonged and felt that I had a future

>> No.12026797

i come to this board only to read this thread. i don't usually write anything, i just read. somehow, reading about your pains and thoughts make me feel a little less alone

>> No.12026818

>reading about your pains and thoughts make me feel a little less alone
misery loves compnay

>> No.12026819

Only he won't. I have always found doctors to be way more relaxed than paranoia might suggest. You probably won't be his first one.

>> No.12026892

>tfw qt doctor asks if you had gay sex
>almost say yes to hide the fact that I'm a virgin

you're gonna run an std panel anyway, why even ask baka

>> No.12026904

Anon go watch Salò right now

>> No.12026921

tonight is going to be a night of insanity i can already tell, im not looking forward to it, i am in fact very tired of all this

>> No.12026925

I had a pretty woman doctor catheterize me after surgery; I was so high on morphine that only thing I could do was to apologize for not being able to piss, lol.

>> No.12026929

did you develop a sounding fetish?

>> No.12026932

a sounding fetish? I don't know what that is.

>> No.12026935

I might be late on this but I'm tired of cringe culture. I get that people need to be kept in check so they don't indulge in boring whiny monologues and so on, but if you follow the cringe priesthood to its logical conclusion, there is nothing to be found except self-doubt.

Ironic edginess and virtue-signaling through tongue-in-cheek references to upper-middlebrow cultural products get boring after a while. I want earnestness.

>> No.12026936

it's where you put a rod up your urethra

>> No.12026938

Nope, can't say I did.

>> No.12026957

desu if it bothers you that people cringe at you, they're probably right, you just need to develop self-awareness to recognize it more than just on the gut feeling
bulling can be a very healthy thing you see, it'll make you grow up, societal collective pressure is mostly a good force, learn to operate on a more sophisticated level

>> No.12027126

I don't feel too good bros

>> No.12027138

I don't think I have ever felt good.

>> No.12027153

that’s not what cring culture accomplishes and the collective is wrong far more than it is correct. cringing st someone for not participating in a gay and immature activity isn’t maturating them is a call to groupthink. most cringe culture has no intention to improve the punished

>> No.12027157

liar liar

>> No.12027162

i mean, i enjoy cumming but good? whats feeling good?

>> No.12027181

Sitting in the sun on a warm spring day appreciating the heat and light after a cold winter.

>> No.12027190
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Don't even enjoy any of that and never have I felt "good" doing them.

>> No.12027200

Even as a child?

>> No.12027208

i lived in a house with two alcoholics + violent big brother, that aint a place where "happy", "enjoyment" and "good" intersect..

>> No.12027216

thanks anon, i really like it

>> No.12027221

you live in a society

>> No.12027246

you should. they'll appreciate your concern for them

>> No.12027253

My legs look really good, like literal hercules-tier, but my upper body is a scrawny, scoliosis-ridden mess. I feel very ridiculous whenever I see a picture or reflection of myself.

>> No.12027258

> Friends
Last time I had a friend/regular human contact was about 8 years ago LMAO

>> No.12027264

> Scoliosis
Considered surgery?

>> No.12027271

Are there any other female posters on this board?

>> No.12027288

Yes, but its a hard choice to make. It's a fairly risky procedure and would leave me bedridden for months in the best case. Also apparently some people can feel the rods in their spine and it's complete hell.

>> No.12027289

are you, at the very least, trying and practicing?

>> No.12027295
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Do you lift? Lamar Gant, pic related.

>> No.12027304

The only emotion I ever felt strongly anymore is anger. I feel numb most of the times, at university, at home, at work. Everyday I wake up, take caffeine in some form and crack on. Then I come back, make dinner, eat food, drink beer. Repeat. There's no more exciteness in my life. Sometimes I stare at the wall and long for something more. There's an ongoing thought in the back of my mind thinking "I want to feel something", "Is this it?". Wondering if this is all that life has to offer. I will repeat this cycle for another 30 years then at some point; procreate and continue the cycle.
Please tell me there's still much more to life. There's still emotions I haven't experienced. Feelings I haven't explored. That I'm not stuck taking higher dosage each time I want to feel something. Why do we all think that happiness is the goal? Why is it so ingrained into us that if we chase happiness, it would lead to a better life? Being angry keeps me grounded, getting angry is easy, it gives me energy to do daily tasks. Why is it so difficult to feel happiness?

>> No.12027307 [DELETED] 

Online people don't cringe at me because I barely interact with them. I'm mostly a lurker and I tend to be overly cautious before posting something on the internet, but that's actually the problem. I wish I could be more spontaneous and stop caring about whenever I might be 'cringe' or uncool after posting something.
I just think it's a counter-productive attitude. In the end, whiny tumblrites will always complain about everything because they don't care about bitter nerds cringing that their blogs, and bullying will never change them. In contrast, I'm pretty sure that are some shy people with interesting thoughts who never published anything on cyberspace because they are apprehensive of these internet snarky fags.

>> No.12027311
File: 57 KB, 969x777, OHMYGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's worse than that.

>> No.12027313

Mine is quiet a bit more fucked than that unfortunately. I'm lucky that not having surgery is even a choice desu, a lot of people with my severity can't breath properly and have neuralgic issues

But yes I've been trying to lift regularly and actually eat enough to see gains.

>> No.12027317 [DELETED] 

Online people don't cringe at me because I barely interact with them. I'm mostly a lurker and I tend to be overly cautious before posting something on the internet, but that's actually the problem. I wish I could be more spontaneous and stop caring about whenever I might be 'cringe' or uncool after posting something.
I just think it's a counter-productive attitude. In the end, whiny tumblrites will always complain about everything because they don't care about bitter nerds cringing at their blogs, and bullying will never change them. In contrast, I'm pretty sure that are some shy people with interesting thoughts who never published anything on cyberspace because they are apprehensive of these internet snarky fags.

>> No.12027329

I have been socially isolated for so long that I no longer know how to relate to others. I can interact just fine but I'm just not there. It's all so alien. I walk by pubs and restaurants and seeing all those people talk to each other and laugh is completely foreign to me.
I'm really lonely but I start to appreciate loneliness more and more.

>> No.12027332

Online people don't cringe at me because I barely interact with them. I'm mostly a lurker and I tend to be overly cautious before posting something on the internet, but that's actually the problem. I wish I could be more spontaneous and stop caring about whenever I might be 'cringe' or uncool after posting something.
I just think it's a counter-productive attitude. In the end, whiny tumblrites will always complain about everything because they don't care about bitter nerds cringing at their blogs, and bullying will never change them. In contrast, I'm pretty sure there are some shy people with interesting thoughts who never published anything on cyberspace because they are apprehensive of these internet snarky fags.

>> No.12027342

>/li/ - Literature

>> No.12027345

Moderate, moderate thyself!

>> No.12027352

I thought being sick would make me more inclined to read while I'm in bed. But no that was in fact not the case.

>> No.12027353


I had little lordosis but some low bar squats fixed it in 1 month.

Do you have to do daily exericises to keep it from getting worse?

>> No.12027412

Does anyone else feel really weird when seeing or hearing the words of the religious? I'm not a fedora atheist and I have no disrespect for religion. But it feels so strange to me to see someone talking on about God and their rekigion so certainly, and having given in totally to the instinct that drives people towards certainty of a higher power. Most people, even unreligious ones, have equivalent beliefs, myself included, but when it's religion it feels alien and unrelateable.

>> No.12027661

Remember to breathe.

>> No.12027669

Enjoy your loneliness, senpai.
Let her enjoy her's.

>> No.12027725

Fuck the sun

>> No.12027728

How about sutting in the moonlight on a cool autumn night, appreciating the cold and darkness after a hot summer?

>> No.12027748

I mean, that sounds alright but why would you feel good about that

>> No.12027767

very bad choice but you are the arbiter of your destiny.

>> No.12027771

three chinese girls stopped on the sidewalk outside my house today to take selfies. they were college aged or maybe a little older. one of them leaned on my mailbox while her friend took pictures of her, and then they did some other poses as well.
at first i was mad at them, and all the familiar feelings of loneliness and resentment came bubbling up. how dare they lean on my mailbox, how dare they smile and laugh and enjoy such a shallow and banal pursuit as taking pictures of themselves, how dare they be happy when i'm not. what kind of gross injustice is it that these roasties are content in life, smiling and dancing in the sun, and i'm inside, alone, watching them through the blinds (and also lonely and horny as fuck aaaaaaaaaaa ryangosling.jpg).
but then i had an epiphany, and realized that they didn't ask for happiness any more than i asked for sadness, but were just enjoying the blessings that were given to them whether they wanted them or not, and there was no sense in letting such friendship and belonging go to waste just because i was jealous of it, and after all there was an aesthetic value to the scene as well - it could easily be the basis for a painting, it was so beautiful. and even though i was not with them, and would never be able to participate in their revelries, i found myself giggling along with them, and i wasn't mad at all that they leaned against my mailbox but on the contrary i was happy that something of mine could serve their pleasure, and i was happy that they had chosen my mailbox, out of all the mailboxes on the street, to stop and take pictures at.
i think this is the path out of resentment: stop trying to participate in life, and be content with the role of observer. i don't mind living in the cracks if i can witness scenes like that every once in a while. this sounds like a very cuckolded philosophy but at this point i don't even care, anything is better than monotonous loathing and disgust.

>> No.12027779

I just spent 2 hours listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2KyNuI76kM&t=850s and staring at a white wall. I can't get myself to focus on my studies or anything at all.

>> No.12027782

Roasties aren't that happy. They just constantly snap between joyful exuberance and unhappiness and discontent, rather than wallowing in sorrow or enjoying long term contentment.

>> No.12027798

I want to surround myself with beautiful things, beautiful books, beautiful photos, beautiful friendships, I want to be smothered in beauty.

>> No.12027799

At the very least you let yourself have some fun, anon, when you're comfortable you could try having some of your own fun aswell.

>> No.12027807
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I have good and bad news for you.

Good: there's a film just for you.
Bad: there's a film just for you.

>> No.12027900

It is known that there is a large amount of 4chan users who do not produce content, but reply with "kek" to posts they find funny. Basically glorified lurkers. Still, by acknowledging content, they steer the board culture in a certain direction.
On the other side, there are the really active posters. Generally there are a few tens of them on a board, they are sometimes tripfags, they start threads and are sometimes even known by their appearance because they post their faces. They also often start new memes.

I somehow feel that theses active posters can never represent 4chan authentically, because they are fundamentally different persons, who require confirmation and attention, but yet, almost all 4chan culture is created by them.


>> No.12027949

Everything is the same here although i've never used tinder/dating apps. How to stop being this guy?

>> No.12027954

there is a movie coming up called The House that Jack Built

I dreamt that I was inside of that movie, only Im not sure if I was an accomplice of Jack or I was Jack himself

anyway I was a brutal murderer psychopath. I beat up a man so badly that he was almost dead, and I was talking to him how I was going to kill him very soon, only need to find a knife or chainsaw to chop off his head. The implication of my tone was that I was doing him a favor by killing him, and I was relieved that his suffering will end soon, even though I didnt feel bad at all beating his face into a pulp.

>> No.12027956

well at least they were happy for a little while, and it made me happy too in the moment.

>> No.12027968

I currently work at a factory a job that is low stress and low social interaction, but is 2 shifts, 12 hour shifts and I cant even get my sleep right, which is the first step to even starting life IM so retarded

I want to do a part time mcdonalds gig but that will soul-drain me into a fake-normie, but at least Ill have more time for myself, but then maybe Ill be even more tired because the job will be more stressfull


>> No.12027977

you know theres no such thing as this, theyre all insecure fucks looking towards each other for how theyre supposed to act, with a minority of charismatic people that do whatever they want and set trends

>> No.12027984

>theyre all insecure fucks looking towards each other for how theyre supposed to act
How does this contradict being a normie?

>> No.12027996

because the socially isolated people on this site imagine they can never break into this world. You can, you literally just copy them for a while until it's normal.

Unless you are genuinely Elliot Rodger tier and just do not understand human interaction, then there is no 'normie' and whatever it is people here imagine themselves as.

>> No.12028012

yeah I mean, I slept in the park and I'm kind of retarded, also an immigrant with no friends

>> No.12028025

are you homeless anon?

>> No.12028042

I dunno f theres any other homeless anons in here, but Ive posted about it not so long ago

>> No.12028071

> charismatic people that do whatever they want and set trends

I will never be this.


>> No.12028102

do you live somewhere warm at least

>> No.12028108

> i'm kind of retarded
> i sleep in park
> immigrant with no friends

did you illegally cross to U.S. or Europe lmao

>> No.12028124

on top of that I wanted some time for myself but now I will be coming tomorrow for forced overtime with no extra pay, minimum wage rice and beans

what a life

think about my goal, going back to the little village in italy where I grew up in (6 years in my childhood) and reuniting with the people I went to school with, maybe even sleeping with one of the girls. This shits what people actually write books about and get published, and I have even more than that. Every day spend at this job grueling manual labour feeling my brain evaporate and so so so tired when I get 1-2 days off I just lay in bed and scroll, doing nothing

I'm renting a room, I was homeless for a few days though

UK, my parents threw me out I dont blame them though, should've done it sooner to be honest

>> No.12028139

> lived in Italy
> now in UK

I mean UK is financially better off but boy is it a fucking dystopia at least when you read Guardian, Dailymail or Telegraph headlines

>> No.12028153

yeah its a shithole, I dont read those though. Also I'm not even Italian, I just spend 6 years there before coming back to my country of origin

>> No.12028156

Which boards are actually good anymore? I'd say /out/, /trv/, and /po/ are still OK.

>> No.12028165

stay away from /po/. They deleted my DFW thread

>> No.12028172

is this some sort of joke

>> No.12028178

No reason to feel good or bad about stuff, they're just comfortable there

>> No.12028179

No, origami is /comfy/ and /po/ is a good source for models and shit

>> No.12028180

/biz/ and /pol/

>> No.12028199

So you are immigrant from NA or ME that abused refugee system?

>> No.12028213

im not from middle earth and I didnt abuse any system, I came here legally to work

>> No.12028220

People who come legally to work don't have to sleep on park benches generally.

>> No.12028222

Anyone know the name of this challenge where you have to find a girlfriend until christmas, otherwise you have to go to a park on christmas eve and cry on a bench?

>> No.12028225

I told you my parents threw me out on the curb. My dad and my brother assaulted me and I was at the police station and hospital

>> No.12028233

I am gonna lose this bet, not gonna cry though cause I ain't a little bish

>> No.12028236

penis penis p neis nigger faggot penis shit penis

>> No.12028238

Being a bitch is the loss you incur from losing the bet, bro. You can't just lose the bet and go "not gonna pay up through cause I ain't a little bitch"

>> No.12028239

lol this fag has got bbc on his mind

>> No.12028246

why do you even need a girlfriend? are you satisfied with your life without a girlfriend? its annoying all these fags crying about having no gf constantly, like thats a problem

Im tall and good looking and women throw themselves at me all the time. Sure I miss having sex but all the other shit is not worth it. no time for that shit

>> No.12028249
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1524594723109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn... why do good girls only like bad boys...

>> No.12028260

no i dont those are all self-contained words with no bleed-together you bitch

>> No.12028264

Amagami challenge. It's from an anime/VN

>> No.12028265

>le xD there's no such thing as normal.

>> No.12028274
File: 44 KB, 680x765, 1541260501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I want a close friend I can also snuggle with

>> No.12028284

I've been thinking about how comfy it would be to live in a van and drive all over the place. I could actually do it as well, as I have a meme software job that I do remotely 95% of the year. I'm worried if I actually try it though I'll find out it sucks and then I'll be stuck with a useless van that I probably did substantial modifications to to make it a home.

>> No.12028295

have you tried grindr?

>> No.12028309

I don't want to have sex with a man and I doubt there are many strictly asexual gay men

>> No.12028318

being gay is a sexuality, so I doubt it

>> No.12028332

you took the gondola pill

>> No.12028334

figure out a way to make money so you can pay a woman to cuddle with you. or stopn jacking off then you'll become an actual adult man

unfortunately women dont really want to be with men who jack it to pornography and later cry online about wanting to snuggle, dont know why

>> No.12028352

29 years with no love from anyone fucking wears on you dude

yeah, i can throw myself into my hobbies or my work and distract myself for a bit, but the pain never really goes away

>> No.12028369

>money so you can pay a woman to cuddle with you
I want to move to japan now
although just imagining cuddling with somebody as I fall asleep has always been enough for me, it's very comfy and gives me nice dreams
If there was another person present it would probably be a combination of awkward/embarrassing/nervous/autistic/uncomfortable

>> No.12028385

how about you stop jacking it and start drinking smoothies daily

heres my recipe I call "dragon fury"

>banana and blueberries always (bberries improve my eyesight)
>whatever else fruit you want, mango, kiwi, pineapple, peach, pick some shit
>natural yoghurt mixed with:
>pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried goji berries, chia seeds, powdered maca, spirulina, peanut butter, sometimes pine nuts
>coconut water

if you drink this every day and do nofap, you will develop an aura which will make women dripping wet when you look them in the eyes. sometimes people will even exit the room when you enter because they are scared. you will start walking around like your cock weighed 10 tons

careful with this shit

>> No.12028390

I don't feel any of that.
t. 33, last time I had a human friend was like 16-17. Passed into wizardhood and didn't feel a thing.

I think i generally don't feel emotions, maybe I'm retarded

>> No.12028405

based schizo poster

>> No.12028412

you're still posting on 4chan
do you have people you know online? how about work/uni related stress etc? that can make you lonely

>> No.12028425

I've been NEET my life, i'm genuine waste material waiting to die.
> posting on 4chan
That's why I said "human friend", I only chat with anons at 4chan unless we count what you have to do at stores.

>> No.12028431

why dont you ever visit whores? 30 minutes of cheap human touch mate

>> No.12028435

I don't see why I would. I don't feel the need or urge.

is this autistic? i don't know.

>> No.12028437

I got an idea for an animated series (i'm an animator). I can't figure out how to make the first damn short, I've rewritten it 5 times now and it still doesn't feel right. I have ideas for other shorts but i just cant land on how to introduce it. Hurts my head.

>> No.12028439

I'm only going to uni so i can avoid getting a job. I don't have any work related aspirations and want nothing more than a comfy dead end job where i can pursue my passions on the side. No one wants to give me one though.

>> No.12028442

I've been happy when I was a NEET, at least less stressed and loneliness didn't matter, I didn't do anything either back then though

>> No.12028450

whaats a comfy dead end job? Id like to have one, any suggestions? something low stress, retard tier preferably

>> No.12028452

I don't really feel lonely. Stress? Neither. i think I have low IQ and retardation. I know this isnt normal and not how things are supposed to be, but i have not changed anything in 13 years and will probably not. stupid.

>> No.12028461

how often do you jack off? youre a porn addict, your brain is pulp from touchingn your weewee too much, sad

>> No.12028476

1-3 times a week.

I think that's just boring routine at this point. I heard it is supposed to keep dick healthy so I try to keep it up.

>> No.12028480


>> No.12028504

Was thinking a nursery hand.

>> No.12028538

Unironically learn2code

>> No.12028569

I'm sure someone is going to hire someone with nothing more than a few months of self teaching under his belt.

>> No.12028583

Well you have to actually get good but you can be hired

>> No.12028613

no, you have to work freelance and buildup a portfolio, and then maybe get hired
although apparently boomers pay a shitload to do basic stuff for them, like setting up a wordpress, although that particular market is over-saturated now so you'd have to look for a niche and get lucky

>> No.12028628

I was hired with no actual credentials other than some shitty github repos and the fact that I was enrolled in university. You can do it anon

>> No.12028675

I actually have a diploma in IT from tafe which i suppose is like community college in america in that its a shitty, short version of uni.
It was a complete waste of time since no one seems to care and the teacher unironically spent half the time talking about GTA and making mods for doom in his youth.
Getting a job in that field is hyper aids.

>> No.12029713

Diapers and John Dewey's aesthetics.