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/lit/ - Literature

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1201881 No.1201881 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We admit we are uncultured swine who are too immature to read good literature.

Pic related. I tried reading this and found myself so bored I literally had no idea who was who and what the hell was going on. It seemed to be a bunch of rich people talking about themselves and driving around New York having fabulous parties.

>> No.1201893 [DELETED] 

I've already complained a fair deal about gatsby. Major problem was I went in hyped up with expectations and found a pretty normal core romantic drama. Not terrible, but not as great as /lit/ makes it out to be either

>> No.1201896

If you can't get through the Great fucking Gatsby, you have some pretty serious problems. Good lord.

>> No.1201902

until 1 year ago I believed that the book was about a magician called "The Great Gatsby".

I stopped believing this a year ago when I fallaciously claimed to have read the book in order to make people think I'm more intelligent than I am.When prompted "what is the book about?"I answer "a great magician."

>> No.1201919

wow, i really hope you're 12, because otherwise you're exponentially dumber than any 12yo dumb enough to A) assume this and then B) say it publicly, which is pretty dumb.

>> No.1201923

>good literature
>subjective terms
>objective approach

Good literature is defined by you, the reader, and your feelings. Good literature is good for you, but not for everyone else.

>> No.1201928


You are incorrect, please go somewhere else

>> No.1201948


maybe not completely subjective, but let's agree that we don't need to go to the pretentious hive mind at /lit/ for our opinions on literature

>> No.1201954

LOL, I use to think it was about the same thing.. I never lied about reading it though.

>> No.1201965

I like the book but I don't know why. All it really did for me was remind me of circles I used to hang around in high school but I can't really say why.

>> No.1201972

The Great Gatsby ain't all that bad.

I read it expecting a total shitfest. Because of /lit/.

I found myself pleasantly entertained. Tom Buchanan is my bro.

I have read better novels, though.

>> No.1202012

I could even get past Dante's Purgatorio

>> No.1202031

that fits, Tom's a total dick and probably so are you

>> No.1202032

I couldn't make it past 20 pages of the Sound and the Fury.

>> No.1202036


Oh, I know I'm a dick. I've been personally informed.

Tom and I would get up to all sorts of dickish shenanigans. When we weren't being total dicks to each other, of course.

>> No.1202057

The Great Gatsby was one of those books I had trouble finishing in HS because it was really easy to read, so I would read ahead, then get too complacent and fall behind.

>> No.1202074

Gatsby is an awesome book. Haters can blow Nick.

Try again bro, keep in mind that it goes into regular flashbacks and make sure you distinguish which from which.

>> No.1202081

I have to admit until I read it last weekend I was guilty of judging a book by its cover. I honestly thought it was a noir crime drama with attention setting and atmosphere

>> No.1202102

Couldn't get through Moby Dick. I love the concept, I love the primal struggle that's embodied, I don't love the book. At all.

Same with the Grapes of Wrath.

>> No.1202157

I thought so too at first, I never said it out loud though.
btw, still haven't read it.

>> No.1202167

Thought 1984 sucked 'cause it was too predictable, repetitive, and simple. Reading Brave New World now, same subject matter -1000x better.

>> No.1202176

I was so fucking bored, I never finished it.

I've read plenty of what you would consider 'difficult' things, that's not part of it. Why read something completely boring and unenjoyable?

>> No.1202181

Did anyone else hate Myrtle Wilson as much as I did and was glad that she died?[/spoler]

>> No.1202186


1984: Anti-sex, anti-fun, anti-life book.
Brave New World: pro-mindless sex, pro-mindless fun, pro-drugs.

I was going to be a douche, but they're both pretty horrible and similar when you think about it.

>> No.1203688

I couldn't get 1984 or House of Leaves.

I don't even understand how someone could like House of Leaves.

>> No.1203697

>1984: Anti-sex, anti-fun, anti-life book.
What? Really? Surely you don't mean those are the message of the book. You're just talking about the events that take place, right?

>> No.1203708 [DELETED] 

>By 2007 Wallace guessed the novel was about one-third finished[6]. One of his notebooks found by his widow, Karen Green, suggested a possible direction for the novel's plot ("...an evil group within the I.R.S. is trying to steal the secrets of an agent who is particularly gifted at maintaining a heightened state of concentration."), but Wallace's ultimate feelings about that framework are unknown.[7]

>Wallace in his final hours had "...tidied up [his] manuscript so that his wife could find it. Below it, around it, inside his two computers, on old floppy disks in his drawers were hundreds of other pages—drafts, character sketches, notes to himself, fragments that had evaded his attempt to integrate them into the novel."[8] On her blog, Planned Obsolescence, Kathleen Fitzpatrick reported that the Pale King manuscript Michael Pietsch is editing is "more than 1000 pages [long]...in 150 unique chapters"[9], that it will be explicitly subtitled “An Unfinished Novel”"[10], and that Pietsch believes the published version will be more than 400 pages.

Sounds like it won't be very good. Evil group within the IRS?

>> No.1203719

Of course that's what he meant, and you're retarded for thinking otherwise.

>> No.1203729

I like all the books mentioned in this thread. Some terrible books I've read and not been able to finish are Sea Wolf, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Heart of Darkness.